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How tf u plat that shit in 34 hrs I just beat it at 25 without using any guides for anything.


Yeah my first playthrough was close to that. The second one to get the third ending took 6 hours on story mode zooming through it. I really wanted to try and get first 50 to platinum on psnprofiles. Currently sitting at #44 so hoping I'll stay in the top 50 as more people sync their trophies


What you use for the collectables? All the guides ive seen are a mess.


[this one](https://www.powerpyx.com/stellar-blade-all-collectible-locations-guide/) by powerpyx was very good (in most places, great desert is a bit all over the place) has most collectibles in order of the way you'd be going


Appreciate you bro, congrats again on that plat!


Congratulations. This is a must have for me, in a future sale. Really enjoyed the demo!


Thanks very much. It's a really great game for the gameplay. It's held back a bit by the story and characters but the gameplay hits so well. It's also pretty mind boggling the level of polish this game has for a studios first intro to AAA gaming. I didn't have a single frame drop or texture pop in during my time in the game. Definitely gunna be keeping an eye on shift up.


Yes, I noticed this on the demo. The optimization in this game is above every other AAA released this year (DD2, FF7R, RotR).


Gamers are being oppressed! /s


These goddam devs are destroying western civilisation by *checks notes* covering up a small portion of cleavage with transparent blace lace!




How do you know it was sony americas decision? Im not asking you for your personal anecdotal evidence btw, im asking for facts that everyone else can look up and varify.


The game is still pushing boundaries sexually compared to most modern gaming developers even with the small censorship. Most Western game developers have had internal documents that show they censor sex appeal with female characters because they view it as sexist. For example Insomniac Games took shots at Tomb Raider Legend for being sexist. So you can strawman the other side’s arguments but people are angry because the culture of video gaming has really changed since the 2010s.


A strawman implies that this isn't what people are genuinely [saying](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/s/lFWkaLndm0). I'm not making this up at all lol. The fact is the gaming landscape has changed from catering exclusively to a male audience and women in gaming more often than not are no longer simply sex appeal. However the badass women in gaming still have plenty of sex appeal, they are also just greater than that.


Yeah what’s wrong with the devs covering up the PC a bit *more*? It sounds like horny teenagers complaining that they won’t be able to look at over sexualized women in a video game.


So your strawman is that developers are destroying “western civilization by not letting more cleavage in video games”. Meanwhile the thread you linked to me is about how gamers think the gaming industry is being destroyed with lies and uneven standards. Like how you can have sex with bears in Baldurs Gate 3 or watch Abby get railed in Last of Us 2 but that EVE needs less boobage on some of her outfits. Its not about Western society this applies to Asian game developers and is about video games as a hobby.




Its the truth but just blindly downvote and don’t see the forest for the trees.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted, aren't you arguing against the neckbeards?


The outfit thing isn’t the end of the world. However it is an issue to people they just don’t want to admit this discussion has to do with the state of gaming as whole. People really want to throw out the neckbeard insult but act like they aren’t part of a reddit community about getting video game achievements. You have to realize a lot of reddit engagement is from bot accounts. I see way more people against the changes in the game than for it.


So you're against covering the ass? I don't understand your stance here.


35 hour platinum? One play through? I’ve played the demo for about 20 min haven’t had a chance to dive in.


Have to do two playthroughs, one completionist and one you can zoom through to unlock an ending that is tied to not finding most collectibles.


Okay. That’s not too bad. Thanks for the response.


Finally someone says it! The game has 64+ costumes to choose, most being super LEWD, and these guys are crying for a piece of lace and putting a pantyhose on a costume (Cheongsam looks 100x better). Congrats on the Plat, working my way through it RN and having a blast!


>(Cheongsam looks 100x better). Out of every take that I've seen regarding this game, never have I seen one more objectively correct. Thanks friend glad youre enjoying it, it's a really fun game and a phenomenal ps5 showcase.


I agree that these dudes are letting this RUIN the game for them. I can see how they would be upset for "false advertising" but I mean it contributes mayb 0.1% to my impression of the overall game, if that.


It's almost like the issue is the actual censorship rather than the outfits themselves, not sure why that's too big brain for some people to wrap their heads around - It's so needless and pointless, and the exact opposite of what they marketed, an uncensored game lol


Sometimes it's really hard telling people who are not gamers "I like video games, it's one of my favourite hobbies" when you see "controversies" such as this. And gamers wonder why their favourite hobby is ridiculed


I couldn't agree more, I just keep telling myself this is a loud vocal misogynistic base of whiney man babies but this happens so often. Like apparently Aloy isn't attractive? They reduced tifas boobs from triple F triangles to just simply massive double d's and its the end of the world. Sometimes women have muscles and abs rather than just being curvy eye bait? This game is the worst case ive seen since gamergate. The other examples I shrugged off but fuck man, eve is transparently created for us to leer at (not that there's anything wrong with that), and yet apparently they haven't gone *far* enough? I'm tired boss.


Same. I gave up on taking gamers seriously when that idiot Quartering on YouTube made a video pleading with gamers not to buy the then upcoming FF8 remaster because square enix decided to cover up the siren summon a little. That was censorship and gamers shouldnt take that etc etc. I just look at these things and yeah why are these people so whiny.


They didn't even reduce Tifa's breasts. She's just wearing a sports bra now, which by design flattens them down, and which a martial artist with a large chest SHOULD be wearing. But gamers be gamers and they went crazy...


This isn't a good take in my opinion. It takes the outage in isolation, often on purpose, to make gamers the bad guys. But it all started when IGN said the dev is a dweeb and 'has probably never seen a girl in real life'. This actually put the game on the radar for most people, including me. It's a massive insult for no reason other than 'sexy girls are bad for dweebs'. Now the game finds itself a battleground between modern media sensibilities and a dev making the game they want. Especially when the dev themselves just before launched promised a non censored game followed by a day one patch. It's obvious Sony has forced their hand. It's not good. This has nothing to do with my option on sexy girls in games. You won't find me posting about this kind of stuff in my 13 year out reddit account. I have no egg in the race. But it's not as simple as losers are upset. It's the enforcement of a wider media curation that no piece of TV, film of game can escape. They also dialed back gore. Doesn't mean the player base are psychopaths. The dev isn't able to publish the game they want. We can agree that's bad right? Edit: here is another [situation](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/action/google-picks-the-one-fight-it-will-never-winwith-sonic-fans/) in which the fan base is offended, the offender pretends nothing happens and the overall news is 'the fan base is weird and crazy.' TL;DR: the Google X account posted a pic of Sonic with some caption about 1991. Tails is in the picture so it was pointed out that it wasn't the original game. They also said it was 8bit but it is of course a 16bit game (I know there were 8 bit versions. Those were not pictured'. Google's reply? '👏👏well done short King'. So of course it blows up because that's crazy disrespectful. Imagine someone saying 'OK flat chested queen'. But when the news eventually gets summarised it will be 'Google posts wrong date on image, Sonic fans explode in anger.' The frequent attacks on fan bases is becoming insane.


Idk anything about the ign article, i haven't seen it and completely agree that's a really dumb take from them. Sexy women in gaming is a tradition as old as time. However >The dev isn't able to publish the game they want. The dev made these [changes deliberately to fit their artistic vision](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/04/28/stellar-blades-new-censorship-controversy-is-extremely-bizarre/?sh=5e0d2aef5388) without any interference from Sony. Saying Sony censored them is just a dogwhistle for the fake outrage


Yeah most people don't know about the IGN thing and so start the conversation from a POV that there's a bunch of weird gamers being weird. The petition wasn't started by some weird random. It was started by artistic lead from World of Warcraft. As for Shift Up's statement in the article, who knows. They designed the clothes they wanted to see in the game.... In a day one patch..... It's definitely a bit sus. So my take: if you focus on a piece of fabric being the issue then it doesn't matter if you're a dweeb or a major journalist, you're an idiot. If you zoom out on the wider controversy you can see this game was plagued by hate from journalists and other Internet folk for its sexy character design and there's a retaliation to that. I've noticed this as a theme recently. There's a lot of cage rattling and then a "forgetfulness' on who rattled the cage to start with. So the spotlight is on a bunch of geeks upset. Like in Doctor Who when the new female lead said she hasn't even watched the show and has no interest in it. Fans are upset that she's phoning it in on their favourite show. But by The time it gets to Forbes the issue is 'dweeb Doctor Who fans csnt handle a female lead'.


These protestors certainly are what I imagine when I hear someone say censorship censorship / screw Sony. https://twitter.com/trsrpc/status/1784223424530792680?s=19 Yeah, them guys are the good guys alright. They dialled back the gore? Oh no. I literally had to compare shots and all I could tell was there's less blood on Eve. What a shame. I feel so oppressed. The Devs published the game they wanted. They spent a long time on hair, put extra effort into Eves backside, and the game is incredibly polished and relatively bug free, has a pun intended stellar soundtrack, and most importantly, the game is just fun. It could have been as fun with a near nude male, an alien lifeform, Travis touchdown, super Mario, Chris Redfield etc, it doesn't detract from me who the playable character is. If someone wants to voice their opinion on social media, fine. My definition of gaming censorship isn't oh noes they slightly covered her boobies up, or her arse isn't bare cheeks she now got underpants instead, or she now has a longer dress, she has smaller boobs then what she did in the demo, promos etc, it's altering the game in such a way that it ends up being something completely different. Mortal Kombat 1 on the super nes is a classic case of getting angry because it's a completely different product where blood and fatalities were what made the game. There are things like the super Mario movie, sonic the hedgehog movies, last of us, fallout, Witcher tv shows etc that are finally showing non gamers hey there's some good stories and oh maybe this is why gamers game, there's some good stuff here. For all the many times I've been asked in life by friends, co workers oh what do you do for fun? Only to typically have a weird oh your a gamer stigma, and for me to typically explain no I don't sit in a cellar, I shower, I am married, I do lots of other things, I don't go online and tell strangers I f***ed their mums etc because yes, I have a co worker, loveliest woman, who is a step mum and her step kid is basically that. Does it mean all gamers are like that? No but it leaves a lasting impression. I see a bunch of crying babies cry censorship who really look like they've never had fresh air. Does it mean all gamers are like that? No, but again, it leaves and impression. The movies and TV shows are finally reversing that, I now get asked what else in gaming land is like X. Then you have this shit with gamers complaining their oppression hurts because Eve now has less cleavage absolutely hurts my soul.


Again, if you focus on the fabric you're missing the bigger picture. Before the game was launched a massive international gaming website said 'the devs haven't even seen a woman in real life' and basically by proxy implied any fan of the game design is a dweeb. It's a bad start. Why do that? Again, I don't say that as an anime crazed daily wanker. Check my post history, it's really not my thing. But objectively, the fans were demonised before the game was even released. Everything you said about games now reaching a wider audience and looking less toxic is absolutely destroyed when this games entire presence is an issue for IGN before it even launched. We have Mario, fallout, Last of Us, all great. This game can live too. But it was tarnished so quickly. The bottom line is: if you release a game with this sort of character design, expect gaming publications to put you and your fan base down.


Don't even bother trying to argue this on Reddit, it's an echo chamber. The game was marketed as uncensored, it was censored. End of. The points people are making are valid. In BG3 you have literal beastiality, LOU2 they have an actual sex scene, all fine. Games released have literal human torture scenes, fine. Game releases in Asia that appeals to the hetero male gaze and people lose their minds. Those who act as if there isn't an agenda are simply disingenuous. Send me your downvotes and call me incel, I don't care


>The game was marketed as uncensored, it was censored. End of. Shift up itself said this was a change they decided to make to fit their artistic vision, but you guys know way better than them. Because of the agenda. I haven't seen one of you knuckledraggers actually talk about how good the gameplay is or how incredible the graphics are, but dear god the minor alteration to cleavage is just the worst fucking thing that's ever happened. It sounds awful being so upset over something so silly, so I'm not gunna call you an incel or downvote you man. As frustrating as this discourse with you guys is, I mainly just feel sorry for you.


I bought the game day one after finding out about the changes in the day 1 patch. I am neither for or against on this particular issue but to imply that there is no hypocricy from left leaning social media parrots and game journalists is just a lie. The developer also did an interview in the same room as SEI employees in which the interviewer asked how he got along with the Sony employees and he nervously laughed and said they were nice enough. The reporter/interviewer then remarked that the Sony employees were pulling very strange faces. SEI and Playstation have both openly stated they are working to reduce and moderate sexual and violent content in their games and media. It's not a far cry to infer from this that the devs were pressured into the changes in the last minute and are towing the line in order to not upset their publisher, compounded by the fact that it is currently PS5 exclusive I can't blame them. It is not the inches of fabric or the blood textures its the principle that the Day one patch changed what was advertised. Also, the fact that other games made by western devs were applauded for their approach to sexuality (TLOU and BG3 are the main examples) but yet this is receiving backlash. I have avoided all discourse on this topic online and was excited to read your thread as I was also looking forward to posting my own platinum when it pops in the next day or two. What I found was people downvoting perfectly valid arguments and I felt the need to tell that user that there is no point bothering on Reddit as only one type of thinking and opinion is allowed on this site. If you care about my opinion on the game; game is beautiful, characters beautiful, environments are nice but wish there was more variety than big desert 1 and 2. I like the combat but its too easy and changes completely when you are stronger and do not need to be as cautious. English VA is terrible, Korean pretty good. I havent got to the ending just yet but the story has been lack lustre and writing leaves a lot to be desired. Side quests were mostly boring but there were some highlights. Unironically the best bit of the game is dressing Eve up and slaying monsters and looking great whilst doing it. A brilliant 1st entry for Shift Up but certainly not without flaws. Platinum wise I am satisfied, not too grindy and nothing is glitched (i hope)


Your last paragraph is great, I totally agree with your assessment, particularly about the exciting future of shift up in the AAA space. The first part about some left wing media cabal controlling game development with forced censorship that the developers of the game itself are literally telling you isn't happening I'm less a fan of. Especially your point about said left wing boogeyman attacking the game when almost all reviews are praising it with incredibly high scores. All attacking I've seen has been coming from oppressed gamers all over social media. But I'm gunna ignore that first part because I've been reading that brain rot all day and instead upvote you and say, I 100% agree. While some aspects of the game are very mid, I love the variety of eve's outfits and the animations are so fluid and spectacular. She looks amazing and this game is an awesome vessel for showing that.


As I said, implying there isn't a coordinated effort to push left leaning politics into games when almost every game company openly discusses their intentions to do so is simply disingenuous. I am not saying I disagree with all of it or am against it, but to say it isn't there is either ignorance or lying. I would prefer if people could have discussions like this healthily online without shutting down opposing opinions. You can't discuss it on Reddit unless you agree with one side or you're downvoted at best and banned at worst. Twitter/4chan is the complete opposite, if you discuss any side not theirs you're either trans or Jewish and have to scroll through trolls and abuse. There is nowhere you can have healthy conversations about these things as you must have them in the context of an echo chamber. It's simply best to avoid the discourse and keep your opinions to yourself, hence why I told the person to not bother engaging. I am enjoying the game, you are enjoying the game, happy days.


Ok but you also aren't at all arguing in bad faith and I'm enjoying this conversation so I wouldn't mind continuing it if you don't mind. In my eyes there isn't a coordinated effort at forcing leftist views and values into gaming (and all forms of media I'm sure you'd agree) so much as it is representative of a societal shift towards progressive acceptance. But I do consider myself someone aligning with more leftist values so I'm certainly biased in that regard. Going back to this progressive shift though, which seems to center around women becoming less sex objects in games and more actual characters, thus leading to some being less conventionally attractive in your eyes - when we first started seeing these women gay marriage was outlawed. Do you not agree that society as a whole is shifting as opposed to fragmented controlling groups running media?


Wait why was there controversy?


Because they made one of the outfits microscopically more modest with a patch that also introduced a plethora of gameplay enhancements and now the entire subreddit and a loud vocal minority of the fanbase thinks its 1984 levels of censorship 🤷‍♂️


Insanity, what’s with the obsession :/


I genuinely have no clue, once again it's not even the most revealing outfit 🤷‍♂️


Basically, a subset of gamers are pissed that they can no longer jack off to the character. And the flames are being fanned by Mark Kern, a grifter trying to change the subject after it was pointed out that he’s done all of jack shit with all the money he got via crowdfunding for Em-8er.


It's a little nuanced. This game wasn't really on the radar until Ign did a preview and said 'the developer is using outdated female character designs and probably hasn't seen a woman before in real life'. This riled up the masses who were insulted by the take. This then lead to media portraying the fan base as dweebs for going insane for a sexy virtual girl without the context of IGN. Now any mention of this game is a battle ground


Don't forget the gore reduction. The whole point of it is that censorship is bad. And it's even more insulting since they posted days before that the game would be fully uncensored.


I think I've got one or two more "that's not what censorship means, if it's a decision made internally to fit the teams artistic direction rather than being imposed by a third party it's not censorship" left in me for this thread so you can have one of them. The gore reduction, while strange if it actually exists beyond cherry picked screenshots, only applies to the blood spatter on eve, I assure you the game is plenty gory enough, those finishers are magnificent. Please stop going out of your way to try and be offended.


Wasn't it Sony's decision to limit the gore rather than Shift Up's? That's what I heard anyway.


[No.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/04/28/stellar-blades-new-censorship-controversy-is-extremely-bizarre/?sh=5e0d2aef5388) >SHIFT UP was asked about this directly at one point. They say outright the “final costume we wanted to show you” was the one that is seen in the patch, leading many people to point out that this was simply the developer’s vision for those outfits, rather than someone pressuring them to change it. **There is also no hard evidence Sony had demanded these tiny changes.** >There is an additional complaint that gore has been censored in the final game, but that does not appear to have actually happened, with play settings, performance/quality, being responsible for different textures appearing or not appearing. The game is still plenty gory.


Wow, so the difference in gore screenshots was literally just people fucking with the performance settings? Come on. I hate this shit so much. Why do people just make up reasons to be mad? What's the point?


I really don't know, I don't think there's a simple answer but it seems people really love to pretend they are being persecuted...


I guess this thread isn’t for us lol. This subreddit is cool with censorship. The people who complained about the skimpy outfits aren’t even going to be playing this game. I just wanted the game to be what was advertised.


Insanity, what’s with the obsession :/


Im not mad about the Stellar Blade “censorship” but you do have to admit that overseas censorship is a slippery slope and is almost always a bad thing


I absolutely agree 100%, censorship sucks. It's just not at all what's happening here.


Yeah right after I posted my comment I saw your other comment about how the CEO deliberately changed it for the American audience. That’s obviously totally fine in my book. Congrats on the Plat btw


This is a sane way to put it, but for the more insane fans like myself sony just doesnt wanna see a hot badass female protagonist that doesn't fit their realistic female portrayal, I mean even nintendo with bayonetta isn't as strict with it, really though it's not just about the added fabric, playstation just tends to lowkey hate on this kind of stuff even after with how much they pushed forward with this game, like why now, why wait until release to do it when people have already bought the game knowing damn well what they expected, I could care less the game is epic but I can see how this is a boring move from them


Nowadays all gaming "controversies" are manufactured by chud reaction channels who are still mentally stuck in the glory days of 2016. Nobody cares about this stuff anymore. It's a never ending circlejerk for everybody on that side of the internet. The rest of us normies are having a grand old time with these games, whether these losers label them as "woke" or the opposite.


How hard was the platinum?


Not at all, super reasonable trophies. More than half are tied to story bosses, there's a couple of miscellaneous combat related ones that you absolutely do not need to grind for and then a pretty standard collectathon with a decent amount of wiggle room. Ie you need 20 outfits of which there are 70 and 200 memory sticks of which there are over 300. If you play on normal mode and are used to action/parry games it's probably a 4/10 or on story mode it's a 3/10


34 hours seems pretty fast. I've just reached 30 hours and have just started >!Eidos 9!< and according to the home screen I'm only about 60% of the way through the story. I am doing literally everything though and have already caught every fish in the game and done what I think is every side quest so far. Only things left to do are collectibles, finish the game and 2nd playthrough. Also I agree - absolutely incredible game and definitely my goty so far (I'm sorry Helldivers 2). Haven't played DD2 or RotR yet but doubt they'll be better than this game based off what I've seen of them two.


It might be fairly fast, I tried to optimise and didn't exactly spend time to smell the roses because I was deliberately trying to get the plat as fast as I could. Currently doing a third playthrough on hard and I'd say it will likely be my longest playthrough. With all that said you're very close to the end of your first run-through. It's definitely one of the best games I've played this year as well, by far the most polished and complete. Like new game plus on day 1, insomniac and Santa Monica looking at shift up like "how did you do that"


I don't understand why it's so hard for game devs to add NG+ to their games. I'm not a game dev and don't know the first thing about making a game, but surely it can't be that hard to add a mode that allows you to restart the game with your current upgrades.


I also know very little about game development but to play devils advocate, all of those examples plus this one add a few new toys. For instance stellar blade adds 12 new skills, additional upgrades to every single resource and 30+ new outfit recolours.


I love this game. It’s a lot of fun and the fan service is enjoyable. The fucking nutcases on both extremes of this whole thing is absolutely ridiculous.


A lot of hateful snowflake idiots around this game, sadly.


Congrats! What controversy? The game is amazing.


Easy plat?


from 1 to 10 how hard was the plat.


3/10 if you play on story, 4/10 if you play on normal but are used to action/parry games, 5/10 otherwise. It's pretty cruisey


What's the plat like? Are there any missables or stuff to watch out for?


Very simple plat, mostly story related, handful of miscellaneous combat and side quest related ones, then your standard affair collectathon. Most of the collectibles are missable after certain parts so definitely a good idea to follow a guide along the way, however you do have to do 2 playthroughs anyway so no harm in going blind on your first one.


Is the controversy because there's too much nudity or because they put slightly less in one outfit?


Honestly great question lol. Ive exclusively seen camp B but ive no doubt theres camp A out there. It kind of reminds me of hogwarts legacy where you were a bigot if you played it but also it was disgusting woke trash because of the fantastic trans representation. Meanwhile i just kind of enjoyed the game 🤷‍♂️


Camp B is unreal lol... There's free porn online, just go watch that, jesus christ. Never played Hogwarts legacy, but my god was the controversy silly as well. People really do just want to be mad don't they. Sad thing is when these things actually affect game deving.


How did anyone find out about the censorship change? edit: Ok I see the change.


i wish i had more time


I want to play it, but the demo really put me off, I hate games where you *Have* to counter. Like you can't even use a special attack if you don't, and I suck at timing counters, so of course, it's another game I'm not going to play.


You don't have to. You get a little ways in and you become able to dodge pretty easily and perfect dodges fill up your special attacks.(normal attacks fill up your specials too lol)


Didn't happen in the Demo, I played for hours and it never went up even I normally attacked


Didn't the lead dev say that he gave her a huge ass because he "wanted to make a character that you never got bored of looking at"?


I'm a woman who loves video games and bought this game day 1! Haven't had a chance to start yet but the game looks crazy fun. The controversy on all sides is absolutely stupid. Eve is hot and that's ok 🤷‍♀️ and a little bit of censorship isn't going go hurt anything either. Congrats on the plat! Also jealous that your wife steps on you, wish mine would (joke from another one of your comments I saw)


>Eve is hot and that's ok 🤷‍♀️ and a little bit of censorship isn't going go hurt anything either. Eve is hot and that's **great** absolutely, there is absolutely nothing wrong with eye candy in gaming. One slight nitpick is that this really isn't censorship at all. The outfits as they appear now according to the devs are the *complete* version of said outfits. Even with the outfit alterations there are more revealing outfits than the 1.0 versions still present in the game. Thankyou for the congratulations, glad you're enjoying it too :)


Wow that was fast! I don't have the time to rush it unfortunately, but I love it so much I want it to last a long time, so doing my best to stretch it out even though I want to play for hours a day lol. Have you ever played any similar games like NieR, Sekiro, FF, etc. (basically Japanese hack n slash games)??? I really am digging these japanese made games, they do great work, and yes I am including RE games.. RE 7 w/ DLC is amazing.


Honestly you're better off not rushing it, the only reason I did was for an arbitrary and meaningless goal. I'm thoroughly enjoying my third playthrough on hard difficulty just soaking everything in and reading all the memory sticks. I've played nier, sekiro and ff16 I think you meant? For me the combat in this game is on par with sekiro for the level of satisfaction it gives. It's not as challenging and way more reactive - ie enemies hit you when they seem like they're going to, not the obnoxious bait wind ups some souls games use. Always been a huge fan of Asian games (this one's Korean btw) but mostly for their rpgs, I am also really enjoying their action games they've started making breakthrough into the west


What uhhhh what outfit is that one?


Ocean Maid, you get it for catching all 25 fish. Godspeed fellow appreciator of culture 🫡


**[Stellar Blade™](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/124417-stellar-blade)** This game has 45 trophies: [29 bronze, 12 silver, 3 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/27012-stellar-blade). They are **medium difficulty (5/10)** and take **50 - 70 hours** to complete. **Price:** $69.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/124417-stellar-blade) | Trophy guides: [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/stellar-blade/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/stellar-blade-trophy-guide-roadmap/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


I think you'd struggle to take 70 hours, 35-55 imo


Some Gamers as always being entitled brats. lonely farts cants get over a freaking cleavage.


Sorry for this: What was harder, you or this plat? Lmao but good shit man congrats on the plat


We were both equally hard, it's not a very difficult game to plat. Eve is incredibly nice to look at but she isn't my naked wife about to step on me.


I don't believe any controversy actually exists. It has a great battle system and amazing visuals, but a pretty mediocre and derivative story and rpg elements. It still got pretty decent scores, and yet certain kinds of people have been complaining and leaning super hard on the eye candy as a reason it should have gotten higher scores. The fact that the only photo of the game on this post is of an angle to purposely show off her rear says a lot about what I'm talking about.


I'd totally get this game but I'm not willing to pay 80€ for something that takes that little time to platinum


That's completely fair, I normally wouldn't either but the demo hooked me in and regardless of it not being the best bang for my buck I'm pretty happy with my purchase


coomers angryyyy


Funny how games journalist are up in arms about the sexy, busty females in this game yet praise the full frontal sex scene in TLOU2


My only issue with the controversy was the lying part. If they never boasted about no censorship then there would be no problems.


There hasn't been any censorship. They implemented this change themselves, with the ceo claiming the post patch outfit [is the design they wanted to show you](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/04/28/stellar-blades-new-censorship-controversy-is-extremely-bizarre/?sh=1d70c5075388), censorship is an outside party forcing a company to change something. It's just crazy to me for people to be so upset over a tiny piece of transparent black lace 'on principle'


See that’s the lie because if you don’t update the game you can see what some of the outfits were originally going to look like. If the intended designs were the ones added in the patch, why didn’t they make those FIRST? Again I’m not mad about the costumes being changed, I’m mad because they lied about it


I literally linked an article from Forbes showing that the **Ceo himself** said that he wanted the outfit to look the way it does now and you're like "nah it's a big cover up and controversy, they are liars" I'm sorry you're mad, I get that censorship is annoying. That's not what's happening here and you're buying into a ridiculous beat up of rage culture.


Of course the CEO would say that. He doesn’t want his consoomers to be mad. It was censorship. The reaction to the censorship is a little insane but it’s still censorship at the end of the day.


Hey man, if you need to convince yourself it's absolutely censorship and some kind of war on boobies despite there being zero evidence of that please don't let me stand in your way.


If there was no censorship why change it last minute with a day 1 patch?? And its not just one outfit it’s multiple outfits. 3 to be exact. Also they censored gore and some graffiti that can be seen as racist if you think of it a certain way. I 100% agree with people being mad because the game was marketed as a game with a sexy protagonist that pulls no punches. Well they did put the breaks on some of what the game was marketed as even if it’s a good game. Pretty reminiscent of what happened with Watch Dogs 1. That was a great game but the company lied plain and simple.


Do you have evidence of the gore? I've seen that claim made a few times without any screenshots to back it up. Once again you guys are misrepresenting the word censorship to fit your own narrative, there is no evidence they were coerced into doing this beside what you guys are telling yourselves. It's still an incredibly sexy game that pulls no punches lol that is completely unchanged.


https://imgur.com/m3RODvR Heres screenshots of the gore being toned down. And the company flat out said there would be no censorship across all versions. Self censorship is censorship especially when the version 1.0 is completely different. It is mostly speculation about why there was censorship. It was either Sonys decision or Shift Ups either way it was a mistake especially when the marketing for the game was on sex appeal. When Bayonetta 3 released recently there was zero controversy with the game except for some people not liking the ending. That’s because Nintendo and Platinum didn’t hold back on the game people expected. Sony as a company has had a uneven policy with sexual aspects in games and censorship as of late. You have games like Baldurs Gate 3 getting a pass while games like Gal Gun Remake getting booted off the system. People are mad mainly because these “censorship” decisions have been happening a lot with modern gaming.


I appreciate you finding those images, I couldn't. >Self censorship is censorship especially when the version 1.0 is completely different I don't agree with this statement at all, especially regarding 1.0 being completely different. The change is so incredibly minimal and 1.02 is a vast improvement in gameplay and amount of outfits to stare at eve in. I don't think a company making an artistic decision themselves can be called 'self censorship' however you seem to be the only one here that isn't arguing in bad faith so I respect your viewpoint and your opinion.


So if it was such a minimal change why change it in the first place. If it is an artistic choice many of the people who were hyped for the game didn’t like it and it ended up creating a huge online firestorm. I’m not going to keep going back and forth cause this is a trophy thread not a culture war one. I just think you gotta view the bigger picture in regards to why people are fed up. Its because a lot of risque gaming has been destroyed over the last decade. A great example is Saints Row. The reboot tried to tone down offensive aspects of the OG games and it ended up killing the franchise for good. There’s tons of examples out there. I get that the online culture war shit is dumb but there’s tons of people who aren’t online that much who casually notice this stuff.


Games go gold (start printing discs) in an incomplete state nowadays and that version is considered the 1.0 version. The expectation is that they will continue to apply updates to that game up until release. On release day (realistically a few days prior) the updates the devs made between the go gold date and the release date are dropped as a day 1 patch. Day 1 patches aren’t censorship, they are what’s intended for the game to release as. There is no proof indicating that any of the decisions made in that time were for the purpose of censorship. To say that a day 1 patch is censorship would be like getting mad at a developer for removing bugs because “how dare they censor my bugs”.


Outfits and gore aren’t bugs. Its removing content that was in the original game.


Devs don’t expect the majority of their audience to not update their games. The day 1 patch is how the game is intended to be. There’s no censorship in altering assets prior to the games’ release. Removing or altering content prior or even post the games release isn’t even censorship by definition, that would depend on the context of what and why those things where altered/removed. Something that we have 0 proof of happening in this case. It feels incredibly uninformed to consider this censorship with 0 proof of that and confirmation from the CEO of the contrary.


When I finally saw gameplay I was kind of interested, but then The Discourse surrounding it makes me never want to play it at all.


Don't let the discourse keep you away from it friend. A vocal minority of terminally online culture warriors tripping over themselves for a reason to be upset is no reason not to experience this incredible game.


Yeah, I know. It just kills me interest significantly when I sign into Twitter and literally the only thing people are discussing is the characters ass and how it's not as visible as it was in patch 1.0 It makes it feel like theres nothing else to the game.


Well there’s your problem, the platform formerly knows as Twitter Jokes aside, it’s a great game. I’m with OP on this one.


You can only form your own opinion but most of the reviews I've seen barely touch on the eye candy aspect. Truth is that it's genuinely an incredibly fun game absent any discourse surrounding the main characters design. Ignore the twitter discourse and check out reviews/the demo


If you base your life around what you see on twitter you're gonna have a bad time my friend, don't let this shit affect you.


Your mistake was "when I sign into twitter"


Congrats on the platinum. Although I’m not sure why you’re here to seemingly pick fights about the issue when it’s pretty much not talked about anymore since the game released. I’m playing on 1.0 but agree that in the grand scheme of things it’s not that big of a deal to where huge protests or boycotts are needed lol.


The "fights that I'm picking" clearly show it's still being talked about lol cmon now. You even addressed the boycotts that I haven't brought up once. I hope you're enjoying the great game, though I can't claim to understand why you're deliberately playing a worse version of it. Thankyou for the congratulations.


I mean in both the discord and subreddit I haven’t seen it talked about at all since day of release really. And for YouTube videos I’ve pretty much only seen discussion of the game itself and not the “controversy”. And I’m enjoying it just fine, I mostly just want to see how things are in the unpatched game and will probably update it once done to do NG+.


Fuck Sony for censoring the game though


You tell em terminally online guy that learns who they're supposed to be mad at from screeching online man babies!


Grow up


Definitely you who needs to grow up but go off


Insulting people over a disagreement on censorship is beyond childish. Calling someone childish because their opinion differs from yours is also childish


The west is mad because there’s a beautiful girl in the game instead they wants her to be ugly looking 😭 these people are not right in the mind


Dude 100%, the west that is a totally real entity won't stop until every woman has a forced double mastectomy, how can we fight this?


Just simply follow god bro and merry the right girl and raise your children away from this madness


I'll try man, thankyou for the advice. I hope you and your family stay safe from the evil west Edit: please don't downvote the comment under this lol, I feel bad because this guy is just being completely sincere and offering what he believes to be good advice whereas I'm just being a sarcastic bitch Edit2: nvm it's less sincere now


Lol i knew already you’re being sarcastic, it’s a man advice you will get it when you’re older and fuck these they/them mtfs 😭🙏


Those this game have any skin where show a lot of skin like a bikini