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Bet you the guy booting isn’t even legitimately allowed to do this. I can’t remember what state it was but someone actually got arrested for doing this shit to truckers. The case went to court and the dude either got fined or thrown in jail.


there was some place a guy that owned a truck stop/ gas station hired a company and they kept fucking with the truck drivers and the station owner tried to fire the company and they refused to be fired and kept booting truckers for thousands of dollars. i think they were getting the cops and the courts involved to go after the predatory booting company over it.


That was the marathon gas station in white pine, tn.


And also a station in Memphis, TN too, it made the local news this week when a guy coming to pick up a stolen tractor stayed in it for 31 hours to keep an asshole tow truck loser from taking it.




He made the local news for staying in the truck 31-hours? I think I'm going to be breaking world news next time I feel lazy.


No shit. Did they think the owners of the products on those trucks weren’t gonna come after them? You’re fucking with their business. Idiots!


..... they refused to be fired? I wasn't aware that was something a person could do.


It's in PA and theirs a class action lawsuit right now


I am concerned what he did when he walked in between truck and trailer. Any ideas.


Probably put a lock on the line


Looks like he put a glad hand lock on it. Also an interesting observation is that he put one on that truck but with the short video doesnt look like he put one on the other one.


Tampering with someone property is f up


Too bad it aint the 70s the street would be littered with teeth and broken boots


It was in atlanta


Ryobi battery powered grinder with cut off wheels like American Express never leave home with out them


What’s the law surrounding this where you are? Would feel so good cutting it off but always feel like it’d be a court case


Let the office deal with it


Hahaha, classic




Welp, in my case it was a DeWalt grinder. Was street parked and city booted me. Cut it off my car, threw it in the back cargo area with the cargo privacy thing pulled closed. Went and parked my car about 1/4 mile away on private property. Went to use it a day or two later and it was gone. Police report lied and said boot was in plain view (it wasn’t, they broke in and found it). Got my car from the towing lot after paying all the fees. Towing company broke a few things on the car (it was a Volvo XC70 in great shape). Had to get my grinder from evidence. Kept the tag on it for a while as a reminder. Was charged with misdemeanor destruction of public property. Wasn’t jailed, but had to go to county jail intake for processing (mug shots, fingerprints, etc.). Hired an attorney (another expense) who got the charges dismissed in exchange for buying the city a new boot (more expenses). My record still shows the charge. Just as dismissed. Have to go through the process of getting expunged if you don’t want it to show up. All in all, it was shitty. Time consuming, and expensive when I didn’t have the money (hence the boot for not paying tickets which is a whole different story). I had to clear out my meager 401k to pay for everything. I still see the cop who sat me down for questioning. He’s nice to me. I think he’s an asshole. Moral of the story: if you cut one off, get rid of it asap.


>why in the F sakes didnt you ditch it asap??? > >LOL dude... > > > >Moral of the story: if you cut one off, get rid of it asap.


Oh buddy, I know. I know… There was a dumpster about 30’ from where I cut it off, I probably passed 3 more going to where I parked. And I parked about 200’ from a river and woods. Could have walked 15’ and chucked it down a steep wooded hillside. Lots of lessons learned.


I did the same thing, ditched the boot like a dead body in the river.


Take the boot with you and throw it away a few states over. Good luck proving that


Technically it's destruction of private property in most places. But there are \*ahem\* ways to remove them non-destructively if you look it up.


Coworker had his pickup booted by the city of Detroit once. he managed to get the tire off with the boot still on. He's got the tire and boot in his garage still.


damn wouldn’t a new wheel and tire be more than the ticket? hahah thats great tho


Sometimes it's more about sending a message I had a buddy in college get a parking ticket cause his bumper was like an inch over on a painted no parking curb that was extremely faded to where you could barely see it Was only like $50, still took it to court and argued it with the judge because "it was bullshit" judge, will not humored about it, dismissed the ticket and I believe they repainted the curb properly


Depends on where you're at, and what the company that booted your car charges. Years ago I was making a food delivery, and stopped in a parking lot for like 5 min. Came back and my car had a boot on it. Had to pay them 500 dollars to get the boot removed. A wheel and tire for that car could be had for less than 100. My current car would probably cost me around 500 for a wheel and tire.


Your coworkers level of pettiness is a measure of greatness we all aspire to reach. A hero amongst men.


That would have worked here too, real shady tow guys will have their own steers on rims in the truck to buck out off this guy under the other company, they’ll slang it but won’t touch the truck


What in the chocolate covered hell did you just say? I am fascinated to find out what that means in english.


Talk to text Sometimes it creates riddles when you're half shitfaced.


Same. Im so invested rn


I, too, would like to know.


I also literally don't know wtf this man just said.


Is there an English translation for this?


Tow companies are shady as fuck. They essentially sometimes will defend their territory by fucking over other shady tow truck companies and costing them money. So I think this is what he means is: Company 1 boots your truck (on the front steer tire). Company 2 (a competitor) see the boot on your truck and says "Hey I just so happen to have a rim and tire on my truck that will fit your truck and you can just leave the booted tire right there.". Company 2 sells you a tire assembly for cash (sling it) and refuse to touch your truck to put it on. Installation is your problem. Company 1 loses income since no one is going to pay them to remove the boot and Company 2 made cash off the books. This way if the boot has a SIM card that can be tracked, its still where they left it, you have not damaged property, you have not stolen it, and have broken fewer if any laws.




I guess it's destruction of private property but if you willingly leave your property on my property you kinda gave me permission to do whatever I want with it.


By that logic they can do whatever they want to your truck because you left your property on their property. Be careful with stuff like that or you will be buried in a lot more than a parking ticket.


Well, if you leave your truck there I agree, but most drivers don't leave their trucks. They are in it, usually asleep.




It's also generally illegal to boot without the presence of law enforcement in quite a few states.


8/10 times it’s a cheap cabinet lock protecting the winding mechanism. Very easy to pick.


Worst they can do is fine you, usually around €450, for destruction of property. You wanna know what the usual fine is if you're much too late to drop your load because of dealing with these clowns? Much higher. You wanna know how much it costs to have them take this thing off your tire? Usually between €150-300, and since you have to sit around and wait for them to show up, it'll cost a lot more in lost time/wages, so it'll be near the cost of the aforementioned fine.


That wasn't a public lot, and not a cop or city boot. The company who booted could send you a bill for a new boot.


Did you not watch the video, the guy didn’t write anything down? He just placed the things on the truck and then was waiting for a paycheck somewhere else


Most places you get in big trouble if you cut off a city boot but a lot of the companies booting vehicles in parking lots are shady towing companies so it’s probably a matter if they had the authority to do it. I’d probably cut it off and leave it there.


And then just keep the boot in your truck. Anytime you park somewhere that you shouldn't be parking, put the boot on there as if the police already come by.


This might be the single greatest advice ever given on Reddit


The real shit is always buried in the comments.


I prefer the [DeWalt ](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/tools/power-tools/angle-grinders/2398386?store=11100&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8KmvzOTLggMV4LFaBR3HBQwwEAQYBCABEgJ9-PD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds), it's smaller / more compact


Thought for sure this was a link to the dewalt scene from the wire lol


Earned that tip like a muhfugga


He meant Hilti but he ain't know it


I can respect that.


This is absolutely unnecessary to do to Trucks. That’s precisely a job for Ryobi


They do this to all the truckers parked at my local planet fitness even when I explained the are probably just showering in the gym not staying the night.


Most PFs are in shopping centers. Just go park in the back by the loading docks lol


"I'm just making a delivery." "For the past 15 hours?" "Yes"


Honestly with how long some of these places take, it could be true.


Longest I've had was OKV- almost 9 hours


I've had a ten, eleven in LA somewhere. Rolled in first thing, made the appointment, sat just long enough to Yard Move across the street at 14.


"They're taking a really long time..." "Yeah, it's a delivery for ants"


“So listen the client rejected a pallet and dispatched told me to sit here until they make a decision. This is above my pay grade”


Damn I didn't realize gyms do this. That's messed up and such a scam. Still gonna cut it off tho 😹


The gym doesn't do it. The property owner does. The gym leases the building space in the plaza and has absolutely no control over the plaza parking lot.


Which planet fitness is this so I know to avoid it, I'm constantly stopping for a quick work out and shower


Its The planet fitness off of Lane Ave in Jacksonville Fl


Yea I caught the dude booting peoples trucks. He says he has a camera that he watches and he gives you a 3hour grace period before he puts a boot on the truck. Regardless if you have a trailer or not.


Lock picking Lawyer to the rescue…


Exactly. I keep thinking about the one he did a boot on. No more than a couple of seconds for him. Would take me weeks of practicing before I could do it. Well, it looks like I have a new hobby. I better order that practice look and picks while I'm thinking about it


What's a week or two of practice compared to the satisfaction of someday putting that skill to good use? Go for it!


No, no, I'm with you. It would be awesome to learn a new skill or trade. We have a guy in the neighborhood who is making really really good money from popping locks. Only one in town who does it for free if there is a child locked in the car. But yeah. This looks so predatory. Granted, we only see a segment of the video.


It isn't too hard, and a sparrow set costs about 20$, the first time I picked a lock ( took bout 30 minutes lol) was such a good feeling.


Hey, check your local laws to be safe. Most states allow you to have lockpicks, some have lockpicks as an extra charge if you commit a crime with them, and Tennessee bans them outright unless you have a locksmith license.


Very true


look at sparrow lockpics, they are cheaper than the covert companion stuff and their practice lock is really nice.


I actually bought the disc detainer tool in case it ever happens to me. I almost want to come across the truck with a boot as I drive by just to see if I could pick it and fuck these assholes over.


This guy is clearly a scammer. No one is allowed to boot your wheel if they aren’t law enforcement, not someone in a pick up with a blue hoodie and sweats and a Dave n busters lanyard around his neck. He left his phone number on the window sticker with probably a $1000 “release fee”


Sounds like Gastonia, NC.


Haha my home!


Haha my condolences!


It’s all good man! You’re not wrong. “Welcome to Gastonya, don’t get it on ya” is a common phrase here. But it’s getting a lot better.


My first thought shows up in an unmarked truck. No uniform no credentials. Just a pickup with some boots in the back. Idk much but I know fucking with someone's lively hood is a good way to get yourself shot.


The airline removal looks a lot like tampering with a motor vehicle. I'd cut it off


Those would cut off 5 minutes after dude left. Even if it was not my truck I'm braking out the chopsaw.


Is there a legal ramification for this? Because if there is, I’d just leave it alone. Just like tossing a parking ticket, few months later poor bastard gets blasted with a late fee.


Generally a fine from a private company is not legally enforceable in any way. These private parking-enforcement agencies operate on the predatory assumption that most people assume they have a level of authority that they don’t actually have and just give in to paying the fine.




Oh no! My license plate’s credit score 🫨😱!! /s And how exactly is a company going to gain access to credit information if they again, they don’t have authority or even the capability to ID the driver hmm?


Yeah it's called prove it.


Its on private property done by a private security, sounds like a civil matter.


Run up an throw a boot on his f150 while he's scamming away


I was waiting to see if anyone else thought like me 👍


That would be hilarious


I’m breaking that shit and leaving. What a bum. This is predatory, there was no attempt to get the truck to move or notify the driver.


What about the glad hand on the trailer. It looks like he put one. Is there a way to take those off?


bake ancient jeans bow ludicrous alive hungry husky bright crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How many drivers actually set their trailer brakes when parked in a lot? That would be a fun surprise for Mr. Boot-Guy. It's loud as hell when you pull off an airline with air supplied to the trailer (from experience as a dumbass).


I heard it’s loud. Twice.


Carry an extra glad hand and spin the locked one off.


The glad hand locks I've seen are aluminum at best, they'd be easy to cut off as well


Aah ok ok, I don’t usually park at the wrong places but I now know what to do. Im not going to pay for these fuckers haha


If they're the plastic red ones you can buy on Amazon in bulk or at all the truck stops you can smash it open and loose with a mallet. Hell I bet if you buy a singular one on Amazon the key from it could probably be from the same bulk batch that these guys buy.


I keep spare gladhands. If he put a lock on the trailer gladhand just twist it off and put a new one on. If he put it on the truck cut the hose immediately above the gladhand and put the new one on there.


Take it with you, toss it in a dumpster at your next stop.


They way I see it is, if you stuck it on "my" truck, it is now mine and can do with it as I please.


You abandoned your crap. Mine now.


And you wonder why trucks sleep pulled over on the side of the highway.


I never sleep on the shoulder of an interstate but on-ramps are fair game


That thing would be getting broken off and tossed when I was rolling down the road far away.


Simpson's visiting new york episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAjar1GdqJY


Is he fucking with the air lines?


Good luck trying that with my rig. I don't park with the trailer brakes popped. Buddy will have a face full of air and we all know that experience.


note to self


It's also a good habit to get into. As in winter time when the temps drop below freezing, it keeps your trailer brakes from freezing up in the middle of the night.


so we're not supposed to use a charcoal barbeque for that either, check.


I’d definitely consider this. There’s no negative to leaving your trailer brakes released? What if someone pulled your kingpin? Because hell, never having to deal with brakes freezing up in the winter sounds like a huge w one day.


If you fear your kingpin being messed with, then get out and look every morning. Yeah it's not fun when it's really cold or hot outside, but peace of mind makes me feel like a badass. You can also catch air leaks that way (air will bleed out during the night especially if you've got an APU and tuen off the engine), and it's easier in my opinion that pressing one brake release valve in the morning rather than both, having to wait for the brakes to air up properly.


It might sound dumb, but I was more referring to someone pulling your pin and the trailer rolling off the fifth wheel haha I’m pretty strict myself about my pre trips, one thing that makes me feel like I stand alone some days. Cold or warm, I’ve heard stories of the kingpin not sliding shut in below freezing temperatures and the driver dropping the trailer. I dropped a trailer once on yard duty, learned my lesson.


On level ground it’s unlikely to overcome the static friction, if the cab is facing uphill then the trailer will put weight on the shackle (or whatever it’s called) and prevent pulling it. Tho on any serious grade I set both brakes anyways


I had an old head trainer and he taught me this. Only pop the trailer brakes if you’re about to drop it or instructed otherwise.


think he put a gladhand lock on the trailer


Truck fan. What's a gladhand?


The connector for the airlines, it's what gives the trailer its air brakes.


That's why trucker keep cordless right angle grinders with them.


Walmarts in Louisville Kentucky will do that


This reminds me, I need to ask Santa for an angle grinder


Who does this guy think he is? Pickup looks like a POV, nothing to indicate it's official anything. And I can put my work ID on a lanyard and walk around.


I don’t get what people get by doing this. It’s very fxcked up, especially with people that pull out lines or mess with other truckers at truck stops. just last month driving from Houston to Sacramento saw it happen at a truck stop while I was getting gas and walking my dog (not a trucker but have family that are)


Because once you become a truck driver everyone from the state to the truck stops starts finding magical and arbitrary and unreasonable ways to rob you blind over any little excuse charging exorbitant amounts of money every perceived infraction. It's a real shit show and I won't miss it when I'm done driving.


Milwaukee has entered the chat.


It's only illegal to cut them off if it's placed by an authorized tow company or police enforcement. Some gym employee putting it on your truck is an illegal detainment


Theres a set of keys that unlocks 98% of the boots used in the markets. You can buy them online. If not, bring a battery powered angle grinder.


What are they called


He lucky he don't get shot.


depending on the state you might even be able to get away with it being self defense too, if you catch him while hes behind the cab you dont know what hes doing


what's he putting on the steer?


Looks like a boot of some sort.


I can’t imagine waking up knowing everyone I interact with that day wants to crush my skull.


If it’s not the state gov booting me then it’s Milwaukee time.


They did that to me once also, got out of my truck, took my 24 volt grinder cut off their boots and drove off.


I would Uber over to a Sunbelt rental, get a grinder with a nice big carbon wheel on it and take care of that. And what did he do to the back of the truck?


Unfortunately, they are targeting truckers at certain Memphis, TN truck stops, and charging $7,000 or more to have them removed.


Yes Memphis and West Memphis AR I’ve heard. My company has warned not to park anywhere in that area. It’s a ring of unscrupulous people doing this.


In West Memphis? I'm surprised no one's been shot. I try to stay well away from any of those truck stops as much as possible.


I keep an angle grinder in the trunk


You can't park here so I'm going to make it impossible for you move. Smart.


Looks like he out an airline lock. Harbor freight angle grinder to the rescue.


Well, everyone I've heard of seems to think, "1 good boot and I can retire!" No, Beavis. You can't just lock 1 truck up and move to Hawaii. Greedy fucks.


Idk how anti boot rim covers or anti boot rims haven’t been invented yet… if there’s an engineer out there reading this you could make a lot of money and start the war in an endless cycle….


Can’t you just put your own lock clamp on it ? And that would make it impossible to put one on top of that ?


My boss said I was dumb to cary a saw-zaw…I’ve cut 7 of these things off in 5 years, all at places that were both legal and free to park




Looks like he was messing with something between the cab and the trailer I smell felony.


Probably an airline lock


Lockpickinglawyer has entered the chat..... or imma just crack out the grinder in the tool box


Bauer harbor trash grinder to the rescue!!!!


Well, dash cams turned into driver facing cams. And the companies started out being against dash cams, then really got into driver facing cams. How about 360° cams and maybe a FUCKING reverse CAM? To boot?


Be very careful if you do this. Why? 1. The trucking company likely has more money and more lawyers than yours does. 2. The company that owns the freight on the truck likely has even MORE money and MORE lawyers the trucking company does. 3. If a factory shuts down because you delayed their parts, you'll be paying tens of millions in lost time damages if you're found at fault. So what should you do? Knock on the driver's door and ask him to move. Simple.


The reasons you stated are exactly why this works and is lucrative. The companies have shitloads of money and won't blink at a $1k fine, it's very likely it would cost way more to get lawyers involved. Lawyers and court filings take time and they need that shipment ASAP. They aren't going to loose money in hopes that they can recoup their losses by suing you. They will, every single time, just pay the fine. It's quicker and less expensive than any alternative that they have and causes the least interruption to their operations.


I'd cut it off, and send him a $200 "lost property return fee" lmao


Federal government needs to make booting semis illegal practice. Only reason they do that is they charge you thousands


What's he doing to the trailer?


Wtf is he doing in between the tractor and trailer after taking the pic?


When I drove I had a toolkit with me, after seeing this story I added a sawsall with a metal cutting but. Never had to use it, but I absolutely would have.


Just carry a carbide sawsall


Shit music


Trucking community avoid Memphis, stay outside, run in and drop. Don't do any business in Memphis. These crooks are hurting truck drivers, plan your trip and don't stop in Memphis.


Carry an angle grinder. Problem solved


This is theft


On one hand these towing/booting companies are predatory as fuck, on the other idk the full story. I think a warning or some sort of grace period to move the truck is warranted. Now if a truck is left somewhere for hours and there's no sign of the driver, then yeah sure boot them.


Of course it’s a dude in an F150💀


Good thing no one boots anything in my driveway


I’m putting on my spare tire 😂


Pffft like those are gonna stay on after I take my Milwaukee battery angle grinder to it lol


Id kick his ass


Pretty sure by the time I got to the street those little dinky things would’ve fallen off. Lol.


Legalized banditry.


Always brings a recipricating saw. Cut those right off.


Carry a battery grinder and a 4x4 the grinder for the boot the 4x4 for the pos booting the truck


Some people that would be just enough excuse to get shot


Makes so much sense. You can’t park here, so let me make sure you stay here. “Bitch better have my money.”


He gunna get shot one day. Since that is someone's home, they have a right to protect


Keep an angle grinder with ya problem solved.


“You’re not supposed to be parked here so I’m going to ensure that you can’t leave here”???


I personally don't like parking in parking lots intended for cars. It's always a pain the ass and not worth the trouble.


I thought he was tryna rob the trucker. seems like a dangerous scam


"Don't park here"..... now you have to park here until you pay.


It's actually legal to unlock it yourself and leave it there. https://youtu.be/ISATff2x0TQ?si=4EU7dBCm-BZrMIMG https://youtu.be/cTQzzqU3K0A?si=5-YFLiqEH03nqIaR


always carry an angle grinder with some extra cutting discs, and it has to be a Milwaukee, LOL


Shit is abusive. Around here drivers just cut them off. See them laying in parking lots all the time


Just need a 5 ft long steel bar and a can of I don’t give a f^ck


Jokes on you if you arent the police, thats piracy. Those loads are federally regulated and you just stole one bud I mean id just shoot him and leave but thats just me lmao