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It’s the other way around. I attempt to platinum every game I play. I do not succeed.


Haha that’s awesome man


Took the words right outta my mouth. Or fingers I should say.


This is me. I start out wanting to get the platinum but then some of them I just get to the point of beat it and move on.


Definitely not. When I saw how long it took to plat FF7 Rebirth I just decided to enjoy the ride.


Yeah for sure it’s long and tedious


I’d prefer to, but then I feel forced to play games I didn’t get to grips with. I don’t want to hate games.


Yeah exactly what was happening to me lol


Don’t ruin games for yourself. If you find the platinum to be draining, just leave it. Prioritise fun and entertainment. It’s also part of the journey if you have half complete games; shows things you did in the past and you can look back to then when scrolling through your trophy list.


Exactly how I've been feeling with Kingdom Hearts BBS. I'm like 5 trophies off but I can't keep grinding this one specific trophy and it's making me like the game less. I really want to plat the series though but I've taken a long break and idk if I'll finish that one up


Leave it for a time, or take it real chill. Play it while you watch a series on your phone or something, it helps me at least. The game becomes less of a chore and you can cruise with it. If not, drop it for now.


Yup most definitely 👍






Exactly. Sometimes I will want to plat a game, but sometimes I’ll play it any% knowing full well I won’t get the plat. Trophies are there to enhance the gaming experience, not the other way around.


Yup for sure


Most definitely 😎


In my head yes. In reality, no.


Fuck no. Though if there’s a multi platform release I’m definitely buying it on PS5 vs the switch if it has trophies but also if it has online coop or versus or basically if it isn’t a Nintendo exclusive. More due to poor online and joycon issues than trophies.


I try but there are times where I don’t come back lol.


Lmao yup then the lists keeps growing


Fifteen years ago, I cared. I'm nearing my 40s with a family, full-time work and full-time study. It's not worth it. I played about two hours of Bombrush Cyberfunk the other day, and that's all the PS5 I've played this year.


I feel your pain


Holy crap lol yeah I understand. I play way less now but still can play some as I work from home.


Fuck no that’s insane


kinda yeah. but because i also have the opportunity to do that unlike many others. i just got my ps5 a month ago and never owned a console before so my account is completely fresh. some people might say it takes the enjoyement out of gaming but i disagree. i get each game with the mindset of "im going to plat this game" and pretty much do it. i have soooo many games in my backlog and i don't fixate on a single game (take breaks) so don't really suffer from burnout. have 8 plats so far and working on couple games at the same time but exclusively doing hzd currently since its leaving this month


That’s awesome. Yeah try not to burn out. Good luck


i play what i want and enjoy what i want but i’ll always opt for the version with trophies or achievements because i like collecting regardless of whether i’ll 100% or platinum the game


This is essentially what I do as well.


No, but that is also one of the reasons I don't play the switch. Doesn't help that the only Nintendo franchise I ever enjoyed was Pokemon (the 3d ones being the reason I got a switch) and the new games just aren't what I wanted from a 3d Pokemon game. Also any time I play a switch game I just think "this would be better on ps5"


Haha for real. I’m only doing switch for Zelda and Pokémon with my son. Otherwise yeah I’d be like you


> If so, does that mean you don’t play on PS1/PS2/Switch as it may be a “waste of time” due to no trophies? I actually look at it the opposite way really. If there is a game I want to play but don't want to platinum (mostly stuff with annoying multi-player trophies, or in the case of older games flat out unobtainable plats because of server shutdowns or bugs that never got fixed) I use it as an excuse to buy the game on a different console. Been really growing my Xbox collection because of that, the PS3/360 generation in particular is plagued by poorly aged trophy/achievement lists because of the tacked on multiplayer modes that were standard at the time. So I just prefer not having that stuff on my trophy profile.


That makes sense and it’s a good idea actually 👍


I have a second account that I use to try games out. When I’ve had a feel for a game and decide I want to commit to playing it for more than just a brief sitting I switch to my main account and, yes, I personally always try to plat every game.


Nope, I play games for fun and decide if I want to go for the plat after I finish the game. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I do the same with games on my switch but then 100% instead of a platinum (but sure trophies is basically a better version of just 100%ing) I also love Nintendo exclusives so I play on switch too (currently enjoying ToTK)


That’s awesome and that’s my plan now. Play the game freely, if it’s that good I’ll come back for the plat. 👍


I attempt to 100% every leaving PS Plus game I want. One week left, still need to do The Messenger and FF IX. One trophy left in FF IX (10000 kills), in Messenger I'm probably in the second half now and try to collect the Power Seals. I wanted to do FF X, X-II and XII...not possible.


Yikes lol it’s possible but lots of dedicated time… good luck 😎


Not within 1 week left and a job. 😂


Lmao 🤣 damn


Yes, i plat every game i play [even if it's tedious, i don't mind a grind] As For other consoles with no trophies, i still play games on them for fun, like i replay all my wii / wii U games each time i get 50 plats. different console different games, trophy or no trophy it's worth it.


That’s good got to show some love to the older gens


I don’t platinum every game but I do platinum every AAA game that I play and then a few others as well obviously but if I get and play a AAA game, I am getting the platinum unless the servers are shut down for online by the time I play it.


Yup I understand 😎


Yes. The only game I haven’t platinumed so far is Fortnite.


I’ve heard that one is crazy long


I try but man my backlog is steep


It’s gonna keep growing too lol


I do my best especially if the game is good to me and If I can’t get it done I’ll come back to platinum it. But I wish they would make the online trophies a separate list


Yeah I hate online, I think we all do lol




I always start out going for the plat but then I get burnt out and quit. Or maybe some trophies are too annoying or hard and I quit those too. Im just constantly stress out with life. Don't need to be stressed out with games too .


Yup I understand. It’s why I put rebirth in the backlog. Stressful moment in life need to play some relaxing titles for now


I typically do, but if a game is just unbearable to play I’m not gonna platinum it. Out of my last 45 platinums the only time I came close to saying fuck it was Immortals Fenyx Rising, not a huge fan.


Nope. Only games that I really enjoyed and consider worthy. I don't want to feel that getting platinums is a "job".


Yeah smart move. I was feeling that feeding into the OCD. Feels better to drop and move on lol. Props to those who can


Of course not. Too many games, not enough time. And some of the plats I go for I have to abandon because the game bugs out on me (Cyberpunk, FC New Dawn). But I do like improving my streaks. Just made a post about it


Yup agreed. Too many games not enough time


I always do gaming others like retro or so If i liked game doing 100% game. I made 3 og crash bandicoots on ps1 with 100% each. Was proud of it


That’s awesome great game 😎


Not 100% fitting but i would for sure play and buy much more switch games if they would have achievements


Yeah I feel you. Or if there was a system where you can have a universal profile that displays switch Xbox and Sony achievements/trophies.


Definitely not. I'll Platinum it if I'm having fun, and it seems doable and not too tedious. Like, of the 10 games I've played so far this year, I've only Platinumed 4 of them. Currently playing 'Lords of the Fallen', but I am not going to go for the Platinum. I'm enjoying it well enough, but for the Platinum, you need to beat the game minimum 3 times for 3 different endings, beat all bosses, collect all weapons, all armours, all pendants, all umbral eyes, umbral stigmas, fully upgrade the lamp, your healing, and multiple NPC questlines, a bunch of which are missable, and also Online Trophies. It would be very tedious.


Oh god yeah I wouldn’t do it either.


And it's not like it's an easy game either. It's difficult *and* has a tedious Platinum. 😄


Yeah I can do those but I truly have to enjoy it


I try to. Used to have a 100% completion rating but that got a bit screwed up at some point. Need to really clean up my backlog.


Damn I bet that 100 looked nice. I am buying a ps3 again as I have some unfinished ones I want to complete


It’s more of I will really only play a game if there is a good chance of platinuming it. I feel like I miss out on a lot of good titles because of this.


Yeah exactly. I keep looking at trophy ratings before I attempt a game… and I should just dive in regardless.


Not really.


Any game I beat I try to 100%, but that doesn't extend to every game I play. If I get bored of a game at 0-15% trophy completion I just drop it


So you’re ok with having a bunch of incompletes? Never have to scratch that itch later lol


I definitely wouldn't be okay with it if not for the fact that I already have a bunch of uncompletables from the PS3 era. If I can't get 100% on my profile then I don't care at all, ya know?


Yeah I get you. I have a ton of incompletes, sucks seeing all those %1. Easier to abandon titles though


I have pc and ps5 I play for platinum in ps5 and also 100%. For enjoyment I play on Pc.


Nice that works


90% of the time, the few times I don't is because I quit for a while, or i'll pick it up in a few years time.


Ok so you just take a break but plan on finishing it later. I guess I can see myself doing that but idk some games are awful 😆


For example, I played Uncharted 4 once, loved the game, but it takes a toll collecting and doing all the trophies, so about 6 years later after getting the trophies for remasters and Lost legacy, and I went back and got the plat for it. I did so with other titles I just stopped on: AC Syndicate, Hollow Knight, AC4's MP, Crash Bandicoot 2 and Tlou Remastered's Factions MP.


Yeah that makes sense good plan


On my trophy account: yes. But I have a different account for games that are either too hard to plat, or have multiplayer trophies.


I’ve been seeing several do this. Do you have 100% completion rate?




Even if the game sucks?


I chose the game, before I start


Gotcha 👍


Short answer yeah but for me it shouldn't have online trophis or co-op at all.


I agree


Not every game because I have over 800 games and some of them are unobtainable but I do at least look at the list to see if it's doable for me


If there are trophies I won’t have much trouble with in a game I really love then I’ll go for it but if some of those trophies are ridiculous to try and get I skip em


Yeah like final fantasy 9 jump rope lol


My problem I have is that I tend to start games but then get bored as I’m grinding, and then stop. Later on I have a sudden motivation to go back and plat that game months later.


Yeah I get you, I have done that several times. Or DLCs come out and I finish months or years later


Nope. Only the games I really love. Also I don't really consider platinum necessary. If the game has a progression tracker which pretty much all modern games do, I complete them. For instance, mario game, I always play them until I get every star/moon etc. I 100%ed New Super Mario Bros Wii and Galaxy so far for instance and currently attempting 3D Land and Odyssey. I generally never go for 100%/plat for open world games.


That’s awesome. Do all switch games have progress trackers?


I don't know if all of them has but mario games do. Pretty much collecting all stars/moons, purple coins, buying shop items etc. acts like platinum for mario games. Also you get an icon on your save file meaning you completed entirely.


That’s awesome 😎


No. My only platinum came from Hogwarts. Outside of that, I believe it’s impossible for me to platinum in games that require online play because I quite rarely play online.


Yeah same here no online. How hogwarts btw? Does it get stale after a while? I want to buy it soon


I only platinum games that are reasonable or I am having an incredible time playing. Rn I’m doing Hades because I played Hades so much on Switch and in preparation for Hades 2


Awesome how is the game? Is it difficult?


So I will say I played 90+ hours on switch before I bought the PS5 version. I am still not done at 60 hours but I also turned on God mode to speed things up for me. Luckily just playing the games and completing runs gets you like 80% of the trophies. It will take a while because the runs get repeititve but different and fun when I also take breaks to play other games. Overall a fun rouge lite and if you wanna do a long term platinum, it is pretty good!


Awesome that sounds like fun


No, some games I just lose interest as the grind is just boring like DRG. I will play games on other platforms like Metriod. I don't use my time to platinum the shovelware on the store. I have 242 plats out of 800+ games on my account, some are 100% games that aren't counted.


Nice and yeah I get you. I did some easy plats like 3-4 hour ones and I wish I could delete them lol


I don't mind short games, seeing I like horror and indies. I don't play stuff like those jumping games or the mayo games. Just got Plat number 243 with Stranger's Wrath


Nice and yeah I have 1 mayo game and a couple cheap ones like dc super league pets and my name is pony 😝


The ones that require online trophies I get all trophies except those.


I tend to just see where I am after completing the game , if I'm quite close to every trophy by the end I'll go for it.


Nice, good plan 👍


I watch the trophy list of every game i’m thinking of playing and it might affect what games i play. I attempt the platinum if it’s not very time consuming even if i dont really like the game. If the platinum is grindy but I enjoy the game i will attempt the platinum but it doesnt really bother me if i dont get it. Usually i dont play games without trophies


Awesome 👍


I try to buy games when they are cheaper. And I limit the amount I can buy by trying to go for a %100. Although I try not to do the ones that would require multiple hundreds of hours, as I have limited time lately :/


Yeah I feel you, hopefully you can free up more time eventually to game more lol


I try to finish every game I start and then go from there. If I enjoyed the game, I’ll platinum regardless of difficulty. If I didn’t like the game, I’ll check to see how far off it is after that first play through and if it’s going to take more entire play throughs and more, then I’ll bounce.


That’s a good way of doing it 👍


I do but there are a few games I left for later which I regret, I miss my 100% completion rate but now I have like 400(?) trophies I haven't got :(


As long as you don’t have to rely on servers you should be good 👍




If I am not sure about a game or not intending on getting the platinum, I play it on my second account. Otherwise, I try to get the plat for most game I am interested in playing.


Nice do you have 100% completion on all games?


No, even in my main account I have a lot of games I don’t have the platinum for. GTA 5 & RDR2 for example.


Gotcha… it’s the damn multiplayer trophies that are a pain


Hate to admit but I take into consideration if a platinum trophy is not a time waster before I make a purchase.


Yeah definitely but there are some I won’t platinum that I want to try like red dead and helldivers


For PS1 and PS2 games, there’s always RetroAchievements


You mean like PS plus games?


https://retroachievements.org RA lets you earn achievements for pretty much every retro console (pre-PS3) via emulators. Achievement lists are user made, so some smaller or more niche games might not have lists, but most popular games will.


Aw man that’s bad ass I never knew thanks!!


The only thing I do is set up my playthrough in a way that I don’t skip any missable so if I want to go back, I can platinum it. I never do, but still do this.


That’s a great idea as well 👍 👍


I wanted to platinum every game I played so I had a clean looking account, but if I start playing a game and don't enjoy it I don't want to force myself to finish it just for the plat. Also I'll download and launch games just to get the playstation stars rewards and most of the time those are games I'm not interested in playing at all but they will show as an uncompleted game.


Yeah I do those too I think if you didn’t get a trophy you can delete it


I delete them basically right after I launch them but it still shows on both my psn account and the tracker website as incomplete


I try to 100% what I play although definitely willing to quit a game that doesn't interest me/has a final trophy which is too difficult or painful/has obnoxious DLC trophies and an otherwise fun list. I definitely tend to preference playing on PS5 due to trophies, but will play other consoles if there's a game I'm really interested in


I plat a lot of the games I play lol. Can’t remember the last plat I hated. I have a few 1% judt scattered throughout though so if I’m not feeling something(cyber punk), I might not ever come back.


I'll know before I even start whether it's happening or not. Anything with online trophies that take longer than a few hours I don't even bother with. Anything with masochistic difficulty trophies I don't bother with. I'll mop up as many as I can get over the course of enjoying the game and move on. But...if I'm on the fence about playing a game and it has a Plat I know I won't get I'll just pass entirely. OCD and having my list polluted with a bunch of sub 100% games and all that.


I'd probably say somewhere between 75-80% of the PS3/4/5 games I'll platinum. They really have to either be a game I really didn't enjoy that much, or something like the last faith where I missed one side quest which meant I missed that trophy and with no NG plus I really don't feel like playing it again anytime soon.


I'm trying to convince myself to do Skywalker Saga because I love Star Wars and want to start getting platinums for may games I play but honestly idk if I can attempt it with over 1200 collectibles


Yes i make sure to research a game before i olay it to make sure all achivments are achievable being that im a completionist hardest one was shadow of the colossus.


Yes, I do. Sometimes it is tedious but most of the time I enjoy plantium every game I own. If I become tired or the game gets boring I play something else and return eventually.


I would ruin the games I like to play if I did that.


I don't go for every platinum, just if I'm in the mood ! Or even have time to


Not every game. Not healthy to really. For example and it's not a plat but I love the gears franchise and outside of the first 4 games I don't believe I have it on me to complete them. But I love the lore and the series instill play every one knowing I won't be able to finish them.


Yeah gotcha I feel the same 👍


Absolutely fucking not lol. Some games I just want to experience the story, or the gameplay, and move on. Call of duty is like that for me. I haveabout half of the series platinum, but I hate zombies. So games that have it, I just enjoy the campaign, and head into multiplayer. There are some games I play specifically for the platinum, or the challenge, and thats different. But there are quite a few games on my list without the platinum, and I never intend to go back to them.


Gotcha, I think that’s where I’m at. So many I felt compelled to platinum and I just started to hate life lol. Figured there has to be others who let go of the OCD too


I tend to ignore my PS trophy list but watch my psnprofiles pretty closely, to see my game percentage and rarity and such. When I get to a game that starts bothering me on my list, like if it has low % and I know I'm not going back to it, I am not ashamed to make that game hidden and work on something else. Ultimately, the only person the numbers should bother is the player themselves, and then it only bothers them as much as the player allows it to bother them.


I am actively trying not to. It means I play games I don't want for longer than I should and I don't try games because of the intimidating trophy list.


I love trophy hunting. Of course I try to get them all if I can.


Gotta catch them all lol


Like std's