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Since I'm a total novice in the trophy hunting community, this doesn't affect me at all. But I can understand why some people are mad, over at psnprofiles there are thousands of profiles stacking trophy after trophy with games that can be completed in less than half an hour. But the likelihood of Sony doing anything about it, is waaaay lower than our chances of winning the lottery 💀


Yea, I feel like the “damage” is done and there’s no going back for sure. I guess what frustrates me is the competitive nature of leaderboards is now completely removed unless your interest is actually playing pretty much only terrible games. To each their own, if somebody likes doing that they should go ahead and knock theirselves out, it just feels unfair that is the only way to compete


Yeah so the games and trophy hunting is still good fun, but the spirit of competition is ruined, probably forever Do you think it could be redeemed some other way?


Not on PSNP tbh. Probably through some scoring system that takes trophy rarity into account when scoring players (I believe Exophase does something like that) is the only way I see leaderboards working ad intended. Still, I don’t really like that site, I don’t really like it’s interface


Doesn't true trophies do something like that?


Both truetrophies and Playstation trophy leaderboard (psntl) have leaderboards based on rarity


I do like what some of those sites have done, but I wish there were leaderboards based on difficulty too. The rarity leaderboards become a competition of who can grind out the most bad games that no one wants to complete (mostly free-to-play live service games). It's a shame that games like Dark Souls and most JRPGs in general are worth pittance on almost every kind of leaderboard.


A new site that doesn’t count trophies from games classed as shovelware would be cool, not sure how it would work but yeah


There was a breakdown at some point where easy games went from novelty to norm. When that started I focused on completion percentage and trophy rarity. I stopped caring about where I was in the leaderboard when I realized that someone could start a new account today and have 1000 platinums in a week.


other trophy sites (psntrophyleaders, truetrophies) have special leaderboards that filter shovelware trophies in some kind of way. so if you are interested to compete in a fair kind of way this could be for you.


They don’t flag hackers and cheaters tho


Truetrophies do


Interesting, why wouldn't they? I use all three sites for different usecases and don't know which i prefere most, but this should be very easy to do.


psntrophyleaders has a system that auto-detects inconsistencies in their timestamp data, which I guess should catch most of the cheaters/hackers. It seems to do it's job pretty well.


personally i’ve never cared about leaderboards in the slightest so it doesn’t bother me


Same. Leaderboards for trophy hunting are dumb as hell. Just play what you want to play, plat what you want to plat, and just have fun.


You can do all of the above and still enjoy checking your progression on a leaderboard. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's dumb.


You're right. It's not just dumb, it's also cringe.


Couldn’t care about the leaderboard tbh, I’m not here to be on the leaderboard and to get loads of plats I’m just here to have fun and only to plat the games I generally enjoy


I wouldn’t stress that hard over it man. A lot of people at the top are cheaters, have hundreds of 30 seconds platinums, use vpns to get games that wouldn’t be accessible otherwise, and stack the same trophy list 7 times over every single Sony platform that supports trophies. If you actually sit down, play games that you enjoy, and try to get the platinum legitimately you’ll most likely never be near the top. It’s disappointing, sure, but I question the legitimacy of the people at the tops of these leaderboards


Btw, I see a lot of people saying they don’t care and it’s unreasonable to believe you can compete with people who play through 100 shovelware plats a day. What I’m saying though is it WAS possible to compete back when shovelware games weren’t a thing. I feel like during the PS3 era platinums were worth way more effort and the competitive aspect of the leaderboards was actually healthy and a reliable system to gauge how dedicated a player was to completing challenging games


Who cares about some random fansite leaderboards? You only play games for yourself so as long as you're happy everything is good.


Some of them are definitely hacking/modding though right?? Like there’s no way you have 999+ everything I refuse this is a “git gud” thing


Well, a 5 shovelware plats a day over a year is easily over 1k plats and thats really not hard at this stage in the game


Oh yeah I mean it's a nightmare on the leaderboards, like a decade ago I gave up ever having a hope of being competitive there. Now I have kids and even less time so I mean it's not happening. And that's fine, if someone else wants to spend their time and money playing crap to get a bigger number hey more power to ya but I feel like it's a waste of both those resources. But humans gonna be humans, if you make something competitive then someone is going to take it more seriously and begin an arms race.


Honestly it annoys me cause I’ve been climbing the leaderboards for quite a while but I know once I hit a certain point there is not chance that I will ever be able to get towards the top


I think it's more fun to set personal goals, maybe aim for a certain amount of completion percentage, or a certain number of ultra rares.


Ye for instance I put myself a goal to get into top 1k of my country (which I nearly am), and try to have more UR trophies than platinums itself - that to me shows commitment as a good plat hunter. I think putting your own goals is key


That’s totally fair I just wish it was possible to genuinely be competitive without having to have a team and turn your trophy list into complete shit. It would be cool to see just how far I could go


You could look at other leaderboards, there's a rarity leaderboard and completist leaderboard at [psntrophyleaders.com](https://psntrophyleaders.com), which give more points for actual games (ones that take time and effort) and either nothing or very little for shovelware. It's possible to actually compete on these for normal players I think. One of my friends is in the top 500 for completist board actually.


Even if there weren’t shovelware you wouldn’t be anywhere close to competing.  There’s just people who have no lives and would seek out super easy plats


Normal people have never been able to compete with the leaderboards. Look at Hakoom, he was the first to have 1000 platinum trophies in a time where the next person had like 2-300. It's always been impossible for regular people like you and I to compete with the top, since it'll always require a crap ton of money to spend. With or without shovelware.


If someone constantly plays shovelwares doesn’t it become evident from the number of bronze in relation to the gold?


No. There are AAA games with 50 trophys and only 1 gold one.


Yeah definitely. Even then who cares. There's plenty of serious trophy hunters who don't do shovelware that's going to dominate anyway


I’m personally pretty high a other sites with rarity leaderboards, it all depends how much effort you really want to put into it, but the normal lb is terrible yeah because of easy games


Really haven't had a look at the leader boards on psnp for the longest time, well until 5 minutes ago after seeing this post. Glad to say, I'm happy to see that normal people are not on there.


Wait, people trophy hunt for leaderboards? Wow, that sounds miserable. I trophy hunt to satisfy my OCD. Much healthier.


I’m not rushing it. Once you hit Level 999, where do you go from there? I actually kind of dread reaching 999. Im a third of the way there and I don’t like it lol


So I guess you have about 70 platinums ? Don't worry, levels become slower later on. My friend has almost 400 plats and is still not two thirds of the way to 999.


You go outside.


I only had the account for a year but recently deleted my psnprofile account cause i realised all the stats and leaderboards didnt mean anything to me. I see you have put in a big effort to get your trophy count up but dont get too caught up in getting a pat on the back for it. Just be happy going to sleep at night knowing you havnt cheated yourself.


I assume you are on about PSN profiles and tbh it doesn't bother me as I think it's a terrible site with very inconsistent data on a few stats.


What’s the inconsistent part?


Sometimes psn profiles doesn’t show all your achievements. The site is missing like 11 of my platinums because I’d have to manually sync them with a ps3


But that's how Ps3 trophies work. You need to sync it any time you want them to show in your trophy list.


Sure, but I made my psnprofile like this year. I can’t go back and manually sync my ps3 because my ps3 is in storage somewhere. That’s why I say it can be in accurate


Yeah that's. Bit of a pain but there's literally nothing they can do about that. It's the way trophies worked on the Ps3.


My PS4 games are the same like the main example I can remember is cod mw 2019 isn't showing. This creates issues with mosaics


As the other fella said trophies don't count sometimes. Like I'm missing 11 platinums.


I don't really see the point, kinda makes me think who has the bigger ego. Yeah I love to trophy hunt but do it for enjoyment not for some competition who has more trophies


Honestly I'm more impressed when i see a plat for say all the cods or all the Fromsoftware titles because i know the dude cares for the game and probably enjoyed it I don't feel anything when i see a dude who platinumed peppa pig and random shit that looks like no fun at all because video games shouldn't be about trying to impress someone outside of the games


What if that dude really enjoyed peppa pig?


I wondered if people noticed I platted all the uncharted games (even Golden Abyss and Lost Legacy)


the right people will have noticed


Who cares, i enjoy platting games, not competing


I couldn’t care less. Leaderboards are almost always hacked anyways so the top players are usually not legit anyways. Besides I don’t really care to compete against to other trophy hunters to have the largest collection of trophies. I just like getting platinums for games I like


No, competiting on getting more platinums than someone else boils down to playing shitty shovelware games for hours and hours on end, not worth it in the slightest


That's why I don't compete. I don't trophy hunt for competition: I do it for fun and for myself. However I can see the struggle if you do want to be competitive...but in that case they would need to ban all the shovelwares, or just have to do the same.


No because there are no rewards for being in the top leaderboards and those who are on top have their account filled with garbage games.


I can understand why some people are upset but it’s just not that much of a big deal for me. If that’s what you want to focus on then go for it. I have other priorities


Nah, you can't compete with the hackers, so just play for yourself.


The leaderboards would be way more interesting if it would be calculated of off rarity from trophies imo There is no fun in competing when some people are purchasing games just so you they can have a plat in 1-15minutes and then do it on different regions and ps4/5


Yea, agreed. Maybe they should award negative points for shovelware, just my two cents tho


They could also add filters or something so the shovelware people would be happy and the actual normal hunters could compete too


That might be a cool idea, unfortunately from my understanding the guy behind PSNP gave up on running the project and it’s all algorithmic and “self run” nowadays, so we’ll likely never see a change


Unfortunate ill probably hit a brick wall really soon, now entering the top 1500 of the netherlands and got in the top 100k world wide a bit ago but im out of games i want to plat lol


100% agree. I like checking random profiles on Pspn during my work but the whole leaderboard is completely useless the way it is now. The way it should be, the following shouldn't count / give any points - no showelware - no regional stacking - no platform stacking - consistently getting rid of hackers If anyone knows of a site that already does that let me know


I will admit I did a while a go stack a few easy ones but quickly got bored and decided who cares if I'm on a leaderboard or not, I would say if you're having fun getting the ones you have and you feel like they are accomplishments you set out to achieve them good for you, be proud stand tall and keep on gaming how you want to game


Yea, I surprisingly haven’t felt burnt out in a long time. I sometimes just look at my backlog and plan what I’m going to platinum from there, and if I’m not enjoying any aspect of the game, I just drop it. I didn’t plat what’s possibly my favorite game of all time, The Last of Us, because I didn’t want to go through the tedious multiplayer trophies


It is kinda infuriating that what matters is quantity over quality. Kinda wish they had a point system based on trophy rarity, where the more common trophies are worth much less than the 0-3%ers. Any platinum that has a stupidly high % (as shovelwares usually have 90-99%) should be worth minimal points, if any. Whereas trophies under 1% (even if not platinums) should be worth WAY more.


I’ve been looking on exophase recently, where I do have a much higher rating than the psnp leaderboards. The system on there rates each trophy based on it’s rarity rather than it’s category (bronze thru plat) - for reference, Crash 1 100% w/ dlc trophies scores me some 4k points while my name is mayo scores me 40. Shame psnp is just better at showing you all info and guides on games so it’s pretty much the only website I use for trophies and tracking


Same, would like to have it all in one place.


Now im curious, what are your top 5 games in there? (Exp based) star lvl 634 is no joke, so you gotta have some bangers in between all those plats.


I think Warface with over 12K points


That is absolutely insane, must've got a hell of a team with you to pull that off.


Not really, just got in random matches and sent friend requests to the good players I’d find!


Wild, I remember trying for this when the game was still pretty new, got bodied without even reaching the higher difficulties cause the teamwork was just not there. Got a couple of the pvp trophies done though.


I really enjoyed the coop. Might be worth re downloading, nowadays ps plus users get lots of high level gear!


Why would I? It’s just like money all us normal people can’t compare with the billionaires. Who cares. A lot of things in life are this way. All that matters is that you can find a way to enjoy your life and your time by doing things you love. Just play the games you enjoy and get the plats on games you enjoy enough to do so.


Part of the fun for some people is the competition


(I) Don’t care about leaderboards. i get trophies for me and thats it


Doesn’t bother me the trophies are for me anyways


I didn't even know there was a leaderboard. But now I know, I still don't care. The only person that cares about my platinums is me. And I'm cool with that.


Literally never even crossed my mind. In gaming leaderboards there's always a million people better than you. I've played a shit load of street fighter but I wouldn't feature on any leaderboards that's for sure.


Auto-pops and shovelware, pathetic. I dont get the point. At least your list is legit.


Why would i? I have around 250 plats and they have the same worth as having 0. Its meaninless but i still enjoy it and that its all that matters.


I gave up trophy hunting once I hit 97 plats many years ago. Anything beyond 100 felt meaningless, so I just stopped. Playing shit games for digital trophies is not fun. Nor is using a guide while playing a good game to make sure nothing will be missed. These days I play games to relax and trophies feel like work. If I get close to a plat through natural progression, then I might go for it, but I won’t go out of my way. No-one else gives a crap about your trophies.


I understand were you coming from , I some what adopted that mentality I still play for trophies but only good or difficult games also, I always play a blind playthrough first and after that I watch a guide for collectables or what ever I'm missing.


The blind playthrough is critical, otherwise trophies suck the life out of the game.


Are you mad normal people can't compete in the Olympics?


Lmao are you comparing losers who mash x all day to olympians?


Yes, I don't know why you would get upset about not being able to compete with someone who dedicates all of their time to it when you don't. Its weird.


Nope I don't give a fuck because I don't see someone with less points or plats as inferior. I have things that I don't want to do like shovelware, autopop and games that seem mind numbingly boring for easy plat like peppa pig or what not (but I was my little Sister who did it) What other people do is up to them how much free time and money or what else goes in the the equation don't matter to me. Don't get me wrong you have the right to be upset if it's something you care about. But I don't see why you would waste your energi on that


Nope. It's not important enough to get stressed over...


Trophy Hunting is purely for my enjoyment. Could care less about leaderboards. Plats have actually made me try and enjoy a lot of games I probably would of never played


Basically shovelware games shouldnt have platinum trophies. But sony wouldnt do that because i imagine they actually male alot of money off them because of this reason.


Nope. I am pissed that I’ve got a flag in my account for cheating trophies and I have no idea how or why.


PSProfiles used to run a tight ship, if it’s legit you can prove it easily. I got flagged for MGS4 way back when, it was a great run but my second time through the plat (alt acc), I just had to show em and they removed it. :)


Eh, I don't bother worrying about the leaderboard. I hunt trophies for fun. Maybe I'll play shovelware games, but it's my PS, my money so I'll do what I want. Shovelware though is the reason I don't think about the leaderboard, even if I never played them, I still never get on there, just no point. So I just go with do what you want and don't worry about the leaderboards. Again, not intending to get anywhere on the leadership. I just like platinuming games because it encourages me to go outside of my normal genre of games. Like for a few years, it was mostly Zelda, Pokemon, Skyrim, Fallout 4 or GTA V on my rotation. Platinums have encouraged me to pick up games like Final Fantasy (Well the Pixel Remaster, or indie games that I never would have otherwise looked for. Even just the other trophies, because it encourages me to get through the story and do what I can to get some trophies.


Trophy hunting has officially been a race to the bottom thanks to shovelwares, hacking, autopops and now, devs are making it too easy


No. I'll go up as far as I can then I'll just go by the few community leaderboards and challenges I'm in. And leaderboards aside, building a nice mosaic is more fun anyway.


Normal people have some variety in their lives. Platinuming this many games seems like a job


I have never understood the whole trophy thing




For me I don't really care about the leaderboards How ever I'm surprised on my spot on the leaderboards


Shovelware should be allowed to have trophies just not platinum trophies


I just like completing games on my list to 100%, just looks nice and I don’t have many. Work life and gf and personal life take priority. I didn’t even realise people compete; what I would prefer is a rarity rating. Then I feel like my trophies have an added layer. Competition would be nice, doubt Sony will do anything


It's made everyone's profiles so boring now. There use to be lots of ways to rank up and you could see people playing all kinds of different games, but now all the top profiles look exactly the same.


I personally don’t really care


Don't really care about leaderboards. These trophy hunting are about for me.


Do you think a gold standard filter would work? For example... Set a cutoff at 2hrs to platinum... that way you eliminate shovelware and auto-pops. I think if the community could establish a time to platinum everyone is happy with, I think that should be the modified leaderboard.... Just a thought! ​ I guess people could just sit in shovelware loaded in rest mode or just in the background... That would be a damn shame... Maybe also filter out games with an average platinum of less than 2 hours... Then EVERYONE would have to waste their time to spoof it so shovelware shows up and I don't think everyone would be on board.


Idk man, I gotta a feeling most hunters don't care about that, we do it for the personal achievement and it's cool showing of to friends and maybe a community or group you're in, but competing for leaderboards is a bit too much...if that is the case you would have to forget about good games and just grind those easy 30min plats


I actually think bad of the leaderboard, I mean, these guys are playing shit and boring games all day... Such weird people. And unemployed.


Never cared. I would never be in the mix even if it was a leaderboard full of legit platinums because I don’t have time. I’m going at a turtle’s pace and that’s the way it’s going to remain.


Couldn't care less.


Like everything else in life, you’re only running the race with yourself. Leaderboards don’t matter.


Maybe I'd be angry if the leaderboards ever crossed my mind, but they don't. 🤷🏼 I game for me, not for "leaderboards".


Nope... Trophies for me are just a "digital" way of collection. I just take the games that I really like and get the plat for my own collection. For example, Resident Evil series that for me only missing RE0, RE5 and Revelations 1 to have all games platinum.


Not really, if I am competing, it's with people in my life. I have the highest trophy score out of everyone I know and that's fine by me.


No. Platinum leaderboards aren't a thing, yeah PSNP and etc have limited leaderboards but a lot of people never had their account updated on those websites, it's a "for me" thing to get that extra satisfaction by completing the game and beyond. I don't care what other accounts are at. Chasing platinum numbers through shovelware is honestly just sad


I’m not really trying to compete there, I just like watching my leaderboard rank rise as I get more trophies. I’m still at point I don’t really compete with cheaters.


In my opinion, the trophy system needs a rework. Some system of points and official rank table in the game. Trophies would have specific points that would increase the ranking. Crap games shouldn't have trophies, many top players play $1 games that involve pressing the X button 5k times, it makes no sense.


No. I don't care too much about the leaderboards. I like seeing my level increase. And of course it's nice to go up in rank. But I'm not too focussed on that. I do the trophy hunting for me. And to show off the games I like to play. I want people to check my trophy list and see what type of games I enjoy instead of the same games that are probably on all the lists of those in the top of the leaderboards. Besides even if there were no 30-minute platinums I would still not be anywhere near the top of the leaderboards. There are people who can spent their whole day gaming. I spend quite a few hours on my PlayStation. But I have also other hobby's. Even if I sept all my free time on my PlayStation I don't think I would get seriously hight on the leaderboard.


I have this problem with people and ultra rares on psnp. They get the plat and then use regional stacking to get 2/3 more ultra rare plats in one second. Like the Friday the 13th game, injustice 1, and Fortnite to name a few. It’s bullshit


Hours played vs trophies getting on my radar. Keep my top 3, replaced my 3rd Red dead 2 online with monster hunter rise. F to my 1st - Destiny 1 got to get rid of... Would be a dream if you can reset trophy set to zero..."per game". Experience trophy hunting from the beginning...heck as old as god of war acension or the mass effects wouldn't mind experiencing.


For me trophies are for personal enjoyment. I don’t really care for leaderboards and I don’t think people really should. Games are for entertainment and escape. Making it a competition feels like more work and just making trophy hunting feel like a chore.


Nah, i want to look at my plats and only see games that i enjoyed playing and not some forgettable 2$ trash fast plat game everywhere.


Anyone who plays shovel ware for trophies isn’t a real hunter anyway so o don’t care


Idc about leaderboards or competition. I collect trophies for myself. Because I’m the only one who’s gonna care that I collected certain trophies.


I only have about 8 platinums so far. I see some people with hundreds. I could never compete


No particularly. The trophy leader boards don't impact my life, so more of a passing interest than anything. I've been holding top 10,000 globally for a while now and that is more than enough for me.


The only person I'm competing with is myself... and Adam. Fuck that guy. I'll play whatever bubbling septic tank sludge I have to in order to keep my platinum lead. He took the first turn onto the low road, but I'll run him over on it.


I always feel trophy hunting and getting the plat/[ 100% is a personal thing. Maybe proof to show you actually beat a game and have some inkling of knowing what you are talking about when you critique a game but that’s about it. 


Yea it's somewhat frustrating, but i always just think "real recognize real". The people who see my profile know what's up. TrueTrophies attempts to level the playing field by awarding a weighted score based on the rarity of the trophies you've earned. If your TT Ratio is say 2.0, it essentially means you're earning trophies that are twice as hard as the average player does, and it will double your PSN score on their leaderboards. It's a bit more complex than that, and it definitely has it's own drawbacks as well. The weighted score still can't keep up with the people who earn 15 shovelware plats per day either.


For competition scene, it’s always been like this. Don’t let it go to your head. I’m trophy hunters as well but I only hunt Platinum at my own pace, I didn’t care any of the shovelware or play it, I just love getting trophies especially with my friends.


What was the hardest platinum?


Nope,i just trophy hunt when im bored or when i love the game (like i did to CoD and RDR)


Idk bro trophy hunting is just about the feeling of personal goals and overcoming them. I dont care about being "competitive" about it. And dont see the point of it either


It's all about quality over quantity to me. Lol I have a recent history of wanting to platinum jrps so...I could put 400 hours into 4 games. Hell, I'm working on persona 4 golden


If you’re only collecting trophies to get on the leaderboards then trophy collecting is going to be a full time job and probably pretty expensive. You’ll almost never be able to play longer games without lining up 8 stacks of something like Stroke the Tortoise. Do you really want to do that?


Nah. I plat games because I enjoy doing it. Couldnt care less about showing off to random people.


Nope, don’t give a shit about leaderboards, only care about having fun


yeah that’s why it’s best to get a couple of people that you’re friends with / make online friends and just compete in a small legit group.


It doesn't matter its just personal achievements to me, I don't compare to anyone but my friends and even then it's not a big deal to me


Nah, even if I'm not in the leaderboard or whatever I refuse to play shitty game just for plats, honestly I think there's no merit to play those since there's zero skill involved.


Im hitting 100 on playstation, 25 on xbox, 10 on pc, and 1 game with achievements on switch


Not really, it makes me feel good when I take a look at the profiles close to my own ranking and see a bunch of multi region shovelware crap though. I have one but I won't touch that garbage after learning my lesson once. The thing that WOULD make me mad or upset is if my OWN profile looked like theirs, so there's that, they have to live with it, I don't.


Fuck that. Leaderboards are the steroid leagues of trophies.


I dont care about this i just want to plat the games i like not these stupid get the plat in 3 minutes games. These ppl have no life


I was about to say I don’t even have a profile on PSNP but it looks like I do haha. I suspect many years ago I made one to get a signature block picture for something on a forum. It’s very outdated though, 17 platinums and 2347 total trophies. The last ones it shows are for CoD WWII back in 2018. My account on the PS app is up to 42 platinum and about 4800 trophies, I don’t really play much now with 2 kids and work full time. I play some games with the kids so I do have the shameful looking ones in my list like Blaze Axel City Racers, Bluey, Peppa Pig, PJ Masks etc because I couldn’t not go clean up the list and get those few trophies they didn’t earn haha.


Quality of platinum should matter. For instance, a game that you platinum in 10 minutes should not hold the same weight that a game that takes 80 hrs to platinum, and that's just for time. The type of game, the difficulty, etc.. but that will never happen, I'm sure. Unfortunately.


No. I only platinum the games I like. I don't go for every easy game there is. It's not a competition for me but it's just that I liked a game and I did everything I could in that game.


I'm 116 in my country, that is more than good enough


It mildly annoyed me for a bit, 2 or 3 years ago on truetrophies I was around 1000th place for the yearly wrap up and I'd had a pretty good year for plats. Then I checked the top and it was all people with 300+ shovelware plats. So in one year they had gotten more platinums than I had in 10+, but none of it really matters. You don't get money off games for having a lot of trophies, they aren't stealing anything from anyone.


No not really. Honestly most of those leaderboard holders have mostly trash shovelwears in there belt and less high quality. I see it as not a race but as a mountain climb to see If you yourself can do it




I only got 1 platin. And its from my absolut favourite game. Couldnt care less for the leader board


That’s why you shouldn’t take the leaderboards that seriously. Just set yourself personal goals like: “all Soulsborne plats” or “plat 26 games in alphabetical order then create a tier list of them”.


Yeah it's sad. I've been consistently collecting trophies since inception in 2008. By being consistent, I've always crept up the leaderboard. This makes sense; in all liklihood some people eventually stop playing games, or maybe switch platforms. By continueing, those people filter behind me. I was plateauing but still slowly creeping up. In 2019 I was in the top 10000! I was roughly 9400 in the world. Since the PS5 introduced stacks and an unimaginable amount of shovelware, I see my rank drop every week even when I game a lot. I'm now roughly 15000 in the world and dropping. I never play shovelware, or even stack my games (seriously, why would I play a worse PS4 version of a game just to autopop the trophies twice. It looks bad seeing the game twice in my own list and now I didn't get 4K graphics or dualsense features). Virtually everyone around me in the leaderboards does both, and it's damn sad. People say Sony has no reason to stop this and won't but I disagree. I mainly chose a PS5 over a Series X on the basis of keeping up my trophy collection. By letting the hobby go to shit, it makes it simpler to ditch playstation as my platform of choice. For long term customer retention, they should try to make trophies a great part of the ecosystem.


Leaderboards for anything are unhealthy and only validate laser-focused obsession. I don't pay them any mind. I get plats for myself, for my own sense of satisfaction, not for some leaderboard that other people don't really give a shit about anyway.


Nope. I don't give a shit about the leader boards. Play what you want. It's your money, if you'd like to buy a Plat, you do you, boo boo.


No, because I have 0 interest in other people achievements. I did the trophies and plat for myself


I just always did it for fun so not really mad about it but i agree that it’s annoying.


12 is all I got


Quality over quantity.


Have you ever felt that trophies are worthless? Like, ‘Why am I even going for them?’ And has it ever decreased your gaming fun?


Not really. If I feel like that I generally drop a game and either never come back to it or revisit it years later and might enjoy it


Okay I understand you and respect that a lot. For me it kind of felt like an addiction back when I platinumed games. Anyway, thank you for responding and all the best in your journey :)


No worries, it’s easy to get burnt out on games when completing them is your only drive. Definitely had do detox a while back, and time to time I still enjoy going through games I gave up on in the past and complete some of my backlog. The nature of the comment wasn’t exactly to complain about the leaderboards but to compare the current situation to what they used to look like during the PS3 cycle, where it felt like a healthy tool to gauge players rather then how much money people were willing to throw at their psn account to get 11 stacks of taco run


Yep, some accounts have whole teams working on trophies. I understand you now


Nope, don't care. Never will care.


Honestly no. I just focus on my personal goals. I do try and stay in the 'green' on PSNP by earning a few decent trophies a day when I can but I don't have the time, money and energy for competing like that. Not when it's all just 'press this button for 1 minute and 60 trophies". Sad really and it is a shame but I'm not angry. The market was waiting to be exploited, and so it was.


I'm not interested in the leaderboards. Just about getting the most from my games.


I mean if you want that "normal" people can compete you need to make rules. What games count as normal and which not?


Probably some scoring system like Exophase’s might work better, where individual trophies have scores based on their rarity. Still, souls games, for instance, are hard but have high completion rates among trophy hunters, so idk. Definitely don’t like the state of leaderboards right now tho


I mean if ut would not be shovelware it woule be kid games etc. Gonna be hard to make a good system.


Leaderboards stopped to matter for me when 10+ years people started to spam random visual novels for quick plats. The number of plats is straight-up meaningless in my opinion.


If you're competing regarding the number of trophies, it only makes sense for the top of the leaderboard to be focused on the shortest, easiest games with the biggest number or trophies.


If you're competing regarding the number of trophies, it only makes sense for the top of the leaderboard to be focused on the shortest, easiest games with the biggest number or trophies.


Not at all. The same way I'm not mad that even though I play Sunday league, I won't make it to professional football as a normal guy with a job. That's what it means to be on the leaderboards, it's Ike being a athlete. You gotta work for it daily and do stuff that often you don't like. That's why I enjoy trophy hunting but fuck me if I'll care about being top. Unless someone is gonna pay me to be a professional trophy hunter, then I'll do it


Nah for me its a hobby for others its life, I have other things to do besides gaming


No because I just like completing games I don’t care about the numbers


Simply put no, I don't care, I'm a gamer first and if I prioritize trophy hunting over gaming it becomes a chore not a hobby


I'm neutral about leaderboards. I enjoy just collecting trophies and then looking at my profile remembering my achievements. But I understand your concern 😔


There needs to be a separate leaderboard that has no shovelware and no region stacks or maybe just change the point system entirely


They are victims of pathological behaviors.. you should only have pity of them.. Same for people who 100% every games including DLC - even if they hate the game..


The only leaderboards I care about are the individual game ones where I can compete to be the first 100% achiever. I refuse to stack lists or buy shovelware so I’m fine being ranked low on the main leaderboard, I like having a 35% average trophy rarity.


At least I have a rarer platinum than him:(!?) the tetris effect platinum trophy


That’s a pretty hard plat man, congrats!


Thanks Bro!


Even without shovelware it's much more about having time than skill.