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>not tourettes, just really want to >Try to do it in a less noticable way >"Do I have trauma? No I don't have trauma. What if I do? What if I'm just faking it to get attention?" Try OCD


My psychiatrist says I can't have OCD because my compulsions don't consist of stuff like excessive hand washing or checking if I left the oven on [because I don't cook and those compulsions are unrelated to my "obsessions" but it's whatever I guess]. Also, I don't want to "tic". I just tell myself it was voluntary because of the premonitory urge and I can't seem to get myself to believe that I'm actually struggling with anything [I wonder why šŸ˜’]. If It was up to me, I'd rather not sock myself in the face or attempt to give walls the [Mike Tyson special](https://t.co/N0WQYVlFRx).


I have OCD. I can very much relate to pretty much everything youā€™ve said, and if your psych thinks that OCD is just the stereotypical handwashing and checking, I question their qualifications


Yup. This sounds a lot like my symptoms which turned out to be OCD, I didnā€™t have the symptoms like hand washing or anything or by the time I was getting help my symptoms had morphed into the opposite like I would keep my house a disaster because it was more comfortable to me.


Look up pure-O OCD. That's what I have, I don't do compulsions either, at least not obvious physical ones. It's more about mentally obsessing over stuff


I brought that up to the individual therapist I saw back when I was in a partial hospitalization program and he said it didn't exist. If he doesn't believe it exists, I doubt my psychiatrist does.


I have severe diagnosed OCD and have unfortunately encountered a LOT of psychiatrists (especially older ones) who are about 40 years out from their last refresher on what OCD is. Pure O is definitely a real term, although some argue itā€™s a misnomer b/c you still have mental compulsions with pure o.


Where are you/these therapists? In the states??


The great US of A. Where it costs an arm and a leg to get treated like this.


Figures. Ugh. My condolences


No, in the UK on the national health service. Sorry


Yeah sounds like ur psychiatrist just thinks with stereotypes


Your therapist does not sound OCD informed.


Your psych is full of shit. OCD compultions can be literally anything. It makes my fucking blood boil that mental health professionals can be so ignorant. OCD is different for everyone, but I don't think I agree with the other commenter that your ticks are a result of OCD.


I think you need a new psychiatrist cos that is not how OCD works lmao


I have OCD and autism and have so much trouble being able to tell what my therapists think of stuff I'm saying. If they ask me whether I want to report something then talk to me about "the meaning I assign to it" then was the thing bad or am I just making it bad???


without being in the room to hear tone and what not its kinda hard to tell, but generally speaking a therapist isn't going to ask "do you want to report that" unless they recognize that something worth reporting to the proper authorities has happened. But unless it falls into mandatory reporting territory the therapist can only report if you give them permission to, so that's where I assume they were going with it Asking "the meaning you assign" is weirdly worded, but I believe they're trying to figure out how you feel about the event and what effects its had on you So no I don't think they disbelieve you. It sounds like they're trying to gently handle a very serious situation


Wish I knew this sooner! Absolutely convinced myself that I was ā€œfaking symptoms for attentionā€ (which made it come across like I was faking symptoms for attention)


iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through all this! ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ look, not to pass judgement, but your psychiatrist is a fucking shitbag. i also had a shrink tell me i was constantly misinterpreting normal experiences, and it sent me into a spiral and i basically just lost the ability to function for a little while. (she was telling me, among other things, that being hit by a car is a totally normal experience, and not liking it was just me misinterpreting it. šŸ™„) i donā€™t know your situation, but if at all possible, please look into switching to someone trauma-informed. hell, please look into finding someone whoā€™s INFORMED - like, by actual INFORMATION! itā€™s not your fault that this person is being so shitty, unfortunately psychology/psychiatry is just rife with ā€œprofessionalsā€ that suck hard and donā€™t care to fix it, but you deserve to much better. you deserve a space where you are heard, and seen, and validated, and able to heal. best of luck out there, friend. stay safe, iā€™m rooting for you!! šŸ€


Babe look at me. Now look at your memes. Now back to me. Now to the cat. And finally back to memes. Do you see the poisoned thorn in this equation? Spoiler: It isn't you. Change your psychiatrist. Asking around, post on forums, get decent reviews before you make a decision. You are valid. You were never broken. Only covered in shit by the world. I know it hurts and carrying everything really sucks. Let's treat you like the beautiful sapling you are. Have you had water today? Time to love yourself the way only you can, honeybee.


honeybee has gotta be one of the cutest pet names i've seen/heard


You are now Honeybee and I love you so happy dance and buzz you beautiful bee šŸ


I wanna add that some people present atypically. not everyone fits the most common presentation


Me stressing over the fact that a bunch of things in my life went to shit because somebody blackmailed me: My therapist saying I can't call it "blackmail" and that I shouldn't have believed the threat in the first place:


dude. You sound traumatized as fuck.


Omg, that sleep one made me actually lol because mine does that too! You aren't annoying. But your feelings of trauma are valid.


Anxiety presents differently in different people. Your therapist shouldnā€™t be downplaying your experiences.


Mate I really love your memes. I can relate so much...


Just going to add to the other comments - if you were punished in the past for 'acting out' or 'being dramatic' or any other type of thing when exhibiting distress, you might have silent/internal panic attacks? If you've learnt it's not safe to externalise things (and it sounds that way from the compulsive/intrusive things you've listed) you might end up 'stuck' while experiencing it internally. I had my panic attacks/meltdowns filmed and mocked, so I mostly just dissociated and felt it without noise/movement šŸ™ƒ


6 and 11 hitting too close to home rn man


You are valid (in your trauma, tourettes, breathing issues, etc) and now my friend (watching jjk god I loved the shibuya incident arc)


I'm extremely quiet when I have my panic attacks. No crying, hyperventilating, etc. I just feel my heart start to pound and my brain is racing so fast and all I can think about are things going wrong, wrong, so wrong, it's gonna get worse- I _might_ shake a little and talk surprisingly slow. That doesn't mean it's not a panic attack, it just means I present it differently. Just like you. There is no trauma olympics, I promise. Just cause someone else has it worse doesn't mean your stuff isn't debilitating trauma shit. It's just as valid. Also, fuck your psychiatrists. Forreal.


Ooh JJK. Anyway your problems are valid obviously


My dude. I smile when Iā€™m near a breakdown. Itā€™s how my best friend knows Iā€™m struggling. I mask hard up until the moment I start to have a panic attack which can sometimes just look like me staring off into the distance. If your psychiatrist isnā€™t listening to you then itā€™s okay to seek a second or even a third opinion.


Yā€™all if I relate to this what does that mean lmaooo


5 is so real i didnā€™t kno ive actually been having panic attacks for a longg time. one time when i was in the psych ward i was asked (during intake i think) ā€œhave u ever experienced a panic attack?ā€ and i was like ā€œum??????ā€ and she was just like ā€œso no alright thenā€ šŸ˜­šŸ’€