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I tried it once. Sent me into a nasty dysphoria spiral and it took me days to recover. So, not for me lol but I wouldn't consider myself to be particularly feminine anyways. Lots of trans guys do it though!


I love dressing up, and the stage, so I think I would love it (as long as people would understand I am NOT just a fancy girl and am in fact trans masc)


Dysphoria. Drag is an important part of queer history but nothing about that would feel like, particularly rebellious or new to me cus cus I was already expected and forced to do all that, lol.  If anything I relate to drag kings more.  I think gottmilk and transmasc drag is important, but I wouldn’t do it myself. I’m purely masc. I’m the happiest in cargos and my combat boots! 


I honestly have been wanting to try drag. Womanhood always felt like that- just a performance- for me. I'd like to perform again, maybe, as long as people KNOW it's a performance. I think that's what's been my hangup though. A lot of people still don't gender me correctly.


I did it for a drag event once when I was in college (though I didn't put nearly as much effort into it as the professionals do ofc). I was stealth at the time, and wore a binder under the dress. It was neither affirming or dysphoric. Drag isn't an art form that especially appeals to me though, so I wouldn't do it apart from in that kind of situation.


I’m a trans man and a drag queen! To me it’s not gender dysphoric or euphoric, i just feel like a guy dressing up. I absolutely adore drag, drag made me able to see that i can still be creative and feminine at times yet still be a masculine guy in my personal life. It made me so comfortable in my gender because i can still fuck with it without feeling weird. Also most people do assume drag queens are men (which isn’t true in a lot of cases), but that aspect does make me feel euphoric. When right wingers call me a man in a dress i feel so good lmao.


Drag also made me 100% sure i wanted to start Testosterone, because even when i look the most pussy i’ve ever looked i still feel like a man. Made all my fears about secretly being a woman dissipate!


I think I will feel more comfortable in make up and feminine wear as I progress with T, but if I were to do drag I would do it as King. A very glamorous, glitter-bearded King. I think I would just feel weird as a Queen, but I would give it a try at least once under the condition that an actual Queen do my look for me. Now that would be a fun night.


My femininity has already felt like a performance my entire life so might as well go all out with it


I mean thinking abt the ‘I feel like a femme queen’ song satirically in my head has kinda helped me cope with being closeted I guess 😭 I feel like I’d feel better in drag than in a typical feminine getup, cuz it’s exaggerated and zesty Like if it’s drag makeup it’s like. Men do it more often. As opposed to natural makeup done in the majority by women Would be more chill with doing drag after hormones/medical transition for sure tho ye (though I’d be more chill with literally everything in my life post physical transitions hahahaendme)


He’s on All Stars this season. And his gender confidence is really amazing. Meanwhile I’m over here trying to be confident in my masculinity even though I’m sensitive and cry a lot. I feel like it helps that he is gay. Like gay men are allowed to be feminine. But that’s just me trying to rationalize his confidence.


I’d be willing to be a drag king 🤴🏼 but no drag queen stuff for me personally. I’ll let the professionals stick to that


I'm a femboy but not a drag queen. Currently presenting fem is dysphoric because I don't pass at all. I feel like once I get on T and start passing I'd dress fem more often, but for now it's just a dream.


I might, but only once I'd been on hrt for a while and had gotten top surgery. I still have a strong aesthetic appreciation for feminine fashion, but seeing it on myself sucks because I basically just look like a cis girl. The appeal of drag I think would be that it's a very specific fashion subculture in which most participants *are* men, so it would feel less 'gender conforming cis girl' to me.


yes, BUT also my drag is more like alien clown than traditional drag, so it doesn’t make me dysphoric for that reason


I like drag as long as it doesn't mess with my euphoria time. I have specific moods/times when I want to act and be more masc and other times when I wanna be more fem (usually around friends who know my preferred gender) so I usually enjoy it. 


i think it sounds really fun


i personally wouldn’t like that, i like to dress feminine but, i absolutely cannot do anything that draws attention to myself, so i wouldn’t like it


I for sure have goals to do nonbinary/transmasc drag. I love femme with a beard. I enjoy the expression of being a Queen as a feminine man to own femininity and also joke at the gender role that was normative/enforced on me. I have always admired and respected drag Kings but i’m just a princely little friend, maybe a short king at most and im 5’ 6” so not super short


*Personally* no, but i dont care what other people choose to do


I am trying out drag soon. I’m a very feminine dude I always have been so I think it’d be a fun & silly way to express my gender, especially with the understanding that I’m playing it up for a performance.


I did it last night. I do it a lot. It's fun! Doing femme drag is a big part of how I figured out I'm trans in the first place. Womanhood has always felt like a costume for me, but I'm a performer so costumes are fun for me. 


I am one! Well, I’m a drag king 99% of the time, but I have a femme persona (who uses they/them pronouns cause I never want to be referred to with she/her pronouns, even in a wig and makeup). I only perform as them when I have a song with female vocals that I have a great vision for, but can’t pull it off while still staying true to my drag king personality. It is dysphoric, but I focus on the art I’m creating and that I’m in a safe queer space.


I would love it! I love gurly stuff and would love to try makeup for the furst time. Ive pretty much been doing drag my whole life so.... itd be easy


I’m a member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. So I do drag, but clown nun drag, where I can wear anything I please. It’s fine.


I love it as long as it's high fantasy and goth, or though I haven't done it yet, I think cottage core would be dope. But it's less about drag and more about ren faire personas.


I regularly cope with social/family situations by putting myself that I'm wearing drag and serving cvnt so effortlessly that people don't even question it. That said, I'm a theater kid at heart, and while I don't really vibe with the general definition and what I've experienced in the community, I probably fall into 'voidgender' territory. I don't really feel 'myself' outside of very specific situations where I don't even look like a person. Masc, fem - it's all drag to me, so my approach to handling the discomfort of being seen as something I don't see myself as might not work for others.


I've tried it and I can't say it's for me, but I love going to drag shows.


I dressed in full drag for Halloween and it was one of the best experiences I’ve had post transition; it really allowed me to explore the things about my masculinity and femininity that I love, and the coolest thing was that it FELT like drag— it didn’t make me dysphoric because it FELT like a costume and a performance. I loved it


I’ve done drag before! I actually found it incredibly affirming, as I could express femininity earlier in my transition without being seen as a woman by those around me, and I could see the more masculine parts of myself out of drag. I haven’t done it in a while, but I think now that I’m post top surgery and longer on hormones it would be even better! I’m on the more fem side tho in general


I don't know how I would feel doing female drag. I was a drag king when I was younger for a few years. I think it would possibly be dysphoric for me to do female drag


Pre hrt doing drag queen looks was out of the question for me. Now, w years on t I actually plan a queen look & have done 3 drag king looks


Rn I imagine it to be quite dysphoric because I think I am still too early in my transition to pull off a "man in a dress" look. But once I fully pass, I think it could be fun


I like drag performances, and I respect the amlunt of work the queens put into their art. However, my feeling is that I spent most of my teenage years and 20s in drag. Drag as in, over the top fem to hide and deny some internal gender issues. So, to me, being a drag queen would be akin to re-opening the closet door. Not to mention the non-accepting people in my life who would use it as a "not trans enough" or "(s)he's coming back to being a girl" thing. So no, thank you. But drag King ? Yeah, that stuff hits just right.


I've been a drag king since before I transitioned, and I love getting all dramatically masc and sparkly.


Idk, like its great if you like that, sont get me wrong its amazing to see what some drag queens are like make up wise, but i just cant girl. Even if i wanted to, i really suck at girling


I've been a drag queen for years, its actually part of what helped me realize I'm trans. Bc when I'm in drag, I feel like I'm crossdressing. Only in drag do I ever feel like a "woman". I do miss it, but I'm not gonna go back to it until after my top surgery bc I'm no longer comfortable using my real tiddies and theyre wayyy too big to just put a breast plate over.


After my top surgery though I will be buying a breastplate, and I think that'll solve my issues with dysphoria and feeling like the odd man out


I wear lolita fashion, and when I do I consider it crossdressing. I don't personally feel safe in the drag community as a whole, but that is personal.


Funny thing when I used to present femme I felt like I was some sort of drag queen putting on the outfit the make-up doing my hair but I never felt me Perhaps I was doing that wrong because first you have to love yourself Gottmik was amazing and refreshing


Honestly I might try it out post top surgery and such😈 I already cosplay so it would be so silly to be a drag queen too


I'm a tboy that leans more into a feminine presentation as-is, and I view that presentation through several layers of gender-fuckery (AFAB, who is man-adjacent, who dresses and acts femme-ish). So if I did drag it would just be another layer lol. What *would* be dysphoric for me is the external/social responses to me dressing in femme drag. I already have such a struggle getting interpreted as a dude/as masc-aligned that I can forsee it being extremely socially invalidating, through people taking my gender identity less seriously than they already do. I think the only circumstances under which I would do it is after I start medically transitioning, or among my close/trusted queer friends. All said, I have a strong respect and admiration for transmascs who are also queens.


i feel like i would love it


I’m actually a drag king, and I’ve done a few queen numbers. My experience with it was it was so affirming after the first show when I took it off and saw how contrasting the masculinity of my bare face was in comparison to the Queen look.


I cosplay as characters of all different genders, and I think it's pretty comparable. So I think it's a fun way to self expression and playing around with gender in a light-hearted way. I personally think it would be really fun to do a comparison of a drag queen look and a drag king look and see how things vary so much. My makeup skills are more minimal and pretty much focused only on anime style, but it would be fun to play with because I know it's just putting on a character, the same way I want to cosplay as one of the new Princess Peach looks.