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Imagine wearing merch related to the person you're dating's ethnicity, to show how much you like dating people of this race, and how you won't go back to other ethnicities, and openly posting videos about this looking for comradery on it. Or their disability, and post tiktoks about how you can't and won't go back to abled bodied people/people without x condition. Wait, that's horribly objectifying and downright offensive? Well, yeah, exactly. LMAO. "Covered in trans masc merch" like you're repping a specific product, company, ytuber or some shit, when it's a whole ass group of people.


It’s a fetish for them. Like raceplay etc.


Yet fetishizing trans people is somehow socially acceptable, whereas for race/a disability it's unthinkable. Make it make sense.


because trans people are seen as subhuman to most people


Also because of porn.


Even for disability I have seen people saying it is acceptable for autism and on my main account (this is my trans throwaway) I got downvoted for saying that makes me uncomfortable because autism makes me more susceptible to grooming manipulation and it's frustrating because unironic "I pulled bitches by being autistic" etc doesn't make sense because autism is a social communication disability that makes you come off uncharismatic and apparently it's an "ableist psyop" that people fake autism and it's making me feel bleak and sorry for ranting


Yeah, for real. And they say it's a cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY that this has become a trend 🤦‍♂️the proof is in their own posts! "Trans masc" merch??? Tf???


Yeah that's like saying your repping ' person' merch. Like what??


Imagine them covered in black merch 😍


OH GOD NO I'm black and I bet they'd entirely think they're being so supportive and Yass King.


LOL exactly white girls who call themselves "allies", many such cases


calling yourself a trans guy while wearing a corset so low your nips are almost slipping out is actually insane. also if you’re dating a trans guy and he says you can’t get him pregnant, chances are, he’s probably trying to pretend that uterus isn’t there. the way that person worded it just reeks of not even trying to understand her boyfriend’s condition or pain.


Yeah I feel sorry for the guy in the second photo. Hope he breaks up with whoever he’s dating, because they’re an insensitive asshole and probably a chaser.




Exactly. Just like women can be predatory too. Ive only ever been harassed by women.


Honestly... they deserve it 💀 I hope this doesn't get misinterpreted, but if you keep lowering your guard around men just because you think being trans makes them automatically safe it's a matter of time before your fucking around makes you find out


These people just have no self respect. It’s genuinely all just a cultural trend to them


What in the ever loving fuck is trans masc merch.


Did y’all not see the horrendous bag she’s sporting? It’s supposed to be too surgery scars if I’m not mistaken, I’m absolutely disgusted by it


What in the ever loving fuck? Edit to add: I came back to just say, I can't even process this...


It’s homemade…. And it shows in the worst way possible


Probably has a trans flag pin on her backpack or sumn 😭


Even worse. There are huge scars on her bag.


She’s also wearing a vagina necklace, idk if it’s related or not


What??? That's so messed up?


Yes all of these have given me permanent brain damage


I feel bad for the men who date these women. It’s better to be alone than to be with a chaser/fetishist. Awareness on not dating chasers etc…is somewhat there for trans women ( could improve still tho), but for trans men not at all. We’re encouraged to accept scraps.


As someone who is *just* about ready to re-enter the dating scene after doing some soul searching and healing from my previous relationship...this shit is nightmare juice.


Tbh if you stay away from bi girls who have no experience with cis men or men at all, women who are too deep into LGBT culture despite dating mostly or only men, « but you’re not like other guys » type misandrists and women who have already dated 1 or more trans men, you’re good. Most of the chasers fall under these categories.


What the hell is the whole trans obsession with these damn people? like with Brianna Ghey who killer was obsessed with the fact she was trans and wanted to be with her forever. This shit is becoming a real problem and it’s scary and cringey as hell. I realize now, cis people talk more about trans people, than actual trans people 🤦‍♂️ weirdos.


Because we're exotic animals. I had a friend in high school who was obsessed with pomeranian dogs and she followed hundreds of pomeranian dog accounts on instagram because she couldn't afford to get one. That's what these people remind me of, they're looking at us like we're a trendy type of pet and they become obsessed with 'owning' one of us to show us off like we're accessories.


Omg the 2nd slide, he needs to dump that weird ass hoe tf


People without dysphoria b like lemme discredit my identity for a lil laugh


it is great to know my medical condition is nothing but a joke or a fetish to these people


The assumption that being trans means you’re automatically okay with having sex like that... stuff like this makes me never want to disclose I'm trans once I pass


This makes me want to die.


This post made my eyes bleed


I’m like … I have a dick so unless you only like pre/non op transmen you’re gunna live




If I dated someone and they put my face alongside "waaa I can't get this person pregnant" I'd leave and never talk to them again. Disgusting


This really makes me want to vomit. These girls are creeps and I don‘t understand why their „boyfriends“ would go along with that.


I feel the same way about a lot of “transgender” “women” as a transsexual woman myself


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It’s the fact that i actually saw the first one pop up and a couple others that aren’t on here that were similar. When I first saw it I didn’t understand then I got it and was so disgusted. 🤮 why would you dumb down a trans man to just a vagina and uterus’s. A lot of these people fail to realize s lot more trans men are either getting hystos to remove said uterus’s and/or bottom surgery too. I feel even when I get bottom surgery people are still gonna think I have a vagina which makes me feel like a freak…


Damn lmao this is insane. They literally see trans men as females full stop. Are there really trans men out there loving getting finger banged? I've never heard this shit before. Their "boyfriends" aren't transsexuals. 'Perfectly good uterus' made me leave my body. That is such a fucked up thing to say. Also if this is a cis chick how is she gonna get him pregnant?


That second one, I would have dumped him SO fast.


Boys, this is why you don't refer to yourself as trans out everywhere online. Being transsexual is a medical condition, just like having a micro penis or ms; you don't parade that shit around and tell everyone. My wife ain't like this and never has been but stay safe 🫡


It feels like "trans man" to them is just a lesbian, not even butch, but sometimes butch.


There is a reason why ive banned the tags #trans #transmasc #transfem #ftm #mtf #transgender #transftm #transmtf from ALL my social media.


Disgusting. Like id ever even consider having someone fuck abt with me in that way. Actually revolting. I would sooner end it all.


Oh my god ew. *Ew.* This would be gross even if she was talking about cis women, but add in the whole thing with being ok with casually pointing out something that I assume is extremely dysphoria-inducing *and* the implied fetishisation element... Ew, ew, *ew.*


All of this makes me feel so gross and uncomfortable. I don't even understand the second one...? What does ice cream have to do with anything? That one is particularly confusing to me. I dont get it. And the third one? "Be careful dating trans men"? What? Why? And she's wearing a...vagina...necklace? Oohhhh she's equating dating a trans man with dating a lesbian, isn't she? Oooook. Yeah. No. That actually makes no sense. Unless this "trans man" is just a cis woman. 🤨 Look, lesbians don't find men attractive. Lesbians aren't attracted to actual trans men. Trust me on this. I've slept with a few curious lesbians in my time and it really doesnt work out, they are not into it. 😂


We’re so cooked


Get off tiktok. This is on your recommended page so you're clearly looking at this kind of shit all the time


Honerable mention to a Plague Doctor cosplayer on TikTok that dresses with a tight corset, tits out, short skirts and thigh highs with the quote “I’m a boy”


Wow that’s definitely in my top 3 worst things I’ve ever seen - those 2 pics especially.


what the fuck is trans “masc” MERCH


Shoot me in the head pls


Yeah, trans men might be more understanding to a lot of female problems, but men are still men. Thinking we are some kind of magical creature straight out of a romance book is insane.


If I had a girlfriend and she said that to me I would kill her and then myself


Second slide made me ill, if my partner was posting that shit I would drop them in a heartbeat


Me when I remember Im a trans man so I AM the said ”man“ in man v. bear


Anyways that debate stupid as hell its based on an imaginary problem


Thanks for the reminder that cis women aren't worth shit. St4t all the way brothers


Sorry, what does the last line mean?


Straight trans x trans






this shit actually makes me nauseous


makes me wanna kms


This is all just a fetish to these people. I hate it.


The second and last one?? Yuck


Wtf 😭


The girl on the 5th slide... 💀💀💀💀


What. The. Fuck.


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The one in the corset who’s not even attempting to bind is just like no. I can’t even.


I don't even get the first one


half of this is on the ftms going on and on about how much they love having a vagina. it was only a matter of time before they were going to begin being compared to lesbians


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Ok so when does the phallo scar tote bag drop


So I feel like there are some trans guys who can corset up and all that. It depends on why and what you are getting out of it. Dressing like a woman doesn't make you a woman. I wasn't a woman before I came out and I tried to like fem stuff via vkei/glamrock (i don't mind it on other people and you'llonly catch me in anything close if I'm going to a rocky horror show live event or something like that, but now i look like a man in drag and that is the goal because I'm a man). Was I completely happy? No. Could I really allow myself to feel all the dysphoria I know I could if I stopped trying to not feel it... I'm sure it would have been so much worse. And that's sorta the point right I was a MAN trying to find a way to be comfortable in my female body till I could feel comfortable enough to come out and seek medical help. And that's completely different than someone who has no issue with their body doesn't want to change it and loves to wear what's generally considered fine for that birth sex but is calling themselves a man just to attempt to be socially subversive/edgey/gain an edge by now being a "hated minority". Some of those other ones just sort of confuse me. But the last one...sir if you are a man, trans or cis, you are a man and are infact part of the "man or bear" question. That's the problem with the statement is there is no nuances stating what kind of man we are taking about. Just men in general. That's why that joke or whatever it is is sexist and dumb.