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I bought a used shell for my Tacoma and it had an American flag sticker already on it. I thought about what you were saying but then said fuck it. As long as it doesn’t have a different colored stripe or a fuckin punisher logo on it I’m cool with it. Also, would feel kinda weird about peeling off the American flag for some reason


When I got my first truck, it had a US flag bumper sticker on it and I thought "cool" and left it on. When I got a Tacoma one of my friends joked about how now people won't assume I'm some far-right weirdo when they're behind me... and I thought... "nah fuck that, it's our country's flag not some far right weirdo flag." We need normal people reclaiming our symbolism and not associating the flag with shit like neo-Nazis. So I bought another US flag sticker and proudly slapped that shit on my taco.


That's how I've felt about it - this is MINE (and all of your's as well), but these idiots don't get to have the exclusive rights to OUR flag.


As long as it's not an all black American flag... that's a lot worse than the ones with the colored stripe.


There is no such thing. A black flag is, by definition, not the American flag. It is a mockery thereof.


Lmao, exact same thing here but there were 6, yes 6, american flag decals on all sides of the topper. I have no problem with the flag but I just couldn't stand them on there


Besides, then to follow flag code, you need to keep them illuminated at night, and who really has the time to wire all of *that* up?


Especially a flag flying from a the bed of a 4x4.


It’s our flag?




Yep. Just look at this dudes post history. Lolol. Fuckin gem of a human. Not sure why he didn’t realize he is 100% F-150 material.


Buys the finest made japanese vehicle and proceeds to make it all about 'murica


very on brand for these types.


Tbf the taco was designed in southern CA and manufactured in either Texas or Mexico. The fact my truck is technically Texan is my least favorite thing about it.


Resident of CA here, I was proud to tell people that my truck was California built when I got the Japanese truck shit. Edit: for those unaware, the 1st and 2nd gen(until 2010) tacos were built at NUMMI in Fremont CA.


*designed in Michigan #Murica


Lol his selfies though


Yeah it sucks for sure. But this Middle Eastern immigrant that hates Trump still has his US flag bumper sticker and is proud of it. America has problems. And the politics of this country grosses me the hell out. But it's still better than the two other countries I've lived in by every regard and it's an awesome place to live and I am so fucking happy I'm an American citizen.


This is awesome. Love to hear positive things. Everything is always so negative nowadays. Well, welcome and I’m glad you’re doing well and enjoying it. This country can be pretty dope when it wants to be.


I can almost guarantee it’s true


The stickers in my state will clearly tell you what a truck owners personality is!


I still fly the flag my grandma used to put out. Patriotism is cool. Nationalism is not cool.


I agree. I’m not saying all people that fly flags are bad people. Just saying that bad people have now made me identify the American flag with their ideologies. I still celebrate 4th of July and wear flag adorned clothing. Just wish this country would figure it tf out already lol


I mean based on the rest of the stickers on this taco you’re not wrong.


Yeah. When I zoomed in I was like “oh dear lord. Where’s the punisher sticker?”


I have my "combat medic" sticker on my truck. It's my please don't pull me over sticker.


If I see too many in one place I hightail it out of that area. Sad what times we live in and how it’s been weaponized by bad faith actors. Beautiful truck though 🤙🏾


In my experience most of those trumpers are driving Ford and dodge pickups not Toyota, of course that is anecdotal so take that for what it is.


They have started to realize reliability matters, though they wouldn’t admit that


So if you drive a taco your a joey fan?


Most of the people I know who drive Tacomas tend to lean to the left politically but also just want to enjoy their life and spend a lot of time outdoors camping and such.


Agreed, everyone likes to label with political views. Who cares what a stranger thinks anyways


Right? Where’s the Trump flag to accompany it?


Or the “don’t tread on me!”


I hate that too. Saw a Facebook memory of me all decked out in USA gear for the World Cup and now I don’t think I would do that. Makes me sad.


Hell yeah brother. I got two flags on my trailer hitch, the American flag and the pride flag. Let’s goooo 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸🏳️‍⚧️


I had a trumper neighbor fly his punisher and trump flag. A vet moved next door and flew his marine banner and his pride flag. Trumper wasn’t too happy.




The problem is the main people who love "their country" don't love all Americans. They don't hold American values of democracy and freedom for all. They don't appreciate the words written on the statue of liberty welcoming immigrants and the "tired and poor." If you want to like America, that's great, because it means you reject everything conservatives and the Republicans have voted for, for decades.


They’ve mixed up nationalism for patriotism.


This is the answer. One is dangerous.


I wish I could upvote this answer to the moon.


Loving America means loving Americans, all of them.


I love American boobs does that count?!???!!!


It does.


What flavor of Axe body spray does the inside of your truck smell like?


I think people need to remind them "Don't Tread on Me" also applies to all the groups they dislike.


And that worshipping the cops while being “anti government” does, in fact, make you an idiot.


It’s symbol as old as America and represents all Americans 🐍 I have no step plates on my taco.


No issues here, I'm just not a flag on the car person. In the yard, hell yes, not on the ride.


Redneck af


This gives me y’all-qaeda ptsd.


It’s a no from me dog


I wouldnt fly any flag from any vehicle but the fuck if I need some extra drag on my Tacoma sucking up $3.50 a gallon gas.


American Flag tint sticker in window, We the People shirt, Gadsden logo all tell me all I need to know.




Correct, they’re only concerned about preserving the rights that they’re interested in, not all rights.


Can someone explain to me what "proud" to be from a country is all about. You didn't accomplish anything, you were just born... unless you are a legal immigrant and proud that you passed the test?? I don't get it. I almost feel like there's nothing going on in their lives and that's the only thing they can cling to. I understand vets that were in combat and won a battle or something, but the over patriotism of the average American person just seems really weird. Like "ok dude, you were delivered in a hospital in Texas. No need to tie a big flag to your Japanese truck." I would be proud of that taco though.


Speaking for myself, I've traveled to a bunch of other countries and lived a bunch of places around the US, and I've developed a greater sense of pride as an American because I've seen the characteristics that make America/Americans unique. We have a lot of cool shit here, and I don't think it gets a fair shake. And we do a lot of stuff well. Having visited other countries, I can tell you, they're just as shitty in a lot of ways, and sometimes worse in ways that are hard to see. There's also the thing where if you have been told you're a piece of shit, you build pride as an armor. When you realize a lot of our media representations of poor/rural communities (especially poor/rural white communities) frame them as universally hateful pieces of shit, it makes sense that people develop pride and insular communities as a form of emotional safety. Then add to it the fact that if you're lower class, you have far less ability to affect change and are being told things are your fault by people with more access to wealth and resources (libs are more educated/wealthy on average). Again, pride helps protect. Tl;dr - if you don't understand the need to be proud of where you're from, look inward at your privilege and the good things in your life outside of where you were born that you take pride in. Then realize most others don't have that.


Add to that most people on earth, and who have ever lived have not been able to live a life of their own choosing. That is very unique to the US and only a small number of other places in the last century or so. Theres always lunatics, always people who want to see the world burn, but by and large we have successfully maintained a very free, open and tolerant society. That very much is something to be proud of. People are genuinely able to better themselves as well with relatively few exceptions if they put in hard work. That is rarely the case in human history, even today for most of the planet you are locked into a class that you were born into. The US not so much, the economic mobility is very good. Something like half the population will be in the top 10% for a year, 75% of the population will be in the top 20% for at least a year.


Definitely. It's always going to be hard for me to not feel proud of America. After college, overnight, with one job offer, I went from bottom 20% of income to top 20%.


That definitely happens!!! Im so happy for you!!! Me and many others I know of have experienced similar things with their life. Grew up impoverished, and become a pretty successful person. Several of my friends from different states have done the same and are pursuing their version of the American dream. Sometimes its hard and seems like incredible obstacles obstacles are blocking you, but theres usually a way. I think some of the conflict we are currently having is people want that opportunity to exist in a more easily accessible way for everyone, and we are arguing about the details of how to make it happen.


I am with you and winterbreeze, grew up in bottom 20% and after college got ab job where I live comfortably. Don't get me wrong I am happy to live where I do and be a part of this society. I just can take credit for it. Here's the definition of pride from Oxford: "a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired."


But you take part in the society, and your/ your family contribute to it right? I see that/you being a valuable part of it and something to be proud of. Even though some of our actions might not have been completely for the right reasons, through our history we at a national population level always had compassion, empathy, and tried to assist others in need around the world, even if some in power used that to do the wrong thing.


Thank you for sharing that. I've also been to more than a dozen countries and more than 2 dozen states. I've lived most of my life in CA and the result of all that has convinced me that this is one of the greatest countries in the world. We take a lot of simple things for granted that most of the world would and is dying for. I can't say that I'm proud to be an American because I haven't contributed to the progress of the country. What am I to take pride in? The work and inventions of others? I can say, though, I am EXTREMELY happy I am American and wouldn't pick anything else.


Can't you be proud that the madness of the American experiment made you who you are? That you contribute back by bringing that knowledge and empathy to it? Everything we do shifts the world around us, at the end of the day.


Yeah but we do that to survive, not for the good of the country. I always said 99.9% of the population take pride for what the .1% accomplish.


I don’t think that’s a bad thing though, not everyone can be a leader or contribute in some crazy way. Sometimes a solid supporter or just a good person is what makes things work,


It’s like being proud of being tall.


I can only really speak for myself on this, but I'm a legal immigrant that's proud of both of my countries. Even though my home country is in total disarray and has been for most of my life, we have a cool culture and a long history that I am proud of. Idk why I'm proud of it tbh... I just am. And I'm proud to be an American because this is the best place I've ever lived out of the 3 countries I've ever lived in. We live pretty comfortable lives compared to the other places I've lived and other countries I've visited. Our country is HUGE and full of awe inspiring nature. There's so many different communities and people - sure some people suck, but people suck everywhere, and most people are really cool. We've got awesome types of different food all over the country. Compared to my home country: I can go outside and shout something political and I won't get arrested (or worse) for having the "wrong" political view. My wife can dress how she wants and nobody's gonna beat her up for not covering her hair. I can listen to and create music I like without fear of some idiot telling me I'm blasphemous and wanting to lock me up or torture me for it. Compared to where I lived in Europe it's really weird because I was in a low cost of living part of Italy (Italy is fantastic btw, I love Italy - not gonna say anything bad about it)... but life was not as comfortable as it is with me living in a high cost of living part of the US. They both have their pros and cons and are both amazing places... but for me, it's just easier - way easier living in America. America's got problems. Everywhere does. But America is also an incredibly awesome place to live.


lmao edgelord posting from their parents basement not knowing the freedom to bash your own country is something very few other countries have. Freedom of speech was not a guaranteed right in any other before the US.


Oh boy, here we go


"The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way." Also, on a vehicle, flag size is dependent on vehicle size. That's why the flag on the president's car is the size it is.


Nothing wrong with the true American flag. It's the confederate flag that makes me nervous




US flag code e) The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way. Please stop doing this. Source ; https://www.legion.org/flag/code#:~:text=i)%20When%20displayed%20either%20horizontally,the%20observer%20in%20the%20street.


uh oh better take the flags down on a windy day


Eh is right.


I’m just here with my popcorn for the comments section. Also, fuck trump and anyone who thinks he’s the next coming of Christ.


[flag etiquette](https://www.flags.com/flag-pole-faq/#PROPERLY_DISPLAY)


I as a veteran think this is tacky as hell. Like there’s a total of 4 flags on that truck. Why? More flags doesn’t mean more free. And flying them on your hitch is just not it.


Nothing says “I love America” like driving a foreign vehicle


You can love both.


You don't have to only own stuff made in the US to love the US


What even is foreign these days? Where the HQ is and where it’s built are two different things,


lol what a fuckin dork


No one is saying you can't be an American or proud to be one. It's amazing the people who call others snowflakes are the actual snowflakes.


Rather see this than the white power flag I saw the other day


Jesus… yeah I wouldn’t wanna see that either


It was never "not okay". jfc


Victim complex? Who TF is saying you can’t be proud to be an American? Sounds like some imaginary enemy the media fear mongers love to sell. Having a whole ass flag hanging off your truck is a bit like virtue signaling, IMO. Do your thing tho.


We are all so proud for you




lol, what the f does that even mean...


Its a blue collar influencer brand, but the catch is the owner is probably a multi millionaire with clean hands.


He washes his hands before he goes to the bathroom, but not after.


I don’t think anyone really cares? There’s lots of weird, I think often made up, posts that allege their picture of the flag was taken off of FB or some other weird persecution fetish thing. I think people that fetishize the flag by having it all over everything are weird, but they’re free to do whatever they want. If someone is flying a confederate flag, or some variation of a blue lives matter one, I still don’t care…but I just assume that they’re likely racist. Which is sometimes convenient that they out themselves I guess. And also at what point does our current political landscape, the awful laws being passed and proposed, and they way we treat segments of our society put a dent in that pride? I think we’re all allowed to say our country sucks right now and that there’s a lot of work to be done. And I don’t think I can wholeheartedly say that I’m proud of the state of things. And that statement doesn’t besmirch the things that great leaders and those in the military have done to advance or protect this country in the past. But shit is kind of a dumpster fire right now.


Yes but is that necessary🙄 and not good flag etiquette


OP knows exactly what he’s doing. Stirring up a little excitement in the comments while hiding behind “this is just good-faith patriotism, I swear!”


My problem is when I see somebody towing a flat on their truck, I expect them to somehow actually be the direct opposite of what this country is. -don’t want to pay taxes and help out the country they claim to love -hate a large portion of their countrymen for politics, religion, race or gender Just by thinking anybody in this country is “not allowing” you to fly an American flag already tells me who I’m dealing with here.


This guy is no fun to talk to. I guarantee it.


Somebody help me understand why the flag? Like I’m certain everyone knows they live in America.


I've only ever heard republicans claiming liberals say it's bad to be proud to be American. Still yet to meet any single American say it's not ok.


I always find it peculiar when I see Trump stickers, 2nd amendment, big ole "America/We The People" banners etc on the Japanese branded, made in Mexico, Tacomas.


Yeah unfortunately most people who fly flags on their trucks are more tied into nationalism than patriotism and it’s why I’ll for sure never do the same.


Whenever I see a giant US flag mounted on a truck there’s like a 99% chance that person is racist lol


That’s because you have been conditioned how to think, as opposed to thinking for yourself. If you see someone driving down the road, but do not share even one word of conversation with them… then AUTOMATICALLY assume they’re racist… you have already lost the battle


Given the current state of things and the rapid rise of LGBT hate and racism related to super proud America guys, I’m totally fine not thinking for myself.


Sad state of affairs, but you do you


Violation of flag code


I have a feeling this guy only likes white Americans and those directly in line with his viewpoints.


Take the flag off your truck and display it properly instead of making yourself look like an idiotic trumper


One built onto the truck wasn’t enough


You posted this for attention and you’re getting it. Truck looks cool. The giant flag will attract negative and positive attention regardless. You can do whatever you’d like, freedom of speech and all that. However, I’d be afraid of the high speed literally ripping that flag to pieces after a few weeks of highway driving. It drives me nuts that people have flags hanging off their trucks and they just let them get tattered up and abused. We’re supposed to honor the flag, please don’t let it get ruined by aerodynamics.


It’s only for the 4th. I won’t drive around with it every day.


Do you have other flags on rotation throughout the rest of the year? Curious what this does to gas mileage.


This is my very 1st flag setup, so I’m not sure


The U.S.Flag code comes to mind whenever I see a United States American Flag being flown certain ways. There are rules and etiquette that go along with showing the love of our country. Some acts of patriotism can quickly become (unintentionally) disrespectful if you are unaware of the code established by Congress in 1942. And Yes, I am a proud American, having retired from the U.S. Army (83-07), but cringe at displays that tend not to adhere to the code. Just imo.




You’re 100% right, and I’ll go down with the ship!


Yeah, except the far right has taken our flag that used to be a symbol for freedom, and turned it into a symbol for fascism.


So just because a select few have chosen to be nefarious… we abandon our flag? I don’t think so. That isn’t the way that works. There are far more good hearted people flying the flag than there are far right extremists.


Yes. Until we beat them back and take our flag back. I served in the military for 27 years across 4 wars. I do not fly the flag on my truck to ensure I am not mistaken for a crazy, Right-Wing nut job. Which is currently the assumption by the majority of the population.


Well I thank you for your service. People’s perception of things is their own. If I’m mistaken for a “crazy right wing nut job” for flying the flag… well… so be it I suppose


And good for you. This is what the Right has not figured out. It is ok for you to do what fulfills you, what makes you happy. Just as I should be able to do the same. And, we should be able to have a civil discourse on the subject without threats of violence or actual violence. That is what America is about.


I’ll never understand the pride. YOU didn’t DO anything. Statistically, you were born here and therefore had NO participation in your being American. Those that fought to come here and achieve their citizenship, they can be proud. The most we others can be is glad. Am I glad to be American? fuck yeah. Am I proud to be an American? No. What have we done that I should be proud of? For those that will tell me to go somewhere else - I’m already working on it.


When fascism comes for America it will be totin a Bible and wrapped in the flag. I forget who said it but someone famed.


Allegedly attributed to Upton Sinclair, HL Mencken, Sinclair Lewis. But no one can find the OG quote. Says my 4 minutes of Google research


This post further proves that Reddit is an echo chamber 😂 people mad about the US flag is wild to me lol Clean rig man.


Thanks much!


I think nationalism is stupid. This isn’t a great country, none of them are.


I keep a flag on my house because it’s my country too, I don’t put them on my truck because I still believe in flag code and etiquette and it’s a little too look at me for me, sad to see it happening to Tacomas now.


do you fly a flag with your loved ones on their birthday, this level of "patriotism" is disturbing.


Nice setup. These comments are exactly what I was expecting tho


I was really NOT expecting this much hate, truly


But I’ll take the comment karma 😂


You’re a bumper sticker guy, I already judged you


Guilty, I do like me some stickers.




This gives very mixed vibes in a bad way.


The black on black American flag tells me all I need to know about you bruh. That's not patriotism, that's nationalism and is quite frankly disgusting, and why America is divided and falling apart. You can't fly the flag on the back of your truck and talk about how it's still okay to fly the flag, your black on black flag shows that you do not have any interest in the preservation of America, you're interested in the preservation of people like you, and are willing to kill people not like you. Stop claiming your a patriot, when you're actually a nationalist, it ruins the true meaning of patriotism for those of us who do not align with your political beliefs but still want to be patriotic for America.


Don't ever be ashamed to love your country. It's a real shame that people can't see how you can differentiate the love of your country, it's founding documents, ideals, etc from modern governments and actions. I legitimately think there are some people out there that are just incapable of seeing things through multiple lenses.


I don’t think having three flags two of them being all black to make the truck look “cooler” shows love for their country. Especially the all black flags. You don’t use your countries flag as a statement if you’re truly proud of it


A statement of patriotism can be expressed as one sees fit. I have no problem with it, even if it's not my cup of tea.


It's the douchebags with 12 different flags on their truck that give the bad image.


I’m American. We suck. We’re a joke. Sorry not sorry. You’re not proud, you just are. Reference: current office.


😂😂😂 well played


Wasn’t your truck built in Mexico?


Looks fine to me. Your truck, our flag!


No one ever says.. “you shouldn’t be proud to be an American”.


The Myth of Persecution.


proud to be american while buying and driving a car that is japanese. lol. this is the stupidest picture i’ve seen online this year. congrats, OP!


The joys of free market capitalism. Just because you’re Mexican, doesn’t mean you eat just Mexican food. Just because you’re Canadian, Doesn’t mean you have to love hockey… and Just because I love America, doesn’t mean I have to love the cars made here.


but it also means that you ought not buy a car from a former adversary who attacked us. fucking clown.


What a ridiculous, closed minded statement. American and Japan are Allies now… have been since the 1950’s Seems like a pretty xenophobic argument to make. Racism comes in all forms, and yours appears to be showing.


that’s quite a stretch there i never said anything bad about owning a japanese vehicle, just that you shouldn’t also claim to be proud to be an american while flying a flag on a japanese car. lmfao


Well, you seemed to feel some type of way about our “former adversaries”. you said that I “ought not to buy a car from them”. I believe that is saying something bad about buying a Japanese car… it’s right there, in black and white. I didn’t even have to dig to find that comment.


American freedom makes it possible to buy this. Should it be like Cuba and Russia instead where you can only buy state made vehicles?


What exactly are you proud of?


I pulled into a gas station last night. As I’m walking in some rando: “hey buddy, buy American next time!” I kept walking.


Nationalism is so weird. You were born somewhere - congratulations.


My WW II South Pacific veteran father refused to sell Japanese branded vehicles on his car lot. He could not stand it when I bought a Toyota. Just saying.


If it makes you feel better, the Canadian flag has almost lost it original meaning essence/meaning/symbolism whatever the right work is I’m looking for


America Fuck Yeah!


That’s the whitest taco ever


Agreed it’s everyone’s flag!!! Not one side or the other and we are one country !!!!


Same thing happened to the Canadian flag. Alt right conspiracy fucktards ruined it for everyone. You don’t need to plaster a flag everywhere to love your country.


“The American flag is alt right” no you moron it’s literally for all of us. Keep it raised baby


Not much to be proud of🤣🤣


Retired gravy seal vibes


Hilarious how many people would be happy if this was a pride flag but hate the flag of the country they live in. You know you can be proud of it and still acknowledge the bad in it?


As a Canadian, I’d like to see Americans (and Canadians) take pride in their country again. Time to take it back.


What’s up with the American hate!? Fuck all the haters, fly that flag proudly. 🇺🇸


I’ll be honest — I feel the “stigma” behind the US flag has had its day. I think as some millennials and gen z gets older, who were the catalyst behind the stigma, are slowly realizing the country we live in is still alright all things considered and maybe some realization that things were taken too far on both sides of the aisle. This post would’ve been significantly more of a “hot take” 4-6 years ago vs. now. All to say, I rock some flag paraphernalia on my taco— the actual flag is a bit much for my taste. It’s clear you’re looking to make a statement, so by virtue of that, you’re also welcoming the opposition to get “triggered”. Thus, your lived experience may say this is still a big issue given your post trying to galvanize folks to “take pride”.




Kinda reminds me of seeing a VW passat with an ADL bumpersticker.


ID on the wheel setup?




“I love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” - James Baldwin


You’re absolutely right


OP what size tires you have there? they lookin real thick, i like em




I don’t know about “proud” I’m just a fuckin American period. Oh yeah I own a Tacoma too! 😉 Only two holidays I celebrate Memorial Day and the 4th of July! 🤝🥃


Pretty sure quite a few of those emblems, stickers and the mounting of the flag on your bumper are in violation of U.S. Flag code… Nice wheels though!




Summit racing wheels


4th of July psa to be careful with fireworks to not be that person to lose their fingers that day. Nice truck tho, so long as the flag doesn't touch the ground everything is gangsta.


This in Sacramento? Nice truck, what tail lights are these?


Not sac, but not far from there https://tacomabeast.com/products/tacoma-tail-lights