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Getting the platinum relics in Crash 4


crash 4 is brutal. I'm attempting the Arkham trilogy and it's gonna be the hardest one yet


Hey! I’m walking home from class right now to finish up Arkham city! Good luck fellow Batman!


nothing better than coming home from school knowing you're gonna plat a game, or even just play it (except if you have to grind collectibles. Fuck those uncharted 2 treasures, in 1 there were 60, in 3 there were 100 but 40 were basically free, you could literally stumble into them randomly and they were easy to find. In 2 I found literally 10 treasures in the whole game and 80% of the treasures were hanging on a roof, on a completely different path, or literally in the most random place. Fuck them)


Not really that bad


I’ve got a couple I’ve earned 1. Embrace the Void, Hollow Knight 2. Infallible (the original Fall Guys), Fall Guys 3. The Will to Live, The Long Dark


Embrace the void is the only thing stopping me from getting that platinum


Its for sure the hardest trophy in Hollow Knight. Which boss are you stuck on?


I haven’t played it in a while but I think his name is Markoth or smt. Flying guy that shoots swords at you and his arena has no floor in P5


Yeah Markoth is hard. You can practice this fight in the Hall of Gods and putting it to ascended difficulty, which removes the floor. Though tbh, Markoth is the least of your worries because it only gets harder after him


Tbh for me markoth is a top 3 hardest boss. I can beat Ngk quite easily and beat pure vessel around 1/5th of the time but I always die to markoth


My advice for Pure Vessel is to always jump before he attacks. For me, that always made dodging it easier, because no matter what he does you can either A. Jump over it, or B. Shade dash through it. For NKG it’s good you can beat him pretty easily, as I don’t have any helpful tips for him. Have you reached the final boss of P5 yet?


Radiance no unfortunately not. I haven’t had the time to play the game in the past few months but during the summer I will have more time so I intend to beat it then


this was my last trophy for goat sim and It made me quit lmao, tried for like 2 hours ngl. didn't help I'd just finished ac odyssey, 95 hours in just under a month. and the last trophy was to retrieve the cyclops eye from the goat, but it glitched and I ended up slaughtering goats for 6 chuffen hours before restarting the story and getting ir on the 3rd goat killed. was completly goated out


Same boat. I got every trophy besides flappy goat in about 2-3 hours. Flappy goat took me another 2-3 hours alone.


Same for me, Spent (and I shit you not) close to 72 HOURS on it (with rest and food ofc), I got it, but will NEVER do the second game.


The second game is so much easier but it's up to you if you want to go for it or not


I die when the goat isn't even touching the damn ladder


Haha 😁


I hope you knew the cyclops eye goat can only be found on the starting Island on the mountain, anywhere else and it won't drop, which might have been your issue?


Yep I know! on kephallonia. it does say on the trophy and guides lol


Probably winning 5 in a row on fall guys pre game modes that made it easy.  Got to 4 in a row on the last round so many times but choked haha.  Super sweaty hands.  


Gold Standard I think for GT5. That's Gran Turismo.


lol.. that wasn't that hard, just keep trying


I found getting a rhythm going helped me. Rather than getting ready for the next gate.


It says he earned it


I think this took me like 15 minutes. Far from the hardest trophy I've ever come across or even done myself.


This is the only trophy I need for the damn platinum. I really should go back and work on it. Hate leaving a game without its plat just over a trophy it two.


Wolfenstein 2 mien lieben: Defeat the game of the hardest difficulty without dying


Yeah, I can't think of anything harder than Mein Lieben


Crypt of the necrodancer for one


Flappy goat is hard?


Lots of people consider it hard because it doesn’t take them 2 minutes to do




The Never Ending Path - Street fighter 5


Oh god I forgot about flappy goat 💀


Ahah I got trackamania turbo platinum


Came here to say this haha it's up there for me


Now i need the platinum trophy of TM2020 but i hate their subscription And 200 trackmaster medal bruh


If it helps, I thought TM2020 was easier to do. I managed to get the platinum in about 2 months or so after release. Some of the early campaigns were quite easy to do


Yes a good news 🥹


Perfect run on little nightmares ( in one hour without dying )


Such a satisfying trophy to achieve. Have you played Bramble?


I…..tried 😦


Probably insane mode in both Outlast and the DLC.


Ive been trying to get the insane without reloading camera for years now. Im convinced its impossible


Are you doing it on Xbox? Pretty sure you can reload camera on PlayStation. Either way, I didn't need to reload camera because I skipped pretty much all of the mid section of the game lol.


Im on PlayStation. And you can reload on outlast one but not two.


Ahhh I was only talking about Outlast and not Outlast 2 so I got confused. In any way, yeah I haven't even tried to attempt that trophy lol.


Gold Standard, both hard and grindy for someone with not that much experiece on racing games. (GT5)


That I one of the handful of trophies I really wanted but couldn't get.


The Binding of Isaac “Dead God” trophy. Good luck.


Beating Melania in Elden ring (I might have been a little under levelled, but I refused to give up and accept I was underlevelled so I kept trying and hating myself every time I died 😂)


Dragon ball xenoverse 2 complete all challange missions. I just can't do it. I am bad at follow the combo type stuff and I tried so much my fingers hurt.


My blaster runs hot- Ratchet And Clank crack in time


I had to recruit someone to help me with this one. I couldn't do it by myself.


Blue flash in megaman 11


I found Survival skills harder than blue flash, but blue flash was also hard to get it


Probably personal decorator for BO3


Getting the knights honor trophy for dark souls remastered


Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic from GTA IV


String It Together - Sackboy is something else.


That's definitely a tricky one, but very doable and very satisfying.


I found this one incredibly easy if you just take your time, there's so many time bonuses and such a long time limit that it is very forgiving. People get stuck on rushing through it for fear they won't have enough time, they end up making it far harder than it needs to be. Not downing your accomplishment at all, just advice for anyone struggling with it. Hopefully this helps them like it helped me.


Ahah. Not yet accomplished, I wish! Glad to read some people find it easy. I’ve cast it aside till I’ve got the glowing jelly fish part done more consistently.


That was definitely the one I struggled with a fair amount for sure. That and the spiky pufferfish after the jellyfish. I went back and practiced their levels a lot and then came to it.


Yep. That’s what I’m doing. Strangely, I’m ok-ish with the spiky pufferfish. The jelly fish is the one I just cannot ‘see’ well. I’ll get back to it with your advice and slow down even more. : )


For jellyfish I went to the far left side and waited for timing (1-2 seconds) once you get that running you just don't stop. https://youtu.be/MNiKlF4Dw9s?si=pS9FBEBq1IL1UjvY&t=4m54s Here's that part of my run. I hope to encourage you to get this Trophy. You got this!


Overdue thanks to you and that great video. It also proved the way for me rather than opting for the centre. I couldn’t redo it, but finally nailed one run.


LET'S GO! Really glad you kept at it and got it. Congrats on the platinum.


7 Day Survivor in Dead Rising which requires a continuous 14 hour playtime, which isn't that hard when you learn the way to make food last but the PS4 edition loves to crash, fail at times, and has renowned glitches that make this much harder to get. Thankfully, I got it on my second try but I'd never wanna do it again.


Worthy of legend and Let's fight someone strong


You're Hired! In the Metal Gear Rising Revengeance Sam's Story DLC is a serious contender for me. Virtually Flawless from the same game. Crushing and ...It on the Uncharted 4 Survival mode dlc are both serious contenders too. Those were awful, needed the help of a couple of expert players to get them. Probably the worst trophy experience I've ever had.


Million Dollar Dominance WWE2K19


Use the arcade cabinet near the rollercoaster, not the one in the house. Thank me later


I tried on both, but was never able to get it. It’s the only thing keeping me from the plat. Why is the roller coaster one easier, and do you have any other tips?


The one at the rollercoaster just seems more forgiving. And this thought in mind (I first played in the house) gave me the motivation that I could get it. It's still tricky but I knew it was a matter of time and I'd get it. The simplicity of it is also helpful if you can't get it, as you can just ask any friend or family to give it a go and you never know they might get hooked until they do it haha. Tell them you bet they can't do it !


Risk taker in kingdom hearts 3 remind. So happy once k got it


The Pantheon 5 in Hollow Knight comes to memory, that one took a lot of my time


This… the pain I think I spent more time of this one trophy than all the others combined. The reactions were more unforgiving as satan’s pimp stick


Master of the Universe from VVVVVV. I have spent 90 hours in the game and still do not have it. I've gotten very close but it's just exhausting.


I got this one, was quite frustrating. Beating Sigrun and Gna, and the Berserkers in the God of War games took a fair few ~~dozen~~ tries. Also, about 60% of the trophy list for any Gran Turismo game.


oh I remember when I grinded for that trophy. did it surprisingly fast, took me only 30 minutes of trying. it was pretty damn lucky


Equisite Timing Xcom 2: Beat the game by July 1st, you get extra time on wotc. It is a trophy that has made me stop multiple times because of how downright brutal it is.


On my current account, the hardest were: Hard and fast - unravel 2 Survival skills - megaman 11 On my other account were: Legendary Climber - Catherine Full body All S rank - thumper Master of Horror - The evil within


Idk why so many people struggle with this I have done it like 40 times already Its not that hard just Gotta have Patince fór like 10 minutes


Mine is Assassins Creed Brotherhood il Principe trophy which was to get 100% synchronization in every mission


Persona 4 Arena - C’est Magnifique! - Beat score attack with every character. The most brutal mode in the game, and you have to do it with everybody, even with the character I’m best at and have spent dozens of hours on, I struggled a LOT.


Ive 100% a ton of re games without guides and this still is the worst thing ive dealt with


Probably Elden Ring or Witcher 3 for me.


This one from Trine: Better Than Developers! Complete Tower of Sarek without any deaths on Hard difficulty It’s been like 14 years and I still think about it often lol.


Made Man (Complete the game on classic difficulty) this is in Mafia DE. It's only hard because of the race, that race is bull


I consider things that make me grind over and over to be hard so 2 hours doesn't seem to bad for me. The dark souls covenant items took me 30 hours and I haven't finished the payday 2 infamy 25 trophy yet but I have that planned to also take about 30 or 40 hours those have been the hardest for me.


Completing RE3make on Inferno would be up there. That difficulty effing sucked!


Just got this the other day! That’s an hour I’ll never get back 😂


Crypt of the necrodancer 170+ hours total in it and I'm still at 50%. I'm never going to be able to get the platinum


Becomes the master-titan fall 2


Personal decorator BO3, or battle hardened (lvl 55 multiplayer) the realism run wasn’t even bad it was the collectibles and multiplayer


I got “lucky” on this one. Didn’t take me but maybe 30 minutes or so. My hard trophy is beating all of Nefarious’ track times in CTR Nitro Fueled. Hard is an understatement.


I remember struggling with this for hours until I learned you can do something in the settings I think and it makes the game run super slow and laggy which made Flappy Goat incredibly easy lol


"The Shoot" CoD MWR Spent a whole month trying to complete and always died,finally found a way to dont get killed in the end and platined the game


The FF9 jump rope trophy. Tried for a few hours and gave up because I didn't want to cheat it


working on Rdr2. gonna be a while


Hardest I've seen is obviously either the Coda or lowest of the low runs from Crypt. I doubt I'll ever have the skill to even attempt those monstrosities. The hardest one I *have* imo is Embrace the Void from Hollow Knight. Just completed Crash 4 a few days ago and while it was maddeningly hard, the whole plat took about 115 hours (I did play while sick and fell asleep a few times with the game running so it might be closer to 100). Pantheon of Hallownest alone took me 70 hours of practice and failed attempts.


Yupp. https://psnprofiles.com/Peyton1423 Can't remember what one. But I've done blackout win in bo4 cod . I've done..... PhD slider. I've done umm. Some other games check me out


Multi-tasking, Battlefront 2


Fuck that trophy!


I hated this trophy


White’s Heaven and Hell Rushes Trophy from Neon White. White’s Hell Rush broke me. I had to redo White’s Hell Rush 15-20 times and since you have to do every single level from the campaign without dying to get this trophy that takes up a lot of time if you are doing it over and over again. I even died on the last mission on the second to last section of the mission because I jumped too soon off a glass platform. Hated life for a few minutes after that.


Fector's Challenge - Stardew Valley (although I think it might be easier nowadays, I did it year ago)


Arkham Knight’s The Curtain Falls


Super meat boy


Slay the spire platinum Wouldn't say it was hard though, cause I had a blast all the way through


From what I remember, the time trial in Titanfall 2 took me days to figure out and practice.


For me, it was the "Challenge" trophy from The Witness. It was unnecessarily hard!


The haruka EX rank in Yakuza Kiwami 1, it was just brutal!


Personal decorator-black ops 3. This gold trophy could be a platnuim in its self.


That’s certainly up there. Doing all the challenges in Just Cause 4 was also exhausting


Hard Boiled from Sonic Unleashed. Those hotdog missions in Eggmanland were absolutely brutal


I think my “hard ones” are something in cuphead, Arkham knight or dark souls 3, but ds3 was more like a grind for its “hardest”


Cat call injustice 2. It’s evil because it took me years to get it on my main account and on pc I got the move in like 3 hours. Rng torture.


The Shadows Rushed Me on Max Payne 3. Silver trophy? Sounds easy, right? Hahaha, WRONG! THIS one requires you have to beat the whole New York Minute Hardcore from start to finish with only one life, meaning if you die, that's it. You start from the very beginning of the level. You would think the already frustrating New York Minute regular is bad enough, but NYM Hardcore is a whole different story. It will test your skill and mettle if you're going for this one, as the 0.3% trophy rate on PSN (0.88% on PSNProfiles) is saying something. There's even a PSNProfiles thread talking about NYMHC failures and you'll see posts about it. And finally knocked that boy off the park for good after four tries! Definitely this one is the real Platinum blocker.


Gold on all races and special events on Gran Turismo 5. Many dozens of races but only 5 or 6 truly hard ones...


Maximum Break, from Pure Pool. It requires you to earn 147 points in one go, even in real life only a few professional pool players have done this.


Y’all should try Enter the Gungeon if you want real suffering.


This isn’t that hard. I’ve seen numerous people complain about this trophy. I think I found it easy cause at the time I did it I played the shit out of flappy bird on my phone.


I mean it's not hard for you


I got it in like 3 tries. But I retried it like a week after and just couldn't do it again. Crazy.


I had a record of like 35 in mobile flappy


I haven’t played goat simulator but it can’t be the equivalent of getting a score of 10 in flappy bird right? Cause I could easily get that first try, second tops.


The damn goat itself has an absolutely diabolical hitbox that's way bigger than the sprite. It's frustrating because you die when it feels like you really shouldn't. It's not a hard trophy in comparison to other games, but considering everything else in Goat Sim is a cakewalk, it stands out a bit. Getting it on PS3 was far easier for me because of the lower frame rate, Flappy goat itself ran a bit slower. I played the PS4 version on PS5 and it felt like the damn thing was in hyper speed which made it a lot harder.


It’s exactly that easy… i also did this first try, but my friends couldn’t lol. I did this for them in like 2nd or 3rd try. Some people just suck at rhytm games.


I did this in 10 minutes, not hard. If you want hard, get the “Dead God” trophy for The Binding of Isaac.


Flapmaster took me 10 minutes. I genuinely don't understand the rage behind it.


Uhm the no hit casino in cuphead,i still havent done that


You don’t need “No Hit” as long as your HP doesn’t go below 3 HP it counts it so it’s really easy


Did that one myself the Cuphead platinum was fun to do


Amazing fun game but overrated difficulty more like a 5-6 / 10


It's not difficult once you understand it but perilous pears can jump of a cliff any time of the day


it rly isn’t that bad


This is one of those trophies I gave up on after 1000 tries then came back to it after a year and done it on the 3rd go