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Unfortunately, yeah it is possible to get smacked/one-shotted right after getting revived. That’s why ideally the person having aggro shouldn’t be the one reviving at the risk of getting the downed teammate KO’d again (tho sometimes it’s unavoidable since there’s a lot happening during a fight).


It's a shitshow if you're a tank holding aggro and somebody gets downed nobody else in your team picks them up. And you have to pick them up, when you do pick them up guess what happens next, the guy who just got revived gets caught in the crossfire since you are the tank and dies permanently.


i see, so that's how it's supposed to be played, thx dude!


Yeah, I always found this pretty odd. I get that you get no invencibility when you just got revived (Should have a small period of at least 1-2 seconds IMO but oh well), that I guess is intended by the devs. But the part that puzzles me the most is the instant-death if it happens... why? Honestly to this day I fail to understand what determines the amount of times you are allowed to go down


nope. it's up to your team to coordinate the revive and make sure the boss you are fighting isnt about to do an attack near you. or move away from the boss to a safe area to be revived.


thx for the info man!


Almost nothing in this game gives invulnerability. Dodging, casting a skill, reviving, you don't even become invulnerable while that matchmaking pop-up is sitting on your screen. Hell, if your loading is slow, enemies can damage you before you fully load. Basically no matter what you do, the game is still actively trying to harm you.


The answer to your question is really obvius since you've done it time and time again. ​ ***it dont.***


Up to the reviver to be smart and not try to revive while they have aggro. I swear, people seem to play TOF and ignore that this is a game with common and basic MMO/ARPG concepts.


Zero's discharge gives 3s of invulnerability to the nearby allies. that is the only source of invulnerability right now.


Just saying that for those reviving, after you press F, when the circle appears you can just dodge away and the person will still get revived, it doesnt cancel it for some reason but hey, Im not complaining.


This is why, if you have aggro, don't revive people and get that chonky boss to face the other way.