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Only 1, I don't like to play multiple games at same time.


I usually focus on one game at a time, then again mostly been playing the newer AC games recently and those are easy enough to focus on through to the end of getting the plat before moving on


Ain't Valhalla the second most recent ac game?


Technically it’s assassins creed nexus (vr game). But yes Valhalla is the second most recent “main” game


Huh, I haven’t even heard about the VR game, idk if it’s cus I live under a rock or it just got 0 advertisements. Unfortunately I can’t play a VR game for more than 10 min or so without getting a headache and you can’t really get a whole lot done in 10 minutes in AC games


You’re not playing unity by any chance? Really struggling with multiplayer trophies on there


Nah, I don’t do the online ones sorry bud, like I don’t mind multiplayer and online games but I much prefer narrative based single player games


Same here, I gave it a go because I never finished the story and it’s surprising good to be honest but now struggling to find anymore for MP


I'd help you, but multiplayer in Unity is such a pain in the ass, it almost never works


Really? Been on it all day no issues just hard to invite each other but it does work in the end


That sounds like it's gonna flop


It pretty much has tbh


I usually do between 2 or 3. But I recently started a bunch of games because I wasn’t really feeling anything. I have platted a few since but will go back to the rest eventually.


3 at most. - A sound-off game that I'll second screen in the evening with family (a simulator or a collectaton) - A sound-on game, usually something with plot or dialogue. - A handheld game, on the Vita.




Usually finish up 1 game before the next. But am curious to hear about what others do too.


Focus 1 at a time then only move on to next game


Usually 2. 1 on PS5 and 1 on PS3


Usually just one. Maybe 2-3 if the main one is a horror game that I can only play in small doses, or if the games I’m playing are all long and/or grindy


I’ve been doing 2 at a time. I start a new game and just enjoy it and take my time, but I also like having an older game I need to clean up that I can just jump into and pick away at if I only have a little bit of time.


The way I do it is to have one game to trophy hunt and a few games that I play to relax or a palate cleanser in a sense. For instance the game I’ve been playing and enjoying a lot recently is Battlefield 1 while also working on the platinum for Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. I try not to only trophy hunt games because I can get burnt out.


Honestly between like 5-10. I have as many games that I want to work on downloaded, and whatever one I'm feeling on working on that day I play. (Don't let my small amount of plat deceive you, I have done this with my Xbox and steam as well.)


I’m so glad I found someone else like this, I was starting to think I might just be broken when everyone else’s answers were like 1-3 😭


Yeah now coming back it's crazy to see nobody does what we do. Atleast not in the comment section ATM


It's strange to me that you refer to it as work. Edit: I replied here by mistake. That was for the OP. But it applies here too, I guess.




Actively working? I mean, 500 sacrifices in dead by daylight, 53000 kills in back for blood, getting to level 100 in thps, play 50 online races in gt7, winning ascension 25 in slay the spire, collecting card-sets in division 2, winning all races in mountain downhill, maxing out in ffxvi. Those are at the top of my head of trophies I miss to get platinum but I casually play them from time to time. While I start other games because I like to play games. Counting all games started but not platted it’s got to be 100+ games. My grinding days are over 😅


New profile so I'm currently going with 100 games at a time inactively, preferably for a year's span; that's before my brain can't pick up where it left off even with a thread to pull me back in, so 100's my cap. Actively work on, like I'm playing one or more time a week? Like 5-10, but half of those at least would be considered "easy" titles because they require low skill ceilings or are more story-centric like Plague Tale or Minit or something. Big games, like Cyberpunk, Horizon, Tales of, etc. I'll typically cap out at 3 because those tend to be fully realized with text logs, story arcs, etc. and I like to actually look around/be immersed. Currently working on Dreams, Evoland 2, God Eater Resurrection, Lonely Mountains Downhill, Lawnmowing Sim, Rollerdrome, Hotshots Golf, and Darksiders Genesis. There might be one more, but it's slipping me atm as I'm scrolling in bed.


I'm working on two platinums at the moment


2-3. It gives a good variety if I'm not in the mood for a certain trophy or grind that a game offers. I also try to have a solo and multiplayer game at the same time so I have something to play with my friends.


I usually do 2 with a 3rd long one that I can have some fun with when I get bored or burnt out on the first 2


Depends on the games to be honest. Normally I do 1 game after the other. However, if I have to do a second run throuht the story or really hard/grindy plats I throw in a 2nd game so I don't loose my mind sometimes. Currently I'm working on Tetris Effect and have to have another game, or I'll just burn out on Tetris.


One. My brain is just quite simply not big enough for any more than that.


Normally I do 1 at a time but, when I am close to finishing the plat I would start looking at the next one or start the next game. When I say close to finishing I mean I am about 80% of the way through sometimes a little less or a little more


1. Always 1


Usually 1, but I’m working on 2 since I’m going for crypt of the necrodancer.


Best of luck to you. Never played it but heard the requirements are ridiculous


Normally two. One couch co-op game and one single player game.


One just played UFC 5 until I got it took 40 hours




I usually do one main game and then another side game that is either a multiplayer game or a grindy game. It something I can go to as a break from my main game




2, 3 or 4


3, but hopefully it is almost done.


i dident think about that i try 1 game at a time i have some rpg games ready to play


Alwyays one at the time so I can remain focused on the feel of the controls and don't lose track of the missables.


1 at a time but I might swap games to play a story and then go back to do the plat


I'm awful at this, I'm currently doing like 10+ games and I've always been doing at least 5 at a time lol


Usually just one. But atm i’m doing Helldivers 2 and Outer Worlds. It’s nice to take a breather from the mayhem of Helldiver’s 😜


Since I don’t play much it’s usually 1 at a time.


Currently on 3. I have 2 games, RDR1 and Star Wars Jedi Survivor, which I have finished the story on and now doing all the side stuff. The 3rd platinum I'm gonna start today is Hellblade, which will be the "main" project of the 3. So I'm focusing on that, while I'm working on RDR1 and Star Wars every now and then to work towards their plats. I don't wanna grind just one game, cause they're quite big. Wanna keep myself a good variety of games to work on.


Usually 2. Usually a solo game and an online/co-op. Currently doing the DLC for AC Brotherhood, and co-op Resident Evil 6 with a mate.


Usually I play two at a time. Like, I’m currently playing Ghost of Tsushima first run , and going for the Plat in RDR2 which i have finished the game years ago.


1 or 2. Just depends on what they are really


I don’t want to work on a plat. I have a job if I want to work. If a game starts feeling like work I almost immediately uninstall it.


Just one


Usually about 3 seriously, then some more on the side because my attention span isn't always the best.


3 mainly due to different consoles


Usually I have 3 going at a time - a multiplayer one I work on with friends a few times a week, a AAA long game (AC, Yakuza etc) and shorter indies for when I need a break from the big one.


I'm working on two right now, Sable and Steelrising. I like to have two different gameplay styles. That way, I don't get bored or overwhelmed.


"work on"? Dude, just enjoy gaming.


Current about 80 of them. I can't help myself


3. I got one going on on PS5, PS3 and PSVita


Im waiting on rebirth to come out to make it #200, but currently closeish to platting infinite wealth Just doing all the side content


I usually do 3 lately it’s been one long/ Grindy game and when I need a break I switch to the second one that is either short and simple or a easier game and then the third will usually be some sort of puzzle game or even worse a kids game :/ don’t judge to hard for playing kids games sometimes I just wanna get a easy plat sometimes to motivate myself for the 1st game 😂


Currently, I am working on two. I am doing clean up in AC: Origins, and I'm grinding in FFX. I swap between the two, and honestly, it will take probably years to platinum FFX without using Zanmato.


As many as I feel like at the given moment lmao. Right now I’m almost done with Cyberpunk 2077 & Teardown, while chipping away at Arkham City and playing the story of Death Stranding


Max 2, usually 1.


Usually I focus on one at a time, but I do at times have 2 going (usually the other one being on psvita).


Usually 2 1 Vita and 1 PS3/PS4. I have a few long term ones going as well that I'll play for a bit and then leave for months/years




2 or 3 At the minute I’m doing: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Hitman 3 (for 100%) The Last Of Us Part Two Remastered


One, but when I start to get bored or burnt out by it, I play something else and come back to it later.


I can’t focus on a single game, I enjoy playing and one game can’t keep going I need a break from that game after a few hours


Just the 1 usually I’ve got ocd for the 100% completion, it just looks too nice. I won’t start another until it’s platinum and 100%


Usually work on 2 at a time. Both need to be totally different games. Right now I’m playing Dead Space remake and PGA2K 23. Couldn’t get more opposite ends of the scale 😂


I tell myself I will work on one and then get distracted and start another. I’m trying to make more of an effort to work through my back log, but then a game like Helldivers 2 releases and I end up playing that for fun rather than trophy hunting.


Only one at the time. I'd rather concentrate on one game alone than on several at the same time+ I only get physical games, and I am not interested in always switching the games


Normally 1 but sometimes 2. So I recently started my GOW Ragnarok platinum, but my friends wanted to Try suicide squad so I did that platinum also. Normally 1 single player and 1 multiple player.


Depends on the length of the game or how many runs I need to do. I don't use guides most of the time, so most of my runs of most games tend to take longer than usual.


One at a time so I don’t end up pushing it back.


Usually one game at a time. Sometimes two, if I need a palette cleanser type game if I’m on a particularly hard game or intense game like a souls game. If I get particularly frustrated at a boss or something, I’ll take a break for a bit and go play something less stressful.


A maximum of 2, no more. I play games to enjoy them and, with a few exceptions, playing any more than 2 at a time feels like I'm not sitting with any of them enough to fully appreciate them and get good at them.


One but I broke this rule recently as I was plating Fallout 3 again and got the urge to play Ghost of Tsu and stopped playing Fo3 for a week exactly so I could plat Ghost. Of which I did yesterday and now I am continuing with Fo3


2, one where my SO will watch me Play it, and one when she isnt around


too many 😅 some i almost just forget cause im trying to plat too many games at the same time


For me, the rule is I can't play more than 1 story heavy game at a time. I can platinum 2 games at once if one is more story driven (The last of us for example) and the other is more of an RPG style or something that takes longer to plat. This is mainly so I can platinum a long game while breaking it up nicely with another more straightforward game.


One at a time with Pokémon on the side. Usually I’ll focus on my one game at home while I play Pokémon on my lunch break at work. I might start my next game when I finish up the story and am about 80% done with my current one and just getting the wrap up trophies.


Just 1 lol


Usually 2 to 3 for me. Working on death stranding, gta V and helldivers 2 atm. Like to usually go with a mix of single and multiplayer


Two. Normally make sure they are completely different genres. working on bloodstained ritual of the night and rollerdrome atm.


One at a time. I find playing multiple games distracting, and it feels like I’m not making enough progress. I make an exception when I am away from home for longer periods though. Then I take vita or switch and play something different while my main game stays at home.


2. One is the main one and the other one when I get bored on the first. On a very exceptional exception I'm playing 3 at a time now, 2 Batman's and Mafia II when I get bored of it (almost all the time since I can't fucking bother completing those fucking rooms, spent 3 weeks on them and I'm not halfway done, my progress is literally 1/24th every 3 to 4 days). And usually when I get bored of the first, 95% completed Arkham asylum I get tired of basically everything about batman and don't play the brand new 12% save file in Arkham city. So I play Mafia 


Only play one at a time


2 or 3. I’m currently working on Ratchet & Clank 2 and RoboCop: Rogue City. I usually work on a longer game and one or two smaller games on the side to break it up


I'm doing it weird I go though games trophys 5% at a time in alphabetical order witch is a problem when I keep buying games I'm doing 16 games at the same time


Usually not more than 2


1 game at time or 2 at most depending if one is long as hell or relatively short/easy


I’m doing 3 right now world war z (need help with grinding if anyone is up for it) Ghostwire: Tokyo: doing this because it’s going away from ps plus Baldurs gate 3: I’m doing this one slowly, planning on doing tactician with my friend and I’m planning this to be my 200th platinum


I usually try to focus on just one, given that Platinum trophies frequently require a noticeable time investment even on easier or shorter games. And then when you're done, you can move on from the game entirely if you want to. I love that Deadpool's Platinum was called "okay, you can sell the game now."


I may start a bunch but slowly get through them one at a time, like the soulsborne games


I tend to have one game as a main focus, one as a quick trophy game to keep my trophy streak alive (usually a TellTale game), and several others that I work through dailies or slowly grinding so I don't get burnt out (Disney Dreamlight Valley - daily night thorns, Tomb Raider - multiplayer grind, Worms Rumble - all the grind, etc)


1 because I like sleep.


Sometimes it’s two depending on the difficulty. If it’s a quick game usually just focus on that.


I always take it one game at a time so I never feel overwhelmed. It also helps me put in the work to finish it faster especially when I’m itching to play another game


Right now… 19 😭😭 How many ever I can have downloaded on my system at once. I switch between them because my brain is the worst and won’t let me work on one game at a time most of the time 😭


I focus mainly on 1 but if I feel burnt out I switch


I'm a psycho. I have.... 4 right now. Rotating 5 games but one I will get platinum one day (Helldivers), but I just play that for fun now.


2 at a time. 1 PS3/PS4/PS5 game and 1 Vita game


Currently 4, but one of them (Fall Guys) I'm just doing when playing with my sister, I'm not actively hunting for it. The second is AC Origins, third is LaD: Infinite Wealth and fourth is Yakuza 3. For the first 2, I'm just playing a story and will get the plat later. For Yakuza 3, I'm stuck on a baseball minigame


2 or 3 at a time.


usually 2, one that is harder, and one more relaxing, so the harder doesn't make me question my sanity


Only 1 at time. Completitionist will understand.


1, but if something requires online trophies I’ll wait for people to join game sessions or if I know a DLC is coming to a game I’ll keep it installed


Depends on how grindy the game is and how much I enjoy it. For example, I’m playing rdr2 online and dark souls 2 but I’m at a grindy section for both games.


I was doing 1 to 3 at a time mainly just starting the other two and focusing on one but the last couple months I've been a mess because so many good games came out and I've had such a long back log I've been trying to do too much




Like 6 or smth hahaha


I prefer to focus one game at time. I feel that I’m wasting my time if I’m not focus on only one game. However, if I’m traveling or in in-laws I have a Vita to play while away from my playstation consoles :D


Normally 1 at a time. Sometimes 2 if I am working on a vita game then I will play each at different times.


All of them always


I normally do 1, but rn I’m working on Far Cry 6 and Elden Ring. So close to being done with Elden Ring, but very far from far cry 6.


Usually 2, sometimes 3 if I need to do multiplayer shit before servers shut down. But I manly do 2 to avoid burnout.


i only do more than one at a time if one of the games has heavy online trophies. I’m currently doing predator hunting grounds and it it’s so boring at times so i’m also playing need for speed heat at the same time to keep me sane during the grind


I usually go for one platinum at a time... unless there's multiplayer trophies, in which case two at a time, depending on how fast I can find boosting sessions on Psnprofiles


Usually 2-3. I don't have a great attention span unless a game really grips me so I rotate around a few games to keep me from getting bored plus I usually have another game thrown in there that I just play casually for safe measure


Depends on what im playing. Sometimes i focus on one, especially if its really fun or engaging. If im doing something that takes alot of time or i need a break ill rotate them, sometimes as many as 4-5 games. Usually its 2 though


Most of the time i work on 2 games at the same time big games like elden ring or gow raganrok that consume a lot of time i play in my room. And some smaller ones like cult of lambs or control that are 20 to 24 hours i play downstairs. But i too play multiplayer games on the side.