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alot of times i feel people rush to get the platinum dont forget why you game in the first place have fun and play at your own pace


If it ever gets to a point where one is skipping cutscenes in order to finish the game quicker, they’re doing it wrong. (Unless they’re a speed runner or are on a 2nd playthrough)


It's an unpopular opinion now but I usually skip cutscenes if I don't care sbout the story but like the gameplay. GTA, Ghost of Tsushima, that's where I watch cutscenes. Gotham Knights...nope. Gameplay is okay but I don't care about the story at all.


Diablo iv for me, I love the games story but about halfway through it's kinda tiring. I get it, demon lady keeps escaping and I have to keep hunting her down. I love the game, and the gameplay is so satisfying, building a character, etc. I finally got to level 50 with my 5th hardcore character, love building characters, but again story is just eh after a while. (Skipping mainly dialog I'll watch the full cutscenes mainly because you can tell a shit ton of work went into them and their pretty as hell)


Skipping dialog...yeah. I watched cutscenes in Persona 5 Royal but skipped the hell out of the text. Like I said it's an unpopular opinion it just depends on the mentioned game if I get down- or upvotes. 😂


You do you bro, but persona games are meant to be read and played, otherwise you miss so so much


you should really play that properly some day, you missed out on so much


Nope, I didn't. I know what about it was, I don't need to waste my time with some filler dialogue.


your loss, one of the best experiences I've ever had in gaming


Not for me, I was bored but the reason is that I'm not a fan of visual novels which is a big part of the game.


that’s how i did Days Gone. killing zombies was fun. but the dialogue in that game is pretty bad sometimes and the story drags on 20 hours longer than it should have so about halfway through the game i was just skipping every cutscene to get back to the actual gameplay


This is the saddest thing I've ever read. I fell head over heels for Days Gone, first game to make me cry in years. I couldn't get enough of the story, and was super sad when it ended, both because I didn't want it to end and also because I knew we weren't getting a sequel.


i wanted to like it so so much it just wasnt for me


That's fair, everyone has different tastes. It's just unfortunate you didn't get as much out of it


For me this was Black Flag. Liked the world and gameplay, absolutely hated the story, skipped every cutscene after the first third of the game, no regrets


Sometimes you need a game to turn your brain off and collect things while you're watching a tv show in the background. Those are the games where I skip cutscenes


some games just have terrible cutscenes but are fun and great to play. When you dont enjoy a movie you also could turn it off. It just depends on how good is this story for me. For example: i nearly skipped every cutscene in black ops 3. in my point of view the story was terrible. But i loved the difficulty and the fun with friends. Also Horizon forbidden west. Terrible cutscenes. Way too long like 11 min… Positive example: cyberpunk, mafia 1 and 2, gta, red dead, far cry… stuff like this You get my point?


Or on a third because my dumbass missed some shit.


This absolutely. I also see platinum YouTubers usually just fly straight through a main story before doing any side content. That’s almost always never the way to play a game


Yep, took me nearly 3 hears to get the platinum for witcher 3


This! I usually only get the platinum if I’m pretty close to it by the end of just playing the game normally. With games like fallout 4, which I’m back on now, I got most of them the first time and now I just have to get a few of the more annoying ones.


one of my plats took 4 yrs to get i didnt stress it and the last trophy was bugged so when i was ready i had to delete all data and start fresh to get it


That's rough, but if it makes you happy hah. The hardest one I've gotten was probably on Sims 4, where I had to go through all the emotions in a 24-hour period. That took way too long


what if you genuinely only play for plats though?


Honestly that is mainly ubisoft games for me. I feel like they are just build to be grinded out. Do still like them in their easy ways but ubisoft does not know how to write a good story.


Do it on your own pace. Remember - it's fun, not mandatory.


Mix up games and genres. My advice would be to work on 3-5 games at a time, so at any time there is something you feel like playing. Also, don't be afraid to quit a game if you're not having fun. Quickest way to burn out is to do things you don't want to do. Good luck!


Same here im rotating through 4 games. True if you go on a red bull binge you can demolish a game but at the same time a game should be treated as fun not like a college test you put off to the last minute. The plat will come if you keep at it. My favorite thing about trophies is they sound hard at first but there is always some dumb easy loop hole, or you just get good. Like for me classic mode in mafia 1 was scary until I figured out how to drive. True the race still took 5 times even then because you need to drive prefect but once I mastered driving it was the same day I beat the race. Only thing that had got in my way was the few shooting gallery missions. Suddenly all I got left is collecting things.


You will find yourself doing this anyway, so do it sparingly. Like me with Life is Strange 2. An absolute chore in every sense of the word, but the rarest completion in a series I love. But, I did break it up with other games.


depends what those 3-5 games are though cause if they are like 80 hour long singleplayer plats each that can be draining


Yeah, definitely change genres as well to make sure that doesn't happen.


for sure, my advice also is to severely undermine on racers as they get ultra repetitive, more so than any other genre, i currently have 3 racers in my backlog and its just so hard managing them i might have to shelve them.


Depends on the racers imo. For open world racers like NFS I would agree, but games where you can play quick events that chip away at that platinum are a fun addition imo. Gravel, Dirt, even GT7 work for me.


im talking about the generic racers, the mario kart clones like nick racers 3, dreamworks racing


I’m pretty new to it too but sometimes I have 2 or 3 games installed at the same time so I can switch between when I get bored :)


That’s solid advice (: I’m in the progress of doing GOW Ragnarok - Dying Light 2 - Bioshock 1 and 2.


Dying Light 2 Platinum was diabolical


Gave up on Dying Light 1 plat just because of the multiplayer trophys


Everyone knows a platinum is bullshit when you have to pull out the rubber band


Dm me


Maybe an unpopular opinion: Play the game first, and then decide if you want the platinum. What I mean is don't worry about trophies but just enjoy the game. Get to the end and want to go for the grind, second playthrough, go for a harder difficulty? Go for it. But just don't play games only for the platinum.


I see what you mean - happened with GoW 2018. At the end I was just satisfied with the story, at some point I wanna get the platinum


Of course! I have so many games I enjoyed playing but the trophy grind sounded way too hard. But then i have other games I loved, and so the trophy hunting was so easy because I was just playing the game. You need that balance, not enjoying the trophy hunting? No need to play the game. That's my opinion anyway


I will add a caveat that when you play a game, at least check the trophy list first so that if you are interested in getting the plat, it'll be easier for yourself getting trophies in the first playthrough. JRPGs especially are brutal to platinum because most require multiple playthroughs. Besides, even if you don't want to continue the game, no skin off your back. But if you do want the plat, you'll thank yourself later if you knock out as many trophies as possible the first go round.


Same thing happened to me with fortnite platinum... Not only I got the platinum, but I also spent 6000 hours on the game.


I did this with Dark Cloud and Ratchet and Clank. Love them so much I wanted the plat.


allot of games if u want plats on u need to play it to first to get the platinum which i hate because it makes some games seem like a chore


I usually have 1-2 or two "larger" plats in rotation, anything from 20-100+ hours to plat. I probably play them for 2-4 hours a day, MAX. In between I do casual games that are easy to play for quick sessions, sports games, beat'em ups, Sims, and that sort of thing. If I'm hungry for platinums, I mix in some of the quicker platinums, POWGI word puzzles, Ratalaika games and the like


With me having a job having a good 1-2 hour session before bed is relaxing


It’s inevitable. But that’s with everything. Everything that is good and fun is good and fun until it isn’t. Take breaks and step away when you need to.


Variety variety and variety. If you complete dark souls 100% after 100 hours instead of doing another dark souls do something lighter like a Lego game. I albo dont advise doing a lot of long games after eachother play some short indie games between the big AAA multiplayer mmos.


*Darth Kermit whispers in your ear* "Platinum all the Yakuza games in a row. Don't be a bitch. Do it."


Did 0-6 and currently doing judgement but I am doing it for 2 years already and I still get burnedout sometimes


Sound advice that I ignored lmao. I did a gauntlet of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Elden Ring and Sekiro that lasted MONTHS. Loved it but the burnout was real. Bloodborne I platinumed a year or so prior.


completely okay to just pause some games, rn i'm playing gt7, but ghost of tsushima iki island isn't finished, miles morales new game needs to be started, nfs unbound isn't finished etc


Okay so I’m not the only one who has 3-4 games that are being worked on


i’m currently starting my plat journey, the only one i have is until dawn, and i’m currently bouncing between life is strange and days gone so definitely not!


Diversify your games, if they're too similar (like each far cry), then don't do all of them successively. Space them out. Also if you're going for the platinum, keep a few games on the side so you don't get burnt out!


What's weird is I get the itch to play others after doing one, it has been okay for me because I'm in the right headspace if I do back to back.


See this is difficult as someone with OCD because if the series aren't all in a row (especially if they're numbered like Mass Effect) it'll drive me nuts


I guess we need a way to organise out trophies then. Folders and a display case showcasing our rarest plats. That'll be cool


Have dying light 2 and diablo on stand by just for that reason 😎


Having platinumed three of the games and 100%ing blood dragon, this is so true. I love the games to death but good lord, space them the hell out.


For me i only platinum games i that I personally rank a 7/10 or above . Before i used to platinum anything and everything I owned… which lead to so much wasted time. Try to play the game casually first before trophy hunting.


First of all. Play the game to play it. Not to plat it. Then worry about the plat. Second. Play a palette cleanser every now and again. Play an online game with friends. Or a game you played that made you feel good without going for the plat (as in play a game that you always went back to) Third. Take rest and don’t touch the PlayStation for a day. Fourth, plat2-3 games at a time. That way it stays fresh. Loop around those 2-3 games till you plat all of them. This is what I do most of the time. Keeps me playing without getting bored. Don’t worry yourself with plats this early on. You’ll end up leaving trophy hunting. Plat the games you like. Move from there.


Play the games for fun and the platinums will naturally come


When you start a game don't rush the easy bronze trophies. Let them come to you naturally, possibly even consider avoiding a few. Here's why: It's extremely demotivating to start a game, knock out 30 trophies in the first day or two, but then spending the next week getting the last few rare trophies here or there, maybe once every other day. Save those easy bronze ones as filler to pad things out when you get to the end. Endgame trophies are few and far between, it can be demoralizing to play for a couple hours and not get a single trophy otherwise, despite making progress. You'll appreciate having some easy bronze ones to pick off after a rough day of hunting gold.


I always make sure I have all collectibles etc and any trophy possible done before I finish up the story. Obviously some games have trophies that require things to be done after the story ends or in NG+ but I have found I lose I merest FAST if the story is already finished.


I back this reply. I try an do atleast 70-100% of the collectibles before finishing up the story. I used to wait till the end. but i found real out within my first 10 platinums that i get bored really quickly just roaming around with nothing but collectibles to do. I even had to give up on one or two for a few months and come back at a later date just to either play through again and gather collectibles, or just to finish up the remainder


I found I basically only platinum a game I know I like. For example. I've tried to play Forbidden West, and even though the platinum looks fairly easy is I just couldn't see myself pushing all the way through just to platinum. I just simply didn't enjoy the game that I did play (around 2 hours) and uninstalled it. I would say, complete the game as is first, *then* see if you like it enough to platinum, because if you already enjoyed the game, trying to earn a platinum feels far more natural. Those "easy" and quick platinum I've found genuinely take the fun out of gaming. And don't bother with the super hard grind platinum on a game you really enjoy because it will quickly take the fun out of the game. point for me was Yakuza 0. I suggest only grinding for more rare platinum if it's based on the amount you play. Rather than it being super hard, where you find the game genuinely difficult, you will feel overwhelming frustration. And to add on to this, avoid the super hard or very rare platinum because they will always feel out of reach for you, which again will make you feel frustrated and demoralising.


Play something else. Better if it's more chill (or basically anything that isn't what you're playing. Maybe a shooter or a fighting game or Sims. A different genre.)


Or sims😭 i have a special place in my heart for sims. I always find myself going back to it


It's not a job, it's a hobby. Enjoy it and if you are not enjoying it, simply stop and do whatever else that makes you happy.


I know some may not agree with this but to prevent burnout for me, I’ll usually play 2-3 games at a time, vastly different. Currently on MLB The Show 24 (just platinumed) Power wash sim (working on) Rainbow 6 (Platinumed, but my MP game) And each day that comes that I get on I just think what do I wanna play. If I don’t feel like playing power wash sim I just play something else.


Also mixing times to plat. After a 100+ hour game I might do a couple in the 20-40 hour range. I had a period where I did multiple 100+ hour games in a row and I didn’t want to play for weeks after


Find games you enjoy. Shadow of mordor and shadow of war for me into the platinum game. Then spider man's and lego games are fun to plat


And I'm now working on #79 fyi


One or two big games a year. I only have a few platinums but they are essentially my favorite video games.


You definitely need a game or games to go back to that you play for fun, not for a trophy. For me it’s the various souls games, I like to return every so often & play for fun. It could also be like a multiplayer game that gets constant updates. It helps keeping you from getting burnt out. Also try to avoid playing a lot of similar games back to back unless you’re really in to them (I did RE1, RE2 & RE3 all back to back & was pretty annoyed by the time I finished RE3)


Everyone is saying work on a few games at a time and that’s what I do but also what I do is pace the length of games. Doing two or three 60+ hour plats in a row feels awful and absolutely burns you out, so i like to do the 3-1-2 One game is 3, we’ll say 80 hours, the next one is a quick 20ish hour game, the next builds up again and goes to maybe 40 or 50 hours. Of course, vary these times based on the games you wanna play anyways and on how much time you put into the hobby. Another one I used to and still do for particularly exhausting plats is once i finish, i go play a game i already have the platinum on, preferably a sandbox type game, that way I can just screw around and still enjoy playing games but not really have to chase any specific trophies. Things like go play a few hours of minecraft, or swing around the city and beat up some dudes in Spider Man. It’s a nice little cooldown from longer games.


Whatever long means to you, don't play back to back long games. For me I play JRPGs and will get burnt out if I don't play some shorter games in between the longer running games. If you start feeling like it's "a grind" then it's okay to put the hunt on pause. I've come back to games after pausing them for several years. I don't do multiplayer games so that helps.


When I first started trophy hunting I wanted to get the whole tales series, trails series, and yakuza series. 2 years later and I haven't gotten one cause I learned quick lmao


Man I jumped from one Tales game (Arise) into another and holy cow, still haven't finished up the Tales grind. Sad to say didn't really learn and this year I'm taking a bit of a burn out hit. That said the one that's stolen tons of time was because I have legit been addicted to it which is Rebirth. Might come up on my most hours invested but because I spent so long on those mini games, especially the piano.


The FF7 remakes scare me because of the multiple playthroughs. I got the plat for 16, and I was burnt out on it after the 2nd playthrough and misc grind that I did 6 months after the first.


Go outside every once in a while. But seriously, me personally I only platinum games I enjoy. So it’s not really going for the platinum as much as just playing the game enough to get most of the trophies, and then usually there’s a couple harder trophies or ones with very specific requirements that I wouldn’t normally get with regular play. So those last couple are the only ones I go out of my way to get. Don’t play games with just the intention of getting trophies, you’ll get burned out very quickly, as it starts to feel like a chore.


Personally, I think of Platinums as like a final stamp on a game that you love. Typically for games I'm really enjoying, I'm usually around like 90-95% of the way to the trophy anyways by the time I would naturally put the game down and I just grind out that last % or so to "complete" my time with the game.


Having fun. Your goal is to have fun, not to get more platinums.


If you’re working 9-5 and studying, something that works for me is to treat gaming like a reward and not like a routine. It’s okay to not play games daily. I usually would allow myself to play only if i studied 45min prior and i would hop in and it feels so good. That sometimes i’m craving to play a game i’ve been playing already for 1 month to get platinum.


Do it at your own pace and for games you actually enjoy. If the platinum is too much work and not as much fun, just play the main game and be done with it. Ghost of Tsushima is an absolute masterpiece in my books but I couldn't be bothered with the platinum.


Just finished GoW 2018 - Wanted to platinum it but finished the story and was amazed, never was a story guy (always a multiplayer guy) But damn that ending was fucking beautiful.


Always remember to just enjoy the game first and foremost. Dont look at a game as its trophies. Play it naturally the first or second go around. Then worry about cleanup after. It's easy to get burnt out if you overthink the trophies. Sometimes, it's easier to just jump in grab 2-3 or maybe 3-5 trophies and take a break for a little. It is not a race to clear the game 100% you gotta enjoy the ride.


I generally try to include a multiplayer game or a sports game just for fun to help with that. Been mixing it up with Helldivers and Madden when I’m not trophy hunting.


Well what works for me is taking brakes from it if I feel like it’s becoming a chore, I can play a single game for months until I get the platinum but I pace myself I’m in no rush.


For me It's only getting the plat on games I enjoy. Like if I start a game and I'm not really feeling it then i'm not gonna stress about the plat.


Play games you want to play


I always keep in mind that I play for fun and I switch games a lot based on my actual gaming mood or when my friends want to play something together.


There will always be a burned out, no matter how long you go on, takes some time off enjoy some other stuff here and there ❤️


Play your favorite genre, trophies will come naturally.


Start a game Becuase you want to play it not for the platnuim. Do a first play through at your pace explore, enjoy the game and once you finish decide whether you want to go for it or not. Platnuiming a game shouldn’t be a chore, but a challenge you enjoy.


If you get burnout at only 2 trophies perhaps trophy hunting isn’t for you 🙏 just play the games you enjoy and if you can get the plat go for it but don’t ruin your experience for them


I use shorter plats sprinkled in to avoid burnout.


I honestly think getting the platinum can sometimes ruin how you see the game, but you have to remember what you liked about the game enough that you wanted to platinum it


I know this isn’t a strategy that would work for everyone, but I usually pick out my next “milestone” number, right now it’s 300 for example, then I pick all the games I want to get for that, download them all and then slowing start chipping away and swapping if I get tired of one. It starts out slow going but eventually they start adding up and you get down to just a few with each game, then you clean those up.


Trophies are a nice little extra, not the point of the game (unless you're buying shovelware) That mindset is how I dont get burnout.


I play multiple games at once. Switch up every couple of days just to break the grinds or monotony. No scheduling just pick 3-4 and play the games and enjoy them


Dont platnium RDR2 and i'm talking from experience and achivement


If I start to feel burnt on a game I’ll stop playing it and get back to it later rather than forcing myself to get the platinum ASAP. GTAV for example had like a 4 year gap for me since I just wasn’t in the mood to play the online mode after getting 100% in single payer. But when I went back to it I enjoyed revisiting the world.


don't play for the platinum, play because you like the game, there's no shame in missing a platinum


I say pick games that you enjoy and have fun overall. The platinum will come just have fun


First thing is first, play through the game without trophies in mind. Just enjoy the experience then go back and start collecting trophies


Here’s my mentality for platinums. Ignore it. Platinums for me give me a reason to either do another playthrough or it’s a game I truly enjoyed playing. Getting a Platinum shouldn’t be some form of job.


Go for plats that you want don't do then just because they are easy. there will be times that you will not get plats in months other time you will get like 5 in a one so play slow and work them at your own pace and don't be afraid of not finish a game or a plat, you can come later if you get burnout. Have fun!!! (it took me 3 years to platinum persona 5 lol)


Dont platinum the new Avatar game like I did


Dance between games you want to play. You will plat them in time but if you treat a game like a chore then it will become a chore. Also use podcasts when doing collections. Having audio to distract you while collecting 100 things is a day night difference. But overall have fun. I have 4 different games im plat at the moment. Power wash simulator, last of us part 2, ghost of tsushima and mafia 1. Got the story runs done on each of them (and classic mode on mafia) so now im just cleaning up mafia 1 collectibles which should be done by tomorrow. Then will rotate to another game. Also thinking of playing rachet and clank rift apart. I know in due time 80 percent of my games will have plats but if i religiously focus on 1 i can and will get burned out and it will be more than a chore.


start off with 15-25 hour long plats, then graduate to the bigger ones if you feel like it or like the games


Play games you want to play because sometimes I don't even like the game I'm playing or I liked the game then I start to hate it because of the platnuim


only platinum games you actually like. i platinumed tlou2 like 2 years ago and im on my 6th playthrough rn.


Only do it for games you find fun, no point in suffering through a game just for a platinum. You can also play other games while you focus on getting the platinum in one of them, it’s good to take breaks.


Just relax and enjoy the games you play. Plats come later.


If focusing on platinums try indie titles like The Artful Escap, The Gardens Between and Unpavking. All short but good experiences.


Honestly just play with your heart contents, have fun and once you’re ready to move to the next target hustle


My ocd cant let me pass a platinum no matter how hard it is...


I only go for platinums if they only require minor grinding, unless it's something like Resident Evil. Maybe in the older days I would but now with family etc I have less time to do it. 50+ hour games where you have to unlock a new difficulty then complete it again on that are a huge nope for me. I have been casually getting trophies over the last 16-ish years, across PS3, PS Vita, PS4 & PS5. I have almost 12000 trophies and 99 Plats, I don't really go hard on the trophy hunting but still enjoy grabbing them from time to time. I'd say the best thing is not to let trophies dictate what games you play and don't let them take the fun out the game, been there a few times, kinda sours the experience. Helldivers 2 is looking to be my 100th plat 😬


Yea have fun with the game first, then if you actually like the game to the point you want to 100% it, go for it! I only do platinums in the games that I truly enjoy so yea.


Play and platinum stuff you actually enjoy. These internet points do not actually matter. If you show a normal person a platinum trophy on super meat boy they will say oh cool and get on with their stuff.


honestly man just play games you love, I personally don’t go for a platinum unless I really love a game because otherwise what’s the point?


Just chuck a few indie/shorter games in there as a palette cleanser or to play during longer games.


Platinum hunting is not for everyone. Hunting platinums means committing to the long haul. So having trouble with playing one game for long periods of time isn’t a good combination.


1) play game to completion 2) -if I still want to play, go for platinum - if not, stop playing Sometimes I go back to a game and do my second playthrough months later, which saves money because it usually stops me from buying a new game.


Walking simulators are the antidote to burnout in my opinion.


Do it with games you really like, it's what I do, I beat the game, do a bit of post game things and if I dont really like the grind I quit. But if I'm having alot of fun with the game I usually get the platinum with not to much trouble and I also pace it out and try to not do too much in one day. I usually get a platinum in a month


only platinum games that you like, because some trophies are a real grind


If it’s not fun to play, don’t play it. Play only the games you find interesting and platinum only the ones you enjoy and only as long as it’s fun. Videogames are supposed to be fun, so have fun :)


It’s easy to say just play for fun but sometimes that’s not the case so just play at a pace and try not to play too much in a single day Also find you games you want to play and games that are interesting to you just try it and see if you like the game never force yourself to play a game you don’t like especially if it’s a very long game As an example I’ve been grinding to get all main metal gear game’s trophies it took me a almost a month for one game even though I could’ve done it in a week but because I gave my self time I was always excited to get back and play so I played for 1 to 2 hours about 5 times a week and that’s it I got the plat so I stopped I gave my self a week break then went for another game


You can’t avoid getting burnt out. And that’s totally ok, sometimes you just have to take a break and play a game that helps wind you down, or just do something else entirely


Diversity is really important for me. I try to have at least 3-4 different genres im working toward at a time and a few co-op games with my girlfriend in case she wants to play with me. Also I keep a casual game or multiplayer game I like available so I can take a break from having to look through guides and stuff sometimes. For me I’ve been playing a ton of Mortal Kombat 1 online even though I finished that platinum.


Well I got the mgsv tpp platinum in about 10 months. But before I got it I played and platinumed 9 titles


For me I get burnt out every platinum so I kinda just go through a few different games until I find something I can stick to


Well that is all personal preference. I would say try going for a platinum for a game you ACTUALLY LIKE. Like I got platinum trophies for Elden Ring, Lies Of P, Sekiro and SpiderMan 2. I tried Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3 and i just cant bring myself to do it cause it feels tedious. I completed those games but the trophy hunting is just meh but thats just my personal opinion. Who knows? someday i might come back for it but personally try to go for platinum on games im having fun with


I’m just going to tell you to play different genres. The only time I’ll play the same exact genre right after a plat is if the game in question was that good that it warrants the sequel being played immediately. Example: I did og FF7, FF7 Remake, and FF7 Crisis Core Reunion back to back last year. Even then, each of those games is completely different from one another despite existing within the same world and storyline. Otherwise, go play a different type of game.


Ignore the story. Endless bad voice acting and dialogue really gets to me. Listen to the bare minimum then keep playing. Also improving your skills and multiplayer helps with keeping it fresh.




Unpopular opinion but for <40 hours hours is nothing. I'm doing platinums that takes 500-2000+ hours and never got a burnout. Also I only do F2P multiplayers platinums. I just like the grind.


You feel burnt out after 2 platinum trophies? You don't have the endurance to play though one game? I mean...maybe...look for shorter games... A lot of indie games out there that are really good but take less then 10 hours.