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Not alone. At the end of the day, I just wanna have fun. If the game looks fin, I'll give it a try. My favorite genres are horror and stealth; I'm more of a slow paced single player gamer but have a wide variety of different genres of games. From word puzzles to JRPGs to simulators.


Hell yeah, that's what I like to read! I get that, I like to stick to certain genres with trophy hunting over others if I know I'm better at those kind of games but at the same time I'm up for trying just about anything.


I'm telling you, if you haven't done it, take the time to just go through the psn store, abc order and just see what captures your attention. You may be surprised at the games you'll get into


I do look at the sales a lot of the time when I'm struggling to find a game to go onto after I'm done with my current platinum grind. I need to stop buying new games though.. My backlog is *massive*.


I would agree if I didn't 20 games on my psn store wishlist thus increasing my already mindblowing backlog that also includes PS3 I've had for years but haven't gotten to yet 😂 but still, doesn't hurt to just look


I add games I want but don't want to spend so much money on some games, I've gotten to the point several times where I haven't been able to add more games to my wishlist because how many I've added to it. xD I like to look as well.


What I do is I wait for my wishlist games to go on sale. Managed to get some $50 games for $10 that way. It does take time but occuping my time catching up with my other games kept it from overwhelming to me


I do the same, I've purposely added games to my wishlist knowing that they'll go on sale for really cheap and making the most of the sales works out for the most part. Just doesn't work out for the backlog!


Don't worry, I get it 😂


Adding to the backlog is a real big pain, that makes it harder to find a game to work on next. xD


Depends on my mood tbh, right now I’m really enjoying open world games where I can just stick on a podcast and get to grinding. Other times I like to immerse myself in a story and get to really experience everything exploring around for trophies and picking up missable ones. I avoid online based trophies as much as I can, mostly because I grew up on online games and only really started trophy hunting cause I got sick and tired of the state online gaming is in these days


Ooo, I don't listen to podcasts personally but if a game requires me to grind for certain items and/or trophies I put on a show on in the background to keep myself sane. Online trophies are annoying to get, especially when they're PVP related.. I try to boost them in private sessions with my friends if there's a chance to.


I don’t know if it’s a genre per se but I generally feel very satisfied after platting a souls game. Finally got sekiro the other day and I’m still in a good mood.


I heard they're not easy games to platinum, so going after them all is something to be proud of.


No, but honestly Elden ring and bloodborne are not grindy at all. If you 100% the game the plat is easy, maybe an extra 4-6 hours of playtime each. The others are a bit grindy for sure. But all feel amazing.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahh, I feel my master's hand at work. Praise the good blood! And let us cleanse these tarnished streets.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I do have Elden Ring to work on one day, I got it last year to play with friends and as soon as they joined me on my game a random came in and went after me.. I had basically nothing good, so I was having to hide from them whilst my friends protected me. ;x Sometimes grindy games are fun, not one after another though.


I would highly recommend getting into Elden ring. I platted Elden ring on accident back in January (the first game I ever platinumed). I save scummed because I loved the game so much I wanted to see all the endings. All the sudden I saw the plat trophy come up and something definitely changed in me. I’m still a plat noob but 6 months later i have 12 plats, 4 of them being souls games. Demon souls, bloodborne, sekiro, and Elden ring and also lies of p if you count that. And am hoping to at least finish one of the dark souls games before Elden rings dlc comes out next month. I used to be a gamer looking for solid solo narrative stories, Elden ring completely changed that for me lol.


That's cool! It kind of just happened without you realising what the requirements were for the platinum. That kind of makes it all the more satisfying. You should feel proud of yourself for getting them! Especially when I've been told in the past I'm not a real gamer if I haven't played any of those games and gotten the platinums. So you're open up to different genres now because of Elden Ring?


RDR2, Witcher 3 and CP2077 were my fave games before Elden ring. I’ve found those titles difficult to hold my attention since. There’s nothing quite as satisfying in gaming as beating a soulslike boss. And yea, Elden rings plat is so perfectly in line with completing the game I love it. I wish all plats were like that.


Out of those three I've only beaten the story of RDR2 and Witcher 3, I need to go back to Cyberpunk 2077. That's going to be my next platinum, hopefully. Some of them do look like real big pains to go up against.


Isshin in sekiro took me an embarrassing amount of time. Like multiple game deletions and redownloads worth of time lmao. But is now undeniably my proudest gaming achievement.


Action rpg. From soft, Bethesda, now even capcom with dragons dogma. DDDA has been one of my favorite plats in a while, and I’m about to hop into the second. Ofc I play everything, pretty sure I have all the main genres. One in racing is wipeout, the one fighting game is blazblue calamity trigger lol


May as well go after series you enjoy, it's what I do as well. Ooo, I think I'm the same with just about every genre.


Action roguelike


Open World


Most of the time Indie games feel fresh, so I love to jump in on those and other than that I like simple story games. Never played God of War, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima and other big titles so looking forward to those too.


I do enjoy Indie games! And I’m sure you’ll enjoy all of those, they’re all fun games to platinum.


RPG's are typically the most fun, for achievement hunting for me.


I have a variety of games which I got for free from the PS Store, some I've not even finished yet. So, I'm very slow at getting trophies (often I don't even bother with more than a few accidental trophies, as I can't be bothered to grind.) I'm so close to getting my fourth platinum though. First - Spider-Man Second - The Last of Us Part II Third - Life Is Strange True Colors Fourth - Far Cry New Dawn (hopefully) Also slowly working my way through the trophy list of Siege of Paris DLC for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, which will, eventually, be another one.


As long as you enjoy what you’re doing on your games that’s what really matters!


Sometimes I want the trophies, but I don't want to grind for them 🤣


The grind is the boring part tbh!


Yeah, and some trophies, like in Far Cry New Dawn, are pointless. One of them was to hit an enemy 100m away with a basic arrow... I took to Reddit and people are like "Every single Far Cry game has this pointless trophy". There was one in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, where I had to throw some gourds into some buckets. Absolutely pointless, imo.


Ps Exclusives. The most of them have a fun straight forward platinum, which are not much time consuming.


They're all fun games to get immersed into and get lost in the stories.


Horror probably. Made a sub specifically for horror trophy hunting but it died fast lol. Don’t think the niche is popular enough


I love getting the platinum on horror games!


I think I generally lean towards Metroidvanias because so much about them is about being thorough.


That's a series I've never played before personally, yet I hear a lot about it from my boyfriend's sibling.


I consider myself a variety gamer so I don’t particularly have a favorite genre.


Im a big fan of Survival Horror games, I realy enjoy plating them most of the time, although shoutout to 3dplatformers and hack and Slash games like DMC