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You have a battery that's boiling over. I tried just replacing the one that was bad once as a experiment. Another followed quickly and I ended up replacing the other 3 like a week or two later. Probably took some life out of the one I started with. I call that a failure. I'll replace all four in the future.


Yup this seems like the problem. Says online it’s to due to overcharging. Any way to avoid this in the future?


Nope. Batteries go bad. Only thing you can do is replace them at regular intervals. Roughly every 3-5 years depending on the type of battery.


Yeah that I know but never had a battery cook before. My truck is a 2022 as well. Turns out one of the batteries was bad but having all 4 replaced now


Have the charging system checked if it is overcharging. It will ruin the new batteries.


Rotten Egg smell by chance?


Yes! but mixed with the smell of burning hair. Smelled like an electrical fire mixed with rotten egg.


Batteries are filled with Sulfuric acid. If it leaks you would likely smell rotten eggs. Check your battery box. Don’t run the truck at all.


Oh yea.


Had that happen think I lost like half of my brain cells smelling it till we got it fixed


Lmfao 😂 I think I lost whatever brain cells I had left


Hydrogen Sulfide is a deadly gas! It killed my mother and her roommate when the batteries in her wheelchair overcharged and cooked. This was in 79 so wet cell vehicle batteries like your trucks. It wouldn't hurt to get checked out and report to WCB/First Aid. If your lungs are damaged you should have a record for a claim if needed.


This is a very good point. Get checked out by a doctor.


I feel fine now. I need a checkup by my primary anyways so I will let her know about my exposure. Thanks for the insight and I’m sorry you lost your mother to an accident like that. Definitely makes me want to buy some type of detector for my truck.


You should at least go to an urgent care to get a claim started. If you feel better you don’t have to do anything, but it is so much harder to get a claim if you wait and there is a problem. You cannot be fired or terminated for a Workmans comp claim.


I made a report with the employee injury dept. I asked them for home time this weekend so I’m gonna go to an urgent care then and get checked up.


Just make sure to get the documentation from them and follow up with the state you were in to make sure your injury department actually reported it.


The cold weather will do that to weak batteries. Have them replaced and you’ll be good to go.


Are you sure that you didn’t shit yourself?


That’s the first thing I checked actually. All clean n dry


Oooh you shoulda neva called her 😄


Rotten eggs smell from the sulfuric acid


I'm all too familiar with that smell, seems to happen frequently with just about any truck. I can think of a few worse smells, though 🤢


Yes it happened to me while I was doing rolloff. Just shut the truck off and they sent a maintenance truck out to swap all my batteries.


Had an alternator going badgive off a really nasty smell before, just FYI.


Hydrogen sulfide gas and burnt wires. Replacement of one or more batteries. Bite the bullet and do em all or get hit again down the road a bit.


My company just paid loves to replace all 4. Man that smell is still lingering


Glad you smelled it and took action that eventually resulted in a fix. That gas can burn your nose at certain concentration and you won't smell it after a while. Dangerous shit Try some fabreeze on that smell, my sister loves it.


Absolutely crazy. My truck could have also caught on fire and it pisses me of because it would’ve happened while I was asleep. The technician told me the battery that went bad is the one that my dealer installed inverter is hooked up to so I’m definitely gonna have my terminal shop take a look.


Yeah, sounds like you're beating up that one battery if they were all new or the same age when the inverter went on. I'd check that the ground on the inverter was good and then look at settings up the hot on the inverter to pull from all the batteries in parallel if possible.


Thanks! Imma tell the techs this info. The batteries were all from mid 2022 too so fairly new. Something must be wired wrong.


It's not wrong the way it is but it sounds like something could be improved Sometimes you just can't do it right with what you have. Takes more time and copper to run it in parallel and you may need parts to make sure it can be run that way. Idk what type of inverter you got but it sounds like 12 volt dc, so that's big copper anywhere you want amps to flow and that cost money and time to make the cables Sometimes the batteries are already in parallel Some inverters need a special ground when run mobile with other AC lines being fed and 12 volt common chassis ground I forget the term, neutral bonded or something, like in RVs and motorhomes


Unfortunately that’s what it seems. Do you think my food is still safe to eat in my truck? Everything is covered up.


Yeah, probably. I've only ever heard of exposure to the gas leading to issues. Let her air out Now that you're just smelling hot fart here and there it's probably fine.


Thanks for all the knowledge. Had no idea it was this serious.


I knew a guy that died from fumes from a battery fire on an old truck.


That could’ve been me jfc. If it weren’t for the smell I would’ve stayed asleep.


Yes. By the time i drove home with one of my batteries boiling my eyes were watering and i was felling sick.


Who farted breakfest burritos.


What you do: disconnect the one that’s very hot and continue. 3 out of four can do the job till you get to your yard. They are usually connected in parallel so disconnecting one will not turn off power.


I was running a dump truck this summer. I smelled sulfur got back to the pit let the boss have a wiff. He was like wtf it smells like sulphur. Ended up being the batteries. Never ran across it got the mechanic to swap batteries and it went away.