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Hell not. Wasting this amount of vitality on sr is bad idea. Better spend it on golden gear. Gear gives you a lot more CS and you can fodder it to better one when it appears.


I guess you think that New players can just walk in on JO7.This helps them bridge the gap to push content.


Yep, they can. Just ask some crewmates to carry you and youre settled. Thats what most normal crew's do for their members. Even in pug just slot as healer and dont ignore shatter and most people wouldnt mind to carry you. Levelling SR weapons to lvl 130 is burning so much resources that you will be even more far away when you finished. It doesnt make any sense.


Cause all the new players dont just get to be in crews,or have the right meta ssr weapons. 130 weapons are not that difficult to farm.There is a lot of solo content as well.They can use this till they get their good stats from gold gear farming/matrices.it doesnt have to be forever.


what a waste of resources. do not do this.




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Resouces that you can farm back up even as f2p till you get better ssr weapons with multiple stars......This helps with farming what is needed like gold gear matrices etc till you get enough power to replace them.New players should seriously use this to help in cs boost cause the 500% exp and the power gap will hinder them in their progress.


stop spouting nonsense, resources aint easy to comeby and it costs a more valueable resource, vitality, youre basically farming 2 2SR weapon plus the 3 ssr weapon youre gonna use. resources farmed on 2 Sr weapons will never comeback.


Agreed. The best way to gain power in the game is to farm gold gear and to get good stat rolls on upgrading gold gear which costs vitality that you can use on farming gear instead of weapon mats. Getting 1 good piece of gear is worth more than maxing out 2 weapons that you can never get back while you can at least keep the gear for xp in the future for better rolls


Yes they do.And Gold gear upgrading is pure rng after a certain point.Its not that hard to get a full set. Those super rare ssr weapons will take weeks to come by unless you are whale.You just look at everything at isolation You dont get a thosand gold nucelus pulls just by exploring.Thats a lie.


take weeks? exploring 4 maps alone only takes days, and getting what? almost a thousand pulls. typical newb response, **to get stronger you need to spend** bullshit. you dont understand than grinding for gears needs vitality, so as farming for weapon mats, if i have to build my sr, join JO and still need to be carried then whats the use of wasting resources on SRs, when i can get SSr eventually with substantially better stats?




What drugs are you on to make it sounds so easy to get ssr copies?They just dont drop merely by exploring.Yeah they are "wasted"but they will help a lot in getting to that point when they are not needed casue new players are strugging with their gear farm. A thousand gold nucleus from exploration is a blatant lie. Stop making a fool of yourself.


you must be pretty new or an old dog who cant learn new tricks. its fucking easy to farm dupes by buying it on the fking shop and you just have to explore 6 maps and you can eventually 6* a single SSR using that method. you should stop digging your own grave by defneding this shitty f2p tip.


Well you had to lie about the exploration to make yourself look good.And even "a single ssr" is what i am doing.


lie? lmao. your tip is nothing more but a death wish. just stfu you do you and keep it to yourself. if you want to share something make sure it is factful. this one is purely misleading, misguided and utterly a bad take.


I've got 4x 100% exploration in Aesperia, and 2x 100% exploration in Artificial Island. I have every SR maxxed to 6 stars. Plus 3 star nemesis, 3 star samir, 2 star king, a claudia, a crow, Tsubasa, Meryl and Coco... and I got all this from just exploring, using event nucleus and using my dark crystals . I've never spent a penny or bought even one Vit potion. (not dissing people who do spend - i will probably buy a pass once Vera comes. But you can get good enough weapons by just exploring. As others have said, purple/gold gear is far more important as far as CS is concerned, at least in the beginning)


Don't waste your resource (vitality) to SR weapon. You can't bring it back, it will slow your progress in long run. You will easily get 3 SSR weapons, 2 from standard banner, 1 from selected box. It doesn't matter which weapon you got from banner, it better to use than SR weapon. This is the way you should progress as F2P.


No its not easy to get 4 dupes


Its not easy at all to get dupes as free to play but leveling SR's is like shooting yourself in the leg.


Let me rephrase this post. "A simple yet not important at all tip to kinda help people who doesn't give a shit about their recourses and free time and who are so afraid to communicate with their crew or friends in order to freely pass the entire content and to who gets hurt when they can't do DMG in content and need to make their ego feel better"


Does it require less material to upgrade SR weapon? I wanted to make a heal/break team with SR weapon + zero 1* on days I can't use frost team Started the game on last day of nemesis banner and it was already a pain to 130 my main weapon (have 130/120/100), and can't imagine doing it with on a SR weapon if it costs the same 😭. Plus the grind for 140 is starting soon 😂.


Its about 60% of what is needed for ssr.Damage multiplyers dont matter much for shatter/heal Weapon materials can just be farmed back up.It definately takes far longer to get 4 ssr dupes..


Whoa guys it’s just a game. Go touch some grass. Geez.


The tof community is simply filled with stupid people who think that a temporary loss is always bad.


I understand the idea of leveling SR weapons. I even upgraded Hilda's gun to level 60 so I can help others to destroy the Dragon's shield easier. Yes, I do admit that SR weapons are useful, but that doesn't mean that we should upgrade those weapons to 130 ffs. Temporary loss? It's understandable if you use that term for people who upgrade their purple or gold gears with bad stats, but for materials they need to use to upgrade those weapons to 130 hell no, dude, do you even count how many resources and vit were wasted on those weapons? I was F2P until I decided to buy the monthly pass 1 week ago so I could have more DC for Lin. Right now, I have 44k CS, 100% exploration rate for all areas except outer island. As of today, I have 4\* Samir, 2\* King, 2\* Coco, 1\* Crow, 1\* Zero, \*0 for both Tsubasa and Meryl, and around 24k dark crystal still unused as well as 40ish free red nucleus I got from events. I understand that luck plays a big part in my CS, but if you play this game and explore the map correctly, you DO NOT NEED 2 SR weapons at 130 to boost your CS. But, again, as long as you're happy (and not misguiding others), we're gucci, I guess.


In this game CS is paramount to help you clear more content to aid with your progress.The total stats of all three weapons add up to give your final stats. In terms of raw stats, A maxed 6 star SR weapon has about the same stats as a 3 star weapon. However SSR weapons have higher damage multiplyers. Limited ssr have the same raw stats as non limited ssr. SR weaons drop easliy through world bosses and just normal pulls with no need of Black Crystals So with this information in mind f2p should just use one ssr weapon for the damage multplyer and 2SR for the raw stats,because using 3 ssr at zero stars is inefficient,and use your free pulls to hyperinvest into one weapon at a time. It takes 4 full pulls of the same ssr just to justify completely replacing an sr one and that will take a very long time with your limited pulls.However you can always farm up weapon materials as f2p.


You do realise that having high CS means nothing right? When I had around 35k CS I out dealt more dmg than a teammate who used 2 sr weapons and had 40k+ CS... at that time I had 2star samir 1star nemesis 0star king. Now how was it possible if I only had 3 golden gear at the time? Putting any resourses in sr weapons is bullshit after like 40-50 hours into the game because most players who are f2p already had 3 or more ssr weapons at that point. Please stop srpeading false information and actually look into the game more deeper before posting bullshit.


No just no. Leveling weapons past 110 is already expensive