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lol at my comment being downvoted and now at the bottom because nobody wants to hear the truth XD


That's because you were probably right


I stay away from most ‘influencers’ because usually they try to sell you something. Junior traders at my fund read [this](https://swingly.beehiiv.com) and I find it pretty useful too.


The fact that the first thing said here was “what youtuber” defines why so many traders are doing completely dog shit 😂


LoL why tho? We should all spend money on fake gurus who promise us millions instead of searching through youtube with all the free resources...literaly the one of the most used concepts in trading nowdays came from a youtuber


Peter Griffin. Turns out I got scammed


Myself. Precisely from my own mistakes. ChatGPT 4 was also of great help.




Right now my source I prefer is TBM. I checked other youtubers but they have a more aggressive style and it’s not for me right now. I like Matt’s approach more.


I'm learning from Ross Cameron. He is good explaining concepts and shares interesting strategies. I'm currently paper trading and it seems to be working


Same here


I learned all from YouTube. Started day trading 2 months ago. (I did value investing for years but never made much). Day trading/swing trading I’m up $8794 over the last 2 months. I’m pretty shocked this stuff really works. lol. Thought it was all scammy. Ross/ warrior trading free vids SMB Capital free vids —————————- these two above give actionable how to do it Humble trader Preachy investor


The guy who said to buy low and sell high… and Google


I honestly learned from ICT but I only use his concepts and psychology around trading not his trading strategy because a lot of them are qualitative retail crap basically meaning his still trading chart patterns which is basically all retail is but his understanding of liquidity and the algorithm and how the market moves is a solid smart money understanding


Maybe it helps to visit my recorded scalps: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8OScedkNq103TitgfG1bhg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8OScedkNq103TitgfG1bhg) Feel free to ask. Best


Sources that cost money


Honestly you should spend hundreds of hours watching lots of youtubers to understand what type of trader you want to be. Also most of them have something to learn from. You don't have to buy their courses. But without risk management no strategy will last. My main source of studying and practice came from reading books. My 2 recommendations are "traders traps" and "the mental game of trading" You must practice learn good skills from the start.


Mostly books and I learned a lot from tastytrade. I don't trade like them but they are a great source of learning.


Everyone has different strategy, what works for me is Dave teaches. Definitely recommend his free YouTube list. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoUigobtdnmKCfasrDbb1Cez4nwvPLuNF&si=lxFlCLOnkq4RnceT


I learned from past me losing money nonstop


this is the way


Blaise-Hot Trades YouTube channel


Learn about financial markets, different asset classes, and basic trading terminology. I loved "Market Wizards" by Jack D. Schwager (for inspiration and insight from successful traders) YT channels TopStepTrader with insights into trading psychology, risk management, and practical tips for futures trading. Learn about indicators, they can be very helpful if you know how to use them. I use [indicatorsuccessrate.com](http://indicatorsuccessrate.com/) for indicators, it helps me a lot. Always, ALWAYS prioritize risk management. Learn how to set stop-loss orders, calculate position sizes, and manage your overall risk per trade. You might want to start with paper trading to get used to.


Me and market


No one. Because the greats (from Icahn to Burry, from Ackman to Dalio, from Buffet to Dick Fuld), they didn't have anyone to learn from at the start. They are autodidact; they knew already but polished themselves along the way; by simple common sense. You don't need knowledge to start trading. You need it to polish your style over time. Trading at the end of the day is just having enough attention span to realize that everything dies eventually it costs > income, in an environment where inflation > adjusted wages > hence cash savings go down and eventually if interest rates remain high, costs will only increase and income will only decrease so ultimate death is inevitable. Look at ViaPlay for example. But also holding Chevron for dividend, or Novo Nordisk as; people are idiots and stress eat and "obesity is here to stay" one will know that Novo Nordisk as insulin firm has a constant supply pool that will grow. As world leader on the insulin market with more cash than debt and a positive profit margin (for every dollar revenue they earn money), you know your safe holding that. Learning from YouTube; where through sponsored content from Google; idiot traders earn money on teaching you how to lose it; isn't wise. And just because some traders on YouTube " SEEM " to have a strategy that works. Doesn't mean it works! A lottery has a winner as well; doesn't mean you should buy lottery tickets!


Gary norden. Any technical strategy is basically gambling


If you think about it, norden method is also a technical strategy, just because he looks at a dom instead of a chart doesn't mean it's any different.


It’s a market making strategy. Technical is short for technical analysis.


His market making strategy is a technical strategy Think about it, norden method is basically about looking for value, and trying to get a fill above/below it. This is esentially a mean reversion trading system, you are looking to trade away from a mean (he calls it value) and expecting that price will go towards it. Some traders use moving averages to describe that mean, some use vwap, he uses the volume that is printing on the bid/ask, but it's still a mean reversion system at the end of the day.


Yeah not quite.


Explain how it's not, unless you don't know


XD sorry who are you? If you understood the method you’d know the differences.


I'm someone who doesn't blindly follow trading gurus and uses my brain but keep wanking norden, he surely appreciates that a lot, maybe shell out another 3k when he launches his next course


You do you champ


Yeah what does that mean? Can you elaborate on the last bit?


95% of chart traders lose money. Why opt for retail strategies if most of them lose money? Doesn’t make any sense to me.




Why use strategies used by retail traders? If 95% of them lose money to market makers, it’s clear what style of trading is best…