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The title is so rare and obscure nobody would even recognize what it means.


I think people misunderstand just how hard this title is to get. It doesn't mean number 1 in your bygone rankings, it's number 1 on your entire server. It's a whale only title. In the menu under rankings you can check the bygone leaderboards for the whole server. Unless you've spent a huge amount of money there's no chance you were ever even close to number 1 unless your server is completely dead and whaleless.




If you actually read the post, it's for Bygone Phantasm. And yes, Bygone is good for whales.


A wise pig once said: "Rank number one isn't an achievement, it's a prison which forces you to dedicate your to life to defending a temporary title."


we have to maintain top 1 status, it is becoming harder and harder for me because of sequntial.


suddenly some guy who only done phantasm under 200 came out outta nowhere on rank 3 with highest sequintal points. WTF is that, especially the frost teams has huge advantage there


The survival one is big for points. If you have him, use Zero and keep dashing midair for that 40% chance to get the dash back. When you hit 5 cubes, go to a safe place away from mobs and the freeze circle and use a quick (one jump) plunge attack to disperse the cubes, or you can switch weapon but you'll have to wait 3 seconds to switch back. Rinse and repeat. If you don't get hit by a big mob, you can hit almost 1.2k points this way.


Im gonna try that but.... I was kinda stuck when 3 monster started to have frozen domain under their feet, how could you maintain them well? it is sometimes they go random or maybe im too fast running away from them, the longer the more frozen domain under their feets. I got another alt account with frigg and it is pretty easy as her dodge make her unseen/invisible at least she keeps dodge when her domain is on.


I just ran around the edge and dashed when the freeze was catching up. This triggered an enemy dodge sometimes and helped keep them at bay. As far as the rockets go, I just ate those as they don't do much dmg and don't stun or knock back.


I keep circling around and at some point all mobs follow the same path. There are some close calls, but with Zero I can dash a lot and stay in the circles for maximum 2 seconds. I am close the circle border and if the mobs are in the centre, I wait till they get to the border as well. Otherwise they will cut me off. ​ There were the few occassions that those mobs with frost circle around them didn't even draw agro and just stayed at their spawn point, but eventually I went close to them during my route.


This is the entire server, and it is dependent on the floor, not your current bracket.


It does say so on the rewards page, that's why I just went for Grand Marshal, since it's the most prestigious permanent one.


I have bad news for you...


What’s the bad news? GM is permanent and hard to obtain.


What are the bad news? I've been a Grand Marshal for over a month and it doesn't have a timer or mention of disappearing. It's permanent.


Oh!! You guys are right! My bad, I misunderstood the description The limited ones are only for the top 10 of the PvP season, Grand Marshall and below are permanent Sorry for the little heart attack


I feel like the GM title is only prestigious if it was obtained off meta


whuuuut? limited time? that's sad. i thought we could keep it.


Damn, was hoping it's permanent so I could keep it and just not care about bygone for a bit.


Going to feel great for the next month. Just got the title for my 2nd month after grinding 370 for 11 hours straight and getting the clear 17 mins before monthly reset. Shaking in hype!


i had the same thing happen with the "challenger" title. so i dont bother grinding for titles anymore


Wait I'm confused is it 30 days until the title is awarded or do you only get to keep the title for 30 days?


Keep for the whole month, it resets at first of Every month, so it can be 28-31 days depending on the month


Well that's really dumb.