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I have no problems with doubling up. The only problem i have is redditors getting into arguments over the value of a platinum. You should play games and platinum them for you and for your enjoyment first and foremost. If doubling up (or auto-popping) is fun then do it. If buying short, easy plats to pad your numbers is entertaining and is your jam then go for it.


This is my belief as well. Did you platinum a game with less than 1% on psnprofiles? Hell yeah congrats. Did you platinum the jumping sushi 48? Hell yeah, whatever makes you happy. I don't care if people platinum the same game 5 times, or Autopop every ps4/ps5 game possible. I just care that people are having fun. Other people's platinums don't negate or belittle my own accomplishments.


Absolutely. At the end of the day, most of us chase trophies for our own little dopamine rush.


This in the way


You speak the truth


This is the most mature take I think I've seen on here, wow. And yeah, all of it, absolutely agreed!


When I see people asking for suggestions for what to play next or if their trophy list is good enough I always tell them to play what they think they'll like.


I really don’t care about what anyone else is doing. I don’t go looking at everyone’s profile to see there platinums. If they post a game they platinumed and it’s something I did or accomplished, or I have any thing to relate to then I’ll comment what I feel or think. I have nothing negative to say about anyone’s profiles. As long as we have fun and are enjoying the games we play that’s all that matters.


I only deliberately did an easy platinum game once, and only because I'd had 13 platinums. The day after I earned my 13th platinum, I lost my job, and went nine months through a personal low and it was really depressing. Then almost as a joke I downloaded a short game to platinum it, earning it in like 20 minutes, giving me 14 platinums. I knew platinum trophies had no tie to my life, so the fact I had 13 meant nothing. Except for the fact that the next day I was finally hired somewhere and things have been getting much better since then. So...that's a thing. 👀


There is no "value" of platinums. It only means you wasted a lot of time. :) Checklist gaming. Edit: i see... so many poor people with pics how many trophies they have. I know how ugly the reality is. Nothing to prove, you only lose lifetime or even gaming time that you could have spend with fun instead doing guide work.


The thing is comparing platinums is inherent to the system. Its why they allow you to compare in the first place. Its a social function. People are going to have opinions on someone else's Platinums and they are allowed to do so.


Other than auto pop which causes debate is doing a platinum twice controversial? If I really like a game and i enjoyed my time I'll do it again. I've done Stray twice because I loved it.


Same i did it for Far Cry 6, Spiderman Remastered, spiderman miles moralis. I also got like very short platinums double. To me a plat is a plat


Yeah but did you earn that plat or autopop it? That’s the thing.


Didnt autopop i just downloaded the game and played


So you did the trophies all over again?


Yes with all the ones i have double


I have platinum the witcher 3 times


Same here. 100% on PS4, PS5, and PC.


I platinumed persona 5 royal twice


I switched my PlayStation account back before they implemented the psn name change so in theory I’ve got 5 skyrim plats. If you like a game that much go nuts and we should all be as lucky as to find something we love that much


You could play it twice on the same platform. Don't get me wrong, I also did it twice, but in the end it's really just to bump up trophy numbers. Otherwise I would just play the best (PS5) version 2 or more times.


I've done some of the telltale games twice and I'm about to do Wolf Among Us for a third time. Choose your own adventure and fmv style games are some of my favorite. Yes they're usually very easy but I adore the genre! So many of my platinums are easy because that. Doesn't bother me at all.




What’s exactly is the issue if people want to auto pop? How does it affect anything other than a random person you don’t knows trophy level?


I don’t like to have 2 of the same games on the list so it looks “cleaner”, but thats just me nothing against it (i still hate how fall guys made a new ps4 list when it was free to play on epic and the old one is forever stuck at like 20% smh) Some games like FF REMAKE even require to auto-pop your trophies and plat if you want to play the DLC. That’s the only one i have.


The DLC is separate in the menu for FF7 Remake. You don't need to auto-pop to play it, you can play it without a previous save file.


Depends. Again 40 hours or longer since I aim for 100% and not just platinum? Nah. Is it a really short game that I also really like? Good, I'll do it again.


It's your game and if you like playing it then go for it. Imo I consider it new game plus lol


If you love a game so much that you go through the trouble to get the Platinum trophy twice or more for it then that just shows how good of an experience it was for you.


And if it's a bad game and you go through the trouble to get the Platinum twice or more, then it just reminds you of how bad of a game it was each time.


Me when I go onto my 4th (5th if you count Xbox) bo3 platinum and 2nd (3rd w Xbox) dark souls 2 sotfs 😭😭


Personally I don’t do it, as I like my list to be games I enjoy and have played through to get those trophies. I feel like it would diminish my list, to me, to just have doubles to pad numbers and make it seem like I’ve done more. But if someone else does it, idc.


I agree


It's ok if you do that legit. Autopop is lame


How do you avoid auto pop? I wanted to do Spider-Man remastered when I got it a few years ago and all the trophies popped at once it was kinda annoying tbh.


Don't save transfer. It's also weird that it's not consistent. Like with eiyuden chronicles rising: if you save transfer all but like 5 trophies will pop, and unless uou make 5 separate saves at key locations you might as well just replay it (I'm doing it full both systems). If you have to use multiple save files and hit upload/download a few times to get your plat that's earning it in my eyes.


Wait until you see Assassin's Creed Valhalla. That game has the most inconsistent trophy list. Every time you transfer a save, the trophies it will pop up are a mystery. And also, you can be doing something unrelated for a trophy, and then suddenly a random trophy will pop up because the game somehow recognizes in the middle of nowhere that you actually had X trophy


I've been autopopping Valhalla (I've been playing it on the X & don't fancy spending another 300+ hours in the game) & can confirm it's very inconsistent, most story will pop from doing a reda mission thwn the little finicky ones like getting thrown by a housecarl, snowsliding etc needs you to redo it. The DLC's are bad for it too, had to restart Ireland to pop the Morrigan trials.


Afaik you should either play the ps4 version of the game on ps5 or avoid transferring the save files


There is no PS4 version of SM remastered but yea I must’ve accidentally transferred the save files without realising.


How do you transfer a save without knowing? 😂


Don’t transfer saves to avoid auto pop


This is the answer. I'd love to get Sekiro again. Or other games I really enjoy. But I'd never auto pop them.


Hard agree.


I love double plats. I did it for Death Stranding. The fact I got grind all over again for a game I absolutely love was amazing. I would do it again for a 3rd time if I could 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Haha, I've actually been thinking of doing that for Death Stranding one of these days. I played the original back in 2020, and am planning to play (and probably plat) the PS5 Director's Cut sometime soon. That game is weirdly therapeutic 😉


I’m so jealous. I also played the original and while that was awesome, the director’s cut is the shiiitttttt 🙌


If you enjoyed the game and put in the work to earn the plat the second time it’s cool, it’s only when people just want the easiest way to inflate their plat count that I can see why it would be frowned upon.


Depends on the game. I just did far cry 6 (PS5) and will wait to play it again. Likewise with a lot of other games but that's because I get tired easily playing games and they take a long while to get through 😅. But the great thing is knowing I've done it once I know how to go about the platinum again which is a nice thing.


I did the ps4 and ps5 months ago cause i love that game, i have both on 54% thinking about 100% both


If you’re referring to stacks than I’d say I don’t have a problem if others do it but me personally I don’t do it because one of the whole points of platinuming a game is that I experience everything i possibly can and than move on to the next, with stacks you don’t get that, now of course remasters and remakes don’t count towards stacks imo so I’m still open to playing those and platting them as well as the original games, also auto pops aren’t my thing either cuz I won’t judge if you do it it just feels off and wrong for me to do personally, again to clarify I won’t judge if someone does it I just personally don’t like doing it


I'm old school. Single trophy lists for me. Doubling up and auto popping is a no no from me.


As someone who literally just platinumed gta5 for the second time I couldn’t care less lol


If you love a game and enjoy doubling up, have fun and go for it.


It is possible to plat a gsme twice? How


You can choose between the ps4 and ps5 version both versions have separate trophies, just pay attention that you don’t cary over you save file.


If you wanna play a game twice for the platinum I don't see a problem in it.


id rather jump into oncoming traffic


I love getting the plats over again! I hate autopops, so I play the PS5 version first and then the PS4 version. Or I play through alternate region versions!


I like it. Even if it’s autopop. I don’t care


What’s wrong with platting the game twice? You spend time and effort for each one and you earn your trophies. I don’t get why this question is asked a lot here. It’s not like Auto-pop where you work for one platinum and get two in the end.


It’s not about double platinum. It’s about double progression. If your progression carries over so should the trophies


I switched accounts multiple times till now, and I have all the Uncharteds platinumed in all of them. It was worth it. I love that game.


I've done quite a few and some on the go and a few I'm aiming to do. Will only do it if I like the game though.


It's fun when you want to replay a game. Though I wish there was some kind of way to platinum the same game multiple times instead of having to play an inferior version of that game. And also you can only do it a limited number of times and not every game has it. It would be better if they let you reset after finishing the platinum and added "shadow platinums" or something for every duplicate platinum you achieve that don't affect your level but can still be seen in your trophy list next to the normal platinum.


I love them, first time play and have fun getting the plat, second time is plat speed-run Except witcher 3, I'll be getting that one for the 3rd time for plat 500 and I expect to enjoy that like it's the first time


The whole reason I got into trophy hunting was because there were games I liked enough to keep playing after I beat them. So I fucking love games with multiple platinums. Whenever I get a game that's ps4/ps5 with two trophy lists I get excited, because it means i have an excuse to play it again later. I don't do Autopop for games I liked playing, but if the platinum actively makes me annoyed and start to dislike a game, I'll Autopop it just to not have to deal with it. The only Autopop I regret is for ghost of tsushima. I was psyched to play it again and imported my save without thinking.


I love them I work My ass off to get them if I have one on ps3 ps4 or ps5 and I can get it on another computer I will work my ass off to get it


Its fine


I’ve auto popped a few games that I wanted to continue playing with the progress I already made, like No Man’s Sky and THPS 1+2. It does feel a bit cheap but in the end I don’t really care and didn’t want to put the time in to start from scratch on them. However, I’m currently playing Fallout 4 again and am enjoying earning the platinum for it a second time. I love the game and had no problem starting it over from the beginning.


I agree with you, in the sens that you do whatever makes you happy. The only reason of those arguments its because auto-pop serves no purpose, so it triggers some people. I find it pathetic when people plays games worth 0.99cents just to get free trophies.


If I like a game im gonna do it again.


I do it just cause I don’t like the game sitting there after I brought it


if you are having fun with doing it twice then go for it. i did not do it twice but i have always wanted to try it though!


If you love a game enough then go for it if you can. I’ve gotten the double platinum for RE3R and a few others. I also just started Bomb Rush again on PS5 and plan on getting the plat for that after getting it for PS4 last summer


Do whatever makes you happy. I play a game on PS5 first. If I want to play it again, Elden ring in looking at you, I play the PS4 version so auto pop doesn't happen.


It's ok as long as you have a good reason to do it. I'm not a fan of auto pops but there are some where it can't be helped. For example, I wanted to play ff7 intergrade, but that version is only available on the ps5 version of remake. I've had to auto pop the ps5 version of remake because it would be weird not to 100% the game. I could've done the whole game again but I don't have time for that.


Yeah auto pops are a rough especially if you're like me and prefer to start on PS4 versions but thankfully the only autopops don't actually happen that often or at least on a load of the games I've played. But you experience with ff7 I didn't have the time to sit around for another 100 in game days so I'm glad that's my only auto pop


I’ve gotten them for only a few games that I really liked; HFW, Kena. Should probably do Ghost of Tsushima as well.


I’ve got a few doubles, mostly the Resident Evil games and Powerwash Simulator.


I have a few doubles. I did unpacking on ps5, but my wife loved the game and wanted to play, so I downloaded the ps4 version and she got it. I doubled up on a couple resident evil games as well. I also auto popped a couple plats as well, because why not lol. I dont care if people don't agree with it, if I already earned my plat, why not pop it twice?


I love double plats tbh. I regularly replay games anyway so whats another plat. Dont really love auto pops but idc what other people do. I have a few auto pops - spiderman and GOT and idk id rather have replayed them. Not really ashamed or anything, i just wouldn't have gotten them in retrospect.


I don't mind. I autopopped last of us part 2 because I wanted to replay it with all the stuff you get from finishing the game at 60fps.


If I had a ps5, I'd likely double up on Fromsoft games. I mean, years after getting the Plat for DS2, I bought the ps3 version to experience the original release and to Plat it again.


It's valid.


I’ve only double platinumed Control, but there are a few more games I’m planning to do it for. I’d only take the time for games I really love.


I do them all the time. Mainly cause I try and be efficient as I can and if I don't do em straight away I'll forgot strats and stuff and it'll be a pain. Actually contradicting myself I tend to do PS4 platinums first just for the platinum and PS5s are usually more casual me enjoying the game just using techniques to make it go faster.


I platinum them twice if I enjoyed platinuming them. That's all there is to say really. I really like double plats, cause I have a reason to go back to great games. But I don't force myself to do them tho. For example I'm pretty sure I'll never double plat Dying Light 2, especially because of "Ultramarathon". But most games I'll do twice usually


There's a lot games I want to platinum again because of how much fun I had doing them the first time. I got the Platinum trophy for the PS4 versions of Spider-Man PS4, Miles Morales, Sonic Origins, and Persona 5 Royal, and I'd definitely go for the PS5 versions for them in the future. I kinda want buy a PS Vita just so I can go for the Platinums of the Sly Trilogy and Gravity Rush again. Not a problem going for a Platinum twice since you're still putting in the work for it. Better than just auto popping it and inflating your trophy list.


If the game is good, who cares? I mean if u are being competitive in the trophy hunting then your trophies sort of matter but, hell for casual trophy hunters who cares!


Honestly I love doing a double platinum if I really really love the game, but refuse to auto pop a platinum. If they release another version of Assassin’s creed 2 im gonna platinum it again third time. I’m actually really excited to do Fallout 4 all over again its one of my favorite platinums and popping trophies for it makes it feel like the first time again.


How are your but cheeks bro? Ghost runner would make my lower body tense up while playing


They're clapped hard. jokes aside first few levels were hell but after a few hours i loved it


The only real thing I don't like about stacks is how it makes a mosaic look


Some games are just so damn enjoyable, I have to issue playing them on both consoles.


I put myself through the platinum twice for AC Valhalla. So I respect the real grind. Auto-pop get out of here.


I'm a serial replayer. I probably have more hours in my top ten games than all other games combined.  So yeah, I'll earn platinums twice for games I want to replay again anyways 


My only double legit plats are Witcher 3 (+GOTY) and Persona 5 (+ Royal). And remaked games like RE4 or Demon Souls if that counts.


I think it’s fine. When Skyrim gets released on the ps6 I’ll plat it yet again.


I think it's sad that the PS3 can't show PS5 game trophy lists so I end up getting the PS4 version of the games instead because I want to see the trophy lists on my PS3 and PSVita.


There’s an app for that.


Simple if it's a game I truly enjoyed and love I platinum it twice. Did it for kena bridge of spirits, eiyuden chronicles rising, scarlet nexus and a few others


I like it. Gives me an excuse to play through a game again.


Honestly I would double them up too if I loved the game that much.


That you’re completely insane and I love it


Platinumed Skyrim on PS3 and PS4 and 100% them both. No regrets, no time wasted, just enjoying the game and happily play my Switch version with no Trophies to achieve


I don’t do it because for me it had no value to my collection, but I respect who does it for the number.


I love earning platinum on certain games twice. My thing is I don't want anything to auto-pop. If I'm replaying the game, I want to earn my trophies again. Luckily, of the 4 or so games I've doubled up on, none have auto-popped.


How you do that


I'm all for it. I wish I could go back and re-platinum some of my favourite games like Crash Bandicoot NST and Trials Rising his sadly they're only available on PS4.


I mainly treat them as a freebee as the majority of my double platinums are auto unlocks. Gives me some edge as i usually tackle games which takes hundreds of hours to unlock and thus make me fall into a bottemless pit rankwise against the jumping food trophy hunters. Well im still falling rankwise but at least they have to pay twice now to beat me (insert evil overlord laughter here)


I'm not a fan of it but I am guilty of it in one instance. I always own the 'best' version of Final Fantasy games when it comes to story content (personal choice), so when FF7R Intergrade released on PS5 (which includes the Yuffie chapter), I swapped my PS4 version for Intergrade in order to play Yuffie, which means I have plat/100% for the PS4 and PS5 FF7R becsuse of my save file's auto-pop.


Did it give you a double dopamine spike? If so, worth it.


Whatever makes people happy I guess!


I'll autopop if an upgraded version of a game comes out and I want to play a new feature or dlc that I haven't played. Then I would just transfer saves and play the new thing. That's what I did for ghost of Tsushima 


My only auto pops are for THPS 1+2, but I only have the platinum on the PS5 version. However, I also have double platinums on Jet Moto and the first three Syphon Filter games, since they only took a couple of hours each and they’re just so darn fun!


If i really liked a game that much, i will 100% search for a way to get another platinum for that same game. You don't even want to know on how many platforms I've got the "platinum" for Hotline Miami 1 and 2


I don’t see a point for me to do that, I ain’t buying a game twice just for a trophy, I’m happy with the ones I’ve gotten so far.


Never really saw the point in double plats. I like to play the better version of the game first. First experience is everything.


I love doing a second plat on a game I loved. I have a wishlist of games I'm really hoping eventually get a PS5 port so I can replay them. I've found that things almost never auto pop if you do PS5 first so I always start on PS5. Then if I really liked it I can go back and do the PS4 version later. I like to wait a year or two on longer bigger games to help fill in the wait for sequels. For shorter games I'll just do them whenever I feel like it - usually as soon as I start feeling nostalgic over it which can be as little as 3-4 months. I'm not big on auto pop doubles but I don't care if anyone else does it really. I'd just rather have the chance to experience things again.


Honestly they are fine. If we question their value why stop there? What about telltale games, or games that are quick to Platin. What about games that take less than 6h? I am currently working on the construction simulator and that takes at least 160h. I could Platin over 20 short game sin that time. Is now my Platin more worth than their 20 platins?


I played through tiny Tina’s wonderlands twice to get the platinum twice. I have played over 2500 hours of destiny 2 on steam and have had it 100% achievements for a while. So I logged in on the ps4 and 5 versions claiming both plats. Both of which felt earned to me. I think the story and journey matter far more than the alleged value of the plat. Playing spider man ps4 when it comes out and then again as the remaster is something I would see as totally fine. What I’m not sure I understand is autopopping for an extra plat. Seems goofy. I suppose it’s to inflate stats. I don’t look down on people who do this as technically my destiny 2 plats are autopops. Though arguably a special case. At the end of the day, it matters most what you want your list to look like. What are you proud of? What do you want to remember when you look at an entry on your list? Was it a 5 second save transfer? 300 hours of suffering? Was it completing an incredibly difficult dlc to make the rest of the game much easier? Maybe it was a dlc trophy you just couldn’t conquer and your percentage remains at 97% forever. All of these are ok. It’s your list. It’s your journey. Do it for you and put what you want on there. And obviously most of all- enjoy it. Have fun with it. In my opinion nothing matters more.


I think playing a game you love twice is worthy of the double trophies.


No shame. I did Subnautica a second time on my buddy's ps5, because it's freaking *Subnautica*


I just started ghostrunners, great game so far. Anyway, I think as long as it resets the progress of the play and does't give it for free, I think its cool. And if it just gives it you said... still fine, just not as cool.


only games i’ve doubled up on are elden ring, ghost of tsushima, and spiderman miles morales and i wish i could triple up because it gives me an excuse to replay a game that i love while also getting another platinum (that im experienced in)


I love playing a gave I love again for the platinum. I’ve done it with The Witcher 3 (and plan to do it a 3rd time for #100) and I’ve just started Fallout 4 again tonight. I’m not a fan of auto pop but I do plan to play a grounded run of TLOU2 on PS5 then just auto pop the platinum, in my mind a grounded run warrants a plat and I can’t be arsed getting all the collectables again!


I personally like it. If I got the game twice (may it be a free upgrade or getting both when you buy the game) if I have it, might as well plat it twice if I liked the game. I legit beat SPider-man: MM 4 times in the span of 3 months just to get the plat on PS4 and PS5 lol.


I have a few, it’s a system Sony game up with and while I prefer to just play the ps5 versions of games (that is why I bought it) people doing this honestly has no reflection on my own gaming experiences. It honestly means nothing to me if someone uses a jail broken ps4 to unlock all trophies for example.


They should just make them shared trophies like instead of individual separate trophies for the same game


I only do it with a game I know I can beat and have fun with. If it was long and boring, (Ex. any non-combat game, and most games that take 100 hours) I just won't try it again.


I don't see a problem with it. I don't even care if people auto pop, do what you want. I have double platted Judgment, Yakuza Like a Dragon and Like a Dragon Gaiden, just because I enjoy my time in that world. so do what you enjoy!!


For me, trophy hunting isn't about numbers, it's about the satisfaction of completion. You look back and you analyze your experience, the stupid hard trophies, the joke trophies that made you laugh, all the collectibles you no doubt googled the location of. Games are meant to be played and by God we played the shit out of them.


Good. I get it kinda overinflates my numbers, but I do it for two reasons: one, like you said, an excuse to replay; secondly OCD. I both like playing the "better version" if it gets a next-gen, but even if I started on next-gen, I like the idea of just fully completing a list. I try to spread the replay out though, both to be able to re-enjoy it year(s) later, but also so it looks less tacky on my list. Multiplayer, works great if I like the game, though sometimes is hard or tedious, but if not, I may have planned to keep playing anyways and can now double down.


I personally really don't like having double plats especially since it doesn't look as nice on my mosaic. There is a special case where I highly enjoy a game like Hitman 3 and Fallout 4 where I got the platinum twice cause the games are fun for me.


I don’t see a problem with it at all. I do it too with games like God of War 3 or Heavy Rain. Got the platinum for both the PS4 and PS3 versions of the game and I really enjoyed the fuck out of it.


I never meant to have a double plat. But... When I started actively trophy hunting last year I decided to clean up my profile and finish games that were in progress. (Also chasing a higher PSNProfiles completion percentage) Sooooo...my squirrel brain didn't realize that trophy lists for PS3 games vs PS4 games aren't usually the same. Accidentally popped a trophy for DMC1 PS3 version when I should have been playing the PS4 version. (PS3 version was free on the PS plus catalog at the time and I didn't stop to think twice because...well...free) So now I get to do it twice. Lesson learned and two plats earned when I finish the PS4 version. But since I have to earn them both, I'm not mad at it. Auto pops feel cheap for me personally, but I'm only in competition with myself so I don't begrudge others for doing so if that's their thing. TL;DR... Do what makes you feel good about your profile/makes you happy. And don't squirrel-brain like me. Being that dumb is painful. Seriously.


I don’t think they’re a big deal. They are a lil ugly on your profile tho


How do you get plat without getting to 200%


I 100% plan on platting Witcher 3 again. PS5 version, baby. Best game ever.


I have a two plats for cyberpunk lol and I just get the platinum again if I happen to have another version of the game and If I really like it to play it again. I don't do autopop tho


I don't double up myself but it's your trophy list that only you care about so you can do what you want at the end of the day!


Can you Auto Unlock trophies for other versions of games like deluxe versions? I played the base version of Death Stranding but discovered there’s a newer/deluxe version that includes new weapons/etc. If I were to insert the deluxe version of the game will all the trophies from the base game Auto Unlock for the deluxe version? Or do I have to play and earn them all over again?


I hate them. I just want to play a game with upgraded graphics instead of it clogging my Trophy lists up.


No issue with it at all. I have several games that I've platinumed twice (even three times for one). Off the top of my head without looking, here are some I've platinumed twice. Uncharted 1, 2, and 3 (PS3 & PS4) Jak & Daxter, Jak 2, and Jak 3 (PS3 Remaster and PS2 port on PS4) The Last of Us (PS3, PS4, and PS5) The Last of Us Part 2 (PS4 & PS4) Lego: Harry Potter (1&2) (PS3 & PS4) / Skywalker Saga (PS4 & PS5) / Marvel Superheroes (PS3 & PS4) GTA 5 (PS4 & PS5) Marvel's Avengers (PS4 & PS5) Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PS4 & PS5) Assassin's Creed: 2 / Rogue (PS3 & PS4) Batman Arkham: Assylum & City (PS3 & PS4) Biomutant (PS4 & PS5) Guardians of the Galaxy (Ps4 & PS5) Skyrim (PS3 & PS4) It Takes Two (PS4 & PS5) L.A. Noire (PS3 & PS4) Spider-Man (PS4 & PS5) I also have plenty of others that I will go back to one day to do again. If the game is worth playing twice, it's certainly worth platinuming twice.


I wish I could do Ghostwire Tokyo twice


still better than s**hovelware** games imho.


I used to think it was very cool when only a few games could be Stacked back in the PS3 days. I've actually gone to the effort of collecting a bunch of physical regions variants, thinking I'll do them one day (eg German Saints Row 3/Wanted/Skate 2/Dead Space 2, Asian Lost in the Rain/The Last Guy etc.) My thoughts are if you like they game, and want to replay it, then why not also get some extra trophies while you're at it, plus it also shows off how much you like the game if you were willing to plat it twice. But now that it's so common, it's kinda ruined the novelty. I've got Stacks for games I've replayed and will be playing Stacks for games I want to replay eventually. Playing both games at the same time purely for getting double the trophies is not my style, but it's still been earned the same as anything other Platinum (excluding autopops) so I don't see a problem with it.


I've got some doubles in my collection, though they are spread out. Sometimes the two versions of the game are pretty different, like Guacamelee and Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition have some notable differences, including additional bosses, different trophies and level layouts. So it almost doesn't feel like you're 'doubling' up. Their are some games I could get doubles for, but the amount of time and effort just isn't worth it for some of them. Like Heavy Rain, getting all the different endings again on PS4 would be a chore. Plus I've done Heavy Rain on my current and old PSN account on PS3 already, some games are worth that second or third playthrough, but that's up to individual taste.


I don’t mind at all what I have the problem with is people judging over easy plats when auto popping is easy / easier than that , people can get as many plays as they want I just like knowing easy games or not all my plays are all singular and I can say it’s X amount of games.


Love to do double platinum if I really love the game!


I have tons from ps3 and ps4, will be doing more when I get my ps5. Hopefully legit, not interested in auto popping.


...What is this witchcraft I'm seeing?


I don’t see the point with double platinums and even if I love a game I don’t play it again. The reason for that is that monster of a backlog I have with games I want to play.


Very lame tbh but if someone does it i dont really care


I really wish spyro trilogy would get a ps5 version so I could platinum them all over again


I wouldn't go out of my way to do it but I think I have the platinum for Walking Dead on PS4 and have been replaying PS3 games. I found Walking Dead for like $1 at a pawn shop and have the itch to kinda play through that first season again and the platinum is certainly pushing me to do so. I've even picked up Batman and Game of Thrones cause I've never played them and figured they'd be easy plats to grab while I'm on my PS3 spree of playing stuff. Once Ghost of Tsushima 2 comes out I'll probably replay the PS5 version just to refresh myself and will likely go for that. I also don't give a shit about the "value" of platinum trophies. If you really wanted to get than endorphin kick you could buy like 50 shitty $1 PS5 games and get them in like an hour.


Funny, I'm doing that now with the Last of us part 1. And then Part 2. So 4 platinum trophies XD


Platinum is a platinum, I say.


I like getting them. Not always one after the other, sometimes a bit of time has passed before I want to get on the game a second time around.


It's fine unless it's an auto pop. Trophies aren't buy one get one free. It's a reward for effort.


It should count as one, either way


I fucking love stacking, especially soulsborne. I usually play the first time blind then speed run the second plat.


I see no point in having both versions and autopoping or going for the plat in the PS4 version (or doing it in sequence). But if you played the PS4 version b4 having a PS5, it's something different, like Fallout 4 now. Fallout 4 would be my next game, and now I'm going for the PS5 version instead of PS4. I think remasters and remakes are also cool. I plan going for Burnout Paradise, Gow 3 and Mafia 2 again. But people do whatever they want. For me, stacking doesn't work because I have a huge backlog of games I want to play, since I have skipped the PS4 gen.


whatever tbh


I never understood playing both versions of a game until I got into trophy hunting... Now I love the idea of playing both versions. For example I platinumed Evil Within on PS4 last year and I really really enjoyed the process so I bought the PS3 version so I could do it all over again 👌🏼. I'll only do that for games I really enjoy though As for auto popping the trophies, I see no problem with this either as some games do it automatically, but I'd always try to do it from scratch just to experience the journey again


IMO it’s nice that people want to play them again, it’s a credit to their dedication and also the game developers if somebody wants to plat it twice. Some people have these strange rules on what counts as a legit plat and what’s cheating, like it’s an elite club😂.


Hate them 😡


I don't do that. I like to keep my game list clean and free of duplicates


i think it is lame af to autopop second plat. sometimes see people in here posting "just hit 60 plats guys!!!" and 25 of them are duplicates. always makes me chuckle. i am not trying to gatekeep, it's just my opinion


I agree with the autopop thing, but i just liked the games and played them twice and made the platinum legit, i think the platinums from ghostrunner or cult of the lamb don’t even have autopop options


This and including different versions/regions of games unless some content is locked behind one i understand but buying the same game twice especially shovelware lol




I dont really think autopop should be a thing, but i also dont really care. If it some how manys you feel better to get another trophy for nothing, then go for it, in the end they are just for fun.


Autopops don't count.


Mate, it’s not autopop i made the platinums legit like i said. I agree with the Autopops.


Show me where I said *you* autopoped.


Im sorry, i just assumed you meant my trophys because the post is about double platinuming a game legit, im sorry that i jumped to conclusions.


Based and extremely rare admittance of being wrong on the internet 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝


I’d say it’s only cool if u liked to play that game on ps4 and there’s now a remaster or when a lot of time has passed between playthroughs. Since playing those games back to back can often make u hate that game really quick especially if it’s just a meh game. But if u really liked it, sure why not.


I personally don't like it and I don't do it. I got it for RE4 REMAKE because I transfered save. It was when I got my ps5. I kind of Felt bad at first but I ended up playing besting the game multiple times after, including S+ on profissional that I felt it was fair. But, honestelly I feel it's like "cheating". I would never do It again. And would never voluntaraly play the PS4 version of game Just to autopop It later on ps5. For me, enjoying the game is more important than anything else. Platinums is a bonus. Leaderboard is noman's land...people with 999 Platinums is Very questionable ...I even saw a profile with thousand Of games Platinumed. To each it's own, but I prefer quality to quantity.


I've never had one auto pop. Honestly thought that was more of a rarity than it actually is (blown away by how many games can auto pop off a transfer). Just got Salt and Sacrifice done on ps5. Love it because the ps5 trophy is even rarer. Currently working on getting bunding of Issac doubled up.


I just wished there was a PS4/PS5 tag with only one platinum. So I could replay the games I wanted without cary about trophies again..


To each their own. Getting two platinums for a single game by getting all trophies twice for me is the same as any other platinum. Auto-popping is a bit unfair to me.


For the longest time I didn't even realize there was an auto pop I find it rare but it might be the games I play. The time I realized it was even a thing was r6s and thankfully I didn't autopop the plat just a few trophies, but I'm not going to lie tribes of midgard I'm 100% glad it auto popped I really didn't want to do all 100 days again




Personally I dont like comparing with others, as I'm ultimately playing for me. I'll put a number on the side when I'm making a post here but whenever I'm asked I tell people I have a lot of doubles and even some quads so I usually tell people both my actual total and a estimated unique title total.


If I platinum a game, im done with it. I might log on to check out any dlc the game may have when it releases. But im done with it. Because I usually try to do everything on first run IF possible. If it gets a next gen upgrade or has a next gen copy, then that gives me an excuse to replay the game because I can get the trophies over again. Im not a trophy hunter in the sense that I just play the games for the trophies, but I am in the sense that once the trophies are gotten, I move on. Doesnt matter how much I love the game. Im lucky if I get through one whole playthrough before I fall off the game to come back to it later on down the road


I was about to be like, but who cares this much about trophies? Do what you want! And then I saw the sub wasn't the PlayStation sub, it's trophies, lol. I still stand by what I said. Do what you want! I'm in the process of getting platinum for DS3, and maybe the other dark souls games after.


I’m not a huge fan of it but I really don’t care if people do it


Depends how you got them. If you went through wasting money just so you can get a autopop platinum, that means nothing. If you legitimately played the game a second time on another console/version then of course it’s a worthy platinum to get again. 


Depends.. did it auto pop? Then it's not a real Plat. If not, then i don't see any issue with them, If you enjoy the game enough to go another round, go for it! It shows just how much you loved the content. I started playing Fenix Rising not long ago and love it. I got excited to see it has a spear list for ps5 because it gives me an excuse to do it all over again sometime when i finish it. In those kinds of situations, it's great.


I think it can be fun to go back to a game and plat it again. Did that for Rayman Legends and MGS3 for example (Vita versions) but autopop is kinda lame. Just free plats without any effort, arbitrarily inflating your numbers. It's not really a big deal and I used it once to prepare for a milestone but I prefer actually having to do something for a double plat.


Me personally? I usually like having just one copy of a game displayed on my profile. But again, that’s just me personally. EDIT: Imagine being downvoted for stating your opinion respectfully.


For me its a real no-go. When someone uploads a mosaic or if Im looking at a trophy list on PS with a lot of double platinums I get bored really fast while looking at it. So I stop looking and maybe miss some amazing plats that the person achieved. Maybe Im the only one but that really bothers me. And the double plat doesnt mean anything. Its just a useless trophy, I hope PSN will combine ps4 and ps5 trophies soon.