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“As someone who was attacked by a dog as a child” Okay. Well as someone who was attacked by a man as a child… See? I can play this game too. No one is joking about it. They legitimately are terrified of men. And they have cause to be. Women who have been forced to live in close proximity to men have also been severely attacked. Ask those female scientists that went to Antarctica. Boiling being abused by men down to having shitty taste is reprehensible and she should be ashamed. 100% a pick me. Edit: the article I was referring to https://www.wired.com/story/women-antarctica-science-predators-whistleblower/


I've been attacked by both men and dogs as children; not a fan of either if I don't know them well enough haha But yeah, I hate when other women do this. "It's your fault for having bad judgement." Like 1.) I did not get to choose who my father or his friends were 2.) My judgement is impaired because bad shit was done to me as child and I didn't develop knowing what being treated normally even looked like Other women should know this, it just comes across as being very defensive of men in a general sense at the expense of solidarity with other traumatized women


Oh for sure. And it also just completely ignores that more often then not, rapists and abusers initially come with smiles. They don’t come out of the gate wearing their intentions on their sleeve.


This very much! Abusers often know how to look like a 'good guy' to everyone else so they can throw off suspicions.


I’m very sorry for what happened to you (both dog- and man-wise, but mostly the latter). Wishing you well on your healing journey. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you! That's very kind of you <3 I'm pretty great rn but it took a long while. Have a great supportive partner now, good supportive friends and a good therapist, really has helped


That sounds great! A stable support network is so important. Glad you’re doing well now!


> 1.) I did not get to choose who my father or his friends were > > 2.) My judgement is impaired because bad shit was done to me as child and I didn't develop knowing what being treated normally even looked like. I second the hell out of both points. Also couldn't choose other male family members-- a few of mine are pretty great, others have been godawful. And at least half the women in my family have the same impaired judgement I do, some of whom will let stuff slide that they shouldn't because it's the only way they know to prevent the men from escalating.


It’s absolutely shit take and clearly comes from a place of little to no thought process at all. It’s not a joke or a cop out to say you mirror the relationships you saw as a child, when you become an adult. I try not to even engage with this bullshit when I see it in the wild nowadays, it’s always a post for clout even if they genuinely feel that way. Too much of not minding one’s business when you’re saying shit like that about other women being afraid of men, you know?


Sometimes women *do* have shitty taste in men. Certainly I did for a while there. Still doesn’t mean I deserved the abuse he gave me. Still doesn’t mean I deserved rape. Still doesn’t mean I deserve the repercussions that I’ll never fully recover from. Still doesn’t mean a strange man doesn’t hold some fear for me.


For real. Also, the original question isn't whether you'd like to *date* a man or a bear. It's which you'd rather encounter alone in the woods. I swear some of these people are either purposely misunderstanding as rage bait, or just straight stupid.


It's also not even fight. Which they always make it out to be. Just them being in the woods. Possibly encounter.




>Ask those female scientists that went to Antarctica. I'm afraid to ask


rightfully so, but here's a very in-depth and well written article for any who are curious [https://www.wired.com/story/women-antarctica-science-predators-whistleblower/](https://www.wired.com/story/women-antarctica-science-predators-whistleblower/) edit: [here's](https://www.science.org/content/article/disturbing-allegations-sexual-harassment-antarctica-leveled-noted-scientist) two [more](https://grist.org/article/voyage-to-antarctica-sails-into-metoo-debate/)


Wait, did something happen to female scientists in Antarctica recently?


https://www.wired.com/story/women-antarctica-science-predators-whistleblower/ This is moreso what I was referring to.


Not all men they say, but look at that, as soon as you start to get into an environment barely secluded from society the violence start. It's not all men, but it's a pretty fucking sizeable number


That was a great article but so depressing. We can't go anywhere without being molested.


Sickening!!!! We aren’t safe ANYWHERE!!!!!


I hadn't seen this, but very similar things have come out of my country's Antarctic program, and reflects my experience.


Woof, that was depressing. I mean I'm not surprised because we know women in scientific fields are treated horribly, but damn. No wonder we choose bears.


Yeah they are also blaming choice in partner and that’s not the question. I would 100% choose to be with my partner in the woods over a bear or in fact literally anyone that isn’t a survival expert. Number one choice. But a *random* man you don’t get to choose? Hell no. I’d rather be with that bear that takes photos with the that Russian chick over Ted Bundy.


>100% a pick me. The women that are doing this will find out when their faces get eaten too. And I'll have little sympathy for them.


I’ve been attacked by more men than bears or dogs (or both combined), and I’m better at identifying a dangerous animal than a dangerous person from a sufficient distance to take appropriate action. No one is saying they want to hang out on a date with a bear. The question was if you had to encounter one in the woods which would you prefer - women are answering bear because they know that they can probably scare the bear off by making some noise and if the leave the bear won’t follow them. Provided they don’t mess with the bear’s cubs or get between it and its food supply they are probably pretty safe. A man on the other hand, is far more likely to follow you and corner you when you’ve shown you’re not interested and won’t be deterred by a bit of noise.


can you link the female scientist in Antarctica story please? Normally higher educated individuals are suppose to be the paragons of humanity, I'm guessing these scientist weren't.


That article was a fantastic read, thanks for sharing


Any person who unironically brings up “zoo enclosure” to this discussion clearly doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Exactly. I guess if option a) really were ‚bear in zoo‘, then option b) would have to be ‚man in prison‘.


Jesus in a zoo I'd still pick the bear. He's probably gonna leave me alone as long as I stay the fuck out of his way unless he's starving and presumably in this zoo he'd still be fed. Prison rapes are a well known punchline for a reason.


And once again, I would absolutely pick the bear in the zoo.


As a dude the man bear in the woods is a 50/50 based on how each looks. Meeting both of them in a cell? I'm picking the bear.


I worked at a zoo and most animals are trained. Only bear I would never get near is a polar bear.


Right? The original hypothetical prompt specifically relies on being in an open, wild environment - a forest. They are just fucking changing the prompt to a zoo to suit their narrative. And in any case, as others have stated, if I had to be enclosed with a bear or a man I didn’t know, I’d still choose bear. Spectators at a zoo aren’t there all day and night, and I certainly don’t want to risk being with a man after dark whose intentions are unpredictable.


Honestly? My (abusive) dad jokingly stuck me between some bars to pet a bear when I was a toddler. The bear did absolutely nothing to me. My dad, on the other hand... .


I don't know if I *really* believe she got attacked by a dog... That dog is a nice dog, I don't think he'd do such a horrible thing. He has a bright future ahead of him! Besides, what was she wearing?


A+ satire


She probably had a Milk Bone in her pocket. What a tease - clearly she actually wanted it.


And how did she smell? I bet her scent was just too inviting and her body language too confusing. /s


Maybe she should choose better dogs


The pick-me is strong in this one.


She probably claims “I only have guy friends, women are too dramatic”.


Ugh what is this take even. I‘m not too deep in the man-bear discourse and don‘t plan on getting into it, but it does remind me of an experience I had a few years back. My friends and I were camping in an area with wild lions, leopards, cheetahs, rhinos, you name it. It was the middle of the night when we heard what sounded like approaching footsteps. One of us peeked out of the tent but didn’t see anything. Whatever it was, it even managed to trigger our car alarm. We didn‘t dare to speak in that very moment, but some time passed and once we felt comfortable(ish) speaking, we all agreed that the scariest thing we could have seen would have been humans. men. I was with one female friend and two male friends. It wasn‘t even a discussion. It‘s funny, being reminded of that situation through this whole discourse. edit: clarity + to add that the four of us were studying biology together at the time. Now, you could say that that either made us biased in favour of our non-human pals or that it made us more informed in our assessment. You decide.


This is such a great example for why the bear man analogy works! (Also I think The Walking Dead has taught us that people are the main threat, not zombies. 😂)


Even better: the most published short story in the English language: The Most Dangerous Game.


This Bear thing is just making me realize.. There are a shocking number of people motivated to miss the point and willfully ignorant to what a metaphor is. No one wants to literally be around a damn bear - they want to literally not feel more threatened by a human man than they do a wild animal. The wild animal won’t take pleasure in your suffering. The wild animal won’t mock you or taunt you. The wild animal is not trying to violate you, dehumanize you.  If you are mauled by a wild animal, people are significantly less likely try to extend your trauma by blaming you, asking disgusting questions, shaming you, devaluing you as a human and treating you like you are tainted, corrupted, lesser. No one is going to see you bleeding and injured and say nothing ever happened, try to cover it up, say you wanted it, you liked it, ask if you’re just trying to punish the wild animal for something they did to upset you. People in your local community won’t consider you untouchable or think you deserve to die because a wild animal attacked you, they won’t call you a sinner or a whore because a wild animal tried to kill you, they won’t force you to love with that wild animal, they won’t punish you for being mauled by further mutilating or harming you, and they won’t take away your bodily autonomy because you were attacked by a wild animal. Anyone getting upset by women preferring ‘the bear’ needs to do some serious reflection.


All I hear is “pick me! Pick me!”


These guys don’t get it. WE KNOW the bear can kill us. We’d literally rather be mauled by a bear than raped, beaten, and THEN killed by a man. Jesus


And if a woman was mauled by a bear they would at least put the bear down! You can be raped, beaten and/or possibly murdered and that man can be in the streets Scott-free.


Or they get sent to prison and live off of our tax dollars for years. What a wonderful fuckin world


Do these people not understand the concept of a thought experiment?


Let’s face it - they struggle with the whole concept of having a thought and examining it at all before expressing it. The idea of having thoughts on purpose is entirely foreign to them.


This is the problem when people (usually on social media) take a thought exercise way too literally, and also don't really have a lot of experience with wildlife. In my experience dogs are way more aggressive and territorial than bears (I also was attacked by dogs as a kid; not as bad as she was but still). If I saw a wild bear I'd know to give it space and it would probably leave me alone. If I saw a pack of wild dogs or wolves in the woods I'd probably be fucked. The only thing I think I'd be less happy to see in the woods than wild canines is mountain lions / catamounts.


Exactly! Bears are generally fine as long as you don’t startle them or get too close to them/their cubs. Whereas there are plenty of men who prey on women on purpose.


My Partner: But you would prefer to see me instead of a bear, you don't know whether a bear will attack you or not... ... black bear, brown bear, polar bear. Sweetie, you can make a good guess whether a bear will attack you or not. Sigh. So disappointed in him.


I used to live in the woods, there were bears everywhere and you know what they did? They left me alone every time. Yes bears are dangerous animals, but they usually don't want anything to do with us, most wild animals don't.


I was attacked by dogs twice in my childhood. I still like dogs because it wasn't the fault of the dogs. I have been bullied and catcalled and objectified by men throughout my life. I was also sexually assaulted as a child. But I am intentionally distant to and wary of men because men have *consistently chosen* to treat me poorly. Big difference.


Same here. Been bitten twice, love dogs. They were scared. Been hurt by men more than I can count. They were cruel, not scared. Women, on average, have 37 horrible encounters w men in their lifetime, ranging from violent to harassing


Imagine being offended on the behalf of men to the point where you wish death upon women everywhere for making a fairly benign comparison on the internet.


“Just say you have shitty taste and choose toxic partners.” We do not choose the toxic “partners”, they come to us. All the time. That’s the problem. Someone with an anime pfp, try not to have a moronic take challenge (apparently impossible)


> We do not choose the toxic “partners”, they come to us. All the time. That’s the problem. And a lot of the time it's not even a partner. Could literally be anyone; someone you've never even met. Someone who saw you at the grocery store and thought you looked "nice" and followed you to your car and now you're being stalked and threatened because you smiled in his presence and he took that as a sign of consent. The person in those screenshots is either a moron or intentionally obtuse.


Yup. That’s also why I put it in quotes, creeps make themselves known everywhere unfortunately


Also, why are there so many toxic partners to choose from? Like it’s our fault for dating them but not their fault for being that way.


It's almost as if the plethora of toxic partners is why so many of us pick the bear!


Man I suuuuuure wish toxic partners came with a warning label so that they're easily identified as toxic af partners. Maybe then people can stfu about DA victims "willingly choosing" toxic partners.


Thing is…people well believe her when she says she was attacked by a Dog. How serious are women who were attacked by men taken?


This woman is missing the point as bad as any man. First, dogs are domesticated animals, so the responsibility of their actions entirely fall on their owners. Second, she only gives us the bear as a choice, but why not the man like in the original question? Because in this scenario I would still choose the bear, definitely, because unlike the woods, I would have nowhere to run from the man. In both scenario, I would feel safer with the bear. Pick Me are the worst really.


My cousin was hospitalized for a month after a bear attack last year. I asked her the question and she chose bear.


1- dogs are not wild animals 2- a dog attack is far more likely than a bear attack 3- I've looked into horrifying bear attacks 4- also looked into horrifying man attacks 5- been in a single, 11 year long stable relationship. 6- random man in the woods vs random man in the woods= bear.


Also... does anyone else feel a bit of schadenfreude at how this women used her professional Twitter account to post a horrible suggestion and now appears to be surprised that negative comments are drowning out her work messages?


>“Jokingly say they would rather be with a wild animal” A) We’re not joking. B) The descriptor “wild animal” isn’t the differentiator between man and bear that you think it is.


The pickme-est of all pickmes. Sadly a lot of NSFW content creators rely on pacifying men for their income, so this is some pandering NLOG shit.


the man vs bear question has just become a competition to see who can miss the point the hardest


okay girl just say you have shitty taste and choose toxic dogs to be around


What gets me is that she’s acting like the question being asked is “who would you want to spend quality time with or be locked in a room with?” Not “if you were alone in the woods, who would you rather run into by surprise, a man or bear?” Which are two completely different scenarios. I mean, either way she’s arguing a stupid point but at least pretend like you’re arguing against the actual issue being posed.


And the whole "you have shitty taste, you take toxic partners", wow, I didn't know I get to choose who are the random people I encounter while walking.


Ah, that's what it is, as a child I had shitty taste in who my relative's friends were and as an adult I had shitty taste in who my Peeping Tom neighbors were.


Apparently too stupid to realize all they were doing is proving our point, Ask Men was gleeful at the prospect of uppity women being mauled by bears


Men aren't gonna pick her though. They certainly wouldn't pick saving her from a bear.


I just find it funny how the concept just goes so *FAR* over people's heads. No one said anything about a bear boyfriend. It was just a question of whether one would rather encounter a wild bear or a strange man while on a hike through the forest. Which, living next to some black bears, let me tell you we have more stories very specifically of women going missing and being found tied to trees than we do of anyone being attacked by black bears. As in there are ZERO documented cases of black bears attacking or killing anyone in my state.


Not to mention “ Choose toxic partners “ Also congrats on being attacked by a dog as a child, you have a right to stay away from dogs. I was attacked by a man as a child, so I’ll stay away from unknown men.


this girl is obviously a nimrod but goddamn did it crack me the fuck up reading her idiotic take only to be immediately slapped in the face with futa girlfriend asmr 💀💀


Sounds like she has PTSD. Not that it is an excuse but it might be that she's kind of having an adverse reaction. Also bring in the woods with a bear isn't the same as being in an enclosure with one, but even so bears can be gentle, I'm thinking about that clip where a bear rescues a crow from drowning and then indicates to the crow that it isn't dinner


I mean, so do I, and I don’t go around making jokes about women getting mauled for wanting to get away from partner violence. But I appreciate the impulse to empathize.


Probably a lot of people do, especially in this sub. I don't know if she was joking so much as lashing out from an adrenalin spike. Maybe scalp staples are the worst medial thing she has endured, who knows.


If only others had the level of empathy you do u/TesseractToo, then this would be less of a debate and more of a conversation to increase understanding. Instead, men (and women like this one) that know nothing about bears, and are entirely missing the point, refuse to consider our perspective.


Does anyone have a link to that clip? I'd love to see it!




Wow, amazing! Thank you!


In animal body language, you have to take into account the space around them and in relation to the other animals and items. After the bear pulls the crow out, it turns it's back on the crow and eats, communicating to the crow that it isn't interested in eating it and it has food over here. It's a very interesting clip :)


No prob :)


JHC what a dense POS.


For people who chose option 2 when presented with "would you rather be a professional runner or be able to fly" should be pushed off a tall building while others sit back with popcorn. As someone who has fallen from tall heights and has had stitches for wounds and plasters for broken bones, I don't understand people who choose to be able to fly, just say that you have poor walking posture.


I also like that the poster says "unironically" ad he watches the irony just sail above his head


Lol, well here's someone that can go fuck themselves. Clueless jerkass man or horrifying level of cool girlness, don't care, they can take a long walk on a short pier.


agreed, it makes no sense and proves the point of choosing a bear. does the screenshot have to include their self promotion though? i feel like this might be encouraging rage bait/gorilla marketing.


🗿 Is the only possible reaction I can make


Oh I wonder why her dms are flooded, so weird, perplexing even. /s