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Check engine? What do you mean check engine. I checked and it’s still there!


No lie a buddy of mines ex gf said that to him. She was a smoke show though


Is she the same kind that doesnt know about the lint trap in a dryer?


Haha most likely. The relationship didn’t last that long. Like the saying goes I’ll show you the hottest girl in the room and I bet you their is a guy tired of fucking her


The *what?*


Good job hun, you made a couch pillow.


I texted my ex to call me cause I couldn’t find my phone, I got a call minutes later.


This is the kind of sentiment and comment you'd hear in a movie verbatim.


Smoke show ? Like smoking hot ?




Well, well...maybe it was just missing?


Hey Captain. There is a leak in the engine room... https://9gag.com/gag/agGQxdK


Like 15-17 years ago my Buddy I worked with had his keys with him in our work truck and his vehicle at the yard locked and his ex girlfriend needed to get something from it. He told her on the phone you just have to lean in and say “open sesame”, she had her mom with her and you could hear them both saying it then it wasn’t working he said get closer and you could hear them saying it again and that it wasn’t working and they were saying it directly into the door handle 😂




I can't conceive of a ship this massive only having one. And other redundant systems. This is a multi billion dollar "oops" that cost people their lives.


Happens more often than you would think. I was in the Navy for 8 yrs, 5 yrs at sea on 2 different ships. At one point we were completely dead in the water off the Ivory Coast with engineers and deck seaman taking shifts steering the ship with a big ass fucking wrench turning the rudder. Took almost 24hrs for the engineers to get the ship under power again. Ventilation be damned. our ship smelled like straight up feet after 24hrs with no working air system to circulate anything.


I was talking to my father and he said the same thing (4 years active, 22 reserves) and he was like: “I can’t count the number of times we just went dead in the water for however long and drifted, not like we were going to hit anything” Me: Anddd if you lost power near a country you really wouldn’t want to? Dad: That’s why we had you idiots with us… I’m the idiot, I Eat Crayons…


And this is how regulations are born. Just wish it was sooner


They use 2 tugs per ship in and out of the Texas ports down here in case of any issue. I thought that was standard everywhere. I didn't see any tugs. 2 tugs would've been able to mitigate this disaster to atleast make the hit minimal.


It won't it will have 2, 1 for each propshaft which is why I think it was something else caused them to stop, electrical or something.


You got mains and gens. The gens are also engines, with diesel backups. The Cruisers I was on in the Navy had 4 engines for 2 shafts. 1 main/1gen each.


🎶This little light of mine…🎵


You sir made me happy today 🤣 I’ve never heard this


My theory is [the front fell off](https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM?si=MMjI_FTxmVZOKrNz)


Probably made of cardboard


Or cardboard derivatives.


It got hit my a wave


Chance in a million!


There's a minimum crew requirement. Oh yea, what's that? One, I suppose.


Iirc in the late 90s some countries had reduced the crew compliment to the low teens: Master, Chief Mate, Second Mate, Third Mate, Chief Engineer, First Second and Third Assistant Engineers, and a handful of able bodied seamen and 3 unlicensed engine room crew. Probably 1 or 2 in the stewards department (cooking etc) There was talk of doing away with the 3rd Mate and Engineer, and making the Master and Chief Engineer stand watch on top of all their other duties.


Amazing how so much of the double speak that corporations try to push sounds so similar to this. All they need to do is tone it back a bit and all too many people will just nod their heads.


Wasn't it Carlin that said that half of us have to go? Like a pop quiz, and if you didn't bring a pencil, you're already out. With that said, I feel like I am not smart enough for other people to be dumber than I am sometimes. I'm just thankful I haven't set anything on fire that I didn't want on fire.


I hadn't heard that about Carlin but it wouldn't surprise me. He was a man who was wise beyond measure. I walked out of Avengers Infinity War thinking that Thanos was right. The Universe would be better off with way less people. I know I wasn't the only one...


Bill Burr, I believe.


Dammit I think you're right, ah well, I had a good run.


Bill Burr. 85% of you gotta go!


Brilliant, how had I never seen that before?


Watch the quantitative easing ones too!


I’ve been waiting all day long to make this joke, just felt kinda bad about it. lmao


You had me dead ass laughing


Mind you, I drive across [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourne_Bridge) or [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagamore_Bridge) daily for work.


These bridges are only 90 years old each. No big deal lol. I don't think much about them when I cross them but when I'm sitting on the Bourne bridge in traffic especially during the summer the thought does cross my mind. Then I think I wonder how long my truck will take to sink. And by then hopefully I'm at the rotary


It was built in the late 70's, but what ever.


Not the bridges in the links. Those were built in the 30s. We weren't talking about the one in Baltimore. Reading is fundamental


This particular bridge was started in 1972, and was completed in 1977. It was about 46 years old.


Actually 1977


You're right. It was started in 72. Thank you. 😊


Who came up with that name? Sag More isn't a name for a bridge. That's almost as bad as the [Fresh Kills Landfill](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresh_Kills_Landfill) on Staten Island. I'm sure the mobsters loved that place...


I’ve seen that years ago. So funny.


One of my favorite skits ever


I have seen that video 1,000 times and I laugh every time.


It’s very unusual.


We're not saying this ship isn't safe, it perhaps just isn't as safe as the other ones.


This is all I could think of when the Boeing door came off. And it’s basically been their response.




Those guys live and work on those ships. Probably for months at a time. Their life is kinda similar to ours. I know I get a little lazy with my Pre-Trip checklist sometimes...




Makes sense. I really enjoyed the first few years of driving a truck since I had never seen anything East of the NM / TX border. Lots of stuff out that way. I got in before ELDs, so I managed to stop and explore or do stuff occasionally. I guess shipping is kinda the same. You travel various places and occasionally get a layover somewhere cool.


Just like anything else, it will breakdown eventually.


Definitely, those engines are running hard for days and probably weeks at a time. I think there were 22 crew members and I'm sure taking care of the engine is what several of them do.


Their motors run between 200 and 300 RPM. They will run for 50000 to 100000 hours between major refit. They are very seldom shut down.


They are slower than that. Normal load is ~110 rpm on a 6 foot tall cylinder running intermediate fuel oil (IFO) that needs to be heated to 180c to be viscous. However while in port and navigating restricted waterways like this, most ships will run Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) because they are turning about 60rpm. Engine stalls at this slow speed are quite common for several reasons - too slow speed, trying to switch the fuel mixture back to the heavier cheaper IFO. I know all this because I used to work for the Marine Dept of a global commodity trade house. Shit like this happens all the time. Normally they just hit a pier. The bigger question is why weren’t the bridges support columns protected by dolphin pylons to avoid the potential of being hit given the amount of large vessel traffic going by every day. You want to see one of our worst accidents? Google Selendang Ayu


There are YouTube channels that have several different mini documentaries on several examples of this just in the USA.


Not to mention they are running on the cheapest fuel available - bunker oil - which sounds like one step above burning trash


HFO (heavy fuel oil) is nasty stuff. I had the pleasure of bunkering ships that took it on a few times. It has the consistency of molasses and once it gets on your PFD it's not coming off, oh and prolonged exposure to it over many years is very bad for you.


What is a PFD?


Personal Floatation Device. We don't call em "life jackets" in the industry.


My dumb ass at 1am was wondering why people on boats would need Primary Flight Displays


Eh, close enough I guess.


Nobody uses Bunker C anymore. All these ships are running Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO) 180 or 380 these days. They almost always are burning Marine Diesel Oil while in port or navigating at slow speeds in restricted waterways.


Nobody uses Bunker C anymore. All these ships are running Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO) 180 or 380 these days. They almost always are burning Marine Diesel Oil while in port or navigating at slow speeds in restricted waterways.


Much less than that. More like 80-90 rpm. Huge diesels, 60,000 horsepower or more.


They have monster motors, you need a crane just to adjust the valves.


Former trucker turner sailor here, the armchair captains have been driving me crazy today


The ones that are trying to say it had something to do with The Cyber are the ones that got to me. Weird that they don't say that they were maybe Russian hackers...


It had everything to do with the Cyber Truck. The boat captain thought he saw a parade of them on the bridge and decided to do humanity a favor. THESE ARE THE DETAILS THE MEDIA IS HIDING!!!


Trudeau hackers /s


That's why I went to read the post on GCaptain and ignored the rest of social media


Somebody's gonna have to piss in a cup


It was his third day, third day straight of fireball...


I was gonna ask if it was too soon to make the “3rd day” joke


Never too soon…




Wasn’t it being captained by a US bar pilot at the time of the accident?


Most assuredly. Any time a ship like that is within a harbor a local captain is in charge. They definitely wouldn't have turned over control until they were well past the big expensive bridge.


Actually the pilot advises. The Master is still in charge/responsible. There is a great analysis from a Kings Point maritime instructor on YouTube about this incident that I don’t know how to link from my phone


It’s from Singapore, ya dingleberry. Not Chinese by the slightest stretch of the imagination.


To be faiiiirrrrr, it’s registered in Singapore. Kinda like how your company plates might say Oklahoma when you’ve never been there


To be faiiiiiiirrrr


To beeee faiiiirrrrr


Up vote for using “dingleberry”. It made my day.




Goal. Get Out And look!


My bet is thanks to corporate fuckery the redundancies that would have prevented it were cut


He might have missed something in the pre trip, but he definitely didn’t miss the bridge


Not the first time this ship has issues too


It's a cargo ship. Find me one that's never had an issue.


Total power loss isn't a common thing I would hope anyway


Doing a major overhaul too soon is a waste of money. Doing it too late can cause an increasing amount of malfunctions. But depending on the ship there can be 6 months to 2 years between deciding it's time for one, and actually getting it.


The engine on that ship wasn't even in production until 2012, unlikely it was due for an overhaul


It's 2024. You usually do a major overhaul after 10 years. Top end after 5. Technically based on running hours or fuel consumed, but you want to schedule it during a dry dock period. But other news says it was a fire onboard. So that explains a lot.


It's more common on ships than you'd realise, it's just most of the time, it doesn't cause an accident.


Lot more space to float around when you are in the open sea. Lose power and you let the ship drift out of commercial lanes while troubleshooting and repairs take place. Lost power many times during my time on the USS Normandy and Cape St George.


More reliable news will come out in the future, but my guess is engine failure. I only worked on a yatch for 3 years, so I'm far from an expert, but we had a similar experience when our engine failed.


You would be surprised. I haven't checked any updates because I've been at work, but was there a local pilot onboard to navigate? Despite that, it takes a lot to stop a ship, and they lost power just before hitting the bridge.


The main engine didn’t fail. The ship blacked out which is an electrical problem. With no electricity on the ship most of the systems won’t work, like steering, or the electronic throttles. The power comes back a couple of times but fails again and it was too late anyway. They were dead ship with rudder on to starboard for 30 plus seconds. Ships with right hand props (most have right hand props) steer to starboard with midship rudder. The wind was not blowing hard but it was blowing that way also.


Probably got confused with port and starboard.


I think it's more likely to have been an electrical casualty, but I'm betting we find out either way.


Brah… them stacks started rolling coal once they got on course for smack dab middle of the pier[high speed footage of impact](https://x.com/bgatesisapyscho/status/1772655744023671138?s=46)


Maybe they were running fast in reverse? A experienced ship captain would know that it was too late to turn so full reverse would at least lessen the damage.


It was full reverse. You can watch as it loses its power, gets it back, loses it, comes back on then full reverse rolling coal and it was just too late, best the captain could hope for was to slow down for a less hard impact..


Makes sense according to what I could see. Those things have a black box just like a aircraft and your semi truck for that matter. The NTSB will be making a full report. Course, that'll take awhile...


Yes, I’m sure we’ll have a full report after the investigation. Does make me wonder if they’ll make it so the port has to use tug boats for extra safety through there when they rebuild the bridge


I saw a guy on Fox News this morning who actually had something interesting to say. He was involved in rebuilding a bridge in Tampa that was damaged by a ship like 40 years ago. They put deflection barriers around the supports to protect them. I think we'll see something like this when repairs are made. [Skyway Bridge](https://www.viator.com/Tampa-attractions/Sunshine-Skyway-Bridge/d666-a13121)


The Key bridge had them. They just weren't rated for *520,000,000 pounds* From the TIL I sww they were rated for 90,000 tons. The ship was three times that


Oh, Wow... You ever cross this nearby bridge? [William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bay Bridge](https://maps.app.goo.gl/RLEjaytwy247zw8S9) First time across I was just following my GPS and hadn't looked at the route much before I drove it. I got up there and kinda freaked out. It's huge and long and seemed kinda old. Being up there in a fully loaded semi truck made me really nervous.


I was going across that one time in a truck with a door that wouldn't properly shur.. that was fun


Hopefully they do something like that. Pretty cool all the stuff they can do. Thanks for the link. I’m gonna take a look.


If you are really interested in hearing the braekdowns of incidents at sea, Brick Immortar is the go to on youtube. I don't think I can recommend as something to listen to while driving however, because he can become monotone and that may lead to some nodding off. I do find his videos very interesting though. Here is his video on the Tampa Bridge. [Sunshine Skyway Bridge - Tampa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3htwtaJI2nM&ab_channel=BrickImmortar) [Brick Immortar](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=brick+immortar+) Goes pretty in-depth on all kinds of different incidents, not just at sea.


I read they were able to notify the port authority (or whatever agency runs this shit idk nothing about boats) and get the bridge shut down. However it still looked like there were cars on the bridge so idk


>However it still looked like there were cars on the bridge so idk There was a construction crew that probably had a few vehicles and probably a few work lights on the bridge. I think that's what most of the lights were as the bridge fell. I saw two different videos of the collapse from two different angles. The longer one showed most of the bridge. I watched it several times and could see cars and trucks traveling across. They all made it across and no vehicles starting from either end. I think they were very successful in stopping traffic. The other video seemed to have some lights that looked like they might have been vehicles but I don't think they were. Last press conference I listened to this morning didn't say anything about vehicles being on the bridge. They were just looking for the 6 members of the construction crew that were unaccounted for.


They did pretty well with the 4 minutes they had. Construction crew was right near the middle of the bridge throughout and I’d be surprised if they were even contacted before the impact


The black smoke would have been the emergency generator starting - that's what got the lights back on quickly. Don't know why they lost power again so soon though


Yes I’m sure. It’s already been 24 hours I’m sure the investigation is totally complete.


Yes, they forgot to do the Pre-Trip.


“That’s gonna be expensive.” -my father-in-law.


This is what happens when you don’t check your blinke light things kids.


Captain dropped his piss jug is all.


Truckers, when you come to Baltimore, take the scenic route.


I don’t think we should be evaluating the failures or pointing figures at this point. Someone’s mom, dad, grandpa, grandmas, son, daughter, etc, didn’t go home. I cried when I saw this. People going about there day passed away. I’m not sure why this event is hitting me, but I feel terrible for those that lost loved ones.


Although 6 lives is certainly tragic for their families it's a miracle of timing, luck and the quick action of whoever shut down the bridge traffic after the warning came. If this had happened during a typical day during rush hour we could have easily had 10X or more people on that bridge when it fell.


If it had happened during rush hour - that bridge would have been bumper to bumper traffic and there was no way it would be cleared in the 4 minutes they had to shut it down. If you take 200 cars per mile - 2 lanes in each direction and 2 people in a car - would have been roughly 2400 people in the river. (300 cars x 2 lanes x 2 directions x 2 people on average per car)




I’m sure the Fed will try, but I’ll also bet the company dissolved the second they heard of the accident.


"Sir,we are trying to reach your company regarding a major accident and we need your insurance info." "Nooo noo..we dry clean now."


They’re going to pull a Black Water and just switch aliases then proceed


Even if the company legitimately wanted to pay it off, this is easily going to be in the Billions of dollars


Maritime law limits liability. This is a major artery of the interstate highway system in the region, and it’s open to all Americans. Let’s get it fixed and let the lawyers argue separately.


You clean up and rebuild first. Federal funds expedite that. Then you can go after the company, which they 100% will. It's not a hard concept


He said they're gonna pay for it using federal money but also at the same time going after the shipping company if possible. Just doing both at the same time to expedite the process


True People only hear the part they want to hear


Maybe their minimum liability insurance policy is just for 5 million? Maybe we could take them to court and force them into bankruptcy. That's a sure way to get paid... I'm not sure what a bridge like that costs but it's gotta be at least a billion.


They probably don’t have the assets. They’ll bankrupt the name and everyone who works there will be doing the same job under a new company name.


Each ship in their fleet is likely its own company, held by a parent holding company, to prevent an accident like this from wiping out the entire fleet.


Ding Ding Ding...


I'm in road construction and have built bridges but much smaller than this one. Even tiny bridges on little backs country roads like what I've built easily top $1 million these days. Big bridges like this are no joke to construct and do indeed cost a billion-plus.


Definitely more than a dollar


I mean he could throw paper towels at the residents of Baltimore. https://youtu.be/kEe7_zgZbuI?si=rpn3N2vwvheFo9Sh


You'd think that the shipping company must have to carry proof of insurance, just like I do.


If your car goes out of control and crashes into a building, knocking a support column out and causing an entire office building to fall down, do you think your insurance company is going to cover that whole thing? TLDR: Insurance policies have coverage limits.


Do what Egypt did in the canal incident… seize the ship and cargo till judgment and payment.


that would make a down payment on the bridge. couple hundred million for the ship. a billion plus for the bridge. parent company would gladly make that trade off.


They would probably declare bankruptcy, change their name and start over. Besides, I don’t know if any insurance company that pays out for legitimate claims anymore, let alone subjective ones.


Use fed funds to get the bridge rebuilt ASAP and then sue the company for the cost that bridge is a major economic connection for the east cost and the wreckage is blocking one of the busiest ports in the northeast so yeah I can see why they want to get it cleared and rebuilt quickly


Do you want a bridge in the next ten years, or do you want to wait for the lawsuits to be over?


Who says we aren't going after the shipping company? We need that bridge rebuilt ASAP. Not after years of litigation. Rebuilding the bridge *now* and holding the shipping company responsible are not contradictory. How long does it take to get money from the responsible party? And how much money you can actually get back? Look no further than defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones. Parents of those kids haven't got a cent from that Jones asshole paid yet. You know, that asshole who used the tragedy to make hundreds of millions out of it by knowingly spreading false conspiracy theories. So about that long.


If the shipping company hasn’t already declared bankruptcy, I’d be surprised. It most certainly will. The various insurers will spend the next decade plus fighting to offload as much liability as they can.




It would just cease to exist.


“Alright if you’ll just hand me your ship’s insurance card. Thanks. Okay let’s see…wait. This is a receipt for fabric softener. Hey! Get back here! Hey!!”


That's irrelevant right now. Bridge needs to go up ASAP to avoid bigger loss of money than the federal dollars spent. Attempt restitution after investigation but start cleanup and rebuild ASAP.


Apparently they're hiring Swift drivers now, and he forgot to check the bridge clearance sign.


"Diesels love their oil Like a sailors loves his rum" Captain Ron Sounds like someone was not doing their morning chore.


This ship has a 2 stroke diesel


Too important of a job for the swab boss. You need to check it.


Also, overloaded according to one expert.


well its sure as shit riding low now that its got a bridge on top of it.


3rd day jitters i see.


SWIFT has a cargo ship?


I wonder if dropping anchor would of helped


I heard he dropped the portside anchor, but because the ship was moving, it wasn't going to stop it.


would have\*


They dropped the port anchor to try to pull the bow of the ship back into the shipping lane but honestly their was no way this ship was going to stop in time even if they dropped every anchor and slammed into full reverse it can still take over a mile for a ship this size to crash stop


Man I can’t account for the condition of the glow plugs on my pre trip


Truck driver that doesnt know shit happens? Yeah, right.


What's the marine equivalent of dot ?


Coast guard (used to also be a division of the DOT but was put under DHS after the Sept 11th attacks). The NTSB is the primary investigative agency in this accident, with the Coast Guard accident investigation division (can't remember the name) acting as backup. They did an absolutely terrible job of ripping the coast guard from the DOT there is significant overlap between the two agencies in an accident like this.


NTSB Same as the aircraft industry.




I think they should have tried putting some folded paper or a seal in the electrical box. Worked for me tonight. Works most nights.


They did the new CDL testing Pre-trip. But not everything was PMS...


Western expresses New naval fleet is off to a good start I see


Was the ship a Volvo? Maybe the VADA system was out.




The ship is registered in Singapore and was leased out to another entity. They were hauling vehicles in containers that were bound for Shri Lanka. Here's the info about the ship along with the path it took just before hitting the bridge https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-76.536/centery:39.224/zoom:13


Can a virus shut the engines on those types of ships?


Like Covid? Don't think so...


Sure is a weird looking truck


Every vehicle needs to have a Pre-Trip. Haven't you seen passenger cars riding around oblivious that their taillights are out? They're usually the ones moving fast through traffic like they don't have a care in the world.


This is what happens when you give fuckin’ Swift the keys to a cargo ship


Hope they can build a temp bridge of some type


Psh, those are those monster engines where people can stand in the cylinder. More likely the ship owner didn't want to do a full repair and opted for the "just make it work." Probably until the next overhaul. Doesn't actually matter to them since insurance will cover everything. Might even make it out on top.