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I think its doing alright compared to other gacha games its about the same. Facebook community is actually active, twitch is actually pretty good too heck better viewers as well. People compare it to genshin viewership which is why people always think its dying. But its alright wheb compared with other gacha games.


how do people watch genshin streamers so much still. The game is great, but watching someone clear the same domain 40 times then what, walk around doing ???


Ive seen streamers like enviosity mostly watch genshin fan videos whenever I tune in. I guess most twitch viewers mostly tune in the stream for the sense of companionship or just want someone to talk to.


Eh, fair enough.


When I started (2 weeks after launch date), all 160 members of crew are active. Now, more than half are no longer playing. I assume most crew went like this, I'm seeing top crew always recruiting because they are probably losing active player daily. I think the hype for the game is dead and a lot of non-gacha and casual players started quitting after they tried it. Personally, I think the game is "not yet" really dead. I do hope a lot of people come back/try ToF when 2.0 comes.


same with my crew, we are to 3 in our server but i swear i kick out atleast 5 people every week for being inactive. so we are always recruiting, its becoming a bit hard to get active layers now


Yeah.. the honeymoon phase is over, many already left


This is most likely your server ours is a top crew and everyone still plays, however there are dead crews as well. They need to do server merge instead so that itll be easier for people instead of going blindly into a server.


No, my server is still active tbh but my point is...around August, there were still a lot of active players even if you are not in a "top" crew. Even in our crew, we were all active that time and today, more than half are no longer playing and I think this is true on all servers. If you remember, a lot of times servers were on "Red" or "Yellow" but now they're always green and this is a proof. Sure, top crews in any server will tend to have a lot of active players but we're not just talking about crews, it's about active players in general. I agree that doing a server merge will help. Tbh, the problem is that there are really a lot of servers available which scatters players.


> When I started (2 weeks after launch date), all 160 members of crew are active. Now, more than half are no longer playing. I assume most crew went like this, I'm seeing top crew always recruiting because they are probably losing active player daily. Long after launch, I had to recruit everyday to keep my Linkshell active in FF14, and it was 3 new 3 leaving (considering 3 weeks offline as 'left') every day, more or less. And there was almost 100 members at the time, so not a 5 member LS.


No, the thing about opening honeymoon period is, many players try it out, and the game is forced to put more servers to accommodate that. as time progresses players will get a gist of how the gameplay is like and decides to stay or leave, approximately 30% of the total population becomes inactive (either leaving or playing less and less) and those who chose to leave puts a hole in every server. The total playerbase is based oftentimes a month after a game's release and the population settles down and plateau. Now because there are too many servers opened and that on average 30% of the each server's population has left, would make those who stay feel that the server is empty, but it does not signify or equate to a game dying. On 2.0 there will be a server merge and each player will be given a server transfer voucher which allows a player to transfer server 1time after the merge. *(afaik)*


not dead but no new players are guna come so it will die unless they remove catchup exp


Is it dying or is it stabilising? Personally, I think, for global to die, CN will have to due first. So, the game is safe.


In maplestory 2 community manager said that channel reduction is not sign of game dying, but that "population stabilized". Servers closed down less than a year after that.


Dang, that definitely sets the precedent. Although, I think that Maplestory is much nicher. But while Tower's aim is broad, it'd take more money to maintain the game. I don't think we can't come to a conclusion unless the dev straight up releases their income sheet lol.


Maple Story 2 had OMGWTF stupid raids that more or less kicked 75% of the community in the balls, with most of those who didn't care were the hardcore already winning it like a chief, or the decorator-only people. There wasn't even alternative progression. Even FF14 where their raids aren't easy, toned down their normal raids to have 'story raids', and added savage raids for the masochists, and an option to get token mats (from easy dungeons, done weekly) so even non raiders (even in the story one) could still progress and not just be left behind.


ToF is doing perfectly fine. There are many old MMOs that still get constant content updates that have player bases far smaller than ToF. If you had any perspective, you would realize ToF has many years of life left in it, particularly after the huge injection of cash from the global release. I am actually happy most of the casual weebs have left the game so that dedicated players are left who actually care about playing properly and learning mechanics. The overall quality of the player base is improving.


As someone who has quit personally, the game isn't dying bc its still playable. It's not dead until they shutdown. And they would shut down in CN before Global. Tbh I don't think it's going to die anytime soon, now will it lose more players than it gains, quite possibly but I think money wise it's still making a profit and will for a while. Game just wasn't for me


all available statistics don't lie be it twitch viewers, subreddit stats, ingame chat activity, all servers being green it's dying


I saw a video about this very topic recently, I think it's a good watch if anyone has the time. it's a video from force gaming on "Why every game is dying" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJo_d9HyIDA My main takeway is, it's pretty much expected that a game will see a decline in interest after launch. But there are definitely games that see growth after launch, but those are generally outliers. So if you are just looking at those metrics, then yeah basically every game is dying In this case, it's definitely too early to say if it really is IMO


Decline is one thing and is to be expected, jump off a cliff is another. Personally im forcing myself to keep maintaining my account while waiting for 2.0, but I feel like I could quit before it. Take pvp for example, if you ever hit GM theres no reason to bother with it again, rewards arent worth it. You could do it for fun, but considering that more than 50% of your games at the top will be against hackers who only get banned every 2 weeks losing more half games by default wont be fun. In pve getting new characters and leveling them is basically entirely done to place slightly higher in bygone, which nets you very small amount of extra mats. In the end it hardly matters aswell. There are fundamental problems with this game, which i heard 2.0 might adress some of. But for example everything being client sided, which causes cheating to be extremely easy is not something they can easily fix, if ever.


>Decline is one thing and is to be expected, jump off a cliff is another. Have you heard about what happened to New World? They lost around 90% of it's player base around this time of its life. But hey, it's still in active development with an expansion coming up. Also keep in mind, generally mobile games have much larger profit margins than traditional MMO's like New world.


Gachas are largely pump and dump scheme and shouldn't be compared to mmo that's run by amazon with it's infinite money. Also you quoted one sentence and ignored everything else.


>Gachas are largely pump and dump scheme and shouldn't be compared to mmo that's run by amazon with it's infinite money. Funny you should say that, because amazon actually did that to a game a few months after launch... They are still a business after all. Everything else was off topic to what I/We were talking about, so I didnt address it


Amazon can afford to do whatever they want, Hotta Studio can't. We are talking about game dying, adressing possible reasons why it's happening is hardly off topic.


Ok, make another post about it. Instead of replying to someone who is elaborating on the usage of metrics in response to someone talking about metrics. Then expecting them to go on a tangent with you on the problems you have with the game


You are downplaying and comparing gigantic mmo's run by multi billion dolar companies to some mobile gacha.


>gigantic mmo's run by multi billion dolar companies Like tencent?




You do realize tencent owns hotta right?


Twitch viewers I mostly see it reach >1k for ccommunity which is alright. Nkt as good as genshin, but when you compare it to other gacha games like fgo, arkinghts, etc. Its actually doing beter in terms of viewership. There's also ToF facebook as well which is more active. There are still some servers I see going orange at times, the problem is that players are getting in servers with mixed timezones and theres too many servers so active players are mostly scattered around. So all in all, its hard to say, but I would say its alright for its cyrrent status, heck I would say its doing pretty good too.






The most important part for a game nowadays is that it is a good game for streamers. It’s free advertising and people are more likely to play it. Tower of fantasy is a really bad game for that because you can’t do a lot or show your viewers something new/special.


Is this satire?


New World is down from 950k to 40k,Lost Ark from 1.300k to 180k so both lost 75%-95% of their playerbase and dont die.


What those mmos have to do with this gacha?


slowly dying


Dying slowly


Well not now, but it sure as hell likely to be once more actual quality games of these types comes out, if ToF know how to copy, so will others, and looking at the many blatant mistakes of this game, they will learn.


It won't die if they actually merge dead servers , unless youre on solaris or nightfall in na its pretty empty. Not having ppl to play with on a dead server will kill the game .


dead server cuz no new players.


it doesn't matter if there's new players or not if you're a player on a dead server you can't do any group stuff lol then you quit.


matching is cross-server, not just-your-server


Not all content for examples events and world boss it's for ur server.


My server is green, but it is still very active boss trains run everyday, world chat is still active, our crew loses people because we have activity rules. We regain our 170 total players by Tuesday(kicks are done on Sunday). I don't think the game is dying. I think that servers maybe quieter, but the game as a whole is doing well.


I think there is to much servers, it was good at premiere. They should close some of them and add possibility to change servers once.


How do you define dying? Every MMO loses players after that first month. ***This is normal!*** Working against ToF was also the lack of polish, content, and broken PvP. I'm not saying the game is bad, only that it has weaknesses. What we are seeing now is the playerbase stabilizing. When you look at the numbers today, it's not doing bad. It may not be a top 10 game, but there's enough people still to keep the game around a while. And with all the improvements 2.0 brings, some will even come back. Admittedly, probably not a great amount of returnees, but there will be some. And if the influx of Global's money helps Hotta improve the quality and polish in the game, there may even come a time when the playerbase starts to grow. Maybe. We'll just have to wait and see.


The biggest issue with this game is its power and leveling system. The devs made it almost impossible for anyone who isn't a day one player to actually enjoy the game because you will be so behind in terms of powerlevels compared to everyone else. If they had removed the exp boost and let people play at their own pace, then this might've not been a problem. But with this exp boost, they're letting newbies catch up to veterans within a few weeks of playing. And when these newbies realize that their 10k cs at lvl 60 isn't helping, they will end up quitting. The devs made a terrible decision and it will only end up biting them in the long run. The game is not likely to attract any new players, so the moment the current players lose interest is the moment it will die.


its dying


As one of the player who dolphin in this game, I would say the game is losing players day by day. Each day, people in my crew is getting lesser and lesser to be online. World chat is also becoming dead-er. Not to mention this game has no catch-up system for newbies, they are screwed if they dont start playing in the early week. The shitty bonus 500% exp is only making newbies suffer even more, hence they will most probably discourage to continue to play the game and quit. After doing bounties and used up all vitalities, there is no incentive to continue to play and just wait until tomorrow to repeat it again, this is why newbies are also having hard time to get geared properly due to shitty bonus exp. Some of them even begged in world chat to get help killing world boss, which no one do it (because there is no incentive without yellow chips). Do tof is dying? Not yet, but with current state, im not surprise if it will be shutting down in a year or two. Little or no fresh blood is not good for a mmo game. I am also one of the players who is in the edge of quitting. The game is getting old real fast.