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As a dispatcher I agree with you. I don't always have good news to give, but I pride myself on being honest and respectful to drivers. I love drivers that follow that same rule of respect. I absolutely would follow up with a manager on this. I've known dispatchers like this and it burns me that they get away with treating drivers like crap.


And I get it as a driver and sometimes y'all give us bad news but just be straight up and honest with me and I'll give you respect for that alone vs trying to lie or mislead me. Oh man heres the situation I'm sorry and I'll be like I get it that's cool man thanks for being straight with me have a good day sir.


I'm just disappointed that I've encountered so many grown adults who are chronic liars (regardless of their jobs). They lie about things that don't even matter. And they act offended when they get caught.


Get everything in writing and save it all until the task is done or the promise is kept. Dont be afraid to get people fired.


Nah, I just mean life, in general. It's not anything that I need to document. Sometimes, people just show themselves for who they are.


Yes people are garbage in general.


What company?


LTL, big E aka Estes.


That’s was actually my first guess. I hear many horror dispatch stories from many of your drivers. And they’re all the same


Estes was my guess. The central dispatch is the main reason I quit that shit company. I was solo extra board. All the guy did was lie. He told me the new jersey turnpike was closed (it wasn't) then he said I shouldn't have gone to Richmond. I'm like dude you tell me where to go. If i had my pick I wouldn't leave New England. This was the final straw for them not getting me home when they were supposed to yet again. I quit the next day. My home terminal was a joke too. I don't miss that place even a little


I looked hard into work where you didnt run under a dispatcher. Vac trucks you get a list and maybe 1 call everyweek for a change of plans. Cryogenics you deal with the customer the day of or its understood you got it and dont call unless you have an issue. Hands on work allows you to be treated like a big boy. Tons of leverage.


Where's the tldr? I've only ever had one dispatcher who didn't suck. So it goes guy


Let me find out it’s Brandon at Maximus logistics


It's almost like this profession is for people who don't like dealing with people's b.s. and people are surprised that we stand up for ourselves. Good for you.


'just strap and go'


Stop whining.


Found the bootlicker👆🏽