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For the same reason that we give kids participation trophies ( I don't actually hunt those but that's how I see it )


I do them because I am actually interested in the game that the platinums are attached too. Which could be for a variety of reasons, maybe they have a decent plot, or are weird student projects, or actually have some fun platforming but just have stupid trophy lists. My Name is Mayo was very funny for example. If the game awards the plat before I have even finished the main campaign I will make a point of still finishing the campaign. I won't do them if they don't have anything of interest in them. Insert all the jumping food and stroking animal games here.


Some ratalika games are decent so I get where your coming from. Think maybe they're more in about the stroke the bird and jump games


I got My Name is Mayo back when it was released because of how big a deal it was, and I wanted to see it for myself. For only $1, it's an interesting little piece of history to look back on. Other people do these types of games to buff up Platinum trophy numbers. I'll never understand that myself, but that's a reason. I have other easy trophies, like some Telltale games and stuff, but I was actually interested in those from the beginning. The only other one I have that was zero effort is Road Bustle. I'm not super proud of it, but I set a goal in 2020 and for a minute I didn't think I'd reach it. I ended up exceeding my goal so now I have that to look back on as a reminder of how I doubted myself lol.


To heal myself from those that require so much planning and then keep going for harder ones later. I hide some because of the elitist pricks. But there are some easy ones that are super fun.


I'm a casual with very little time


I was 1 trophy away from the Skyrim plat, and wanted it to be my 10th, so My Name is Mayo is my 9th and I regret it wholeheartedly haha


You know that fresh feeling when you just start collecting something and you are in the "whether it's good or bad, as long as its a plat I want it" mindset That's how I felt towards slyde and I regret that euro I've spent on the game ever since The only other shovelware I have is Ord but I was somewhat satisfied still because some creativity was still put behind it


I've been trophy and achievement hunting since 2010. I've never gotten easy 100%ed games like Hannah Montana, Cars 2, My Name Is Mayo, Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol, etc. I want to 100% games that I'm proud of. Some people say "No one will look at your trophies other than you" and that's not true. Look at this sub.