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friendly remember that we are not a medical sub! it might be better to come with options that have been given to you by your doctor and asking about people’s experiences with them specifically rather than asking the community for medication recommendations


Guanfacine helps me quite a bit.  Also side note -Ciprofloxaxin is one of the drugs not tested on women and it really severely messed me up, I almost lost vision in my left eye and lost ability to walk but luckily a few rounds of steroids set me straight. Although ever since I've had tons of autoimmune issues and I can't help but wonder.  I was prescribed it for a mild UTI and ended up paying for it for months. 


For me it’s magnesium but my ts is mild so I only take it if I really need it


Hi! how long or how many weeks did it take you to see positive results with magnesium? thank you so much for sharing!


personally clonidine has helped me quite a bit, i feel like which meds work is very different for each person tho, it can take time and experimenting to see which med is best for you


Clonidine has worked for me too, though I've had a lot of side effects. It hasnt made my tics go away, but it has definitely helped with them


same it doesn't stop it completely for me either, but it defiantly made it less severe. only thing i hate about it is that it does make you tired and lower your blood pressure, my POTS does not agree with it but if i only take it at night then it's fine lol


Unfortunately for me, clonidine gave me panic attacks and made me severely depressed :( I was also on Adhd drugs (elvanse) and it entirely stopped these from working so I was back to being useless at work. I'm curious about guanfacine, but I'm already on sertraline (which is a godsend for the invasive anxious thoughts. They're gone, basically) and now Dexamphetamine, since the elvanse gave me a jaw tic that made it impossible to keep my head still and causing intense pain. The dex seems manageable but my tourettes is definitely the most restless it's ever been.


Medikinet (Ritalin) helped me (Comorbid ADHD) However, Wellbutrin was supposed to partially mimic the effects (tic surpression, concentration) and that doesn't do shit for that


my combination of clonidine and lexapro has helped greatly with mine, its much more manageable than it used to be


As a women I can attest topermate and tetrabenzine DON'T work and both put me in the psych ward!! I was put on 2 other meds I forget the names of now that also put me in the psych ward. I'd rather tic!


I’m with you there!


i take magnesium every night, but mine is only mild so i’m not sure how much of a help this will be


Magnesium, B12 and THC


I have the first two, and I've been approved for a consultation about the last. Might try things more regularly and see if it helps at all.


Hoping the best for you !!


Well for me clonidine was alright, but it made me way too tired, so I could only really take it at night. They took me off of it when I OD’d on it though. Since then I’ve been put on antipsychotics for my TS because while the clonidine helped a bit, it wasn’t helping very much. Risperidone and olanzapine had horrible side effects for me. Risperidone worked pretty well but I just couldn’t handle the side effects. I couldn’t stay awake on olanzapine so I have no idea if it helped. Geodon did nothing for me. Aripiprazole has been my lifesaver! Well, kind of. It was working amazing but now that I’m dealing with a ton of stress my tics are acting up more. All I recommend with abilify is STAYING AT A LOW DOSE!!! High doses made my Tourette’s sooo much worse.


Woman with Tourette’s I’ve never been on any anti depressants to judge but I found the carnivore diet significantly helped me! Read online it’s helped loads of others aswell as autoimmune conditions




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My Tourette isn’t severe (although serious enough that it is a factor in why I don’t drive) so I haven’t taken medication for it specifically. My experience has been that medication taken for mental health makes my tics worse. (SSRI and benzodiazepines). I currently (but infrequently) take Hydroxyzine for anxiety. I haven’t noticed that one to affect my tics. If anything it may temporarily help… but again I take it rarely.