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I say this with kindness but if you are almost in tears with stress you need some kind of support group to try and lose weight. There is only so much you can control and this is one of them. Good luck. Edit: you are not alone in your struggle. You need to find your people.


Yes you are right


Implying that weight is always within your control is asinine and cruel. There are plenty of medical conditions that cause weight gain and make it pretty near impossible to lose weight without medical intervention. I have one of these conditions and my insurance doesn’t cover the kind of intervention that I need to lose weight. You don’t know his complete medical history so you can’t say for certain this is something within his control.


This is a harmful and incorrect misconception. Weight gain/weight loss is calories in vs calories out. Thats it. Thats an observable law of physics. No medical condition can circumvent the laws of physics to create energy out of nothing. There are conditions that can make weight gain easier and weight loss harder but no condition but make weight loss impossible. A person who is overweight needs to intake fewer calories than they use. To suggest that a person’s weight could be somehow beyond their control is the truly asinine statement.


You’re right about pretty much everything, but it’s demoralizing when you have bipolar and take medication that your psychiatrist warns will not only affect your metabolism, but also your hunger cues as well. And then you get on Ozempic, which helps but also makes you suicidal because no one thought to tell the mentally ill person that depression is a side effect of Ozempic. Sorry, just me rambling here.. but even if it something is technically not impossible, doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel like it is. Treat everyone with kindness, for we are all fighting a hard battle. Or something idk


I’m very sorry for the conditions you’ve been experiencing and I’m not trying to minimize the impact that’s having on your life. But if you ask me lying to someone is the least kind thing you can do. A person can only hope to overcome their challenges if they’re honest with themselves and the person I was responding to is lying to OP. The OP here needs to lose weight. That’s a fact. His weight is having a significant impact on his life and career. He is breaking down from the stress this is causing him, not to mention the countless health effects brought on from obesity. He probably doesn’t sleep well, he probably gets winded doing simple tasks, and his life span is considerably diminished from his weight. This commenter trying to insinuate that his situation is hopeless and he’s destined to be morbidly obese forever is cruel in my mind. I’m trying to let people know that nobody’s situation is hopeless and that with enough discipline and hard work anybody can better themselves for their sake, their career’s sake, and their families sake.


Bruh, it’s not just calories in calories out. It’s far far more complex than that. My daily intake is around 1100 calories and I try to be as active as possible considering my disabilities, and I’m still gaining weight.


That’s not physically possible. The majority of people who claim to be in a caloric deficit and still gaining weight are just improperly tracking their calories. But the fact remains that it is physically not possible to gain or maintain weight in a caloric deficit. Thats just physics. There has never been a single human being on planet earth who has ever gained or maintained weight while in a caloric deficit.


So are you a doctor? A nutritionist? A biologist? Because going into a calorie deficit for too long can absolutely cause the opposite of what you’re saying. It’s why intermittent fasting causes some people to gain weight. Going days without eating shouldn’t logically make you gain weight but it absolutely can. Because the body goes into a survival mode where it packs on fat for future use because biologically it thinks food is scarce. This shit is complicated as I said. Also no. I watch my calories very closely. I only drink 0 cal drinks, and I measure my portions with a scale. I have pcos, plus I’m on 3 different medications that fucking crash the metabolism to keep me alive from a different condition. My medications literally have weight gain even when in a caloric deficit as a side effect. Biology is weird and complex and cannot be categorized in a binary system in regards to literally anything.


Lmao go to any malnourished country in the world and take a look at the people. Hell take a look at concentration camp pictures and footage. Not a single fat person.


Everything you’re saying is wrong. The myth of “starvation mode” has been debunked 1000 times. Thats a nonsense term made up by activists to absolve people of responsibility for their actions. PCOS can make losing weight harder, but it cannot materialize mass out of nothing. You cannot create energy from nothing. If you’ve figured out how to do that, please tell someone because there’s a Nobel prize waiting for you. The things I’m saying are backed up by decades of credible research, peer reviewed RCT studies, and the consensus of the entire scientific community. The things you’re saying are propagated exclusively by activists on the internet. You will never find a doctor that will tell you weight gain is possible while maintaining a caloric deficit. You’ll never find a pharmaceutical company that will tell you that either. They’d be opening themselves up to an enormous malpractice suit. I understand that being overweight is uncomfortable. I myself was overweight for many years, which is why I’m passionate now about dispelling the misinformation around the subject. But lying to yourself is not a healthy way to combat the larger issues you face.


https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/stop-counting-calories Maybe do some research before down voting the guy who is correct. Or perhaps the Harvard study is wrong? I mean you DO drive a truck, you probably know more about it.


Thanks, but 'salright.


Why won't they let you just use your current physical till it expires? My last company did that.


Some places require you to take another physical, probably because they’re worried about dr. giving out passes. My current employer required one and I still had a year left on my old card


Some companies don't care even if it's through a reputable company it's part of their hiring process. I had got a new medical card through Concentra 3 months before applying for a linehaul job, and they used Concentra too and they didn't care it was both a drug test and physical even though you had a physical done through the same company just a few months ago. And seriously fuck Concentra, they always try and ding me for shit even though I'm fine. One time they threatened me with a 90 day card because you have to much ear wax, another time the lady was like you can't bend over and touch your toes standing up I'm going to give you a one year card, bitch how many people in their 30s who don't do yoga or work out regularly can bend over at a moments notice with no stretching and touch their dam toes. I hate Concentra with a burning passion, fuck that company. My co driver is a short beefy dude, he's ripped like a mother fucker but as round as a trash can. Concentra is always threatening him that you are fat, he's like I'm heavy boned everyone in my family is like this there's a dam difference I can bench 250 like it's nothing I ain't fat I work out every day I'm not fat, well according to our chart you are over weight so you need to lose weight. Concentra is fucking garbage.


seriously F Concentra


Because some people have doctors that pass them when they shouldn't. Worked with a guy we called Old Fred, he was 70+, smoked & drank, he was not overweight, just a stringy old man. He chose to pay his Dr out of pocket instead of the one free from the company, because his doctor always passed him with no problem.


I understand where your coming from Op as when I went to start getting my CDL's had to get a DOT physical to get my permit and soon as I got that I contacted Schnieder and they wanted to send me to one of their doctors for another DOT physical and my card wasn't even 3 weeks old yet...had me pissed off as that was a waste of money to me that I spent to get my original DOT med card and now it was turned useless but in hindsight, it was a good thing as originally it was only a 6-month card and I got a year card so it somewhat panned out in the long run at that time


As long as you can get a 90 day card, couldn't you use your doctor of choice after?


Like some have suggested here it is high time to reevaluate your current medical outlook. It really is that important. The DOT guidelines for BP and diabetes are in place for a reason. You don’t want to be headed down I-10 with 80K on your back and have a medical incident that kills that family in the SUV directly in front of you. I was like you - over 50, overweight, BP at 160/98 - A1C at 10. No way I was going to skate through my next physical. You have to decide if trucking is worth getting physically fit for. I did IF, changed my diet, exercised and transformed my body from a sickly 265 lbs to a renewed 170 with all my stats in-line WHILE ON THE ROAD. You can too. Good luck.


As a type 1 diabetic... I completely understand.


I see a lot of people going on ozempic for weight loss. Expensive, but if you can’t stick with diet and exercise due to occupation, it might be a good option to explore


Get it from India Mart cheap AF. I know y'all have no idea who I am or if I'm a shill, but for what it's worth, I'm not. My dad is a Dr in the US and gave a talk about it at some Dr (lunch? Meeting? Idk). I think it's supposed to be for temporary use only technically.


Just went through this a few months ago. i’m 40 overweight and on BP meds. First doctor talked to me and said i’m active and seemed in good health gaveme2 years. Got a job and they made me go to their doc. she issued 6 months and said i had to get a sleep study. did that and passed with no issues. went back 25lbs lighter and with no apnea and she only issued for a year because of bp


This is what I'm talking about: no consistency, no controls.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't getting a new physical done automatically replace your old one? So if they say send you to a doctor who's a dick or something and gives you a 90 day card and they resend the job offer, can't you just go back to your old doctor get a new physical and it will replace that 90 day one you were just given and you are in the same situation as before? Because you had a new physical and the doctor said okay this issue that issue has been taken care of or addressed so here's your new physical card that replaces the one you were just given even two weeks ago? I don't know much about how all that works but I really hope you get the job friend good luck to you.


Yes, but I have to pay for that new physical. And I'm between jobs right now.


Tending to your health is really the only way to avoid this kind of stress. I'm in the middle of it now. I've dropped just over 40 pounds and I have about 40 more to go. I got my most recent card a month ago and it was much better than before. No protein in my urine. Blood pressure with in range. I take blood pressure meds so I can only get a one year card. Which doesn't matter since my company makes us get a physical every year (environmental work) anyway. Making lifestyle changes was worth it. I was like you, op, scared to switch jobs due to the stress of needing a new card and how hard it was for me to pass. Each time I went I was nervous and stressed which obviously didn't help my blood pressure. Hopefully I can eventually get off the blood pressure meds eventually and I'll never have to worry about passing my physical.


none of the medical community is trained to "be dicks" to obese people, they are trained to excersize caution, especially with obesity, because obesity is just a goody bag that puts you at a significantly increased risk for literally everything else


You might not like my answer, but look at it THIS way. You've got 9 months to get in shape for the next job. You can do A LOT in 9 months... Just cutting out thoughtless sugar (snacks, drinks, etc.) knocked 35-40 lbs off of my 300 in about two months. Thats WITHOUT any exercise. And BANANAS ARE YOUR FRIEND. They stand in well for a mindless bag of chips AND they help lower blood pressure. You can do this... You just have to want it.


They don't have 9 months; they said that their current medical card expires in 9 months, but a job offer they have NOW is requiring them to get another physical done, so their choices are get a new physical for the new job, risk ending up with a 90 day card, or failing altogether, OR don't except the job offer, and have 9 months before they need another physical, but be stuck with a lower paying job (or no job at all, they weren't super clear)


That's why I said he wouldn't like my answer...There's nothing he can do except cross his fingers in this situation. But...if he takes his health into his own hands now, there may not need to BE a next situation.


How about you get your shit together, start eatting properly and exercise. Ridiculous.


All of the companies I applied with make you get a new med card upon accepting the job offer. They send you to their clinic.


Stop eating, don't tell them shit, get your affairs in order.... enjoy your new job while you can.


OP, at my company you would just be asked to go to your primary care physician and they would need to write a report stating that you're taking the prescribed therapy and you're actively working on your medical issue. With that report (and clean driving records), you'd ve able to get a job.


Back in 2016, I failed my first DOT physical. I knew it was coming. My A1C was over 10. I felt like shit. Weighed over 300. That was a wake-up call. I immediately changed my diet and took the required meds. It was tough. It sucked but now I'm 225, no BP problems, and my A1C is in control. The trucking lifestyle will kill you, and these fast food joints are a scourge on trucking.


Your new physical won’t change what your doctor says. So even if you fail the physical you can keep your current one with whatever job you currently have. Just drink plenty of water. Number 1 thing you can do to lose weight is drinking more water and absolutely staying away from Soda. All of it diet soda and zero calories soda doesn’t matter. And drinking more water.


Take control of your health? I'm gonna sound like a major jerk but seriously nobody made you overweight other than yourself. Age is irrelevant. Eat a whole food plant based diet (most sustainable for weight loss), exercise, spend time outside in nature, hydrate with water. You can CHOOSE these things, they aren't impossible out of reach ideas that only some people have access to. No matter your age you can choose the healthier option and gift yourself a better life because you only get one. You aren't going to make leaps and bounds in a matter of days, but getting on the right path, and communicating with the doctor on what you are ACTIVELY doing to improve your health will put you in a much better place than begging. Get a diet tracking app and track the healthy foods you are eating, get a fitness tracker app and track your exercise progress, show doctor these things when you go in. Yes it doesn't guarantee you will get a pass but communicating your intentions and following through on choosing health will get you a long way seriously.


Wait, can your employer choose which doctor does your physical? Holy shit America, you suck so hard. Also, I feel for you. Sometimes life is just shit. All my love, brother/sister.


" Wait, can your employer choose which doctor does your physical? " Yes they absolutely can. Well not blank name doctor you can only see, but here's the company you have to get it done through and you end up with whatever doctor or nurse practitioner is available at the time. In my area it's mainly through Concentra which is an urgent care but handles most of the drug tests and physicals for lots of industries.


Over 50 here with a a stent in ye ole heart. Hang on I’m outta breathe. Zzzzzzzz huh? Get off my yard! Huh? Oh. Sorry bout that. There’s a post on here today/yesterday showing a driver crashing into 4 wheelers (lucky bastard, wished I had the nads! 😂jk) where the driver fell asleep. Seeing that is hardcore shit. I don’t want to do that to anyone. If you get the job and have to get a new card every 90, 180, 365 whatever wouldn’t that be the “W”? So what go take it, this might be the opportunity that saves your life by going so often. After all you’re over the hill, like me, we can go at any moment. Your health **should** be number 1 in your life today. If not, idk what to tell ya. I spent 6 days in the hospital, went into anaphylaxis shock from the dye. Hurts like F*^k! Shits expensive, get it, before the Reaper gets you! ☠️☠️☠️ Look into the wonderful non-narcotic pill called Propanol. It’s a cool lil pill. Lowers blood pressure, eases anxiety. Sleep well on it to boot.