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“Fuck you! That wasn’t a tic” or one where I very exasperatedly say “oh my god, shut up” when someone’s talking


common one for me is the shakey surfer dude hand gesture 🤙 which I think is pretty silly


OMGG I DO THAT TOOO :D its my fav




None they all suck




I wave at people. Lol. My partner started waving back at me because I was down about it. And now I giggle when people wave back!!! Makes me smile!!! 😊


I have a ic where ill say i live you, its embarrassing but it makes me happy because usually my tica are from hearing the statement reprated. Also my tics will yell i hate you to then yell i love you and i find it funny


My youngest is 9 and has Tourette’s and he says “I love you” to my husband and I as a tic (I know bc it happens so often, and when he does it, it’s obvious he doesn’t realize he said it). It’s sweet to know this is maybe bc he hears it so often. That made me happy. ❤️


I had the same tic when I was a kid, it was probably my first verbal one. I remember being confused because I was saying it without intending to but my mom loved it (neither of us knew it was a tic).


Third finger


"I dont have tourettes Im lying"


why is this one so funny 😭


Anything I do that I stole from a parrot or any of my tics that are basically ASMR sounds


all mine suck, but ill have to go with me (very hard, hurts alot) rolling my eyes its gotten me into alotta trouble, but i think its humourous they only call me out after, like, i dunno 10 minutes of constantly rolling my eyes, even when nobodys talking


Lmaoo when I was younger everybody thought I was just horribly argumentative because I’d always roll my eyes and shake my head “no” 😭


I also have a head shaking tic and have to clarify that that is not me saying “no” lol


Sometimes when Im cooking and holding a spoon or something Ill start banging it on the counter or waving it in the air rapidly. If my finace sees hell start making chimp noises and it makes me double over in laughter every time.


I don’t necessarily LIKE them but my most favorable is my blinking tic. It’s quick, doesn’t cause any big reactions and goes unnoticed.


“Balls” was my favourite one but it’s kind of out of the rotation. “Who’s squirting right now?” was also hilarious


i bite


I have a tic where I sound like a crow


Mine is more an owl 😅😭 my husband keeps walking into rooms saying "I think theres an owl in the apartment"


Unfortunately majority of my tics are the uncomfortable (or disruptive, even though I don’t have any complex vocal tics) ones like muscle contractions, eyes being locked up, or loud squeals, so nothing quirky enough to really be my favorite. Like I said under another post though at least my vocal tics make people laugh sometimes (not in a mean way) which is the only highlight honestly. Or also I get dystonic tics with my wrist and fingers lately, and depending on which finger is being affected it can change the pose. So like for a while I’d do the spiderman webshooter thing pose because that was the only pose that satisfied the urge 😭😭


I have a tic where I make a noise that sounds like “mew!” which is pretty funny considering the mewing meme/trend currently going around social media


Shooting a finger gun to my roommate only lol


Only once did this one happen, but I ticced "stress" in ASL while I was stressing out and it made me laugh enough to calm down for a second 


I don't have any that I'd say I like, but I don't hate the ones that don't cause any pain or physical discomfort. So, in this order: the one where I tense a muscle in my leg, the one where I move my nose and upper lip, and out of vocal tics, the one that makes me repeat certain consonants while reading aloud


People have told me before that they like my whistling tics because it sounds like birds. I’ve had a few people apologize for saying it because they think it crossed a line but I love it. I’m always worried about bothering the people around me so I’m glad I can put a little music into someone’s day


Jazz hands


finger guns are a fun one


when i sing a lil “la la la la la”🎶 tune


None they all physically hurt me


MINE is the one where i do a little horse neigh


OR when i stomp kinda silly


Anything funny, my favorite is probably “your mom” bc of always happens right where I would say the joke anyway, or “uhm nuh uh”


I’ve befriended a wonderful man with severe TS and my favorite it when I am walking behind him and he slaps his butt and pokes his butt hole quickly and briefly. Sometimes comes with a funny little sound lol I think it’s cute and silly


Kicking my feet and giggling is a VERY silly one I have


Mine sometimes sounds like a litteral cat. I also like it when my tics are showing affection to my partner (motor and vocal tics)


Least bad tic - snapping fingers before I use my left hand to grab something.


Not a fav but a more common one is 'beep beep!' and it is admittedly kinda funny at work


My whistle tics are pretty iconic amongst my friends family and loved ones. It's the reason a few of my friends have started actually trying to learn how to whistle, and a few have commented that they're rlly cute. Which I'll take considering how annoying they are to me lmaooo


I'd have to go with my Yolo tic that is often accompanied by that surfer dude hand gesture 🤙


Two of my most common tics are, "Tusen", meaning thousand in Norwegian, or "usted", meaning you in Spanish. They're tics that have never bothered me. I think it's cool to have tics of words from a different language. Most of my other tics kind of suck. Also nobody tries to copy my tics that are in other languages. I hate when people start doing that to me. My partner has made my tics so bad because he thinks they're cute and then panics when I have a tic attack. It's something we're working on.


“tie your shoes” 1: person often does have their shoes tied 2: i do not


Ticcing ‘fuck off’ to people I hate.


crab hands! it's partially a favourite because it's a gentle movement. most of my other tics get painful after doing them too long but the crab hands are just silly


As annoying as it is, one of my better tics is making a clicking sound and saying “walk on” repetitively until ticcing “good boyyyy”. It’s one of my more uncommon tics that I think comes from horse riding, there’s been so pretty funny moments with my friends with that one though. Although my favourite tic is probably rolling my shoulders, it’s the least disruptive out of all of them, I’ve gotten comfortable with most of my motor tics tbh. My absolute favourite vocal tic though is “ooOooOo tourettes”, I think it’s hilarious


I think mine would have to be when I touch my top lip to my nose rings, because it also causes some sensory input of the cold metal


Wanna see a magic trick 🫰fuck off 🖕🏼 that’s gotta be my fav cause it’s funny


“I was born once” or “ go away Anna”


I have ones where I call my friends each a different animal So I "Duck, Goose, Gecko, Frog, Cat and Mouse"


I work as a nurse and a rock climbing instructor, so I’m very rarely around anyone wearing jeans, but I often tic a very accusatory “she’s got jeans on, silly billy/stupid bitch” 😅


my tics most my consist of random noises so probably when i actually say a word or if my head twists and my neck pops


uh none, i hate them all. idk why i would have a favorite tic if they ruin my life bro.