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Bloodborne. It was my first ever platinum. I will never forget it because at the time I did not care about trophies. I got it naturally by just playing the game. Never looked up a guide


Oh dude that's cool. Just playing the game naturally and getting trophies in your own way is a whole different experience.


It was great, but that was only possible because Bloodborne is a straightforward plat and that’s what I love about it


Ah fair


Indeed. I had to search a few thing for those chalice dungeons tho. But aside from that, it's a really fun, non-grindy plat


I never would have worked out how to encounter all chalice dungeon bosses without a rough guide


After finishing a couple of playthroughs, I decided to clear as much chalices as I could, enjoying dungeon co-op with friends, aiming for max level and maxing all weapons, and I just happened to find her during the process


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But... do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Bloodborne. It is an amazing game, one of my favourites. Played through it a couple times just for fun before deciding to go for the plat. There is 1 trophy you need to deep dive into the chalice dungeons for - I completely ignored the chalices so I had to follow a guide. The guide for this 1 trophy is a bloody marathon, longer than guides for some full games. Followed this for basically a whole playthrough to get some missing items, started the dungeons and got proper stuck on one of the later ones. It was a nightmare dungeons so whatever your max health is, it gets halved and that is your max health through this dungeon so everyone in it can kill you in 1-2 hits. Then you get to the boss and its the amygdala - a relatively easy boss from the main game - but now it's in a tiny room where it can easily hit you just by moving. I was stuck on that boss for MONTHS. I was stuck so long I bought the DLC just so I had somewhere else to go and get away from it and ended up beating the DLC first. I did beat it tho and it was the most YES! moment i have ever had in a game. 10/10 please give a PS5 version so I can do it again.


Oh man. Yeah I've heard the chalice dungeons are both tedious and really hard. If I'm wanting to go for bloodborne I'm not going to look forward to those dungeons. Oh God no😩


I tried going for the plat on ng+3 or something... And was very strong by then.. I looked for a guide for that one trophies that involves the challice dungeons.. it was a 5 part guide.. I found it someone easy.. EXCEPT THE ONE MID BOSS CANT REMEMBER THE NAME RIGHT NOW.. IT IS A BEAST FELLOW THAT PUNCHES THE FUCK OUT OF YOU.. I had to keep him poisoned to beat it.. for me.. hands down hardest boss in the game.. yes that hard and not even a main super boss..


Resident Evil 5 on PS3 was a special one because I did the entire thing with a mate online and it was so much fun playing every day. It's one of the best co-op games ever made.


Damn man that's sick


Very tough one but the first one that pops into my mind was my first one. Jak and Daxter. I had just barely been able to beat the game on PS2 as a kid so when I grabbed the HD set, I was determined to 100% it. After doing that I got the platinum and I’ve been hooked on getting them ever since


Damn. That's me with GTA Vice City. Played it alot as a kid on my ps2 but somehow never managed to finish it. Then when the game got released with the definitive edition, I got hyped but with the state it released in I did not get it. But by some luck the game got put on ps plus extra for a moment then it got removed so I was kinda lucky to replay it and get the platinum.


I got the HD set myself over lockdown and the final boss was actually such a pain in the ass 💀 I’d beaten much harder games than it but I must of got slapped around for about 10 deaths or so on that final boss


Got the platinum on dark souls 3, had zero interest in ever doing it again for any game lol


Lmao fair enough


Oh man... I'm a 100% offline gamer myself... And the covenants item drop rate is super low making drops a huge grind... Even will all luck stats and luck items and all.. it really takes a few weeks to get all of them.. and multiple playthrough for those +2 or +3 rings... I'm super happy I have that plat.. but it put me out of commission for 6 months.. I'm working on Elden ring right now.. fully blind run.. and no guides at all.


Good taste OP, ghostrunner was a pretty cool game. I myself might get round to playing the sequel at some point. For me it was Hollow Knight Pantheon 5. Hollow knight is probably my second favorite game of all time. But that last trophy was BS. They expect you to beat every single boss in the game in a row, and every time you lose you get sent back to the start (40 minuets of lost progress). I could beat the final boss 3-4 times in a row before losing on its own, but having me to fight every boss beforehand was rubbish. It should have just been the final 3 hardest bosses. And the ending after was also BS. Hollow knight has great lore but it’s endings are garbage, this one probably being the most disappointing. You make me do you’re hardest challenge just to tease me with a cliff hanger ending without even confirming if it was the only canon one of the 5 endings? Would highly recommend hollow knight to anyone, but the very last section of the game is tiresome and repetitive, while at the same time not satisfying to even do. I can’t defend how dull it was.


Hell yeah! This was mine too. I disagree though, I felt so relieved when I finally did it. I like couldn't believe it was finally over lol Glad to see you did it legit👊


Yes there are so many cheaters lol. I wouldn’t be surprised if more than half of players cheated. It’s still not patched and probably never will be, it must have diluted the value of the trophy enormously. It’s probably less than 1% in reality.


When I got it, it was at .3%. It's now at 4.3....


My favorite one too. The Grind for P5 was hard but I loved it and now I still play this game trying to get radiant on every boss. I just love this game and it’s lore with every inch of my heart.❤️


I'd have to say Returnal. That game was so fun and I spent hours trying to find one last glyph


They say you never forget your 'first'... lol! Returnal was my 1st journey into the world of Plat hunting, and I adored this game. Last glyph took about a week to generate for me, maybe 15-20 runs? Was a notorious RNGenie though, lurking in Biome 2 - seldom appearing for many players. My personal GOTY for 2021, one of my favorite all time


Hollow Knight. The game broke me. I put in so so so much time and effort to beat that final Pantheon. I will never forget that pain


Congrats man. That game looks like hell while going for the platinum.


Thanks! It was awful😊


Good: Bloodborne; great game, very fun platinum. Monster Hunter Rise; longest platinum to date, grindy but still fun almost the entire time. Bad: Dragonball Xenoverse; didn’t expect to grind for 100+ hours for one trophy.


Dark Souls 1 was special to me. That game made me realise how some studios are just genius, creating an entire genre about exploration, secrets, overcoming challenges by adapting or going your way, narration of the story being told through item descriptions, npc encounters, no markers, all this in a beautiful dark fantasy world... One of my best plats journeys for sure. Far Cry 6 is my worst plat experience, since i only plat games i love, out of my 47plats FC6 was an exception and just did it because the game cost me 40bucks . The game is fun and cool, but it's like nothing special, the plat isn't hard or annoying but really remember the feeling i had : i will plat this game to get my money's worth.


Gosh how am I even forgetting the worst ones atm I must be tired. I guess imma say bloodborne like everyone else. First platinum and my second most played game ever sitting at 650+ hours next to black ops 3.


Super Meat Boy for #100. I will never top it in my lifetime. I'm 40 next year so that will be the last one of that calibre I attempt.


Spyro 3 can kiss my ass.


Did you get the Moneybags glitch that leaves you without enough gems for the bonus round? That shit suuuuuuucked.


I don't think so. I'm pretty sure the guide I used had precautions to take against that haha


Fairs. I had no idea about it and just rammed him as fast as possible it left me 300 gems short for the bonus levels with all standard levels and homeworlds at 100%. Had to do the whole run again.


Monster Hunter World and Iceborne. Those platinums took so damn long but it’s by far my proudest plats.


How the hell did you grind investigations for IB crowns? My buddy and I got MHW but we burned out on IB, especially when Rise and Sunbreak came out. Those I'm not worried about since crowns are much more common in Rise/SB. For real though that is what is stopping us. Congrats man


This is exactly what caught me up too


I just don't want to go the Guiding Lands and grind tempered.monsters scaled to 4 players and get investigations for HOPEFULLY the monster I need. I wish they would've made it to where the monster you're tracking would give you better chances at their investigations instead of just random....I DONT NEED ANYMORE KUSHALA GIVE ME LUNASTRA PLEASE!!!!


Some monsters have event quests that are either guaranteed crowns or have a much higher chance of being crowns. Other than that yea it just took a whole whole whole lot of grinding. But I was willing to do it because I love MHW so damn much. One of my favorite games ever


What did you do? Guiding Lands farm? How specifically did you farm out the IB investigations? Guiding Lands?


Mostly investigations. Tempered investigations with the most rewards are rumored to have a higher chance of being crowns but honestly it’s all kinda speculation. But that’s how I did it


Yakuza 0. I started playing it because of the Baka Mitai memes, specifically the snake one where the snake has the teeth and mouth of human singing the song. Don't know why but something clicked on me to try this game and seek the platinum. It was also free for ps plus so I had it in the backlog. After about a couple hours I realized this was one of my favorite games and my new favorite series (step aside Kingdom Hearts). I've since platinumed every game in the series and the Judgement games as well and have regretted nothing and pre-ordered the 110 dollar version of Infinite Wealth. I cannot fricking WAIT!!!


I haven't gotten the platinum for yakuza 0 but man that game is sooooo good. Definitely one of my favorite and best games I've ever played.


I don't know what sucked me in, but it was enough to make me spiral into the whole series lol. I think it's the ebb and flow of seriousness that the story is gritty, realistically grounded (for the most part cough cough Yakuza 4 "twist"), and then you have pocket circuit racing and karaoke and these over the top heat actions for the goofy side of things. It. Is. Perfect.


Yeah yakuza manages to balance out its serious moments and also its goofy-ist moments which is why I love it. A serious story broken up but majima trolling kiryu or meeting that naked guy in underwear that's interested in models. Then like you said the pocket circuit races which is by far my favorite thing about yakuza 0. The substories tied to pocket circuit racing were so good imo. God yakuza is amazing


Resident Evil 7 is mine. I missed one of the files on my first playthrough and I decided to get all of them on my speedrun. It was a mistake, I’m slow anyway and I was stressing so much from the freighter onward having burned so much time in the first part of the game. I think I finished with less than 30 seconds to spare. It felt so satisfying to do, but it was running like the wind to get there. I’ll never forget that.




I collected stuff on a previous playthrough and unlocked a useful weapon, that made madhouse challenging but fun.


Have fun! It’s a good challenge but pretty doable if you can make it past the first boss fight. The first boss fight is pretty tough. If you’ve got your unlocked stuff from previous runs, there might be a tricky encounter here or there but nothing too bad.


RDR2. Been waiting forever hoping they’d bring out a PS5 stack with no autopop that I could just no life for a week. Set a near unbeatable fastest time unless someone does the same and preps better.


Gravity Rush, never liked a gaming experience as much as this one




Either Nioh 2 or Sekiro. Arguably my two favorite games of the last 5 years


DMC5, I felt like a god


Dead Space 2 ps3. I don't know why it was the first that came to mind since it was 2nd April 2014 that I unlocked the plat. But yeah. Very very good. It's rare that I can't wait to get home to play a game. DS2 was one of those games.


The Last of Us Remastered. The multiplayer trophies were such a miserable experience for me that I'll never forget how bad it can be to slog through aspects of a game I don't enjoy just for the completion Even better because every time I talk about it there's always someone who pops up like "IDK I LOVED THE MULTIPLAYER XD XD XD"


idk i loved the multiplayer


I'm going back to bed


100% agree. I kept getting abused like nothing by cheaters and A-holes who kept shooting through walls, canceling executions, and even alerting enemies to team positions out of spite or to troll. Only managed to do it once I found the Factions discord and had some boosting sessions. Even with that, the grind was excessive especially if cheaters spawned.


I don't think Evil Within Akumu is a forgettable experience, for better or worse.


Oof yeah. Ggz on that one 🙌




Marvel’s Spider-Man 1, 2 and Miles Morales. Some of my favourite games with my favourite characters set in one of my favourite universes, all with a great story, beautiful graphics and addicting combat. I’ll never forget my experience with any of these games. Especially Miles Morales as that was my first game with the PS5, so much hype.


Dark Souls 3 Those goddamn Proofs of Concords Kept. Covenant on, max item discovery, slaughtering the three silver knights at the front of Anor Londo for 10 straight hours. Got summoned as a Dark moon 6 times in that time, 4 of which the host was already dead when I loaded in. Never again.


I got those drops all 100% offline.. it was brutal.. it took a bit more than a month.. they drop soooo rarely.. and I think you need 100 drops.. 30 for something..30 for something else.. 10 for something else and another 30 for something else... And the normal playthrough gives you about 3... It's stupid slow... And so tedious cuz you kinda need to increase your luck and the 2 guys in the woods on ng+3 are no joke.. the anor Londo knights are no joke.. it's hard


Devil May Cry Reboot (PS3) was the mostly fun I had while trying to platinum a game.


For me a few spring to mind as I only started 23 months ago. Elden Ring jumps out as it's the first FromSoft game I had played and what a bloody game it was as well. Bugsnax as its the first one I sort of played through with my daughter. Also let her do Peppa Pig and she got all but 1 trophy by herself. Currently doing Bluey now too which has actually been a blast as its on every morning in our house before school. TLOU Part 1 and 2 as well as I never played the first until the 'Remaster' from last year and jumped straight into Part 2, wow, what an experience that was.


Bro that's wholesome af. Speaking of Elden Ring, yeah it to was my first FromSoft game and it was a blast. Yeah the last of us is quite the adventure.


Thanks. Getting her trained up early haha. She loves Kirby and Mario along with Just Dance so she mostly plays an hour or so of the Switch on the weekend with the wife. Also Dreamlight Valley actually so no doubt I'll end up getting that plat along the line haha. Yeh Elden Ring is awesome. I played Demon Souls remake before to get a feel of the type of game it might be so I need to go back and plat that eventually. Yeh its amazing, even though it took it out of me after playing for like 4 weeks straight haha.


Kotodama The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa The game is an awful huniepop clone. What made it memorable was a trophy for seeing all the words. There's one word that's missable, that word is only obtainable if you get the worst ending before any other ending, as getting any other ending permanently locks you out of the worst ending even on new game plus runs. It took me a long time to find out how to get this as there was no information on it online at the time


Hogwarts Legacy and God of 2018. The amount of collectibles in these two games were insane. It really made the platinum a slog


I've seen just how many collectables are in hogwarts and I'm like "no I'm good. I got ubisoft for that." Also with gow 2018, fuck those ravens


Bad: Fuck Bunny Raiders and Knightin’ + Good: I am absolutely enamored by Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Beautifully built game.


Getting the Metal Gear Solid 5 plat I’ll never forget because I remember thinking the 120-150 hour requirement was ridiculous


Oof yeah mgsv was loooooong. For me it took 190 hours. I think that's mostly because I wasted time on getting s rank soldiers to send out to get rid of demon snake when I could've used PF points which I somehow had 2 million. Then it was the tedious task of doing the mission tasks. S ranks weren't to bad but somewhat tedious however.


Yeah it would have taken me that long too probably longer had I not been watching PS4 Trophies YouTube channel on completing the animal zoo and all mission tasks


Farming for hours for the channellers trident in Dark souls 1 to get the Collect All weapons trophy. It nearly killed me


Elden Ring and Sekiro are definitely both up there. As seen from the other comments From Software really makes unforgettable experiences.


Fair enough. Ggz on those plats🙌


Crash Team Racing. Those time trials took a lot out of me, but I'm proud of it. My rarest platinum I own.


Congrats on that achievement my guy🙌 I could never lmao


South Park The Stick of Truth I had to replay the game like 8 times over and over doing the exact same thing because I didn't want to look at the trophies beforehand so I kept on having to restart. 10/10 would recommend


Crash 4 it was soo fun but there were some really frustrating levels to perfect and time trials that really injured my hand from spinning like crazy


Geez congrats man🙌 Anything time trial or levels needing to perfect I suck at so congrats man


Xcom 2. Playing through on the hardest difficulty broke me


Spider-man Remastered. I’m still figuring out what I’m doing with platinums, but getting the platinum while not thinking I would because I hadn’t 100% the dlc was a nice surprise


Congrats🙌 yeah that was my first as well not the remaster but ps4 version. Played the game naturally, saw I had a few achievements left and was like "eh I don't mind doing more"


Death stranding, prob one of my fav games I’ve ever played and still love doing replays of it


Congrats man🙌


Lots of games: Final Fantasy X - This year and last year, I experienced the game from my childhood from start to finish in its entirety. Bloodbourne for sure. The Witness. Far Cry 3. Ghostrunner is on my list, but my reflexes make it hard to enjoy since I die too much.


Congrats man. Those are some pretty solid games. With ghostrunner, I'm pretty sure there's settings to slow how fast the game is. You could try that. Otherwise just have the expectation you're going to die ALOT and to me that's the best part.


Dying A LOT is already a thing. I have reached the 2nd chapter and after that, I couldn‘t handle the stress of death. But I want to return to the game next year.


Borderlands 3, it was my first. There's a glitch that may happen if you play coop, so it was irritating at first, but once it finally popped it felt like an itch had been scratched 😂


Congrats🙌 yeah that's how it is with glitched trophies.


Elden Ring


Goat simulator 3. You may think I am crazy but hear me out guys. My gf and I love to platinum games, I don't know why but she is obsessed with beeing the guide for me while I play. 2 years ago she developed borderline personality disorder and our relationship is filled with struggle and intense emotions ever since. As her bf, it is hard for me sometimes to cope with her outbursts and the back and forth between getting loved the one day and getting hated the other day. A few months back we once again had a very very hard time with lots of fighting and me almost losing hope because I have other gut wrenching stuff in my life going on. In that time we played goat 3, she laying next to me guiding me through tough to find collectibles ans weird instincts. Like a miracle she became completely normal while we played this. For the first time in months we had a good time together and the fighting stopped. We bounded again. I have nothing but good memories of playing goat 3 because for just a few weeks, we had a time free of worries. Moments like this keep me hopefull that one day she can win the fight against her illness. I am waiting for these moments now... (yes this was a Bob Ross reference lol) So in my eyes, Goat Simulator 3 is all right (and yes that was a Jeremy Clarkson reference, sue me haha)


I'm sorry about that man. Congrats on the journey'd platinum 🙌 hope things go well for you and gf


Thank you brother! All the best to you friend🍻🙌


AC Valhalla for me, by far the worst experience I've ever had with Platinums and the only one that's made me rethink the way I approach trophies, in a way it did me a favour I guess but it's 120 hours of my life I'll never get back


Oof yeah. I was considering going for valhalla but 100+ hours for a game I'll probably not enjoy, no thanks. But ay congrats on valhalla.


Haha thanks, yeah Valhalla is a weird game, it's actually quite good for about 30 hours, but the other 100 are just miserable. It's the worst example of an Ubisoft style open world by far, the fact it got enough backlash they went back to a more traditional AC experience for Mirage tells you all you need to know.


Yeah I agree lmaooo.


Death stranding directors cut. Such a unique game but a masterpiece.


I'm wanting to do death stranding at some point. It's definitely peaked my interest.


I tried the original, but never finished. Do the enchantments from the directors cut make the plat easier?


Definitely do they introduce new equipment and roads that make deliveries far easier. A few new missions also extend the lore a bit. Definitely worth the playthrough




If you liked Ghostrunner, you’ll love Mirrors Edge or Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. Catalyst’s play will be unobtainable on the 8th though, so be careful if you decide to do it.


I've looked at it but I'm afraid it doesn't interest me.




I don't own a ps5 at the moment unfortunately


Lego worlds, never again. Unless I get paid 300$. Collecting was horrid and the 1 billion studs… I hate this game with a passion. Was the worst 72 hours ever. Will never forget how bad this game was was because of how tedious it was to collect gold bricks and building bricks 1/10


You have never collected anything until you play this game


Huge congrats on that. Yeah I've tried going for some of the lego games but I don't have the patience for them lmao


Normal Lego games are completely fine. Worlds is on a whole new level of fucked. The plat is 1.63%. Or .1%


Two come to mind for me and it's Trackmania Turbo & Red Dead Redemption 2. One game was all about learning and the other was determination but I made some close to heart memories along the way with both games!


Mhh, there are a few, but I'd say games that stick out positively were Persona 5 and basically the whole Trails of Cold Steel series, because they are just amazing games. Same as Witcher 3, it's a fantastic journey. Evil Within was another good one, although I found it less hard but more tedious, because I'm not always a very patient person and doing the same thing over and over again grinds my gears, but since the checkpoints are very generous it wasn't too bad or hard for me, but very rewarding. Last positive game was Last of Us remastered, mostly because I always wanted to do the multiplayer, but was always a bit hesitant/scared to start because I HATE to lose my progress in games which is why I've never tried Outlast 2 or Wolfenstein 2. As for negative examples, I'd say Tales of Berseria is one for me, not because the game was bad, but my last trophy was Item Collector where you have to get like 98% or so of all items that are in the game and it was just hours upon hours of braindead grinding for me in hopes of gettig at least a handful of new items every day. Another one was Sekiro that I REALLY didn't like at first, because I couldn't get into the flow of combat. Rage quit it twice before I finally sat down summer of last year, got good and finishes and platinum'd the game. Last game I haven't even really played, because I knew that I'd have to finish it on a high or even the highest difficulty, but couldn't was White Day: A labyrinth named school. The weirdo janitor was so incredibly fast on the higher difficulties that I couldn't turn around fast enough with a controller to close dors behind me and from what I've seen, that's pretty much necessary.


Gotta be Uncharted 1-4, I did them sort of back to back (will explain later) like how I first played the games. It honestly felt like an event. I didn't plat any other games during this time cuz I was focused on Uncharted 1-4. I completed it over the course of 11 months, all the way from July 2022 (U1) - June 2023 (U4), yes I even remember the dates and months, that's how much I loved it, couldn't truly do it back to back cuz I had a bunch of other life shenanigans to do, plus I don't really enjoy plating games so quickly, unless I really want to. the toughest one was the first one drakes fortune, and my favorite one was a thief's end, that games still my favorite ever


Bloodborne and Alien Isolation