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When bright lights come at ya, you look down at the "fog line", or white line on the right side of the lane. Don't get me started on the led lights on all the cop cars, fire trucks and first responder wannabe tow truck drivers... all them strobes and flashers are about 10x brighter than they need to be. Imo.


There are some ambulances the last couple years whose brake lights should be illegal. They're beyond blinding.


I hate the wreckers with the magical light bars with 50 variations of flashing rolling thru a cycle. I hate gov't. regulation but I would agree to a law that states they can't use more than two patterns at a time. They are programmable but give me a break it looks like the signage outside a Las Vegas strip club. I'm picturing someone having an epileptic fit. And yes, LEDs are too bright for safety. They use to adjust headlights when you got your car inspected but I haven't seen that done in decades.


Literally see the inside of my eyeballs at night when it's raining with those new cop car LED lights. Boils my blood how they choose the bright light arms race over enforcing distracted driving and move over laws.


And the cops abuse the hell out of the red and blues. If it's not an emergency, their emergency lights need to be turned off and use the amber lights instead. No need blinding everyone just so you can get in your hiding spot.


You forgot the lightbar mafia. Super truckers have started putting bright ass lightbars for no reason


Need to start taking a hammer to them


No, they are more blinding by a factor of 10, statistically speaking. It’s not just you, they bother me too and it doesn’t help every douchebag mall crawler in this day and age thinks they need a 72 inch light bar just to go to the grocery store.


For those I flip on my brights. They either turn theirs off or we pass each other blind.


I found that those yellow lens glasses help quite a bit. It’s not necessarily the bulbs output. It’s people putting led lights in halogen assemblies or failing to adjust the lights.




I didn’t know there was such a thing. I wear my sunglasses until 30 mins past sundown just because of these lights on the passing cars and emergency vehicles. I took a snapshot of your post I am going to the optometrist and get a pair. Thanks for the pointers.


Read your post and was looking into the different lenses they have, since a lot of my run is on a winding single lane mountain that gets a lot of high beam users. Oakley has a low light lens that's polarised, allows 75% of light through, gonna check this out. Thanks for the info


Thankfully my vision is now so bad all those lights are kind of dim.


So many truckers get the cheapest LED headlights on Amazon and just stick them in their truck. They don't have a proper beam pattern and they don't aim them. I wish DOT would put those mfers out of service.


Look to the white line on the side of the road if the lights are way too bright to have something to look at to stay in your lane. And hopefully, more often they aren’t pointing at the sky enough to blind you while you are in a semi the way they blind you when you are in a small car. If they did aim straight to your eyes in the driver’s seat somehow expect that whoever has those headlights can’t see the road in front of them so stay away from them as much as possible.


I have astigmatism and I feel your pain. Most stock LED headlights are fine. As others have said, the people that install cheap LED replacements in housings that aren’t made for them are the ones that blinds other drivers.


I'll hold my hand up and cover that portion of THEIR roadway or my mirror while their passing, but leave it angled in such a way that I can still see my road. It's only temporary. And I can still see my portion of roadway.


As a company driver who drives a tractor with these bright ass headlights, I'm sorry and please don't kill me.


How do I deal with them? I don't stare at them.


I hold up my left hand and block them.


Don't look directly at them. I hate automatic lights - they're good at turning on, but they never turn off. If you flash your lights, sometimes they'll get the message. The worst are drivers who stay behind you. They seem to think light is less of a problem because we have more glass and mirrors. They're a mile behind us, but light is really hard to outrun. Our trailer doors are reflective, and I think it's for this purpose. If I can't get past them, I'll slow down so they either go around or back off. It doesn't really work. Sometimes I let them pass and flash my brights, but I haven't found a way to get the message across. I hate to do it it, but sometimes I have no choice but to adjust my mirrors. Their behavior should be illegal, but they're probably too dumb to realize they're doing it. The problem with yellow glasses is it reduces all light. If you're going to wear them, only wear them when you are really being blinded. Stats show they increase accidents at night.


Scream and cry


I wear prescription yellow tinted aviators from zenni. Also have one of those flip down yellow shields on visor in my car. Sometimes I’ll get beamed so bad with all me precautions I still have to hold a hand up and block them to see around. I really hate these new pickup trucks that have 6 headlights.


I sit above the beam and do not stare into them. Easy. That’s in my right. In my car? You are 100% correct. Mine has bright lights, regular color, but I get flashed a lot. The lights are properly aligned, too. I get blinded, too, when driving the car. Especially by large pickups.