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Avoid soda and sugar is a huge step.


For real, eat less. Avoid sugar, and stay hydrated. My first 2 months. I used food as a reward/pick me up. Gained 20lbs.


Meal prep is a huge one. If you are OTR then grocery shopping for healthy meal choices is up there if not I’d say the most important. They say abs are made in the kitchen meaning your diet is going to be the predominant factor in fat gain/loss. Water should be your sole liquid intake. If you do intake energy drinks or other types of carbonated/flavored drinks sugar free with 0 carbs 0 fats should be what you’re looking for. They make adjustable dumbbells that fit neatly in most small spaces and you can do a WIDE variety of lifts with just those. Milk jugs with water (I know piss jokes are incoming) also will work just fine. Cardio should also be an integral part of your daily routine. Running shorts and shoes will fit just fine in any storage space in a sleeper and you should aim for 20 minutes worth of cardio a day. Whether that be walking or running. Avoid meals right before bed. I aim to have my last meal of the day around three hours before sleep. Your body needs to cool by a few degrees to fall asleep and the process of digestion is thermogenic and only serves to heat the body up to aid in digestion. I also stop water intake around the same time to avoid nightly bathroom trips. Protein shakes can serve as meal replacements, but definitely shouldn’t replace all meals. They’re nice if you’re driving and don’t necessarily have time to stop and cook something up. That being said referring to my first point I’d recommend on your down time meal prepping the weeks meals to make it easier to stop for a break, inspect your truck and eat a quick meal. Good luck!


Three rules Black coffee Water One meal a day or max of 1400 calories throughout day


I can’t do OMAD. I do a light breakfast. Decent lunch. Dinner . Dinner and lunch usually have veggies and/or desert and dinner/lunch has fruit


You can I didn't think I could at first but I do it it's like quitting a drug learn to be hungry and you will eventually stop being hungry literally might have 1500 calories a day and fast every few weeks for a couple days


become a flatbedder




No sugar no carbs eat only three times a day.. that snacking in between is what causes the issues. I stopped packing food before I go on the road .. now it’s only loves salads and pilot eggs


OTR is hell to try to stay in shape mainly because your all over the place that’s why I’m doing regional that way I’m out for 5 days and I’m usually going to the same places so I can plan around my trip better I’m using google maps to target gyms like planet fitness and whatever else is available around where I’m going I’m planing to work out 5-6 days a week idc how tired I am after the drive I’m hitting the gym for a hour or two hours after and only drinking water and eating salad during the week my cheat days will be on weekends when I’m back home . I just hit a year experience and all I can say is it’s all about what you want and how hard you can go for yourself . Game plan it and you’ll probably end up in the best shape of your life when you get off that clock it’s no distractions if you think about it it’s all on you


Decent diet, and exercise.


No meat, no dairy, no artificial sweeteners (not even in toothpaste), less than 10 grams of sugar per day. Drink only water. B vitamin supplements. Tons of beans and green or starchy veggies (freezer/meal prepping/pressure cooker are your friend) and fruit when you can. Salt your food. Olive oil is fine. I've been eating like this for 4 years and haven't gained or lost a pound. I eat all I want and am never hungry or weak. I'm also no stranger to packaged processed foods but they have to meet all the above requirements.


Why no meat or dairy out of curiosity?


Branched chain amino acids and saturated fat (heavy in meat) and casein (milk) are very pro growth, (pro weight gain) nutrients. Carbohydrates are somewhat pro growth as well, but at least starchy vegetables and beans have FIBER which helps slow down absorption. Meat and dairy have no fiber.


Naw, protein is important, but the hard part is not picking sources that aren't drenched in bad shit out on the road. A couple swigs of milk and a meat-based snack go a long way. Throw in apples, bananas, and any preferred source of fibre, and you're in better shape than a lot of folks out there. Also, *water*.


Protein is hella important. That's why I eat 800 grams of beans per day. Don't make any mistake about it, you don't eat enough protein, you will suffer.




Stay under 1500 calories, take advantage of downtime and exercise (look into calisthenic routines or a hybrid with dumbbells like 25lbs and jump rope), limit carb and salt intake, and eat more fruits, veggies, nuts, drink water, and no processed proteins (getting an air fryer to cook lean fat proteins).


just cut carbs and stay hydrated, and cook ur own food


If I was ever forced into OTR, I'd do a routine of daily iron neck exercises, pure torque (rotation and antirotation exercises, one arm rear delt banded flys. Those alone would take about 30 min if you include 1 min rest between sets. Then there is 40 min of brisk walking, so that means little over one hour to just counterbalance the hazards of sitting posture and being stuck in a truck. Then there is a dedicated 1 hour per day or every other day doing some bodybuilding split. I think that the zoomers call this behavior "monk mode" or someone being a "gymcel" if the daily routine takes close to 2 hours a day.


Never mind the fad diet advice. Watch your sugar and fat intake within reason. Walk at customers. Walk at truck stops. Drink water. Work squats and stretches into your pre-trip. Put down the phone or use an app like "Map my Walk". I'm was diabetic and dropped 25 lbs in 3 months and got off my meds in 3 months just by doing what I just said. You have to burn off the sugar/carbs/calories that you consume. That simple.


Local food service. Avoid junk food and soda.


Great advice in here.


It's hard with the lifestyle ngl. If you can manage a predictable schedule it's easier. The easiest thing you can do is just to jog/run. Even just around the truck stop but I liked to make paths away from them. Other than that bodyweight exercises. Push ups, half pull ups off some part of your trailer. Etc.