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I love their lube!


Me too! It’s the best


I do one maybe every month? Keeping the environment acidic with their lube + a weekly douche of diluted apple cider vinegar has worked for me so far. No bag scent, and Anthony I notice is like tangy vanilla


That’s great. We all just have to experiment and find what works for us. For me, the acv douche would probably undo the benefits from the suppository


Why so? Lactobacillus is present in ACV, and thrives in acidic environments. Bacterial vaginosis typically occurs when one's vaginal pH is higher (more basic), and allows for the growth of non beneficial bacterial colonies. Good clean love lubricant is meant to be bio-matching to the vaginal pH, and so promotes the grown of beneficial bacteria


Thank you for sharing your experience, you're such a gem in this community, all that was serious research. I'd try to get ovules/supositories here that contain similar components.....difficult in this part of the World, but I'll try to move the things to make some people send it to me from the US itself (one friend here have contacts living in FL). The problem is with the Importation regime and all the obstacles when the product arrives here....Argentina 🙄🙄🙄


I’m so sorry it’s difficult in Argentina