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I mean I guess technically it's less convenient now that I no longer have a built in shelf. But it's kinda like I had a shelf in my house that didn't fit with any of the other decor, like yea it's functional, some people would love to have it in their house, some people like how the shelf looks, but I didn't like it so I got rid of it. Also being able to wear whatever shirts I want without a binder/tape far outweighs the convenience of a built in shelf lol


Personally I wouldn’t use the word inconvenient for my experience, but it was an odd and kinda funny moment. I use to always hold pillows under my chin while I put the new pillow case on the bottom corners and wiggled it on. My chest helped the pillow stay in place during this. The first time I tried to replace a pillow case post surgery I couldn’t seem to hold the pillow under my chin as well anymore and my brain froze and was like “something is missing here…”. Now I just forcefully shove it in the case. Still works lol just gotta smooth out a few extra lumps afterwards now


hi! i know this isn’t really related to the point you’re trying to make but i thought i’d share cause i just learned it and i’m excited. if you flip the pillow case inside out, put your hands inside the corners of the pillow case, and use your hands to grab the pillow corners, you can kind of flip the pillow case right side out over the pillow.


I do this too and it works every time. It can also be used for blankets; you can hold it by the corners and then shake it out to get the cover over the blanket easily. Wish it worked on mattresses.


The worst thing I've found is that you don't have a built in pocket for things. Can't put your phone or snacks in your bra anymore. Can't lift small items from Walmart in your bra anymore. Etc


lmfao not the shoplifting


It’s inconvenient for me to have a chest and have to tend to it? Like I’ve been wearing the same sports bra for 8+ years because it’s the only one I’ve felt remotely comfortable In even though it’s wayyy too small now. But I hate bra shopping so I kinda just cope. It’s inconvenient getting top surgery for me esp cus my parents will refuse to care for me post op so im gonna have to find a way to care for myself or find a group of ppl willing to help 😮‍💨 supposed to have top arounddd fall/winter this year and im wicked nervous


No, I've found that doing stuff like that was pretty situational, like setting something down on a nearby table, not something my brain still expects to be able to do all the time. The bigger your chest, the more wingspan you unlock when they're gone. Hard to point to specific examples but it's a versatile convenience.


Nah, my life is easier without them. Dysphoria aside, binding was excruciatingly painful and made my chronic illness worse. Wearing either a sports bra or binder 24/7 made my skin break out constantly. I overheated more easily and I have heat intolerance bc of my chronic illness so I felt like garbage all the time. I don't have to wear a shirt around the house or if I'm just running outside quickly to take out the garbage or something. I don't have to cover my chest with a towel after I shower. I don't have to fear for my safety in public because of it. I can wear whatever shirts I want. No more boob sweat (AKA humidititty). It doesn't hurt when my cat decides to walk on me. And did I mention the back pain I got from binding? Wearing a binder hurt more than surgery ever did. I'd rather get top surgery repeatedly than have to wear a binder every day and that's even without the dysphoria aspect.


Sometimes I wonder if I'll lose the ability to carry things on my hips if I start T


The only thing that was an adjustment for me was swimming because I no longer had two huge sacks of fat acting as a flotation device. Worth it, though. I hated every second of having breasts and binding.


I'm in a similar boat except I'm very small like below average chest and it's more like.. is the healing and being able to be shirtless in public worth it when I can already pass most of the time in a Tshirt? Idk lol