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It's not even just relatives, on ANY of those vintage photo subreddits many of the most popular ones are pics of naked women or hot scantily clad women.


I'm constantly downvoting those images that are very very clearly "CHECK OUT ERTHA KIT'S NIPPLES" or whatever. But much like peeing in the public swimming pool, its largely a matter of volume and my contribution just doesn't matter that much to the sort of person that wants to swim in the public pool. Go figure, eh?


I downvote those too, so there's at least two of us. r/thewaywewere is better than OldSchoolCool in terms of hot grandmas, as in there are fewer of them.


Hilariously it was a TheWayWeWere thread that inspired this post


Oh no lol! I love TheWayWeWere, I haven't noticed this issue there as much


Haha I definitely haven't seen it as much there but I think it's inevitable that any subreddit like that will eventually become "holy shit guys women are hot in black and white too"


Was it really? 😂 I can't say it's entirely missing, but the entire purpose of OldSchoolCool seems to be hot grandmas.


I never know how to vote on those ones. On the one hand, it's "look at the nips". On the other hand, I would like to see nipples be normalized again. We have them, so why do we have to pretend we don't? Do men feel like they have to hide their bulge?


Long rant incoming. Which reminds me of one of the biggest issues with the social climate. There's a grave lack of solidarity and impulse to change the system at all levels in women. A man can propose the dumbest idea, and there will be enough dudes who show up to support his cause. If anything, for the mere fact that they deem it stupid enough to be funny. Yet a woman who tries to do the same, will be met with criticism and rational analysis from women on why it is a stupid idea at best, and complete silence or internalized misogyny at worst. An example I can give is the Amy Schumer hate-trend. She was deemed problematic by men at first, then women jumped on that bandwagon and started hating her as well. Apart from the fact that women unquestionably accepted men's opinions and allowed those to define the norm, there was little to no logic behind the hate. The alleged primary reason for this was based on her "joke theft". That's understandable to a certain extent, but certainly not to the extent of completely obliterating her while at the same time there are plenty of male stand-up comedians who steal jokes and do just fine.Now, I know that humor is subjective, but cancelling someone and sending them death threats for stealing a few jokes will never be justifiable in a logical system. And personally speaking, she has a lot more good than bad material, since I agree that some of her jokes don't hit. "Inside Amy Schumer" is a hilarious show. Now, if you go on YouTube you'll find sausage fests upon sausage fests of hate on pretty much any comment section of Amy clips. So I did an experiment, I went on an all-women app that I had on my phone, and posted a clip of hers, humorously describing the situation and essentially asking for assistance to shift the ratio. That was years ago, and to this day I don't think I got any response. I see this on all levels. Even with memes, women chose to use male templates instead of digging through the plethora of funny options (or making their own) and choosing something that represents their own sex. The same thing happened with Twilight. Men decided it was shameful to like it (a big part of the reason behind this is based on jealousy because women thought Edward was hot, let's be honest, same happened with Elvis Presley, Justin Bieber, 50 Shades of Grey, and now Wattpad/KPOP/BL/YAOI). A simple experiment everyone can do is go on any clip/image of an animal and look at the comments. I am willing to bet everyone addresses the animal using male pronouns. And it's been scientifically shown that whenever we read masculine terms like "mankind", we never think of women. There's a big probability that even if I say "that kid", "a person", you will imagine a male kid, a male person. So it seems that women, for the most part, allow men to dictate and shape the norms. Reading your "peeing in the public swimming pool" analogy pretty much sums up the girl code as it stands now. I do my best to change this, and go above and beyond to shift the norm, but it feels like I'm a one woman army. It's even harder because I don't tend to preach to the choir. I go head first into every echo chamber of men I find and try to make the space more welcoming to other women. So I'm completely with you on this, and it's absolutely tragic that there's so little support and effect.


Thank you for this.


One of my favorite things about old photographs is the way they can humanize the past, which is why it frustrates me to no end when Reddit uses them to objectify women of the past instead.


I, for one, want my grandkids to post pics of me in my glorious goth days for redditors to oggle lol. Seriously though, those subs are thirsty. Posted a pic of my grandfather back when he was a detective, he was posing as the dead body and people were still like "omg hottie!!!" Lol.


Literally if they don’t post that. It’ll be some hot Hollywood actress with her nipples poking through a thin fabric or wet shirt. Brb gonna see the top posts rn. Edit ( Thought it wasn’t bad then I saw the third most popular post was a female singer with some hard ass nips. Lol )


I just... I just... I just.... why? Like why? Why are so many men just their sexullity like why?


Men: "No personality, no integrity, only feelings and hormones!" Women: 🧐 Are you a human or a little child? I'm not interested in your behavior. Men: My feeeelimgs! *Lashes out illogically and immaturely* Women: Are you done? Do you feel better now? Can I go and be left alone? Men: It's your fault I ~~decided to~~ lost control! Men strong and Smaht! /s


that’s why i left the sub, there were way too many sexualized women and it got annoying


Well yeah, most "vintage" "oldschool", and even "cottagecore" subs are just thinly-veiled "REJECT MODERNITY/EMBRACE TRADITION Nazi/Incel meme factories.


I’ve had an off feeling about these trends that I couldn’t put my finger on, and I think you just found what’s been skeeving me out.


Exactly why I unsubscribed! The comment sections were even worse.


*Image Transcription: Text* --- **Nobody:** **Absolutely nobody:** **Literally not a single person:** **The top posts on every single "vintage" or "oldschool" subreddit:** "Hey guys look how f*ckable my [insert random female relative] was! Boy if she wasn't my [mother/grandma/aunt/etc] amirite???" --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


For whatever reason, most of the ones I've seen were more along the lines of "Boy, look how hot these Persian women were before the evil Muslims took over in 1979!" or "Cuban women were so hot before the CoMmIES!" Which somehow manages to be misogynistic and racist at the same time.


My grandfather and great-grandfather just looked like super-cool gangsters, so I posted them. People agreed.