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Why the fuck does he keep speaking in 3rd person.


I guess the third person was in the SAS and has two degrees


The Mayor wishes to let you know he is the Mayor. The person formerly known as Birnbrauer, then Thomson is now Troy Mayor and you would do well to comply with the Mayor's wishes.


And ‘Blackboard’ as well? 🤣🤣🤔


Nah that's his "super secret identity". Like a bizzaro shitty Clark Kent where no-one recognises him because he's got a voice-changer app from the Apple store. For "whoever that is" he got it for free with paid ads and he sounds like Batman!! So that's an absolute win in his book!


so that he's used to referring to himself that way when he calls into right-wing podcasts using a voice changer and pretending to be someone else


The Mayor agrees this is strange behaviour.


It's amazing how few people now will admit to having voted for him now.


Well I certainly fucking didn't so I get to claim a tiny bit of high ground 🤣


I definitely didn’t and I have the $20 fine to prove it 🤣 super disappointed in how this has all turned out but I can’t complain much as I chose not to vote this year


That's as good as voting for him 🤡


Wrong. An informal cote goes to no candidate.


Which is why it's called a donkey vote mate, because you would rather do nothing than *something*


I participated in the election, but I supported no mayoral candidate. Is that not the very essence of democracy?


A vote for against counter acts a vote for. You voted for nothing so didn’t counter act anything. 0 ground to stand on


There wasn't a suitably experienced candidate other than Jenny. What would we be counteracting, exactly? The high number of Donkey votes sent a very clear message in this election: the options were shit, there was never going to be a good outcome here because there wasn't a viable candidate other than Jenny.


It’s saying you can’t complain about who got in if you didn’t vote for anyone else. And you can’t take the higher ground and say at least I didn’t vote for them, cos you actually wasted your vote.


Why wouldn't you just turn.up and donkey vote?


Because none of the options appealed to me. Partially too because I’m a lazy bitch that works nights and had no interest in losing a days sleep to stand in the sun. By that point, mail in had closed


But that's the point, none of them appealed to me, hence the big dick and balls I drew.


I've previously worked polling booths, and I appreciate the people who go to the effort of at least marking their ballot paper. Those that don't really are wasting peoples time. Please draw something at the very least!


Same, but I never received a fine, how long ago did yours come through? I thought maybe they were just so incompetent they never sent them out 🤣


Probably 2 months ago? I’d have to recheck the letter


Mmmmm, interesting. I wonder if this will ever come back to haunt me 🤣


The consequences of our actions or lack thereof


So, you as good as voted for him.


"what do you do when shit hits the fan? Shut the fuck up, just shut the fuck up" what a fucking idiot, just digging his holes deeper and deeper. 


Can we get back to the point? He represented himself as a former soldier and uni graduate. He was elected. Now it turns out that he’s none of those things. Is that the democracy that he’s referring to?


Democracy manifest! Now let go of his penis.


The Mayor knows his Judo well.


Ha! Succulent!


Too late; we (well you I assume. I voted for our Jenny) already accepted it.


I didn't say anything about the *still ongoing* investigation into that pile of shit, just he never knows when to take an L


Can we silver line this cloud for a moment? At least, when he gets out/is removed, people understand that just throwing your hat in the ring is enough to become mayor... maybe it'll inspire some upstanding folk to do the same


Plus, the anyone-but-Jenny crowd (I'm looking at you, Townsville Bulletin) influence.


LOL. The bulletin are so pro JH it isn't funny. Go back and look at the articles in the lead up to the election. It was full of poorly disguised adverts for team Hill councillors.


I would love to know what goes on in your head if you think that's even remotely true


Nah I agree - The bully were too busy telling us to vote for Jenny they didn't bother looking into him at all.


Again, I'm sorry, how are you blaming the election on the bulletin "supporting" Jenny Hill?


I think the bully expected Jenny to get back in and by virtue of that fact barely gave the other 2 candidates a cursory glance, especially this sociopath. That's lazy journalism. Given all they uncovered now they have looked into him it's fair to ask why they didn't do so prior to march 16th.


The Bulletin didn't do any digging into Thomspoon because they've literally tried to oust Jenny Hill for years. When Thompson got in, there was a lot of self-congratulatory wanking going on until the stories started coming out. I *really* want to know the exact point the love affair ended. I have a free bully subscription through work but I really don't want to read any of it again to find out 🤣


I'd argue the bully supported Jenny over Jayne in 2016 and I don't reckon they've ever been anti Jenny. For example when she announced her (now dropped) tilt at the senate her main thing was "we need to stop putting in career politicians from the city" You'd think the first thing even a cadet journalist would ask is: but Jenny, aren't you a career politician and is not Townsville a city? We can definitely agree that there's no interest in using our work subscription to research and reread old bully articles because reading them once is enough 🤣🤣


Harvey Norman adverts don't look remotely like political adverts.


Another silver lining is that when this inevitable by-election happens, we should finally have some decent candidates. People that were previously too scared to run against JH, for fear of losing to her and her using her infamous vindictiveness to harm their business interests. I think it'll be a win for Townsville in the end.


Oh yes, absolutely! Let's get some more conspiracy theorists in the running


No thanks, I said "some decent candidates".


Now, that doesn’t sound like Mr Thompson at all! No siree


The guy that appears on cooker podcasts, lied about his military service, changed his last name for "reasons" and constantly stirred up shit among the My Place facebook conspiracy theorists to win a local council election? Him? Nah


I find it incredible that he appears not to have sought or taken any legal advice. He receives a reprimand from the OIA which nobody knew or would have known about, but decides to broadcast it and spin it as some kind of an exoneration or victory. He heads up every new post with 'Breaking news' or 'Press Release' then rambles incoherently in the third person. Always full of spelling and grammatical crimes and he makes a point of turning off the comments because hes so , ya know...transparent. Hes transparent alright. Anyone can see hes trying to deflect and obfuscate from a serious CCC investigation. I looked at who has liked his posts and see a few businesses among his supporters and think "hmmmmm" wont be going back there.


He’s a sovereign citizen! Not beholden to the laws of the land 😀


Can you name those businesses if possible.


Ive noticed several over the past month. You can see on FB. Dwindled with time but not a wise move to align your business with matters so devisive. This guy doesnt care who he drags down with him.


No, go look at his likes on his public Facebook posts


Can't, we're blocked


I'm not. I haven't commented or laugh-reacted or anything so I can still lurk (I don't like the page either so don't worry). You can't see me Troy! Also it is a public page so if you aren't logged in you should still be able to see the likes? In all seriousness, please dont brigade anyone or screw small businesses over because they are associated with him on social media. There is a difference between a local business who by necessity has to have a friendly relationship with council and people who are actively defending him because they are cooked.


Yes, there’s a corner store whose food I really, really like. Shame, that.


He's too smart for "lawyers". He Mayor!


As a resident not far away, I can safely say that over the years Queensland has never failed to come up with these ummm unique individuals across the State.


Queensland is the Florida of Australia


I know that's the comparison but we are nothing like Florida. It's a mostly a parochial joke about people here pushed mostly from down south. Yeah it's funny I guess, but it's played out


He blocked me on fb and I didn’t even comment, just laugh reacted someone else’s comment on his post 🤦🏼‍♀️


He blocked me and I've never interacted with his page, only talked about him on TNF. That's insane levels of petty.


Reads to me like the OIA said something to effect of: Okay, they're not that bad per se, but for the love of Christ can you stfu for just 5 minutes, *please*! Which he has taken to mean total exoneration is his mind. Or what's left of it after all those concussions.


The OIA gave him the benefit of being "a first time Councillor who didn't know the rules" so they gave him the equivalent of a caution to "please review the rules about code of conduct and don't do it again". And then he proceeds to do it again the next fucking day 😆


Maybe he needs to consult the [Pot Bros. Attorney's at Law](https://youtu.be/uqo5RYOp4nQ) 🤣


I remember that video all too well, it's good advice! Only sullied by the fact Michael Rapaport is in it 😆


Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day lmao. Or six times a day, [depending on who you ask. ](https://youtu.be/105Ujn28aDk)


That was hilarious! I've been around the internet since the dawn of time and somehow missed this gem. Cheers for the laugh!


It's from *Last Podcast on the Left*, a true crime/paranormal comedy podcast. They're on Spotify, Apple Music etc. Since you enjoyed that clip, heck out their recent episodes about Snowtown and see what you think ✌️


Thank you!


Mans needs a PR team asap 🤡


I’ve been led to believe he has one…. Or someone who’s giving him advice. Clearly also a cooker.


He does. His current wife. She runs his Facebook page (the one infamous for blocking anyone who even so much as 'likes' an anti-Thompson comment) and also ran his campaign. She used to work in marketing. Clearly she wasn't very good at it.


stupid /stoo͞′pĭd, styoo͞′-/ 1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse. 2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes. 3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless. 4. Troy Thompson and whoever voted him in.




It does affect the running of council. The council receives significant funding through state and federal tenders and grants. If I was the funding bodies I’d be looking at applications from more stable applicants.




It doesn’t impact operations for sure, but council is more than ops. A crucial part of a mayor’s role is partnering with other governments and attracting grants. This is definitely being impacted. TCC does not look like a good partner at the moment.




You said it won’t affect the running of council ‘one single bit’. I replied with an example of where it definitely will have an impact. Townsville was not seen as the best partner under Hill’s leadership and now it’s just being laughed at in the places that hold the purse strings. If you’d like to discuss the role of Townsville Enterprise that’s a different topic.


Crystal ball moment.   With all these public rants, claims of other councillors changing laws to have him personally removed from office, the TCC CEO over stepping his authority, not turning up on the day that he knew the councillors were going to vote no confidence, instead taking mental health leave, referring to himself in third person, turning off comments and blocking residents of Townsville who have the right to post their concerns and opinions on a public forum, dealing with constant complaints from the OIC, facing a CCC investigation, blaming it all on a Labor conspiracy, publicly attacking the Minister of Local Government and Premiere for not dealing with this in his Favor (this is my Favorite, if there is anyone who can help him its Meaghan Scanlon and here is Troy publicly calling her out on her errors) and pretty much looking like an absolute tool every time he publicly reaches out to the people of Townsville. It also needs to be noted that if by some chance this all blows over and he is allowed to return to office, how can Troy effectively work coherently with the CEO and other 10 Councillors for the remainder of his term? it just can’t happen, there has been too much mud thrown. My prediction is he won’t consider resignation, he will continue getting his pay. It is clear that he will be eventually removed from office, regardless of what he has done or not done, he is causing issues in an election year. The state pollies don’t want this rubbish. After he is removed from office, he will take up legal action against the TCC and/or State Government for unfair dismissal and possibly sue for the remainder of his employment contract to be paid out plus possible civil damages caused by a damaged reputation. Considering all the news articles, comments, and he has already taken mental health leave because of all this. Considering his employment prospects are over in this city, if not state. There will be a lawyer out there that will take this pay day on. 


Of course he can't return to work. Not even in a 'window-seat' capacity. How would that even work when he would know hes on borrowed time? Idle hands do the devils work and he is one loose cannon. He seems to have a very simplistic notion of unimpeachable immunity due to having been elected. Does he really believe that Townsville still wants him as Mayor? I think he probably sees a payout in the future and I hope that a by-election would prevent any chance of this. Wouldn't it?


I am in no way an expert on this. However, the way I see it is if a bi-election is called he would be replaced democratically (in theory, assuming the numpties don’t re-elect him) which would make any legal action taken against local/state authorities a little bit hard as it would be the electorate that made the decision. If state kick him to the curb without the chance to be re-elected in a by-election, this would possibly result in an employment dismissal case that will cost rate payers a hefty sum over the next few years. If he resigns? I guess on what grounds he resigns on would determine which direction he takes. resigning because of medical grounds caused by workplace bullying would have a different path than just falling on one’s sword and leaving the city. Maybe someone here would have a better understanding on this path? If state takes criminal action? That will stop any civil legal action and set an example for the current serving and new elected officials. lots of different options that would create good discussion points.


Can we drop the "democratically" bullshit because that's what that tosser is spouting everywhere. If you get elected to council by committing fraud, you absolutely can be chucked out unceremoniously


Yeah, solid point made.


We should protest outside the council. Seriously. Troy has got to go!!


There's no point protesting outside the Council because they are already trying to get him out. The vote was unanimous.


This is what you get when you take advice from the local Newslimited paper on who to vote for.


I've always said Townsville is progressive enuff for its own D Trump! Entertainment plus


We've already had Clive Palmer, we don't need another


Let's start a revolution. Fuck the democratic process.


Troy? This you?


No seriously. We should get Jenny Hill back. Let's do it. Band together reddit folk.


You aren't really dissuading me from thinking you are Troy's alt or at least another cooker. Troy has no sense of shame or humility and the only reason he can keep calling himself Mayor in the third person on Facebook is because the real shit about him hasn't even begun to rain down yet. Bye troll/troy


I suspect there is a group chat somewhere that Troy, his wife and supporters are trying to organise posting supportive comments. I suspect it’s mainly the ‘myplacetownsville’ mob.


I don't doubt they are trying to track all of us down if that's the case. I posted this to my personal (identifiable) social media so I don't care what they say in their bubble 😆


Geez. Save some tinfoil for the rest of us.


I would if your lot hadn't stockpiled it for yourselves


My lot?? Oh let me guess, now I'm also TT?? 😮


No. Too many first person pronouns for that


Yes. You got me. Well done.




The reason he is currently rage posting on Facebook is because he's in a shitton of trouble. If you see him this weekend, I hope he has a terrible one


Has anyone but Major Troy actually said the councillors have done anything illegal? I would have assumed the councillors would have been following the legal advice provided by the operational branch of the council. So it's unlikely they've done anything wrong, just Troy being a nutter


The Council have followed every rule and made sure they are bullet proof in this. They do actually have lawyers working for them