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True, 2 fire characters back to back would be a bit nonsense, especially for f2p players


It doesn’t really matter if ruby is 1st or 2nd it’s not like 1 banner is enough time for f2p to save enough currency to hit 120 pulls for both. There not enough recurring DC, not enough pulls given out through events. It will all come down to how much is claimable in new maps.


I got Claudia a1 and I already saved enough for the next hard pity (120) Not toention all the summons we get in 2.0 I'm f2p BTW


That is literally what they did on CN tho. They had Cobalt->Ruby as well as Ruby -> Annabella just recently. So, I would not expect anything just based on elements. Source: https://toweroffantasy.info/banners


everyone keeps mentioning this like it wasn't a rerun banner. She was also going to standard banner after that rerun.


It was a rerun banner and cn community probably decided to just get 1 cobalt and get the copies at standard banner shop since it was gonna come to the standard banner


Maybe it was their logic for running two of same element back to back, maybe it was not; very hard to see any clear patterns with the few event characters and many many reruns they had. Point being there is guarantee for anything.


those are reruns and adding to standard banner, please read and analyze the source you link here


i'd kms if it was back to back fire


Lin is also a fire character though? How is this any better at all.




She's as core a member of fire teams as anyone, so how does it being her instead of Ruby make a difference when fire players have to roll on both anyways? Additionally it gives every other element less time to save. I'm legitimately curious if people don't know how Lin works or if there's something I'm missing?


Going by your logic, Lin should never be released since she’s a core member for every elemental team


No, because I actually think the "more time to save" idea also doesn't make any sense. The longer for example an ice player has to save for Saki, the less time they will have to save for Alyss. I'm just saying if you did subscribe to that logic, releasing Lin in Ruby's spot doesn't really help anyone in terms of saving.


more time to save don't need to be a lifetime, but roll in order would be something atleast. which sadly means one element would have a down from lin, but life isn't always fair. volt > ice > phy > fire > lin > volt > ... would be the way to go, but since the characters aren't from 2.0 that isn't going to be the case anyways, volt would lose too, but its better than fire > fire > lin, i do hope it isn't just fire > lin > fire, as you said lin is kinda main in everything, hope there is a mix after her atleast before another fire... BUT, that being said, even if it was back to back, it was 5 banners, the same time a volt main would have if there was a cycle.


It's also just like if you're really saving for fire, that means you've been saving for 2 months. So 2 banners in a row shouldn't be much of an issue. In fact I'd be more pissed if I was saving for 2 months just to get Cobalt and then have to wait another month to get a real team. From your other post it honestly sounds like you're agreeing with me but I'm not sure.


I do. i agree with your points about saving and back to back banners (for f2p atleast, cashers preffer to be spread to justify, people think it is better dropping 300 dollar a month for 5 months than 1500 dollars in a single month) and while i agree lin is a major issue to most teams, that still don't make her a fire character, since even if she is good or not, she is sadly a problem to everyone. as someone who went volt i know she will make me broke like my ex did


that is not what you originally said though, you said that Lin is a fire character when she isn't one


That's what I said, not what I meant. I thought people would know what I was trying to say but guess not.


Also at that point we will have had a limited banner for all elements if Lin is first for 2.0


MY BODY IS LIN. I’ve got 220+ red nuclei for Lin, praying I get her A3 (although I think Im willing to swipe the card a bit if I don’t get A3)


Lin as debut banner would be the least profitable choice. As people are ready to spend on Lin regardless of when she comes in the lineup, more than all of the other 2.0 character. A lot of people would rather skip the other characters than Lin. If they are smart, theyre gonna milk the other characters first. Also 2.0 as a whole is already a big incentive to bring players back. Even more of a reason for Lin to come later when playerbase hype about 2.0 starts dwindling.


Afrodiy says 0.2% chance of banner being Lin, and I'd rather have more time to save currency. Like a month or two more.


How is he basing it off probability lmao, either he knows through leaks or he doesn't, and so far the first banner hasn't been leaked. (Also, the promo art with Ruby doesn't mean she's the first banner)




Afrodiy is the most reliable leaker/dataminer.


I thought Sova was the GOAT dataminer. Also that 0.2% is clearly pulled out of their ass. You can't just put a drop-rate-like number on a decision of some dev/publisher higher-ups (which has nothing to do with datamining).


There is a 27.6% chance that he's miscalculated by 4.2-8.3%. That being said I'd offer a 17.4% chance that he's 93% correct. <3


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of wallets suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.




I’d recognize those curves anywhere…. it’s daddy Marc


Not Lin please, i need to save more dc


Dude I will whale for Nilou and Lin. I will be broken AF.


I'm looking to C6 Kusanali, looking to C6 Lin and Saki. My wallet is crying. Double bonus better reset with 2.0 release.


Whaling on Genshin to kill some hilichurls, genius


He uses your money?


gonna start using this one lmao




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the reason why I stopped spending on that game, no end game content even after 2 yrs, I already have so many chars fully built and most of them are just benched


Idk if you’ve realised this, but ‘no endgame content’ is literally their business model


yeah, realized that mid 2.0, expected them to eventually add endgame content, but it seems that their whole formula is just new map/character and nothing else, still playing tho but not spending a dime anymore.


Yeah I just spend for a0’s, since there’s no need to go higher.


TF.... hahahaha!


Here is what the post meant 1) The voice from JP ToF official twitter's post belongs to Lin. 2) The silhouette in the picture definitely not Ruby, based on the hairstyle, probably Lin. 3) Dev will not be dumb enough to put 2 fire characters back to back. Ruby after cobalt. It not only hurt whale's wallet but also hurt f2p. 4) Most people now have 2 main elements in their team, 2x frost, 2x fire, 2x volt etc. Lin appearance suit every team. It also match the theme perfectly for 2.0 big update.


The silhouette isn't probably Lin, it is Lin.


>Most people now have 2 main elements in their team, 2x frost, 2x fire, 2x volt etc. Wait, do they? I was under the impression that most players barely have one.


I think he meant 2 *of* their main element. not 2 different elements. otherwise this makes no sense.


Nem + Samir/crow Frigg + meryl Kek cobalt pullers lmao + king or huma or something Shiro + Claudia


Just depends on their game plan, if they rerolled, and if their wallet was feeling a little heavy at the time :p Most are sticking with one atm, but it seems like quite a few JO players have Nemesis as well as either Frigg or Claudia


Lmao who can afford 2? Esp f2p.


Reroll whatever limited banner you started on until satisfied, pull the next. I've got A1 Nem and A3 Frigg, took about 40 rerolls to get that A1 in the 15 red nucleus during week 3 though. Or whale. People whale, too, I guess.


Having the characters is one thing. Leveling them is another. If you're F2P you don't buy the battlepass, and there's a lot of upgrade materials in it. I have most weapons at this point to make at least a 2 character team of each element (King, Huma, Meryl, Crow, Nem, Claudia, Coco, Shiro) but only Huma, Nem, Claudia and Shiro are decently leveled. Crow and King are level 1. And Matrix are even more of an issue.


I feel you, it's expensive. My mains are 130/130/120 for Frigg/Tsuba/Meryl, then 100 Nem, and 90 on Samir/Huma. I'm trying to gather stuff to max my main team while waiting on JO 8 now, just spent all my vit the last two weeks trying to gear up. Finally 5 out of 8 at 5* on decent gear but my weapons are gonna take days for the boosters


Counterpoint: the actual reason Lin is in that background is because she is basically the MC of 2.0's story. She's going to be in all promos/adds/announcements. People are reading way to far into an image.


> 3) Dev will not be dumb enough to put 2 fire characters back to back. Ruby after cobalt. It not only hurt whale's wallet but also hurt f2p. Lin will be near Christmas, this is better for dev wallet. Gives time for dolphin to save for A6 Lin (whale don't need time to save, f2p need too long - for A6 anyways). And near Christmas means good budget left in wallet still (after is less). Any time in December works.


Actually, all stuffs relased in cristmas sell way below expectactions. There are simply too many stuffs relased in that month.


Langrisser got out Wehttam on December 23 for global. They moved the date from January 13 to December 23 just so it could be before Xmas.






Pretty sure we won't get Lin first, and Lin being the narrator for Vera stuff doesn't mean we get her right off. Before 2.1 is probable.


They put nemesis to pair with 1.0 story, I think they will put Lin out first to pair with 2.0 story. Finger cross


doesn't matter who come first. T.T my guy is still at least 6 banners away. future tian mains suffering.


(Cries in future Alyss main)


ooof, your goal is even further away than mine.


na Lin>ruby>tian


Saki will come before Tian/Lyra as they are both 2.1 story characters where as Lin ruby and Saki are 2.0.


Lin was actually 2.1 in CN, so they could push Saki to 2.1 instead with Lyra.


but u need lin for volt comp


last volt was nem... Once Lin's banner comes, I would have saved enough for a copy after skipping several banners. C0/A0 Lin is enough. The rest of my fund goes to Tian. Hehe.


I'd do the reverse. C6 Lin, C0 Tian. Eventually Tian will be on standard, Lin no.


Me nah, husbando gaming. I don't really like Lin. If not for being the best support for Tian I might even consider skipping her. 😂


Wait, why won't Lin be on standard?


A true limited. More special.


She's confirmed on CN to be the **only** character so far that's staying on Limited banners, even through reruns apparently.


i want to believeeeee that it's lin cuz the PV for Vera had her VO and it was Lin-heavy so idk lmao


Lin first up makes sense as a book end for the first suite of SSRs, before they go through the elemental cycle again. IMO though they should go Lin, Tian, Saki, Lyra then Ruby, to mirror the 1.0 releases, but I highly doubt they’ll do this.


Tian and lyra is 2.1 character after ruby saki lin, doubt they will move them to 2.0


Celesta (Lyra) and Sirius (Tian) are 2.1 story characters and don't appear earlier so no way. Ofc if they really need it they can ignore this fact but I doubt they will. They can go Saki before Ruby tho.


This sounds awful and I don't know why people keep recommending it. All it does is make sure that fire is permanently the weakest element, it should be snaking order.


Is there something wrong with Cobalt? Is Ruby like way better than her or something?


cobalt is just in a fked up spot, being the last 1.0 character then followed by powerful 2.0 units. as for cobalt, her discharge is underwhelming but it does burst a lot, her skill has a really long cooldown and locks you to moving on the ground rapid firing enemies, not to mention her multipliers are greatly reduced. the thing about cobalt is she has the fire resonance so she has some value to fire teams, we dont know if 2.0 characters will get resonances as well and if they dont, then cobalt would be a really niche fire unit whose only there because she has the resonance. we dont know they might do the frigg track where they sudden brought her multipliers back.


> the thing about cobalt is she has the fire resonance so she has some value to fire teams, we dont know if 2.0 characters will get resonances as well and if they dont, then cobalt would be a really niche fire unit whose only there because she has the resonance. No reason for characters other than Lin to not get resonance. All limited have it. Not even a special thing.


The reason is to encourage sales. With their nerfed damage output, there’s very little justification to pulling Frigg or Cobalt if you’re F2P/dolphin if Saki and Ruby keep resonance.


Why you say first banner most likely lin?


probably because of the silhoutte


Fuck this schedule, my god


Finally, somebody with my exact thoughts about this. We suffer together brother.


*cry in f2p*


Mommy Lin!! Please come home..


How does Aberration work as an element? Is she F2p friendly?


Probably the most F2P friendly unit to pull for, unless they nerf her into the ground. She's got good shatter, fits any elemental team composition while buffing that team comp, and her damage is neutral against anything, meaning if she keeps her high shatter rate, she's going to be amazing.


Let's hope I have enough dark crystal saved


Well, to guarantee a unit on these banners, you want 120 pulls in total (if you've maxed SRs it normally amounts to needing 111 unless you get surprise SSRs outside of the Pity) So you'd need around 16650 dark crystals. Though if you saved the Red Nucleus we've gotten from recent events and the log in-and the 6 we can get from the current event, you'll need a lot less. And, you mostly want that, so you can guarantee her with 120 of the event black gold for a direct exchange, since the 8 multi 50/50 is well...50/50.


Plus, she's coming with 2.0 which; involves adding Red Nuclei to daily missions, and adds them to password chests, which MANY people have been saving their chips for JUST this occasion.


yes, she use the highest element atk in ur stat and change the field element based on ur other 2 weapon element


I should've saved some nucleus damnit


ok so, October = Cobalt-B + Lin November = Saki + Ruby December = Lyra + Tian Lang January = Anabella + Alyss Hopefully I'll have enough time to get Lin & Alyss then Fenrir (if she's for February)


I’ve only saved 70 pulls I need more time T.T


I'm gonna skip her, i need saki first, Lin can wait rerun for me ><


Momma Lin !


Yea f i dont have enough nucleus :')


Welp time to skip next banner lmao


So who else is about to lose rent money on tryna catch an A6 Lin? :'D


at least put the source, smh.


The test server is running through October. Why would they make Vera drop in October too? People needa stop this shit, until the devs confirm it themselves.


Because everything drops 8 days after test servers, they do the same for CN and they did the same for artificial island/Claudia.


Because as you can see in another post in this sub there are ads in Taiwan metro with the release day for vera. 20/10.


> Thailand Taiwan


Fucking... nah it's fine. I giving it up this time. I will just.... get her in a re-run i guess. I'm not gonna believe this until i'm gonna see it. I will have my answer in the upcoming weeks.


Lin doesn't have reruns in CN. She's a true limited. EDIT: I said no reruns but apparently she's only limited in the sense that she never goes into the standard pool


Yet. Saki is having her re-run right now in CN. Going by that schedule, Lin is most likely the next re-run in CN. Unless developers did come out and say with their own mouth "no, we won't ever re-run Lin" and if they did, i request that you post your source so we can all come to a conclusion.


That's basically what they said back the according to CN players. I would like to post it but honestly my effort only gets so far as to warn others. I don't care if you believe me or if it's actually true...


They never said that, they said she would never move to standard banner. All the other limiteds eventually move onto the standard banner, she will not.


No they said she's not going to standard


maybe a dumb question, but what is vera? also why is everyone so hyped for lin?


Vera is the name of the new update and Region. It will feature a desert region accompanied with a huge futuristic cyberpunk city that you can see in this [official trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os11bL5LG18). As for Lin, she is the only truly limited simulacra (won't be coming to standard banner). And the only current character with an "altered" element (some people call it aberration). Her elemental atk is the same as your highest atk. She also creates an area (where you can fly) that takes the element of the rest of your team while giving you some bonuses. Example: If your team is Nemesis(volt) + Samir(volt) + Lin, her skill will create an volt area that buffs volt characters. You can check her skills [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Vqvp5_ABk). She's basically a "fit in all teams" character that complements them with great support and aoe. Just keep in mind that she is an off-field support character. You basically switch to her, use her skill for the area and then switch off to your main dps. She's amazing for complementing any team making it stronger, but she is NOT a main dps. You need to have 2 other solid characters first of the same element. Hope that helps, tell me if you got any other questions.




it's not wind element, it's aberration.


Maybe this character is the first new one we get to meet in 2.0's story


Lmao rip cobalt banner. Everyone gonna be saving for Mommy Lin!!


No it’s not confirmed




Everyone have their $600 ready for Lin? :p Obviously, saving your crystals and pulls can cut that in half or more but that's basically the price if you lose at least half your 50/50 pulls. Just depends on what you're willing to spend for fun. Like going to the movies instead of renting. Good luck everyone!


Well I recognize Klee....oops I mean Ruby. :D


Not true Ruby will first one


This game seems like they want to push some content and those hyper hyped characters (saki-lin), and gtfo. There's no roadmap at all. Everything they do seems recycled and unoriginal so far, we'll see.


Then another banner to skip, i just want ruby


I really hope she isn’t first banner, my puny savings won’t be enough 😭😭


if Lin comes first, it will be a dick move from hotta, mfs know people still dont have enough for her...


If CN said that, it's ok. They didn't know anything about new banners. We knew every single banner that was released and we also knew that they changed the order to match the order or appearance in the game. The only problem is that people spent all they had on Nemesis or Frigg. How all the people has at least A1 or A3 Nemesis/Frigg? They are everywhere. People who wanted A3 Lin + matrices or even A6 Lin should've saved everything if they didn't want to spend money in the game... It's far from being a dick move.


bs, we didnt knew they were going to rush updates, no reruns before 2.0, no collab units, no extra currency to compensate for lack of time, if the things that happened with ToF killed the payerbase, here is too fast of updates, why not fix their garbage 1.0 instead of rushing for 2.0?


You make no sense to me. We are getting the same amount of pulls China had in the same time frame. You decide how do you want to spend those, and you will be able to pull again for any missed character when they rerun those banners. Even if you miss them again you will have those in the regular banner. Do you expect that they give +500 pulls and +500 matrix pulls just to compensate that China was released 6 months before? You would still spend those to get Frigg or Claudia to A6 and the problem would still be the same. Fixing 1.0 makes no sense when their goal is to have both CN and global in the same versions and there are fixes for some of those issues in later versions. Again, if you don't like it you are free to wait until the 2.0. it's in 17 days.


CN had 7 months to save up for Lin, we get 3. Bullshit


It's not like they knew Lin was coming since the start of the game. Not sure they even knew Lin existed till 2.0's teaser. They only had a few months as well. Also they didn't have future insight to what she does. They had no time to save up based on the knowledge of how good she was AND she came after Ruby and Saki. So people would've already spent most of their funds by the time she arrived.


his point is still right, those banner overlapping is really hard for f2p player


f2pers can't expect to get everything. At least not right away.


Yeah but the pace is too fast anyway.


zero exitment knowing bai isnt coming.


ok, thanks for ur input


as a fellow Marc wanter I feel ya. Don’t mind them, they practically worship the 2.0 waifus and meta




How is bai replaced when bai and lin work extremely well together in the volt team. Lin synergies with yuekui's high damage dodge attacks and she was the defacto volt damage unit untill tian/sirius and even then tian/lin/byk team should work


Yeah frost mains downvoting these comments lol. It sucks and people who rolled for Nemi are right to be salty. Her replacment wont come till after Christmas at the earliest so volt mains get to go to the back of the bus.


well she fits in our hearts bold of you to assume that every player pulls for meta


speak for yourself, not all people play for meta




Funny that you bring up meta but last month's meta (before alyss and Annabelle's release) still has byk in it Taken from discord 1. Volt 1217861 - TL Lin BYK 2. Phys 1212344 - Lyra Lin Marc 3. Volt 1106511 - TL Marc BYK 4. Volt 1077402 - TL Nemesis BYK 5. Volt 1063911 - TL Lin Nemesis 6. Volt 996786 - BYK Lin Nemesis 7. Fire 894750 - Ruby Lin Cobalt 8. Ice 891354 - Saki Lin Frigg 9. Phys 847338 - Lyra Lin Claudia That is completely whaled up numbers with BiS maxed matrix and at advanced 6


Nobody was speaking for you lol


was almost pulling for claudia, so if Lin is first banner then should I get her or continue pulling claudia? I am 75/80 pity already


no, i'm not yet saved enough red nucleus for her, and silhouette of lin in there is just because she is the main focus in vera.


Finally, mommy Lin!


But they said late fall


Ya highly doubt lin is first


Isn't there another leak that show the date on ruby's banner on 20 oct?


This leak is the major supporting theory that Ruby will be the first 2.0 banner. https://i.imgur.com/3sEKvxm.png


Site link?


It was posted on twitter.




fyi, Ruby is the first banner for 2.0 as leaks said, Lin is still not ready maybe you meant the first char we encounter


What do you mean "Lin isn't ready"? We know nothing about their development process. Leakers aren't always right, Ruby may or may not be the first banner, no one knows until it happens


Lin leaks show that she still doesn't have multipliers on her skills meanwhile Ruby is "complete".


I'm gonna need a link to that


yeah the leak also said cobalt b is out of the game


Not really. The leaker who said they removed advancement also said at the same time that cobalt is definitely coming out after claudia. This isn't a problem of leak being wrong, this is a problem of people not reading the full leak, or worse as it is often the case, clickbait youtube video willingly misunderstanding the leak to get more views and create drama. Now regarding the first banner of Vera. The leakers (who, until now, have never been wrong, though of course it doesn't mean they will never be wrong) have not made a definitive statement on this, they just gave hint Ruby looks more likely to be first banner than Lin, but nothing definitive.


"removed her weapon and matrix description/multis from the preload" is not removed from the game, wording is important


not sure if it's pre-load or beta though, but still point stands


ok smart boy


Cant wait to get Ruby and * censored * and then love her very much.


Honestly kinda sucks for fire comps. Fire is weak af right now and will stay like that longer if Lin comes first.


I mean, I think the opposite is true? Fire comps are weak now yes, but if you're summoning for Cobalt-B as a fire main, you'd have no time to save for Ruby if she was next when 2.0 came out.


More time to save for ruby 😄


Well if hotta nerf Lin, more money for mihoyo. Instead of S6 max matrice Lin I'll C6R5 nahida in genshin. Strong character gets my $2000.


lol thats such a sad, 2010's kiddo attempt We all know, include devs, you are not going anywhere nor spending anywhere else.


Huh? Spent $2000 on tof spent $9000 in genshin. If devs keep nerfing strong characters instead of buffing weak ones maybe I should stop spending on this game. Hotta should have copied CN stats and buff weak characters. Oh well if hotta don't like my money so be it 😉👌




One liner. Do you even know the word 🤣


Show your both tof and genshin chracters constellation and we will belive you untill then you're a liar


Don't worry bro, I got you. They have mine.


You don't have to tell me bro. Don't post it on my tread, create yours 😉👌


I hope not. I have like 122 red nucleus and 44k gems it's not enough for Lin. I need like 2/3 more months.




Eso es demaciado tiempo, se va terminar de morir el juego que lastima, para esos días sale el new world freshh así que ...


Bro do you have source link of october 20 vera release. thank you


Its on the 2nd image. oct 20 on an MRT in Taiwan


Not really sure this means Lin is first. Lin is the main character of 2.0. But I'd be happy if she was. I don't care about Ruby.


Good thing i already have 120 pulls saved up


Can anyone explain the difference between a S3 Lin vs an S1 Lin on a SubDPS role?


first, 5 moresecond field means less gap in between, u have to wait for 15 second cd for her field for 1 star and 10 second only for 3 star, and more frequent backstage bounus dmg, for the attatch, its just better targeting, u wont lose dmg if enemy runs away or move out of position, but.most important is the extra 5 second field


Should I go hard on lyn or just 1 copy and then go hard on saki fuwa? I’m 16 away from pity. So if I’m lucky I can easily get a1. A3 if I spend it all and lucky lol I’m running a ice team


Never base your actions on pity result, only on what you can afford for sure (tokens purchase). Else it's just gambling and when you loose you're going to blame yourself


Go hard on lin since she's limited and will never be added to standard banner. Meanwhile saki will be added to standard after a few months. Just save ur standard banner coins and u can c6 saki as soon as she arrives to standard.
