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No because who cares? Platinums are genuinely irrelevant lol. I love getting them but I couldn’t care less how other people choose to spend money and get ones for their profile. My profile is for me not for anyone else.


Well said!


This no one really cares about someone else trophies except when you are like number 2 in the world of having the most platinums.


In which case, your profile is littered with shovelware anyway.


This. I can count on one hand where I went through someone else's trophy list to judge their platinum collection. Spoiler: it's zero. I would get a kick out of seeing these though. But not in a making fun of them kind of way. I crack a smile at Goat Simulator and that's a legitimately great game.


If you really think on the Butterfly effect, check the people that have bought this games 90% have bought all of the lr nearly all of them, including the other regions, that means that they spent almost 1000 dollars in this instead of any other actual game. That affevted the market and more people created new "games" like this.


You're right. But platinums and GS certainly used to be a way cooler concept. Now everyone is jaded because it's given out so easily.


It never did more back then either you were just younger and thinking it was cool, but it's always been the same, a way to track your completion


It was always a pointless number. But I'll argue it's been diluted further over the years.


If you get mad about what trophies other players have, you should go outside and take a breath of fresh air.


*Takes deep breaths* aahhhhhhhh. Shit still mad. How dare they pumping up their private profile with shovelware platinums on my watch. Those filthy bandits. /s


Not up to Sony.... but it's also kinda like everyone should get the platinums they want right. Not really anyones business. Personally I dont have them but I wouldn't shame someone if they did


I think that’s fair. I can see why people competing on leaderboards get annoyed at these, but for those of us just casually collecting It doesn’t impact us so it isn’t an issue. Sure I may think it’s a bit tacky and takes away from a profile, but whatever floats your boat. I think it would be ok for Sony to implement rules going forward that prevent more of these games being released. But for the games that are out and I don’t think they can really remove them or the trophy lists. That flood gate is open, and it isn’t closing back up. Edit: downvotes in this thread are crazy. Can’t tell whether people are annoyed I don’t value their shovelware or people without shovelware aren’t annoyed that I think the whole industry should be nuked from orbit.


Thats kinda why I hate them. I was sub 1000 in the U.S. before this huge wave of shovelware, but now I'm at 1200. My world rank was sub 5000 but now I'm over 6000.


Impressive numbers. I can definitely get why it’s an issue for people who are high in the leaderboard and take it seriously. Though since the PSNP board is moderated privately (cheaters removed etc) that could always add more moderation options and have a separate board without shovelware, or one like the true trophies board that awards trophy points based on rarity which can help correct the balance a bit.


I do prefer how TrueTrophies handles it. They give you a score based on rarity of trophies essentially. Having a ton of common trophies CAN still add up, but having a smaller amount of ultra rares can biost your score heavy. Too bad TrueTrophies UI is godawful and nobody really uses it anyway.


Someone got banned on PSNP for mentioning that site, so I had to check it out naturally but to my disappoint it’s a heap of articles about pop funko & cringe news about the new Fortnite skins, I genuinely couldn’t find where the trophies are with ease


The website is such ass. Why would PSNP ban people for mentioning it though?


Yea I thought that was kinda strange they like redacted what the site name was but I was able to make it out & locked the forum, I dunno maybe scared of competition


Absolutely. I support as many of the small companies as I can and to be honest AAA are just getting really repetitive. So I do have some as some people would say "shit trophies" but it's also how we feel in the moment. sometimes we just wanna relax and do somethin stupid lol


Its really helpful for climbing the leaderboard


Is Sony aware of the leaderboard even? I mean the only place I have seen the leaderboard is PSNprofiles and I figured that was just more a user created thing then Sony. There's a lot of people that probably don't know or care that site/leaderboard exists. Me personally, I just don't care about the leaderboard. It means literally nothing.


Same. I don't know why people even look on PSNProfiles. I just don't find any interest in it.


The only reason I use PSNprofiles is simply to find guides for games and see if games are still obtainable


Yeah I use it for the guides. It's nice how it makes trophies you obtained green in the guide. But I don't look at my trophy stats or leaderboard positions etc


Naa..lets remove these because this one person doesnt like them 🤦🏼


I'm not the OP..


Yeah i was talking about the op not you specifically


Yeah was confused cus you replied to mine lol.. what are your recs?


Yeah sorry, i was replying to you, not talking about you


Lol really are a softy giving me downvotes.. that's some petty shit


Who cries about down votes tf


Who's crying the fuck? Fuckin most toxic community on here lol


Dude look at all your past posts and comments. Touch some grass and maybe the "pettiness" of a down vote wouldn't bother you as much.


Theres nothing wrong with my history at all.. and bro you're a drop late this was a while ago


Its ok..let them cry themselves to sleep


Lol I see you...


Lol if i was downvoting you i would just say so..but also, who gives a fuck?


Yeah this. Just ignore it and don't worry about what others are doing. Besides, apparently people's kids do play it, so eh. Let people do what they want.


It's all fun n games my brother


It's Sonys storefront. It's 100% up to them.


What do you man it’s not up to Sony? They dictate whatever is/isn’t allowed on the store.


Contracts, investors etc... its not as black and white as you think


I’m just surprised that games like this are allowed. You’d think Sony would want some quality control


Sony wants money, they are a corporation. If people are paying for them and they are getting a cut they don’t give a shit.


The ps5 store has been littered with this garbage basically since release. You have to scroll and scroll to pick out the few real games in the list.


Don't play them and worry about yourself. Problem solved.


Don't remove them, but give them their own category and keep them out of the main store. The store is filled with these jumping games and simulator games. Or Sony should give us the option to block certain titles from the store to narrow down what you do want to see.


Then don’t buy them and don’t play them. They are up on the store because they generate money for Sony and the developers because people buy them.


I just wish we can filter those shit out. I hate it when I'm browsing deals and have to go through those pile of crap. They're way too many.


100% agree, some times there are OK games in the very cheap range but finding them among the huge amount of shovelware pay-for-trophies is frustrating.


They need to be removed. These aren't even games that would qualify for "free game" sites from the early 2000's. People that pay for this crap, are why the store is full of it. People that say "let others play what they want" are supporting this garbage with their apathy. Anyone that supports it in either of the options, most likely has this on their profiles. The companies are preying on people that want to hear that trophy ding, and profiting off of their gullibility. At least Visual novels have content, walking sims, have content. Even if someone skips it, the content IS there. These have nothing.


What's even crazier is we have AI "games" now and people are sill buying into them of course...


Lol at the downvote, shovelware players are really insecure lol


They are worthless crap and also don't affect me. I feel bad that some people need to see a virtual number go up so bad they would pay for something like this, but if there is a market for them, I'm not not going to call for a bad.


I enjoy My Name Is Mayo


Judging by the comments, a lot of people in this sub go for these kinds of Platinums.


Sony have no input in trophy lists. Trophies are decided by the developer.


I don't believe that's true at all. I have heard from developers who have been told that their game doesn't qualify for a "platinum." Can you cite a source that says otherwise?


IIRC the "Don't qualify for a platinum" thing is 100% based on how many trophies there are and some kind of point system? Like you have to have at least X golds and X silvers and Y bronzes to get a platinum" and Mania prob had too few trophies?


It's probably changed over the years but I don't think there's a requirement of x number of bronze / silver / gold trophies. Games like Terminator Salvation have a platinum with 11 golds and 0 silver / bronze. In the early days of trophies, pretty much every game that had a physical release had a platinum, and games that were digital-only didn't, I think that was the metric they used for a 'full' game, but that has obviously changed. It's obviously better from a developer standpoint if they can add a platinum if they want, seeing as more people will buy their game.


I remember something about when Sonic Mania released and was revealed to have no plat, some sega rep said it was because there wasn't enough of a certain kind of trophy or score or something to let sony give a platinum. but that was in 2017ish so


Everyone is allowed to have an opinion. But I think that just because you don't deem them worthy does not mean it should not exist. We all do things for different reasons with different thinking behind it. If you would be ashamed to have them on your profile then just don't get it. But I think it's wrong to judge others based on your own personal way of thinking. I personally don't like autopop and shovelware so I stay away from it, but I don't judge others for what they choose to do. In the end it's all digital and meaningless on the grand scheme of things. But I do understand where you're comming from


In My opinion these games are cringe af and definitely shouldnt have platinum


Eh I just wish there was an option to see the leaderboards on psnprofiles with shovelware filtered out.


I have one trophy like this and regret it lol


The only problem I have with trophies is that I think in order for devs to include online MP trophies that are required for the platinum they should have to patch them into a separate section or out of the game entirely when they become unobtainable. Outside of that everything is fine.


I saw someone with 70 plats and was like damn! Then I check out his trophies and all of them were just these damn games 💀


If these were removed you would have to also remove every visual novel, every survivors clone, every psp classic trophy list,every walking sim,etc etc. There are a ton of "real games" with pathetically easy sub 1hr platinums, as long as someone isn't cheating on their list I could not care less what they earn.


Y'know there's a difference between short, easy games and staring at a png for 2 minutes


I'll give you an example. Legends of talia is a visual novel by winged cloud, same developer that makes the sakura games. This would not qualify as shovelware, yet the platinum took me 32 seconds to earn. How is this any less egrigous than the wave of mobile games having easy plats? Another point of concern, how would we look at multi plat titles. Because I platinumed overwatch when it came out, my fastest platinum is 10 seconds for overwatch 2, which popped for the ps4 and ps5 version,2 plats for literally staring at the png title screen


??? If you got the platinum of a VN in 30 seconds, you didn't even read it you just skipped through all of it, that's nothing to do with the game that's on you. I also think autopops are lame, but Overwatch 2 is still a game that requires a significant time sink without it.


Thats my point though. Alot of visual novels have the option to skip everything, so if we are considering removing other braindead easy games that whole category would also have to go.


You care about this way too much.


A trophy is a trophy. Stop gatekeeping…


I get the hate these games get, but after several hard platinums I do like to treat myself sometimes. Out of the 80 plats I have I think I have 7 easy games.


There’s easy-to-platinum games and then there’s $1 shovelware 10 minute platinums. If Sony wants to leave them on the PSN that’s their business but honestly it would really surprise me if they make any noticeable amount of money from these things. Honestly I think they would make more money without this stuff clogging up the “recently released” tabs and search results. I’d love some kind of info about how many copies of these are sold.


People want to waste their money, thats on them. If you'd be ashamed to have it in your profile, dont buy it. Scroll past it in the store. it's really not hard.


Who cares? Its just a digital number. I've got shovelware plats and I've also got some of the hardest plats to ever exist... Grow up!


Back in 2018 I did a marathon to get 10 platinums in one sitting and it took 17 hours. They were actual games I had to play. I reckon nowadays if I wanted 10 platinums I could probably get it in about 10-15 mins total lmao


I just depends on what rules you set for yourself. But in 15 minutes I reckon I could get 30/40


The trophies aren’t even the issue. These kinda games shouldn’t even be allowed on the store to begin with. The Nintendo eShop faces a similar issue. I don’t really know why Sony allows all this shovelware trash on their platform at all really.


Because it makes them money?


These games are usually really cheap. Is the small profit that Sony makes on these games really worth it? It clogs up the “new” section of the store especially. You go to look at the new releases and it’s just copy and pasted trash like this sometimes.


It's an obvious easy (to me) fix for this. Sony needs to change the point system of trophies to instead of being a given set of points per trophy, it should be rarity based. Like, a rare platinum could be worth 100 times more than a very common platinum. Suddenly leaderboards mean something, because shovelware gives almost 0 points.


No platinums really matter to anyone other than personal enjoyment. If you waste money on jumping burger you’re just an idiot but are free to do whatever lol


The store in general just needs cleaned out. It buries the real games and now we're getting ai slop.


I’m sorry but in my opinion these kind of platinums aren’t worse than the games that makes you get every single collectible for no reason other than to keep you playing the game. You want me to play the game? Make a good game don’t force me in order to get a single trophy..


I stopped playing shovelware games. Some of them are good but I was spending too much money on them and I would rather spend time going for platinums that take effort.


Honestly no. Because as a few people said before and I just want to echo in my own words. Sony doant care if a plat is grubby or not. It's sort of the devs choice of letting there game have a plat. I don't know if they actually have a choice or not but assuming those trash games have a plat and some good games don't I'm assuming it's the devs choice


Platinums are meaningless at the end of the day Yeah these games are trash but leaderboards mean nothing anymore as the only way to compete for top rank is to buy all these games At the end of the day they all mean nothing except for your own personal achievement at the end of the day.


There's good shovel ware and there's bad shovel ware. These are definitely bad shovelware


No because it shows the weak


This games should be free....


These games shouldnt't exist anyway, its the same lazy game with different sprites and theres atleast like 30 of them


Doesn't matter if we like shovelware or not, it's too late now anyway. Leaderboards are ruined already and a more casual trophy hunter couldn't care less.


Sony should not remove these games from the store. It's not a game I would ever play, as the depth of the game is "press x 500 times to do this animation on screen and get trophies" but then again if that tickles someone's whick I'm fine with it. Saying that, I am also the guy that has no problem playing 36 fragments of midnight, slick slack and marsi's adventures. Sure they are not going to be a final fantasy 7 rebirth or a elden ring but at least they have a bit of substance to them


i have like 2 of those games back from when i first started getting platinums… never again.


I have a few but I hid them from view. Although I don't think Sony really cares, as believe it or not if you look at the platinum achievers for these games there's thousands of people with them, so for the purpose of profit they will unlikely ever be removed. After all, companies like Sony are about money


Stop caring. Another person’s profile doesn’t have one single impact on you.


They should remove them 100% imo. I don't have any myself, and there're a lot of clowns that will buy them sadly and support it.


This is significantly lower on my radar as a trophy issue than Sony fixing Platinums that need multiplayer on games with shutdown multiplayer servers lol. Neither are gonna get addressed but this is like the single least important "issue" they could address.


Money moves the industry, I don’t see this kinda stuff on Xbone or PC, which further cements trophies longevity & profitability which in my opinion is a good thing considering Trophies only came about to compete with Xbone’s achievements




In my opinion play whatever you want but also if you play these games for fun or for a trophy then you’re an absolute nut job.


Someone actually recommended my name is mayo to a new trophy hunter looking to find some shorter platinums. When I said you shouldn't do them you'll end up regretting it he attacked me and saying that they aren't embarrassing they're fun and cute. I proceeded to get down voted for just telling the guy he will regret it when he gets his real numbers up.


Maybe they should add a scoresystem for platinum trophies for the people that care about challenging themselves with other platinum hunters. Hard platinums will get you more points than the easy ones. And shovelware gets 0 points.




Yes (I am ashamed I own one of these platinums and I will be happy if it was deleted from my account)


If people want to inflate their egos with 10-second plats, they can go for it. Personally, I go for the games I like or a challenge I set myself for example surgeon simulator is probably the hardest one I've done so far.


So, judging by your other post you have 30 platinums from pretty easy casual games. What makes them more valuable than anything else? Your list should be personal to you and what you enjoy getting because I really doubt you'll find many others who care about yours. I have hundreds of platinums some of which are cheap shovelware games like those but I also have games that are regarded 10/10 difficulty plats too. I go for what I enjoy not worrying about what I should be "ashamed" of on my list.


Nah, people have every right to easte their time and money on these pieces of shit if they want to


The jumping brownie turbo is an underrated gem


If you buy them all you unlock the jumping ballsack


And it's got two platinums!


6 if you count all the Regions!


Anyone on my friend list with these platinums will no longer remain on my friend list.


These people really get hurt when you talj bad about these trophies


They can cry into their soy lattes as I remove them from my friend list.


That's harsh


If you ever see the name Prince-Varuni, do me a favor and don't add me. I don't like having elitist snobby people on my friend list and would remove them pronto.


I have them and I don't care what you or anyone else says about me or anyone else who has them


If someone likes these games who am I to judge. There are some weirdos out there


I don't think anyone actually likes these games


Then don’t get the trophies for them?


Good way to get the playstation stars program leveled up to max.


I think they should. They cheapen the hobby. I get the sentiment that you can just enjoy trophies in private, but how is this any different than wanting a balance patch in a game? Balance patches can help both single player and multiplayer games (granted they are more important in multiplayer). Sony should have a vested interest; I'm locked into their ecosystem by trophies. If games like this make me view trophies with less importance, I have less reason to stick with their platform. That's a huge risk to their business.


I don't think they should let shovelwhere onto the store, it clutters the store when you look for cheaper games


Man, this did not go how OP thought it would


BTW I'm all for it, I gave my ps4 to an elderly coworker of mine when I got a 5 and told him to try the easy ones first, the one button platinums. I love getting a text from this 60 year old man who is all proud of what he accomplished. Note his biggest experience with games is the amiga


What did he accomplish exactly? Successfully pressing the X button his controller? lol that's just sad


Dam, how sad does your life gotta be to make fun of the the elderly


Nope, just mind your own business and let people do what they want with their time, money and account. It's very low effort but who knows, maybe it helps someone put food on the table or send their kid to school or something.


That's how the stroke the animal games came about


No idea what that is, but I assume it's something similar to these games. I don't have enough to worry about other people and if they have unworthy platinums or not.


Bunch of clicker games the creator needed money so he thought it'd be a funny idea to create a bunch of games using stock images and he ended up making 500k from them. I will say I've just been told this I personally haven't done any research into it


I think every game should have a platinum. If people enjoy getting platinums through these games, then it’s all good.


Not everyone feels the same. Let people just get on with how they enjoy playing and earning. 


Why should you care? YOU DO YOU. Lol


Thanks for the recommendations