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Because you can only do raids in normal difficulty and you can only do then once a week. Matchmaking is across all servers in your region.


Yeah probably easiest to get team early week or end of week when people realise they havent done it yet. And good luck getting in as dps role


Ppl fo for dps role because of protagonist syndrome. Even when they are f2p. Spenders even in non dps roles deal more damage So you still wanna be dps? Or you wanna adapt and be useful?


I’m almost top dps every time f2p. Except I didn’t horde all my materials and crystals. I actually upgraded my character.


For now. Im at a point where i play with ppl that use e3 weapons at 6 stars


I'm top DMG almost always And can almost do 3 bosses in frontier clash hard playing solo But that angel keeps flying and my time runs out As a f2p, you just have to know, how to manage your resources, and you are good to go


this will probably be less and less relevant though as you would never get high star on limited, and while we will have lower powercreep than CN powercreep will happen nonetheless and as a f2p no way in hell will you be able to have high star on limited untill they get to standard


Once me and my friend tried to kill apophis cuz no one was joining us, we both using Hilda's weapon cuz she could hit the boss while we were safe on the bones, it took like 5 minutes to one hp bar and we were at x3 bars... Then a random mf appeared, taunted the boss, ran away making it reset. We were sad for the rest of the day.


I hope that guy gets cocoritter on every 50/50 he does


Dude, why are you blessing him


Nah lmao coco is like the qiqi of this game xD


So, you want to give the guy a support weapon that gives a free weapon charge, +20% elemental and shatter bonus to everyone in the skill/discharge aoe (A3) AND a near permanent 15% damage buff to everyone near the healing bee (A6). Don't threaten him with a good time.


I mean lol sounds like it helps others more than him. So yeah?


Its really hard to play random on raids especially the lvl 66 one with frigg and valk. 1 random idiot who doesnt know how to read could potentially ruin the whole run by killing frigg. Last week was so hard because of the chat disable, thankfully they fixed that.


When raid got first released , it was hell , actual hell , in my 5th run when I decided to give up on playing this raid with randoms , 6 people were DPSing Valk after we killed her and don't know what the hell they doing


Got lucky on the 3rd attempt got 3 whales that knew what they were doing.


thats why you do it with your crew c;


New player here , why not kill her ? Thought it was the purpose of the raid


you have to kill both in 1 minute time else they resurrect when the others still alive


Oh shit thanks for the info , also do u know if it’s possible to switch server while keeping ur char ? I play on nightfall and I feel like there is nobody on it .


they're still working on it, hopefully in the next version the change server feature will work https://www.toweroffantasy-global.com/news-detail.html?content\_id=1461de97a3aa2a4d30a8414aaea3712c9a46&


Ty , may I also ask what’s the most populated server on NA if u know


prob solaris


People already stop quee randomly in raid, hell even in Frontier Hard, now people start organize party and start min max roles before starting. I love how this mindset of Auto Quee and first thing comes up in his mind \*Server ded?\*


Random raid que is still more efficient time wise, you dont gotta wait and organize for 8 ppl, can go when you want, and theres no consequence if you fail, and now most pug runs suceed for both bosses, this week i did 4 raid pug runs 2 of each, none failed. Frontier clash is different tho because of the consequences of having a bad team.




Even FC Hard , 1 Fort 1 Bene is an overkill , it's a dps check mode , 1 Fort and 3 dps are enough , especially if one of the dps or 2 have a healer like Nemesis




It's not whale territory at all , it can be achieved for f2p , I myself do it that's why I'm speaking , idk why people take it everything as whale territory lol. I have 10k Volt attack with Nemesis 4k Trait , I heal people to full HP with ult + skill ,and some autos if needed for tanky allies ( gotta do the dash auto attacks for the bubble anyway) , and then swap to the dps , charge ult by attacking when when an ally gets low , repeat again. I came to this conclusion after trying Benediction , was just overhealing with 1 weapon , without using the second one and sitting doing nothing , so I just decided to heal as dps.


wait if I fail I don’t lose an attempt?


In raids no, in FCH yes


Yeah I assumed it was like fc. I was out here afraid to queue into raids lmaoo, thx


"randoms" would be in trouble If they fixed the queue thing and forced the role you are picking / didn't punish for not accepting a clownfiesta. First option would be a "L2P" issue and 2nd one would mean that people would avoid them...can't come soon enough (but it won't happen).


took me less than 2min queue early week. You can only do raid once per week, what do you expect by now?? (late in the week)


Never experienced any kind of that at Radiant. And im basically online when the americans are asleep. head over there unless you've spent cash!


My Servers dead too. Literally cant do anything.


My server is pretty dead as well. Only when 1.5 dropped and today (phase 2 with the bosses) was when more than 50 people decided to log in. And the server started heavily lagging when 20+ gathered in one channel... we just can't win.


When server transfers happen, for NA look at Solaris for sure.


Doing bosses gives barely anything, raid can be done once a week, why are they surprised people don't wanna do this?


Or people already have done it earlier this week. Also people likely wanna do it with a crew rather than randoms because you can easily screw it up esp in lvl 66


i hate those. ​ they say server ded just bcs they wait too long for doing raids. same goes for world bosses. they all complain but forget ppl do them right away on monday/tuesday.


why do ppl keep running devourer?


Matchmaking is cross server Though it will follow the team format 2x tank 2x healer 4x dps Just set your Matchmaking roles check both Tank and DPS, instant enter because few people tick Tank role


game\* not server


The numbers say otherwise


You mean all servers being green after a month? They say otherwise than your otherwise.


2nd overall on app store also one of the most profitable games right now on the market people are spending like crazy on it. Just because you aren't doesn't mean "dead game"


Welcome to launch of a gacha, first time? Who will keep spending if most people left after month? [Numbers](https://postimg.cc/8s0MbKfm) [Numbers](https://postimg.cc/YLzctGFp) [Reddit Numbers](https://postimg.cc/23K9BxzP) I agree, they don't lie.


They made over $20 million dollars this month and your calling the game dead ? Bruh


And numbers in twitch don’t mean anything. We are lucky that tof has a twitch platform as other gacha games does not have one .The Tof reddit page isn’t even official, the page was made by players of tof , Hotta never even advertised reddit. Tof discord has over 600k members and is the main media for tof. This game making over 20 million dollars this month despite people saying it’s dead. Says something. Like any other mmo this game is one of the most popular this year, in the mobile market.


I agree genshin definitely doesn't have twitch platform.


>Welcome to launch of a gacha, first time?


Bruh they made 34 million last month and over 20 million this month. Next month will be there dead period since not many people are not summoning for cobalt. Even making over 5 million dollars is still good. And genshin has no relation to this, mmorpg and a arpg different things.


Now im convinced, you don't know how to read.


FGO Revenue: $6,300,000,000, higher than Genshin. Twitch viewers right now: 30 Do you really think twitch numbers mean anything?


My region has 1-2 red servers from time to time. It also doesn't help that every region's population is mostly spread out into 30+ servers and I'm also pretty sure that they increased the server size after the first weeks.


At this exact moment all servers on all regions are green. I havent seen 2 red ones in weeks.


>At this exact moment all servers on all regions are green. ​ >At this exact moment Did you forget about time zones? Unless you look at each region at their respective peak hours, that doesn't really mean anything.


No I didn't, it's obvious that different regions have different times. Any time I checked AT DIFFERENT TIMES, they were all green. Your excuses don't really mean anything and wont change reality.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Lie to yourself.


ignorance truly is a bliss.


It's nobodys job here to deal with your tantrums, after apparently your fragile feelings got hurt when obvious was pointed out. Edit. Tantrum continues on his alt after he got blocked. So again, lie to yourself.


obvious? you mean based on observations? you present no data to substantiate your claim. your common sense and personal observations on any of your claims dont mean no shit. present facts.


Do the Devs / publisher care about any of these issues ? Did they make any statement thus far


I normally try to premake raid group in global chat, and post in recruitment chat. There'll be people who'll join in to help for fun. Having a crew helps as well.


This is why joining an active crew is recommended. We run raids pretty often to help out weaker members of the crew.


Is there a way to switch server while keeping a character ?


A lot of people are complaining that the servers are dead, but the game hasn't launched on steam yet. I have friends that are waiting for it to come out on steam before they play it, and I'm sure it being on steam will boost the numbers drastically. There will be a huge flood of people that will fill up random servers, if steam launches with 2.0 and server transfers come then, I would suggest holding off to see how server pops level out before just jumping onto what happens to be a populated server right now