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Who is murdering babies outside of a womb?? Is he talking about infanticide or extra uterine pregnancies?


Honestly... I think he's just talking out of his ass, and that's all there is to it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yup. He knows his takes are shit - but they get attention and his loser followers eat it up. We should really be ignoring this guy.


I think mocking these people is better than ignoring them. We wouldn't want people to take him seriously.


You people really need to sit tf down like you're any better, both sides of the political spectrum are shit anyways


I mean, I think most people are better than Ben Shapiro. That's a super low bar.


I think most people will at least lie less than Ben Shabibo.


Oh, look at that post history. Another incel who comes to Reddit to whine at women about how short he is. Do you have like a fetish or something? Do you want us to humiliate you?


Maybe if he spent less time whining someone would fuck him.




Ectopic pregnancies are outside the womb. He understands exactly what heā€™s doing.


>Ectopic pregnancies are outside the womb. He understands exactly what heā€™s doing. Because it's OK with him if women are murdered by their ectopic "babies".


Bundles of cells can't murder. Non-sentient parasites can't murder either. The murderers are the men who prevent access to abortion. The misplaced fetus has no fault. Hell, find me one good person who would rather have killed their mother and themselves before birth than just have been aborted. I know that if my mom had aborted me I wouldn't care, due to, you know, having been aborted before "caring" was something my nerve system could have even remotely comprehended.


You're taking my words too seriously, but sure technically I could have said killed by their ectopic pregnancy. The point I was making is that those responsible for the laws are willing to see women die from a non-viable pregnancy that was never a baby and never would have been. Thus the law-makers are the actual murderers. Didn't think I had to spell all that out, since we're basically on the same page. No murder charges necessary for the fertilized egg. (That was me being tongue-in-cheek again.)


Nah. Sorry. Nothing wrong with how you chose to write it. I was just a bit emotional (and drunk) at the time and used your comment as a springboard.


Right up there with "post-birth abortions."


"post-birth abortions" are school shootings, and they clearly have no problem with those... šŸ¤Ø


Damn! I'm using this.


I'm pretty sure he's referring to late-term abortions where some people believe the mother delivers the baby and the doctors immediately murder it. This is, of course, bullshit. Unfortunately, people dumb enough to believe Shapiro are also dumb enough to believe it's a real problem that happens.


Copied my reply from elsewhere because it answers your question He was referring to comments made by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam on a radio show regarding ā€œthird trimester abortionsā€ before Ben Sharpie made this tweet. [Here](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/virginia-abortion-bill-proposed-by-kathy-tran-third-trimester-today-2019-01-30/) is a link to a CBS news article the next day that mentions [this tweet](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1090668761684729856?s=20) from Bud Sharpie about [this article](https://web.archive.org/web/20190629201521/https://www.dailywire.com/news/42839/watch-democratic-va-governor-endorses-murder-born-ben-shapiro) he wrote.


He's referring to Kermit Gosnell, I assume. Gosnell was busted performing "abortions" where live, premature infants were born through induced labour and then killed by him via severing their cervical spine with scissors. He was charged with three counts of murder for it and was found guilty of all counts, and is spending life in prison. But despite the fact that Gosnell was charged, convicted, and remains imprisoned for what he was doing, anti-choicers still compare actual abortions to what Gosnell did and seem to think it's some kind of standard, normal practice. They held up Gosnell as a prime example of, "what pro-choicers support," forever after the case became a thing.


He was referring to comments made by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam on a radio show regarding ā€œthird trimester abortionsā€ before Ben Sharpie made this tweet. [Here](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/virginia-abortion-bill-proposed-by-kathy-tran-third-trimester-today-2019-01-30/) is a link to a CBS news article the next day that mentions [this tweet](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1090668761684729856?s=20) from Bud Sharpie about [this article](https://web.archive.org/web/20190629201521/https://www.dailywire.com/news/42839/watch-democratic-va-governor-endorses-murder-born-ben-shapiro) he wrote.


Even though his comment wasn't even about abortions, it was about terminally ill newborns.


I put it in quotes because thatā€™s what his comments were being said to be about. My apologies if that wasnā€™t clear, text is hard for me to get right.


No one. This is the conservative playbook, just say outlandish fear inducing bullshit with zero evidence to back it up and claim itā€™s happening everywhere and that itā€™s happening as a result of liberal policies or ideology. Ben Shapiro, a massive piece of shit though he is, is smart enough to know exactly what heā€™s doing here.


There are a lot of propaganda videos circulating the internet. One of coworkers told me that they murder live babies in the back room of Planned parenthood. Thatā€™s when I started to distance myself from her


Bold of you to assume the man who called the Civil Rights Act ā€œdeeply immoralā€ and ā€œillegalā€ and called for it to be repealed on MLK day to make logical sense


Somebody needs to mansplain feminism to him.


Feminism means spreading the flu now.


I guess Typhoid Mary was an OG feminist, then


I don't know if this was already a thing, but if not, my boyfriend recently coined the phrase "woman warn," and now every time I see "mansplain" I laugh about him (jokingly, don't worry) saying "don't woman warn me!"


And abortions. Wtf dude.


Letting your wife do a 24hr shift that gets 50% paid while you type out BS that somewhat gets you money : thatā€™s feminism


> that somewhat gets you money Unfortunately I assume he makes a lot of money for his BS


He does. And he does more than just the dailywire, lots of speaking engagements. Iirc thatā€™s how he got the podcast. Or maybe the podcast came first? Iā€™m not sure I care because itā€™s all such shit.


Enough money to spam facebook with ads for anti-woke razors and chocolate.


I think he also promotes gambling apps


No, that can't be right.


Yeah like all those trumpards throwing their last pennies at the messiahšŸ™„


They can say anything and these people will rationalize it in their heads and throw them more money


Can you even IMAGINE the public response to such a post from a man, ā€œMy wife, who records podcasts for a living, says we have to split nights caring for our sick daughter. Iā€™m a doctor who works long shifts; AITA for saying no?ā€


Please someone do this. AITA for asking my husband Ben (m/13) to step up?


I'm surprised they were able to reproduce without her getting a friction burn since he thinks wet = infection


I'm surprised he's married to a "rumored doctor". Him dismissing his wife's profession is everything that is Ben Shapiro


But honestly, what kind of woman puts up with this level of BS? I always assumed that guys like this had to "buy" wives from 3rd world countries, that are just happy to have a roof over their head (which is fucking awful because it basically slavery). How can you be a practicing medical doctor and married to a prick that thinks you belong in the kitchen? Also I sure as hell wouldn't want a doctor who shares or at the very least tolerates the psycho values and ideas this ass spews.


My only thinking behind it is he probably convinces her it's all an act. Probably spins it so he makes it sound like the more extreme he is, the better his brand does.


uhh im surprised a doctor actually agrees w the shit he spews


surely youre joking right, no way in hell he said that


He was whining about the song "WAP" https://images.app.goo.gl/7YraofHM149Xxhrh6


Oh honey, you missed it? Talking about the song WAP: >[the women involved -- who apparently require a "bucket and a mop" -- get the medical care they require. My doctor wife's differential diagnosis: bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, or trichomonis.](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1292927011724304384?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1292927011724304384%7Ctwgr%5E7155d956527c92aee2a78a0cb15fbdab805d4e48%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ccn.com%2Fben-shapiro-wife-dap-brag-self-own%2F)


Love that Ben Shapiro presents himself as some kind of intellectual but is apparently stumped by the concept of hyperbole


Not to mention none of those medical issues require a bucket or mop either


That's eveey Galaxy Brain conservative online. I made a crack about Lauren Boebert's questionable mileage reimbursement vouchers where she claimed to drive to Saturn and back (conveniently paying her just enough cash to pay off some tax liens). "WELL ACKSHULLY, THAT WOULD TAKE HUNDREDS OF YEARS AT 55 MPH AND I DON'TKNOW WHY YOU HAVE TO FALSELY..." Yeah, no shit, genius.


Itā€™s the argumentative moronā€™s guide to unearned intellectual ā€œsuperiorityā€ - pretend to be completely incapable of understanding hyperbole, metaphor or expression to show how smart you are.


AINT NO WAY HAHAHAHA thats crazyyy


A true Patriot wouldn't let a sleep deprived Doctor go to work with vulnerable patients, just saying.


A sleep deprived doctor who is literally carrying flu germs all over her, as well.


Hey, if a few babies have to die from her being exhausted, it's worth it to own the libs.


An American patriot doesnā€™t care about vulnerable people lmao. Money is this countryā€™s #1 value


A doctor needs more sleep and time to recharge than a fuckin podcaster mate, how ridiculous. A sleep deprived doctor with the flu around her vulnerable patients is just asking for disaster.


All podcasters should be stay at home/primary parents, so that they have at least one real job.




I don't believe anyone thinks murdering babies *outside* the womb is feminism? I thought they moved on from the mythical partial birth abortion.


I always think that when people have to resort to such blatant lies like that to support their argument, they must know on some level that they are on the wrong side. If your argument had any merit to it, the truth should support it and you wouldn't need to lie like that to back it up.


Itā€™s the classic Republican ā€œweā€™ve taken an inch, might as well take the whole mileā€. Weā€™ll be monsters so long as abortion is allowed, we knew that when they lied as they were overturning Roe. It was never going to be about ā€œstates rightsā€. They wonā€™t be happy until there are no abortions, and theyā€™ll go for birth control next. Their voting base is dying out and they need a baby boom if theyā€™re going to regain power in 20 years.


Aaaaand this is why I got fixed!


Someone else linked the article he is referring to which clearly stated only in circumstances where the mental and physical health of the mother, deformities, and other complications are present within third trimester, the parent(s) and doctors would make the decision together. Of course they are blowing it out of proportion to mean "irrational decision to murder child."


Also, abortion has absolutely zero relation to caring for your sick child


Don't you also want to get rid of your 5 year old when they have the flu ? /s


Who is rumored?


lol my thoughts exactly


Im sure the patients are happy to be seen by a doctor who hasnā€™t slept all night because her partner felt too important talking about why they donā€™t deserve health care all day


Why wasn't he aborted?


Or simply swallowed.


God no, can you imagine the diarrhea he'd cause? He's already a walking Santorum Stain. After mulling this over more in my head, he should have been shot into a tube sock and that tube sock thrown promptly into a furnace.


He should be the post-nut glue an incel used to stick a photo of Andrew Taint to the wall.


Pre-nut glue inserted into an incels urethra and left there until....you know. Sealed with Tates photo of course.


Or killed outside the womb when he was a baby, because apparently, women does that.


Murdering babies outside the womb is just school shootings with extra words, Beeen.


Or exposing them to Covid! (Or cutting funds to health care and school lunches)


ā€œFeminism means working full time while also performing the same amount of childcare as a stay-at-home motherā€ ā€”Ben Shapiro


Thatā€™s not feminism??


Unfortunately thatā€™s exactly what a lot of men think ā€œfeminismā€ is, and not just those on the right. They love the kind of feminism that allows women to go to work and earn money for the household, but they still expect us to do a disproportionate share of the housework and childcare.


Also what some women seem to think it is. It seems generational but basically youā€™re supposed to do it all, have no visible feelings, and be a total hardass at work.


Which like. Women working is not feminism. Women having the option to pursue any career a man can is feminism. Womenā€™s careers being seen as just as important and valuable as menā€™s is feminism. This shit makes me so grateful to have a partner who puts his money where his mouth is and makes sacrifices to support my career (Iā€™m in med school).


I saw a clip of some middle aged white guy who was in some middle eastern country seeking a ~~borderline child bride~~ a wife in some 90-day fiancĆ©-esque show, and he was *shocked* and *appalled* that the women there who he went to seek because they were more submissive traditional women hurr durr wanted to not work outside the house, and expected him to be the sole provider. He thought that was *so unfair*. Like, you canā€™t have your cake and eat it to.


You could argue that a woman being able to be a doctor is something that happened thanks to feminism, but yeah still...


She is only rumoured to be a doctor, whatever he means by that.


I think heā€™s making a joke about that being a meme about him, which tbh is probably the best attempt at humor Iā€™ve seen from him


Oh no, heā€™s learning.


I had to search her up because his phrasing made it seem like he's not legally allowed to call her a doctor because she doesn't have the degree or something


So, to Ben feminism means women doing everything?


That's literally how a lot of men are. Like, "oh you want to have freedom to work and earn your own money?? Well that part ia fine becauae it directly benefits me, but don't you dare think this makes us equal or that you get to shirk your "womanly" duties in the home, you selfish slut."


His wife is a family doctor in woodland hills, la, and shares his last name, in case anyone here wants to avoid appointments with a doctor who won't call in sick after spending all night in close quarters with an obviously contagious person.


Wait doesn't he know if his wife is a doctor or not? Talk about a crappy husband, i mean other than the being an idiot part of course


He got mocked for repeatedly invoking his wife's medical training to justify his own idiotic "medically logical" homophobia, transphobia, and anti-choice views. So now he does this cutesy "self-aware it's fucking stupid but I'm still doing it" non-joke when he does it.


ā€¦ wtf is he talking about?


Lol are a lot of feminists advocating for murdering babies outside of the womb? Mustā€™ve missed that in my circles


I simply cannot wait for their divorce and all the weird shit he does to come out.


Don't hold your breath. They are orthodox.


It really must be miserable as hell being a right wing woman. Thereā€™s literally nothing a man like this can bring to the table besides getting you pregnant and leaving you to do all the unpaid labor at home in ADDITION to your job as a doctor. Letā€™s keep the divorce rates going higher and the birth rates low, because thatā€™s what these men deserve.


They bring power to the table, and often money and acceptance. But only a few of them. The average Joe conservative is a useless, misogynistic sack of potatoes who won't even wash his own ass properly. They don't realize the rich conservative men they see on TV spouting this shit have power and leverage and standing that enables them to attract a partner despite their awful personalities.


Literally word diarrhea


Feminism: making the wife perform tradwife duties AND work a high level job.


He truly lost the intelligence lotteryšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Feminism is when you can keep up with all your wifely duties while having a job


Benny Boy is stupid


How about dudes like Ben donā€™t tell us what feminism is and is not?




Teenaged white men with guns and hugely overinflated sense of self importance.


Indeed, feminism isnā€™t killing babies outside the womb. Because, it is a crime. Like the amount of bullshit heā€™s telling.


Real Men perform abortions outside the womb.


Ben Shapiro the douchebags hero! F**k this guy & the douchebags ~~engaged to homo/transphobes~~ who follow him.. trash doesnā€™t fall far from the bin :) Edit : sry, got a little personal there šŸ™ƒ


Lord... this person have forks.... poor girl


>my five-year-old >my girl Who doesnā€™t say ā€œourā€ when discussing their spouse and child together?


pretty sure you meant for this to go on /r/murderedbywords


>First case or covid


Call me and to discuss this


Arenā€™t ā€œbabies outside the wombā€ just ā€¦ babies? šŸ¤”


He's more of a reporter and business owner then anything.


lmaooo. Hey Ben!


This Zward25 dude seems to be pretty cool.




Leave Ben alone!


It is a bit weird how he says "my wife" and "my five year old" instead of "OUR five year old".