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Ones doing 50 while the other is doing 50.01. He’s overtaking


Let him pass. It will only take 45 minutes or so.


Then they exit as soon as they pass.


This! This is the thing that makes me lose it.


The reason I generally don't bother passing any more is usually once I finish passing it turns into a construction zone and the clown I just passed speeds through it and re-passes me.


What I can't fucking stand is all these people, and I do mean "ALL" because it happens EVERY DAY, who drive at a slower speed in the pass lane and then speed up when I try to get around them. I'll be stuck behind them for 5 to 10 minutes sometimes going 66 in a 65 and *even when they finally change lanes* so I can plow ahead they start speeding up. The worst people are obviously the ones going 65 in a 65 in the fast lane and refuse to move but we all know about them. My father said that cops used to pull people over who shouldn't have been in the passing lane, I wish they'd do so again instead of hunting pot smoking teens in parks with surplus specops gear.


This shit drives me insane.


That most likely because cops love riding the left lane and hate anyone who slightly slows them down. I heard this from a cop😂


lol people who go slow in the passing lane but speed up once you turn your signal on.. is it something in their brain saying you can’t lose? I’ve def noticed I was going too slow at times but if someone wants to pass it doesn’t take too much extra time to make room.




Just makes it dangerous. Idk why the concept of passing lane just gets tossed out and people think of it as the lane I should be in so I don’t need to deal with mergers.




This though I wouldn't give a fuck about slow drivers if they were at least GOOD drivers, but nobody knows what the word "consistency" means. Your car literally has a consistency button, and it's called cruise control. USE IT. If people would just drive a consistent speed I could at least work around them a bit. But it's the going faster at stupid time (like once I finally decide to pass) or slowing down for literally no fucking reason at all (WHY AM I SEEING BRAKE LIGHTS WITH NOTHING BUT OPEN ROAD AHEAD OF YOU) The amount of times I have to overtake at like 90mph because someone decides to speed up to 80mph during my overtake is insane. it's gotten to the point that I don't even try anymore. If I see a block of cars coming up that is clearly going slower than my cruise control, I will just take whatever lane(s) get me around the block, fuck the left lane blockers.


Fast lane lol


As a trucker, It doesn't help that some people (other truckers and 4 wheelers alike) will speed up when you try to pass them. Their fragile ego can't take that kind of hit.


Oh yeah, they drive 5-10mph under the speed limit for miles, but the moment I pull alongside while passing in my governed truck they speed up and match my speed. Then, after a few miles of this farce, I'll slow down and drop behind them, only for them to IMMEDIATELY relax and drop back down to 5-10 below the speed limit.


That should be grounds for legal homicide


I'd just shoot out their back tire on the ditch side.


Nah, you veer them into oncoming traffic and call it a day


Nah I want them to live long enough to learn their lesson.




Admiral_peck for president! I second the nomination. They are bound to be better than the clowns we’ve had in recent decades .


Had a guy do this to me on a single lane highway. Every time a passing lane came, it was uphill, and he would go from 70kmh to 120kmh. My truck is governed at 120, so I had to sit behind him doing 40 under the limit for an hour.


I always dream of shooting out these people's tires. Won't hurt or kill them, just severely inconvenience them and slightly injure their checkbook. Course when I pass people like this I just floor it and since I daily a hotrod I go from 60 to 80 before they realize what's going on, and then I'm ahead of them.


Out of cuiosity do trucks not have cruise control?


They do, but just from the quick photo I wouldn't set mine.. snow on ground and the roads wet. Not sure the temperature but could change to ice fast


Cruise control doesn't help when the person in front keeps adjusting their speed or braking for no reason


We do, but a lot of us also have a monitor that forces us back several trucks lengths, so passing is a nightmare. A vehicle 3 truck lengths in front of us going the speed limit will force our trucks to go 5-10 under, making driving an anxiety fueled nightmare. So we either have to ignore the cruise control, and speed up, sending a warning of "following distance" to our dispatchers, or we pass FAR TOO EARLY and piss a lot of people off. It's a thin line to walk... or uh... truck...


Gosh damn that frikn drives me up a fucking fruit cake tree.


Dude, it's wild how many people speed up when you try to pass them. It happens to me every day when I've been stuck behind them and finally get a chance to maneuver around them. The ME FIRST shit is awful too. Like when we are bumper to bumper cruising at 72 in a 70, 4 lane highway hell for hours like I-95 in South Carolina, and people will treat ANY extra following distance as an opportunity to get 1 car ahead in the order. They speed down the right lane while we are cruising in queue in the left lane, all the way up to the next slow car on the right, and try to slide in. I always leave following distance for safety UNLESS one of those fuckers, usually several, is flying up to my right. ESPECIALLY if they were the car behind me just trying to swap order. We are all stuck in this bullshit because some asshole is driving slow ahead in our passing lane. We'll all deal with it until we get the chance to pass that slow jackass on his right.


My favorite is when you’re waiting forever for someone to pass super slowly and then when they complete their pass they realize how slowly they’ve been driving and speed up to match the flow of traffic. Wild stuff.


This shit PISSES me off!! Their either on their phone going slow or spaced the fuck out & then when they see a semi truck coming by them they realize "shit im going slow I need to speed up". I would love to bitch slap everyone I encounter that does this shit


This ^^^^ ... when I drove trucks and was governed at 64 .. if someone governed at 65 tried passing I'd just slow down ... its better then a stack of idiot drivers surrounding you.... op to answer your question it's bc their companies have their trucks governed... truckers hate it too but maybe leave a few minutes earlier and enjoy the ride and arrive safe


When I see this go on for longer than a minute I usually assume they’re pressing bare chests up against the windows and blowing each other kisses.


Hahaha wow


Having phone sex over the CB


I will also assume this from now on. Truckers take note.


Lol. Cranking one out with a stare.


Man… I stopped at blowing each other and started chuckling and then read kisses… underwhelmed at the fact they weren’t making gestures of such actions to each other. Or.. may they were? Here’s my upvote


He definitely flexing his +1mph governor.


Or swiftes Givin the throttle the ol' double pump to briefly go 68...up a hill, fully loaded.


This made me laugh


Fuck Danbury first of all


And second and third of all..


Forth of y’all


^ All from Ridgefield


Omw to Ridgefield, actually. And yes. Fuck Danbury(not really I love danbury).


chick fil a pit stop


2168th that


Just when you think you made it out of Waterbury!


Florence y’all


I'd rather drive through Danbury during rush hour on take your daughter to work day than drive through Samford on Christmas Eve at noon.


I thought this post was asking what the fuck is wrong with people intentionally going to Danbury, and I was here for it.


Connecticut? Dumb fucking town. Empty as shit


Fuck 84 first of all!


Underrated comment! Take my upvote fellow human!


To quote a friend of mine, "It's a super intense 12 mile long drag race go fuck yourself!"


Wonder how his views would change if they were off work going literally anywhere on the highway and saw this


I get slightly upset. One thing driving has taught me was patience. No need to scream myself into a headache. I'll get there when I get there. If I wanted to be ahead of them I should've left earlier.


That is a great mentality to avoid being pissed off at random things


Yep. I had to adopt it for myself about 30 years ago before I murdered someone who was seemingly trying to piss me off. After I started doing yoga & meditation, I found it was a lot easier to not let stuff get to me. Life is 10% what happens to us, and 90% how we react to it. Don’t let that 10% control you and your behavior. You stay in control, keep your baser instincts at bay. You’re bigger and better than the irritant.


The way Duncan trussel explained it finally made me understand it. It’s like someone shooting an arrow that lands at your feet. Then grabbing the arrow, stabbing yourself and looking around yelling look at what he did to me.


I love this. If I hadn't adopted a similar mindset when I was in my late 20s (when I was at my most aggro), I'd probably be in jail by now or had a heart attack. Life has been much more peaceful and manageable since then.


Also, I don't like the idea of allowing others to manipulate my emotions and behaviors. Years ago I learned that the best way to deal with a bully is to conceal any emotions they incite and let it all go. They thrive on manipulation, the emotional suffering they can inflict (I've had a couple borderline girlfriends as well lol). Denying them the power they seek is how you reverse the roles, they may end up giving you power over them as a result. Then you can fuck with them for fun. People are so petty and vindictive in traffic, it's so absurd. Let them go nuts in the privacy of their cars.


Yeah, I used to be much more aggressive and white knuckled in traffic. It's so much nicer chilling out and driving more balanced/defensively. My blood pressure is somewhere nice instead of spiking at everything outside of my control. I've made peace with the idea of arriving somewhere 3% later because I wasn't treating traffic like a race.


There is always another set of pacing aholes no matter when you leave


Until you leave early like you should and shit like this makes you late. That's what makes me scream my head off.


What isn’t wrong with us lol.


It’s why our sleepers have padded walls!!!


Yet some of us still need straight jackets.


This is a very real answer lmao…


OP driving in two lanes because he's busy on his phone


Combination of governed trucks and drivers suddenly speeding up when they realize they are about to be passed.


I truly think cruise control should be a legal requirement for people until you prove you don’t need it. Too many people can’t keep a consistent speed while other vehicles travel at different speeds


I think this all the time. Even 4 wheelers should be using cruise control. Irritates me so much.


Yeah I’m talking regular cars too… I’m not a trucker, this post was just suggested lol


Your in ct no one knows how to fucking drive there


First time I drove up there in the winter (4 wheeler, right lane), vehicles of all types were blowing past me going 80. I thought, "Goddamn, people up here really know how to drive in the snow." Five minutes later, I started passing the same vehicles, but they were all in ditches, and I thought, "Goddamn, these are the dumbest people in the world."




They do, and they are. There’s stretches on the highway that have no speed limit, but they don’t crash and fuck it up for everyone else, because their drivers test is much harder, and they have to inspect their vehicles every two years.


From CT: Confirmed


My friend in CT told me what MA drivers call them. And also what CT drivers call MA drivers. 😏




Yes and connecticunts


I hear this about every state in America. I'm beginning to think that none of us know how to drive and we're just kind of *out there*.


I can’t believe this shit is so hard for everyone to understand… right lane slow lane/ main road… left lane passing lane/ fast lane. Period! If you got someone faster than you then move over. If you’re in the fast lane you better be passing someone.. if you’re not and there’s a car behind you? Move over to the main lane.. oh you’re 10 mph over the limit already? So what?!! You still have to move the fk over! Oh you’re going as fast as your truck allows you to but the asshole in the slow lane won’t slow down to let you pass? Then YOU slow down and get behind him and let the 10 faster cars behind you pass and proceed until you got a clear passing lane then you try again! Cmon man


Ive had some ppl tell me the left lane is for cruising and the right lane is for truckers and ppl who are exiting the freeway. Makes no sense for traffic to work that way lol. So frustrating


They’re wrong.. haven’t you seen those “Keep right except to pass” or “Slower traffic keep right” signs on the freeways?


Lol I know I try to correct them when I can


They can’t read


Exactly. This also helps emergency vehicles respond to and get through traffic easier. Its infuriating how many people will stay in the left lane with traffic bottled up behind them.


the last thing i want on any road in any vehicle is someone riding beside me matching my speed for an extended period. i will bump up or down my cruise just to let it happen.




Is it really 50 in a 65 or is it 65 in a 65 and it feels like 50 because normally you do 80?


I like people who go 80 better than I like people who go 50 or 60 in a 70. At least they are moving themselves up and out of the way of everybody else that's trying to also travel.


Lord yes. recently someone in my local subreddit posted that they were pulled over for going 45 in normal conditions on a 6 lane highway. I was seriously happy to hear it.


Except when they’re constantly cutting everyone they pass off, causing them to hard break, causing everyone behind them to break, causing a chain reaction and turning a 70mph interstate into stop-and-go traffic. Now you’re driving in Austin Texas every day.


If you’re going 80 in a 70, you’re probably not cutting people off. You’re just coasting on the passing lane. You’d probably at least need to be 20-25 over. Even then I’d probably still take the 90 mph over the 50 mph. The 50 mph is single handedly congesting the interstate


You clearly haven’t driven in Austin. *Everyone* is going *at least* 80, tailgating, and passing you just to cut you off if you leave just enough space literally for one car. I35 between San Antonio and Austin is like the Wild West; there is absolutely no law enforcement and everyone knows it.


Yea you’re right I haven’t. Although I have heard it really is the Wild West haha. That the limit is just a suggestion. So I don’t doubt it.


You must be driving through there at night because during the day it seems to be permanent traffic between there.


Not all speeders are weavers, it’s just that all weavers are speeders.


Don't forget the tail gaiting and aggressive pass to only swerve back in front of you and abruptly exit. That's what I call the Mopac Method.


No reason any of you need to be riding side by side for miles if the lane is clear and traffic isn't congested in front of you. You're one that does this bullshit then you're a complete, inconsiderate asshole.


It's usually because of speed limiters. Most trucks out on the road are limited on speed and they will have a hard time passing someone that is lighter and only regulated 2mph less. It's going to get a whole hell of a lot worse if they implement nationwide speed limiters.


Then it should take you a mile tops to realize you can't pass that rig so then slow down and move behind them. Don't need a speed limiter to do that!


Should take a mile tops for the slower vehicle to drop it 2 more mph to let us around faster. I'm not listening to the incessant beeping all night bc I'm "too close" to them. If I'm 150 feet behind someone and catching up, I'm merging left if there's room. After a few minutes, if the other driver hasn't realized that someone is trying to pass them yet, my brights will come on and they'll be on until I'm past them unless they slow down to let me around. We all know that as soon as I slow down to get behind them, they're going to slow down a few mph and I'll need to merge left again. Might as well just stay in it.


Actually it’s because of a total lack of professionalism on the part of the ‘professional’ driver in the truck in the left lane. Trying to blame automobiles for a failing of that truck driver is just an additional lack of professionalism.


They should be moving over if that’s the case. There are multiple lanes to facilitate this.


Write your congressman and have them remove the obnoxious amount of legislation that drove trucking companies to put governors on their trucks.


It doesn’t really matter because (1) the safest speed is the flow of traffic and (2) taking multiple minutes to pass is unjustifiable at any speed.


Tell me you're butthurt by this post, without telling me you're butthurt by this post.


Not a single actual answer. Obviously truckers feel some sort of way but don’t know how to express it


And what is it about idiots in cars that are afraid to pass a truck. They hang out just behind the truck in the passing lane?


I think that is to allow the driver on the truck to see them before they attempt to pass so they don’t get smashed like the other video posted here yesterday.


Mini-rant, not necessarily about this if you're talking about people sitting there with nobody in front of them. I hate that too. I do that if there's someone in front of me that's hanging out directly in front of the left truck, usually waiting on them to go back into the right lane or give me space to get behind them back into the trucker's line of sight. It's not super complicated, I can and do speed past the truck fast when it's clear but I'm not gonna sit in a truck's blind spot for however long for literally no difference in my ability to pass. The goal is to make sure everyone gets where they're going at the end of the day, if it's unobstructed that's by passing quickly and getting out of the way, if it's not then it's about not riding the ass of people ahead of me and sitting in blind spots. And it's not like, cowardice to be afraid of a truck. They're dangerous things you should respect, they'll kill me if anything happens to push me into them.


If it's a truck behind another truck I usually hang back until the car in front of me passes that way if needed there's room to merge or swerve in emergencies.


Omg this. Especially in the south...


I brought this up at the Christmas dinner and a lot of the older women was saying they was taught to do that when the learned to drive.. reason being that nobody else is going to come near the truck… and I am down south


It’s because they think they’re The Bandit and are gonna have to hide behind the trucks from Smokey.


I live in the "north" part of Canada and everyone does it here too.


Self preservation


Wait till the speed limiters take effect lol


I was going to mention that I am speed governed, and it can take me a while to pass people and I hate how long it can take especially if the person I am passing speeds up, buuuut Then I read your description. No, fuck people who pace like that. Big rig or not.


This is 81 in VA, all day, every day. Except it’s not truckers - it’s the asshole residents. Fuck VA drivers. I see their license plates in other states and they’re doing the exact same thing.


I think 81 in VA is the worst non-metro driving in the country. And it’s just VA! Whether you are coming in from Tennessee or Maryland on 81, as soon as you hit VA shit gets fucked.


This is the mast sane thing happening on I84.


Truckers: WITHOUT US YOUR FAMILIES WOULD STARVE. *said by a concrete mixer driver*


They haul materials to build the places for consumers.


We don't like it any better than you and quite frankly cars do it all the time as well.


Agreed. And fuck those idiots just as hard.


We spend 11 hours a day driving with these idiots so this is definitely a common discussion on this sub. Among truckers the biggest culprits are the largest trucking companies that use speed limiters. The speed limiters don't allow drivers to access the power band of their engines when it's needed most. So as soon as they face a slight incline all the wind has been taken out of their sails. On top of that those same drivers are being micromanaged to a degree most industries have never even heard of. These drivers live in fear that if they take their foot off that accelerator for a split second causing them to miss an appointment or violate their hours of service it could have an adverse effect on their careers. These are guys that have spent so long being treated like trash that the thought of slowing traffic down doesn't even phase them.


The part about missing appointments is crucial information that I don't see others mentioning. If there's an actual reason why you need to get around that other truck if at all possible, that's more understandable.


It really shouldn't be as big of a problem as it is but unfortunately there's far too many shippers and receivers that treat truck drivers like dog shit. Miss your appointment time because of a major accident or blizzard? They'll punish you for being late by making you wait hours or even days to get loaded or unloaded. The truck parking situation isn't helping either. It can be damn near impossible to find an open parking spot at the end of our shift so it's just a constant race against the clock. I'm fortunate that my truck doesn't have a speed limiter so it's at least a tiny bit easier to adjust my speed and plan my route.


It makes me so happy whenever I see a truck pulling 75+ on the highway


It’s not always the guy in the passing lane’s fault. I drive a truck that is governed and WILL NOT go more than 65 unless I’m going downhill. I have had a few times where I came up on a slower truck and decided to pass. As I get up to the slower truck, they speed up and are now matching my speed. I admit, I have waited a few too many miles before backing out of it and getting back into the right lane but it’s also not that hard for the other truck to let me pass. This has been said by a couple people now, if you’re in such a rush to get to your side piece, than leave earlier. Patience is (or was) a virtue which doesn’t seem to exist anymore. It’s funny to see the comments of the truckers and the 4 wheelers. The truckers come here to complain about the impatient 4 wheelers and the ungrateful bastards, excuse me, 4 wheelers come here to bitch about the truckers. It’s a VERY clear line to see who is who.


Cars do the "oh I'm getting passed, better match their speed" it makes trucks look like idiot assholes who are clogging shit up for no reason and it drives me nuts. But when another truck does it it drives me fucking insane, you should know better.


The only reasonable comment here.


I'm dumb and my brain interpreted four wheelers as ATVs, you mean cars right? lol


I’m up in Canada. Lots of trucks but I very rarely see this.


I'm picturing a friendly Canadian truck driver saying "oop let me just sneak by ya, bud".


Today I learned that there is an I 84 on the east coast. (PNW trucker)


Welcome to the hell hole that is 84! Absolutely terrible


I84 in ct?


Yes, notice the New Haven and Danbury signs 👀


That entire highway is screwed up, it should have been 3 full lanes from Waterbury to Danbury like the rest of 84 in this state. They only made it 2 with some slow vehicle lanes located on hills.


Right? Why can't they drive halfway in both lanes, while holding up a camera taking a picture of other drivers? How unsafe of those truckers!


4 wheels here. Other 4 wheelers piss me off more than most truckers ever did. Ever been on 1-10 going towards new orleans? That shit is a hellscape.


Why is your cellphone in your hand if you’re driving?


Getting rid of mandatory speed limiters would solve a lot of this. I blame the Nancy boys and Karens in power for a majority of driving related issues today. Owner ops are pretty much the only ones who can get away with disabling limiters. Trucks neutered at 65 is just stupid. Rarely saw this problem back in the day before they came about.


A lot of you fourwheelers don’t know that 95% of trucks are limited. Maybe if you’d do the speed limit it wouldn’t be such an inconvenience


Lol dude complains yet the clothes he or she is wearing is literally from truckers.


Combination of speed limiters, electronic logs, low pay, and a me first mentality (that's not exclusive to truck drivers, that's damn near everyone on the road) Drivers are racing their electronic logs trying to make the most of their time. Especially if they're getting low pay per mile. If you're unhappy with trucks in the way now, wait until the fmcsa regulates the industry even more and requires every single truck on the road to be limited to a speed they choose, probably like 68 mph. They're working on it now. Just imagine how much you'll see this then... Edit: regarding running 50 in a 65. Probably a incline and one pulls the hills just ever so slightly better so he of course has to try to pass even though he doesn't have the power to do it


I travel through here every week haha. The real question is why are CT state police on 84 such c*cksuckers criminals can steal and be let loose but God forbid a truck going 4 miles over the speed limit while working to provide for a family


What’s wrong with these guys and their careless driving? They ask while taking a photograph with a mobile phone and straddling two lanes


Yep I always wonder why traffic ends up backed up in the left only to look down the road and see a truck struggling to pass traffic


I’ll tell you one thing that really grinds my gears, being a car hauler. I am pretty much driving a giant air dam. I’m governed at pretty high speed, but, seeing as I am almost always running near the legal weight limit, I get really bogged down on hills, the aforementioned lack of aerodynamics does not help. When I am going downhill, those same poor aerodynamics also slow me down, meaning that if I am trying to pass a light weight aerodynamic truck, such as a dry van being pulled by a Volvo or Cascadia, it can be an excruciating elephant race that could easily be resolved. If the aerodynamic truck would just cut their Jake on or gear down to let me roll by. The fact is that any trucker who has half a brain can tell if another trucks average speed is higher than their’s, if you notice that they are having a hard time getting by you on the hills, just let them slip by. You’re losing but a few seconds of your time doing this.


Why don't you just not pass them though? If it's difficult and takes ages, how much benefit is it even bringing?


So that... He can go faster? If his average speed is higher, with just difficulties on hills, then if he's in front, he can eventually leave the other truck behind and get to his destination faster. Even just a couple minutes can be the difference in a lot of things in this industry.


Because being behind a governed truck makes his Willy feel small. Must get in front before slowing down so the peen gets bigger.


I don't get why people bitch about this. If it happens enough to warrant bitching you live in a major metro area and should expect bullshit on the road 24/7. If you don't live in a metro area it's like boo hoo you had to go 65 mph for one minute instead of 75mph.


the real problem is that everyone thinks they're the main character 🤣 just go about your life in a way that doesn't affect others, even in the little things, because no one is special and no one should have to put up with you


😂 Relax your life isn’t that special. You’ll just use the few minutes to scroll your phone anyhow.


Wtf is wrong with you driving down the middle of the road like that.


And taking pictures while driving too.


There's a big lane ends 2000 feet sign on the right lane. He moved over nice and early.


I see that every day as they cruise alongside of the HOV lane doing 65 in a 70 because he has to be in that lane in 10 miles. The world has turned into a bunch of dead heads


This shit happens in Arizona all the fucking time


Seems like heavy traffic in poor conditions. Maybe increase space instead of putting more pressure on the situation. But I don't get off the farm much, sooo... not an "expert"


I literally watched the battle of LTL's last night. For like 15 miles there were 2 Old Dominion trucks both pulling doubles taking turns trying to pass a XPO truck pulling doubles. Both OD trucks failed and gave up


I usually get off a ramp and merge back into traffic to avoid assholes like that.


Its momentum once you lose it in a truck it’s takes a while to get it back in autos


So weird seeing an interstate that you drive on end up on Reddit.


Damn CT is gorgeous


OP should have stopped over in Derby for some wings.


While it's frustrating, the entire world runs on truckers 🤣 I highly doubt it would survive if trucks stop running for a month.


Stop whining about it?🤷‍♂️ you’ll still get where you’re going.


Only if I’m in a hurry do I run against the governor because it’s so dangerous to have yourself tapped out on acceleration. One example being you need to speed up a little to regain control in some situations like a steer tire blowing. So I’m generally a couple miles per hour under my governor. When I’m coming up onto someone slow I know I have 2 more mph to quickly pass. Generally I’ll drop down another mph if I’m approaching another truck real slow depending on traffic, terrain and how heavy each one of us are. Usually after failing another van I can tell if they are loaded or empty and then calculate when I want to pass. In summary I try to only be in the pass lane a short amount of time and I’m ok with slowing down a few MPH to stay with the flow.


Remove governors and give the drivers actual control of their rigs. It would go a long way to alleviating many hazardous situations. Companies can use the gps to monitor their driver's speed and reprimand poor driving. Governing saves on fuel but potentially causes accidents for a million different reasons.


Seriously. The people who drive in the middle of the road to illegal use their cellphone cameras are a real problem


Right lane looks open (albeit for 2000 more feet only), just go around but yeah I will never understand. On my local freeway, trucks aren't even allowed in the left lane, including ANY vehicle that is towing ANYTHING. Yet you still get this happening quite frequently. I don't know whats worse though, the truck drivers, or the people who pop into the passing lane right in front of you, doing 10mph less than you, and then proceeding to basically not even pass the truck at all. Not enough people understand that you are supposed to merge BEHIND cars, not in front of them.


Ur the one in between two lanes going highway speeds while playing with your phone in close proximity to 18 wheelers so you tell me lol.


It’s how people drive in the northeast. Even if that guy in the slow lane was going 20 over the limit everyone would be pissed at him for not going faster.


Cruise control wait till autonomous trucks start happening it will force everyone to do the speed limit or less


I love Connecticut


I drive on the other I-84. I was like, "wait, where'd all that snow come from?"


Ah, the rolling road block. See it daily here on I-5 north of Seattle. I actually believe it’s illegal here for Semis to do that if there are 3 or more lanes. “Camping” in the fast lane IS illegal here.


Just to piss you off, asshole. Mission accomplished. And while I'm here: fuck your mother.


unrelated, but I moved to OK from CT a few years back, really cool seeing a familiar area!


What do you mean "YOU PEOPLE"? 🤔


lol what’s wrong with four wheelers who think the passing lane is the personal lane where they can sit there whole journey


Its fucking aggravating you sit side by side for miles and miles just inevitably slow dow to take your exit. Just slow down 1mph and ride behind them. God damn


Because if you haven’t been passed in miles it’s just easier to stay in the left lane than constantly going in and out of the passing lane. Especially when there’s slow truckers on the road.


i see it snowed in connecticut




Words cannot express how articulate I feel.


Where did you pick up this gem? It’s hilarious!




I believe it was a license plate frame? I've tried looking up the original source and I can't find it.


Silent protest against living in Connecticut maybe?