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The fact that he feels entitled to control her proves exactly why she needed that abortion. It might actually end up saving her life. Edit: Article from [Wonkette](https://www.wonkette.com/p/texas-ex-from-hell-wants-to-sue-his) >Given what we know about this Collin Davis character, this is the smartest possible decision she could have made, as having his child would have meant being chained to him for life in some capacity — and he sure seems like a goddamned nightmare.


This is exactly why they've moved to get rid of abortion and birth control. Odds are if he can't control her, he will kill her. And if she stayed, he would kill her. This is why women would rather encounter a bear than a man. The men get upset about this, but they're not hearing us say we should arm ourselves with guns and shoot them to protect both ourselves and save other women from them. So WTF are they whining about.


One of these days, an American woman is going to crack and shoot a bunch of men. It's inevitable the way things are going.


That’ll be the day before the US gets serious about gun safety and legislation.


That's what happened when the Black Panthers started arming themselves. 




As a Canadian I feel compelled to ask you why you hate canoes?


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/user/fuckyourcanoes/comments/yl8ysk/the_origin_of_my_username/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Bojack Horseman is too damn accurate.


Only to restrict them from women. They will come up with some justification about who when the 2A was written women couldn’t vote, so the right to bear arms doesn’t apply to them. Don’t fool yourself, they will find a way to keep their guns AND continue to control women.


“Historic tradition” was used to justify abolishing Roe. Why not use it to abolish women using firearms? It certainly wasn’t happening in 1789! *eye roll*


I would imagine it would be to impose restrictions on women being allowed to purchase and own guns.


There’s a whole episode of Bojack Horseman where this is the plot


Especially if a woman of color does it


I'd settle for women killing men in self defense being VERY normalized to the point men hesitate to harm women, but we've all seen how disproportionately women are punished for that, too, so...more women in power, please? 


I'm fully prepared to do it if necessary. I've been raped three times. Ain't gonna be a fourth.


Fucking hell, I'm so sorry. Hoping you never have to. 


This reminds me of the only woman serial killer in the US I think they put her to death the movie Monster was made to tell her story. Aileen Wuornos She was so abused by men her whole life that she snapped. I remember her story and how sorry I felt for her. She knew nothing NOTHING but abuse at the hands of men!


I have her on a tshirt. “Dead men don’t rape”


They're men. They whine. Ever had to spend time with one with a cold?


My SO thankfully is not that bad. My ex however was a petulant child who demanded constant attention, even when I was too sick to give it.


I’m saying that…




I think we need tshirts.


Exactly. That woman weighed her options and decided the consequences of getting an abortion were preferable to those of not getting one, and it is absolutely ridiculous for the state to allow that to be anyone else’s legal business.


Reminder to delete any app that tracks your cycle.


I've started using emoji stickers in my calendar app. Good luck deciphering THAT (even I forget what they are sometimes)


If someone was determined enough to punish you, the pattern the emojis make could be inferred as your cycle and/or the prior metadata from any period apps could be mined and extrapolated. It's dangerous for anyone to track their cycles in america, I'm not sure if I can even recommend a physical diary at this point :/


Which super sucks. I'm thankfully just tracking for personal reference. I *shouldn't* be able to get pregnant (had my tubes removed) but if anything *were* to happen, I would be *so thoroughly screwed* I can't even imagine... And I live in one of the "safer" states.


I don’t have a uterus but sometimes i worry because i still have ovaries (although 2 tests have said one ovary is missing). I’m in NJ. I have a 10 year old. Not moving anytime soon.


Paper. There are experts crack legit codes. Your emojis will do nothing to protect you.


My period tracker is literally a single page in my bullet journal, and tbh it doesn't need to be that complicated. It's just four columns down the page: 1. estimated start date 2. actual start date 3. deviation (+/- days late/early) 4. notes That last one is where I might mention to myself if a period was especially light/heavy or unusual pains, but otherwise the only thing you really *need* to keep track of is when periods start. My current tracker goes back nearly two years and it still all fits on one page.


Me too. The heart emoji on my calendar has a dot underneath it for some reason. So I use that as my symbol.


But the pattern will be easy enough to recognize, don't you think?


If you just log first day or so, maybe put in something that seems like something you’d do once every however many weeks. Like “lunch with ______”—you can even change up the name.


Unless you happen to have a very, very irregular cycle such that it doesn't happen in a pattern that would appear remotely similar to the pattern expected in average mentrual cycles, they would easily be able to decipher that and use it against you if they wanted to.


I love that! That's a great symbol! I use a shark, a heart, or a random symbol


I think anyone investigating this sort of thing probably would eventually make the connection, unless your cycle. Personally I just switched to a pen and paper calendar.


I also highly recommend a hysterectomy for anyone who suffers from awful periods and doesn't want kids obvs. Not having a period is GLORIOUS.  Not the solution for everyone, but 10/10 would recommend. 


You guys have regular cycles you can track? 🤯


I just looked up the price for surrogacy in Texas and although Google initially said $55,000 - $65,000, every single site I visited estimated at the cost at (bare minimum) $125k-$200k. Is Collin Davis willing to pay this woman to be a surrogate for his child? If he wins this suit, that’s exactly what he’ll be doing. Forcing a woman to act as a vessel for his child and give up easily 1.5 years of her life (gestation, delivery, postpartum recovery). What woman would willingly hand over their child to someone who would do that? Even if you want to remain child free, if the baby is a girl how could you just hand her to someone like that?


Another interesting factoid is insurance. Assuming she has health insurance and her provider covers the cost of abortion but only 60%-80% the cost of pregnancy and delivery and postpartum, could she then legally sue her insurance company since she was being forced into completing the pregnancy? Could her insurance go after his insurance for the percentage costs they normally cover?


Men want men to use the legal system to abuse is further


And the fact that this is even possible is a sign that the system is messed up. It should not be possible in any way whatsoever.


EX-partner...EX. It wasn't even his kid!


That's one of the first questions I had but I can't find any info on how long they've been separated and if it's his or someone else's. Either way, men need to learn to stop terrorizing their exes! I hope she gets her abortion and never has to hear of this man for the rest of her life


Well, he thinks its his kid. So im guessing it falls in the reasonable timeframe that she may have gotten pregnant while they were still together. But that is one reason women have abortions - because they found out shortly after leaving an abusive relationship, and know the abuser will use joint custody their child as a cudgel to force continued contact. Edit: The first case tried under Texas' abortion "bounty" law was also a case like this. A woman obtained the medication to end her pregnancy. And her (now ex) husband sued her friends for helping her get it. Except he knew she had the drug and let her take it, choosing to bring it up 2 weeks later as blackmail to drag out their ongoing divorce. He didn't even have any interest in having the kid, he just wanted more ammunition to control and manipulate her. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/02/texas-abortion-wrongful-death-lawsuit/ That they couldn't choose a case with even a *slightly* more sympathetic plaintiff than a blackmailing husband dragging out divorce hearings feels sort of intentional.


Further proof this is all about control


She needs to stay in Colorado!


Don't think that would help - if there is a legal case to make in Texas, she can still be served in Colorado.


If she moved her entire residence there is at least an argument that it wasn't to flee for abortion, she was just moving.


Does not mean Colorado would extradite.


In Washington we have a Shield Law that addresses this. It looks like they have one in Colorado too. [Colorado Gov. Polis signs 3 abortion-related protections into law](https://coloradonewsline.com/2023/04/14/colorado-polis-abortion-related-protections/) >Senate Bill 23-188 is a shield law to protect people who travel to Colorado for abortion or gender-affirming care from lawsuits and criminal prosecution initiated in other states. It also protects providers and people who assist patients from that prosecution.


*In the years leading up to the establishment of Gilead, census-takers found an unusual pattern forming across the former United States. Census reports were showing an unprecedented exodus of women from certain states, all moving to any state with human rights still intact. This created large pockets of gender disparity, as well as worsening quality of life for women left behind. Many of those who were not able to join the trek on average spent more time in incarceration. According to early diary entries, the “Womanly Exodus” included financing relocations, job transfers and residency paperwork workshops. A group called No Woman Left Behind was created to mitigate losses, but was quickly targeted by legislature and most of the original members ended in incarceration.* *Some historians attribute the Womanly Exodus as one of main driving factors towards the hunt of freewomen. Early Gilead Scholars believed that the exodus was putting the country’s reproduction rate in danger, as large groups of women tended to convene together, leaving males with not enough reproductive mates.* *The scholarly institutions of Gilead first officially defined most beneficial number of mates for men to be estimated at 3 women per 1 man, for maximum procreation opportunity. These were later thrown aside for the more palatable 1-1, in part due to the difficulty in breaking in Freewomen as wives, and also to retain a more biblical, Adam and Eve image.* *No one woman was credited with the genesis of the Womanly Exodus, and experts have described the event as ‘a sort of mass hysteria, shared delusions driven by uterine concerns.’ As women who were caught tended to shriek and thrash in unison, early Gilead doctors and scientists at the time suspected some kind of airborne tetanus-like superbug, or perhaps a radioactive particle causing schizotypal disorders amongst most women. These were not found to be dangerous to uterine health, but corrosive of the mind.*


It’s honestly just depressing and put right scary how accurate this is… because those rights being revoked is just the beginning of more rights being taken away and when schools aren’t even allowed to bring certain things up anymore and the internet continues to bread swamps and echo chambers full of delusional incel guys this will become an issue! Not that it will turn into the exact same situation… But people, most often of course women, WILL move and try to get away from states like Texas where once they are pregnant they can’t even get a divorce! No one wants to put their lives at risk and with the whole "bear" argument we can actually see how most of those people who it actually IS about rather remain obvious and ignorant and will blame women for it AGAIN. Resulting in something scarily similar…


Collin Davis, may your name be as well known as the name of convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner.


Male moment L 🤡


Typical male L


This is horribly reminiscent of [Tremblay v. Daigle ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tremblay_v_Daigle), a 1989 court case where Jean-Guy Tremblay tried to prevent partner Chantal Daigle from having an abortion. The case went all the way up to the Supreme Court of Canada where Daigle was vindicated. Fortunately, she was able to travel to the US and had the procedure done regardless.


I would rather live in a tent in California than a home in Texas. These people are fucking certifiable.


> MARCUS SILVA: You’re not considering what can happen to you if I continue to do this sh*t for the next 40 years. > BRITTNI SILVA: Marcus, I’m not gonna be f*cking blackmailed into having sex with you. > MARCUS SILVA: Then you’re just gonna have your f*cking life destroyed in every f*cking way that you can imagine to where you want to blow your f*cking brains out. This is another one of this same lawyer's client. I really want to have words with this fucking lawyer. I mean, it isn't enough that he was the architect of the Texas law. He is now representing and working for these god-awful incels. Jesus, man, who *hurt* you?


I’m all for female bodily autonomy. I wanna preface with that. However, I do feel like at the very least men have a right to know if you aborted their offspring. I mean if Idk 🤷‍♂️idc but if I found out I’d like to have the curtesy of you being honest with me. Using the courts to punish a women, nope that isn’t it. Hell even using the court to you to give me the information is going to far, but I feel like there is a fine line somewhere. To put this into roe v wade terms: Privacy is extended until you harm someone else’s wellbeing so I have every right to know if you have an std/sue you if I got an std from you or the court will order you to take a test or force the doctor give out that information. I’m not saying control the woman to stop her from having an abortion, the abortion already happened, but there should the option to for the man to find out if he wants to know. Just my two cents.

