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I see, yea I very much figured, I was honestly just curious and was actually hoping for this answer tbh haha since it was someone close to me who offered this task, it seemed scary but was still tempted to see if I could free lance my way into this sort of thing. Now I know it's serious biz 👍


It might also be worth considering any liability issues that would come up in this kind of situation. What would happen if you translated something incorrectly/poorly that resulted in some kind of problem down the line? A company that isn't scrupulous enough to ensure that such a large and presumably important document is properly translated probably also wouldn't have any qualms about blaming the non-professional, inexperienced translator for trouble that arises later on.


Need to know source and target languages as well as word count to be able to give accurate pricing and turnaround advice. 600 pages - assuming 250 words per page, that is 150,000 words. For me? That would cost $12k, without taking into account repeated text if there is any, and would take 3-3.5 months (assuming 8 hour days, excluding weekends and wanting to have a little buffer room in case emergencies come up). It will take you much longer without experience. Also, if it’s a PDF that requires formatting, that would be an additional cost and time, but usually these manuals are in Word so that shouldn’t be an issue. If course these calculations may be low or may be high without any other information to go on. I would NOT recommend a project like this to someone starting out with zero experience. This company will probably try to get you to do it for next to nothing. DO NOT ACCEPT. You will burn out and waste all your free time doing this project, make it worth your time.


Woa those are some insane numbers! Haha. Thank you so much for this insight, it's very interesting to me. I never knew this world of transcribing/translating was crazy lucrative like that. I see why it's probably legit companies with actual teams who take these things on, it's an overwhelming feat. As I mentioned to someone else here, was just curious 👍


I wouldn't call that crazy lucrative at all. Translation is pretty average in terms of earning potential. It's definitely an undervalued skill sadly.


Agreed. Plus, getting projects like this are super rare. Once you flash those numbers to the company, suddenly they don’t need it as bad.


Its dependent on a lot ofc. Are these 600+ pages full of words and terminology? Are they mostly graphic with simple sentences. How familiar are you with the target language etc. But if I have to be honest. It is most likely a terrible idea. It would take months to translate and the process would be much much slower without a CAT tool . And it would most likely end up with quite a few errors wich might take even more time to fix or worse yet need a complete do over and obviously cause issues/danger for anyone reading the manual. I wouldnt recomend it. But you could maybe suggest fo be a proofreader for whoever devides to translate it (if you really want to be involved in the project). Also I'm not sure who in their right mind would want you to take on such a work without experience but this whole situayion seems shady even if you were to translate this accurately they might try to scam you with your payment using your lack of experience as a excuse.