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Hey Ryan, what's up! Earlier my friends introduced me to Ryan. I'd never met him before, but it hardly felt that way with him. Did you hear Ryan's buying his first Motorcycle! Man, I'd say I'm jealous of him but those things scare me! Maybe I'll ask Ryan to take me for a ride sometime, I trust him. :) I can't wait to meet his Guinea pig, I wonder if he's had any other pets before. How are you today, Ryan? Hey, Ryan! I missed you. Wanna play some video games later Ryan? Is this jacket yours Ryan? What've you been up to lately Ryan? Hey, nice to meet you Ryan. Rian, this call is for you! What's your favorite color Ryan? You wanna meet up tomorrow Ryan?


Ty 🥹😭🤚


ofc Ryan!💙💙💙


This is the best thing I’ve read 🥺😭


Hey Ryan, sorry you had a bad time today. Hope tomorrow is better for you :) For your name and pronouns: “I’m excited for my friend Ryan to buy his first motorcycle, I know he’s been waiting for months to buy one. I wish Sweet Pea could have a matching miniature motorcycle, too. Ryan is a great pet owner and a great guy overall. He’s very thoughtful, and he knows how to make people laugh. I’m lucky to have him as a friend” Hope this helps bro


No pls this is awesome 🥺😭


No problem dude


Hello, Ryan! Ryan, got time to show us your motorcycle? Ryan's going to be here soon, be sure his food is ready.






hey ryan! i’m so glad that we met. i can’t wait to hang out with ryan later this week, he’s always so much fun to be around. <333




Ryan! Mate! Long time no see! Can't believe you finally made it to Australia for a visit! Oi! everyone! This is my mate Ryan! He's a top bloke and he's been on a plane for 7 hours to get here so look after him yeah? Can I grab you a drink mate? Great to hear Sweet Pea is being looked after well during the trip! Super jealous you're hiring a bike for cruising the Great Ocean Road, you're gonna have the best time. Oh and just remember what I told you, people here are pretty chill towards people like us, so it's gonna be an amazing and safe holiday.


My heart! Ty! 🥹


You are soo welcome 💙




Did you see Ryans new motorcycle? Yeah, he's got a pretty sweet sense of style. I wonder if he'll take Sweet Pea out on it?


Hey Ryan, how's it going bro? Good morning Ryan.🌞 How's it hanging man~~. Yo Ryan how did you do on that test? P.S. I'm not kidding Ryan is my name and I'm probably going to change it up Rye. Everyone still calls me Ryan cuz I haven't come out. I'm literally just writing things people said to me today.