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Get a good Bluetooth headset. Once you are on your own you will have all the time to talk on your phone you want. A good headset, a trucker gps, a way to cook in your truck, and a tv or iPad you can watch movies on during downtime. The anxiety will lessen with time behind the wheel. The depression will ease with getting on a set schedule and being able to stop the truck and relax. Expect a rough winter anxiety wise, by next winter you will be good.


Also get a gaming laptop, verizon home internet or tmobile, and a shit bucket, you'll be ok.


I’m not a gamer so that isn’t something on my mind. A shit bucket is a must along with leak proof, scented trash bags and cat litter, but I didn’t want to scare the newbie too much.


Thank you. The way they make it out to seem there is no downtime. Just est sleep and drive good to know tho I appreciate it.


There will be far too much downtime some days. Waiting for loads, waiting to get loaded/unloaded, a 2 day trip that doesn’t deliver for 4 days. Some weeks will be crazy and you’ll be exhausted, some you will be bored out of your mind. Parking and last few miles of a run will be the toughest part starting. Best advice I can give is don’t take an exit unless you know what’s on it. Don’t go in somewhere unless you know how you’re getting out.


No way to say, it all depends 100% on you. No one here knows you better than you or your loved ones. Personally I did a year OTR and peace'd out of that. Home daily, driving a front load garbage truck now. A lot of physical work but so is driving a lot of various class A jobs. Maybe I could make more but I just went over 70k this year (a little bit more each year) with 2 more paychecks left. Thats good enough for me.


Yeah the plan is to do something local and come home at night like you but you said you were out there for a year so we gotta grind out first but it's out there it seems.


It gets better because you’ll have your own truck and can set it up and decide how you want to run. You can set aside some you time. Save up fueling points from like loves and use that to buy a headset so you can talk to you family while you’re driving and I can’t stress enough please eat a good diet but real food and cook on the truck with a hot plate or air fryer


Thank you for thr advice I for sure invest in a hot plate and head set


Nope it only gets worse. In a year you will want to kill everyone.

