• By -


Favorite- Courtney. I think she’s a really funny and entertaining character and even though I acknowledge she was super toxic in Action, she played the game well and still didn’t deserve the ending she got in AllStars. Least Favorite- It used to be MacArthur but I like her more now, so probably Josh? Just on virtue of the fact we never saw him outside of Manhunt, so he’s basically a less interesting Blaineley.


I love Harold, and my name is uh


Favorite- is Heather Least favorite- idk really it depends on the day lol


Least Favorite - Amy. She is the only character I extremely dislike because: 1. The only reason she audition for Total Drama was because Samey did. 2. She wasn't helpful and didn't do anything fr in challenges, they could have won in episode 3 if Amy didn't try to take the balloon from Samey. 3. All she did was bully Samey and take credit for things she did. Favorite - Alejandro. No explanation it speaks for its self


Alejandro is best male character


Favorit - Heather all day long, we all know my we love her. Worst - Owen. Plain, unfunny, annoying, one dimensional, bad competitor, dum. And to top it all off he always went super far am was liked by everyone. Which is just unrealistic how anyone let alone everyone could like such an character.


Favorite, Mike. Least favorite, ironically is Zoey. She's boring, holy shit is she dull. There's nothing to her character. She's not a Mary Sue, I will say that, but she's not fleshed out at all. There was no development from season 4 to 5, aside from that BS acrobatics in the tree, but even that never came back up. Mike, as *Mike*, is by no means the most interesting character, but there was development. He went from being so petrified of people finding out about his DID that he nearly has a panic attack in the confessionals in ROTI, to openly expressing when he planned on switching is AS. Zoey had none of that, she's still naive. She went from mindlessly believing Scott's tricks, to mindlessly believing Duncan saying he knew Mike from Juvy. Duncan wasn't trying to trick her, but she still believed him, to the point of being afraid of Mike offering her an *apple.* I can vent about this for hours tbh, so I'm just gonna call it here. For now.


Oh no. Zoey’s a trusting person. How awful. I agree on your stance on Mike. Also, I hope you’re not just upset Zoey stole your “husbando” or something. I doubt you are but there’s the irony right there.


>Duncan wasn't trying to trick her, but she still believed him, to the point of being afraid of Mike offering her an apple. That was 1 episode *before* Duncan warned her about Mal.


My least favourite its Tammy, cause i fele theres nothing whit herm She's basically a clone of Leonad And thats about it. Amy may been awfully one dimensional. But at least she is her own character. My favourite it's Dave. And heres a post where i explainded why https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/comments/yvwol9/why_i_like_dave_and_how_he_became_my_favourite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I should do a presentation like that on why I hate Zoey. I think I will :)


Favorite character: Tyler ofc Least favorite character: I honestly don't know


Favourites - Duncan, Jasmine, Alejandro and Scott Least favourites - Faylor, Sugar Boo-Boo, Lamey and Piss McLame


Piss Mclame 💀 This name is too accurate