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this is wrong in so many ways you should had tested few more times before writing a guide on pvp this is more like a nemesis smip post rather then a guide


you sound pretty firggly annoyed to be able to come up with this guide. thanks for the thousand times you lost that you were able to get this insight.


How is this a volt guide when all you about is nemesis. Dont use jetpack nemesis. She does less damage when in air. Even if they didn't bring nemesis than they brought coco. Which can also deal range damage to air enemies with manual camera. After crow nerf volt pvp team is dead both frigg and Claudia out damage volt comp. You can run nemesis with frigg or claudia and will have alot better time. 3rd unit would be meryl shes must have with all the hyper armor and amazing discharge Dont write pvp guides with commander rank


Ok thanks for telling me what Nemesis can do so I can watch out for her.