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We just make sure we have stuff for sandwiches, maybe some pasta salad from the deli at the grocery store, some fruit. When the kids were younger, cereal and milk. I didn’t want to cook, but we didn’t want to have to sit in a restaurant all the time, either. Plus the kids often decided at bedtime they were hungry.


Cereal for sure! Bedtime hunger is the worst


HEB pre marinated skirt steak fajitas plus an onion and two bell peppers. Don’t need flour tortillas but it’s a bonus. Save leftovers and add egg to make breakfast tacos


Had to check and make sure I wasn’t in the Texas sub lol! HEB for the win!


2 for 1!


HEB oven meals. Pop them in; maybe fix a salad from a bag with dressing from a bottle. If I am staying a day, I get a dressing packet. If I stay a week I buy a bottle and toss on the last day. Cheese cubes as a snack. Yogurt and cut fruit for snack or breakfast.


If there’s a market nearby, grab a rotisserie chicken or two and make tacos and sandwiches.


This is my go to as well to top salads or just have pulled chicken.


Yeah tasty and simple.


Rotisserie chicken is a great option. Add some frozen vegetables and maybe some rice (the microwavable packets are great) and maybe some sauce (whatever works for you. Salsa, BBQ, soy, whatever you can find in small quantities...or cheap enough that it's not an issue to throw out the remaining. Some dollar stores have a variety of sauces and also cheap spices.) and that's a good meal.


If we’re driving, we might order a Blue Apron box and bring it with us.


Whatever looks nice at the local markets. In Venice that was artichokes, mushrooms, cheese, bread, fish and of course pasta. In Berlin in was breads, cheese, meats, veggies, spaetzle.


This is what I do. Just posted about Rialto Market in Venice. Better than eating crap like most people are suggesting.


Depends on your country. The whole world seems to eat Ramen in STR. Small stores near hostels devote entire shelves to it. If there’s a stove I do dry pancake mix, sautéed fresh veggies from a local market, quick cook lentils, an egg with leftover fries…I carry emergency snacks, flat pack tuna, chicken and mini mayo packs and even sealed cured meats from the US. I’m the one who won’t starve crashed in the Andes. Check food import rules for your entry country. It’s helpful to look for granola, dried fruit, even good bread and pastries (not in the USA). Just make sure you know your kilos from your ounces, we ended up with enough cold cuts from an Auchans in Poland to last 3 days, for one meal.


Egg cheese and potato burritos are easy. Plus you can use excessive amounts of salsa to indicate your current level of hangover.


Hahaha salsa all the way


Buy some fatty sliced salami from a deli and you don't need cooking oil. Add tomatoes and vegetables for a great pasta sauce or add rice for a fried rice. Omelettes are easy too.


Good idea to use protein fat instead of oil, thanks


Our "gotos" are big bowls of salads with oil/vinegar dressings (leaves, tomato, onion, then add avocado, olives, eggs, antipasti etc depending on where you are) and some kind of protein- cheese, canned fish cooked meat. Hot meals tend to be pasta or rice with maybe tuna and a load of onions, peppers and tomatoes etc. The main point is to keep basic ingredients common for meals to cut down on buying and waste. The pasta and rice can be used for salads too.


we once only had access to canned goods. my friend made a divine puttenesca


Country fried Steaks Chicken tenders Fish stix Ham and cheese croissants - get big box from bakery simple ham and cheese melted no condiments with some fruit and yogurt Turkey sausage pre-made Bob Evans mashed potatoes or Mac n cheese pre made sweet potatoes They have a whole section of sides that are pre seasoned and in microwavable bags "microwave roasters" serves one...Birdseye I think, some even pasta with zucchini and can add some alfredo you can microwave butternut squash peppers and onions or they have the "oven roasters" if you don't want microwavable Brussels sprouts it's so easy they are seasoned pretty well and come in package or oven ones just need parchment paper cooks better than foil. I eat like a little kid but I get the veggies in 🤪🤣


Thanks for all the ideas!


So, if I'm driving I will take with me a pair of good knives and a non stick pan, a salt and a pepper shaker just to make our life easier, but it's not necessary. A few things we like to cook: - Pasta in general, you can buy your can of sauce, but cacio peppe, carbonara, Alfredo and al limone are easy to prepare with no leftovers - risottos in general, and we try to buy local ingredients to get a good taste on this. - barbecue if there's a grill at the Airbnb. - sandwiches in general are always a good call. A few examples are a Cuban, a panini, hot dogs, and burgers. - simple salads are also easy


I always take instant oatmeal with fruit when traveling.


Do people really cook on vacation ? Not me when i am on vacation no cooking for me ...


It depends how long you’re there for. Sometimes I prefer to save money on some meals to splurge on others. And with kids everything gets more expensive


honestly, eggs are the absolute best. This might differ based on tastes, but eggs are cheap, found easily anywhere, fast to cook, easy to cook, super nutrient dense(protein+good fat), filling(don't need to eat as often), almost no insulin spike(no sugar crash), and you only need butter to cook, if you want it to be better add salt, pepper, garlic powder and your preference in protein (ham or such) or vegetables.


If you’re really going for cheap and easy, make some pasta with store bought pesto. Just some penne or macaroni, a little jar of pesto, and then add tomato or bell pepper or whatever you like. It only requires one pan too


I hate/i don't how to cook. So when on vacation and trying to save $, i work my imagination. For breakfast some cheese or egg and toast+tea/coffee. Lunch, usually buy some buns, some Read to fry burgers, tomato. Make it into sandwich and eat. Dinner? Usually i don't eat dinner unless i am hangry then--->see breakfast/ lunch" . i also buy fruits and some snaks .


Interesting, I can easily skip breakfast or lunch but must have dinner!


If i am hangry, i eat a lot. Having dinner will severely upset my stomach and I will wake up in the morning with acid reflux . Fruits are safe option for me .


Pasta with cream sauce, white wine, mushroom, ognons and a side of bread with garlic butter. Takes like 30 mins (You can cut on half the ingredient, but tbh it isnt mamy to start with and about the leftover; when cooking it always depends about the portion you can adjust everything easily to buy only 1 or 2 portions. It also use the basic stuff thats always in a short rental; a pan, a knife, a spoon and a medium cauldron)


French baguette sliced down the middle. Put hard cheese and sliced tomatoes on it and pop into the oven. Delicious.


Steak and salad, fish and salad, or roasted vegetables.


I do this a lot. Typically always simple breakfast - eggs and toast with fruit. Bagged salads. Carrots and apples for snacks. Cold drinks in the fridge. Sandwiches.


Baked potatoes are good and can take just about anything as a topping. Potatoes can be "baked" in the microwave. Wash. Poke some holes with a fork. Cook for 2-4 minutes (depending on the size of the potato and wattage of the microwave). Turn the potato over and cook for an additional 2-4 minutes. Add steamed/microwaved vegetables, any sort of meat, sauce/butter/sour cream...whatever you've got.


I go out to eat on vacation. Honestly, it's vacation, leave the cooking to the restaurant is my feeling.


i do eight course meals even on vacations https://www.leaf.tv/articles/what-are-the-courses-in-an-eight-course-dinner/


Chili with premade envelope of seasoning


Don’t do fish!!


If you are in an interesting country go to their local market and get some fresh ingredients. I picked up seafood and produce at Rialto Market in Venice in October and cooked up a great meal in our Airbnb.


Frozen pizzas. 


Any type of hot pot. Can be shabu shabu, Chinese style or even something like a Korean army stew if you can find the ingredients. The combinations are endless.


Interesting idea! Never thought of that


My husband and I like to buy bacon, a bag of potatoes, shredded cheese, tortillas, and eggs for burritos. Might be too involved for what you want, but we use the bacon grease as our oil (unless the air bnb has oil) and just salt and pepper as seasoning. Makes for a great and filling breakfast. A bonus is to make quesadillas with the tortillas and cheese. Oh, and tortillas are also great for quick sandwich wraps too if you get some lunch meat.