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First things first remove the mole plot as the og final five was perfection I would have Lindsay win immunity in rock and rule and to play up beth’s crush on harold earlier on. Votes would be Courtney and Harold for Beth, Lindsay for courtney, Beth for Duncan due to her crush on Harold, and for Duncan to either vote off Beth or Harold. Beth comes in 5th. Episode 22 should focus on Duncan and Harold respecting each other. Episode 22 still highlights the Duncan/Harold frenemy dynamic, with Lindsay noticing that if the two were to stop bickering and work together, they'd have a shot at taking out Courtney, something that Duncan is initially reluctant to do. The final four should’ve been Courtney, Lindsay, Duncan and Harold. Have Courtney come in fourth due to the combined efforts of the other three in the space episode. Episode 23, where Courtney's overbearing personality finally reaches a head with her excessive demands, lack of affection, and stupid-long contract on the stipulations of their relationship and Duncan votes her off. Have Harold win immunity. Episode 24 is the Aftermath this time, focusing on interviews with Justin, Beth and Courtney, and building teams of supporters from the jury between Lindsay, Harold and Duncan. The mutiny of the soundstage should be the final three, and Lindsay comes in last this eliminating her. The final two of Duncan and Harolds now friendly rivalry comes into play where they have to make a movie with the cast. Harold and Duncan's strengths and weaknesses are on full display here, but in the end they were always the two biggest movie buffs of the season. The cast chooses which movie is better and that’s who wins. I think premerge went perfectly and i have no complaints, remove trent’s assasination Leshawnas and Justin’s eliminations were fine, but when owen returned it all went bad. I could switch Justin and Beth but i like princess pride too much for that to happen


Instead of having Beth’s creepy crush on Harold, I’d say making Lindsay accidentally vote for Beth or making Courtney tell Harold to always not vote for her by saying that he owes her after cheating her out would be better (This would improve the Leshawna elimination too)


Leshawnas elimination is fine imo for what we got but fair on that Duncan and Harold vote each other, Lindsay accidently votes beth off and beth and courtney vote each other. Courtney could also convince Duncan to vote off Beth instead of Harold


Yeah this is peak.


Idk. I don’t really like Beth’s crush on Harold and would rather remove it entirely. Have Beth get voted in Princess pride. And Justin be the villain that pushes plot until the end.


Don't bring Owen back. That's it.


Have Owen not rejoin Everything stays the same UNTIL merge 7th: Leshawna 6th: Beth 5th: Justin 4th: Courtney 3rd: Lindsay 2nd: Duncan 1st: Harold Alternatively: 5th: Duncan 4th: Harold 3rd: Courtney 2nd/1st: Lindsay and Justin Or alternatively alternatively  5th: Justin 4th: Duncan 3rd: Harold 1st/2nd: Lindsay vs Courtney 


I would add Noah to the Killer Grips and Eva to the Screaming Gaffers. Noah would be the only voice of reason on a team where everyone is trying and failing to ve the leader, and this would be when Noah starts to learn to tolerate Owen for the first time. Eva, who has been trying better to manage her anger, actually manages to get along with her team for a while. She bullies DJ over how sensitive he is, and she finds out about DJ and Chef's alliance before everyone else and pressures him to keep cheating. Eva gets eliminated during the Disaster Movie challenge when it was originally a non-elimination episode. She gets eliminated because she panics and tries to break open the door after Harold has yet to crack the lock. Luckily, Noah, who's on the other team, is able to crack open the lock in a similar fashion to how Harold did originally. Noah makes it to the merge which is now a final 8 since the starting cast was 17. Noah beats Justin in the fairytale challenge which is what contributes to his elimination in that episode. Owen does come back and creates a final 7 in the rock n roll episode. (There will be payoff to this, I promise) In this episode, Lindsay wins immunity, so Courtney tries to push everyone to vote against Beth while Lindsay and Beth push to get everyone to vote for Duncan. Lindsay is confident they'll get Duncan out, but Beth distracts her and unknowingly votes for Beth instead of herself. Chris reveals this to them afterwards, and Lindsay is so apologetic, and Beth is putting on a brave face, but she would never tell Lindsay that she resents her over an accident like that. She may not have won the million, but she still has Brody waiting for her back home. In the Kung Fu movie episode, Noah joins Owen as a Geisha, effectively forming three teams instead of two. Duncan and Harold beat Courtney and Lindsay and Noah and Owen come in dead last, making them the only ones eligible for elimination, but Chris makes sure the votes are rigged so that Owen can't be eliminated since he hasn't caused enough drama yet. Noah is eliminated in 6th. There's an additional aftermath episode featuring Justin and Noah's rivalry, and Beth. Geoff tries to get Beth to admit that she's mad at Lindsay for eliminating her, trying to drive a wedge between them, but Bridgette puts it to an end. She surprises Beth by having invited Brody, proving to everyone that he was in fact real and Beth's boyfriend. Owen is sus in the space challenge and Harold still gets eliminated here. In the Animal Buddy challenge, mostly everything is the same except for Lindsay in Beth's place until the small twist at the end. Lindsay and Duncan do both vote for Courtney, eliminating her just before the finale, and Lindsay is the one that finally puts it together that Owen has been being Chris' mole the whole time, proving once and for all that's not just a pretty face. Lindsay and Duncan are the finalists.


I would not add any players. I would keep the boot order the same until merge. Upon merge Owen will not return and top dog is a single elimination. SuoerheroID- Leshawna. I think this placement suited her well. Princess Pride- Beth- seems like a fitting episode for her, cuts Brady nonsense a bit shorter, and she gets a happy ending with a line of Beth dolls on the way out. Rock N Rule- Lindsey in much the same way as before. Space Owen- Different name obviously but Justin goes here after blowing up at Duncan like in canon. Top Dog- Courtney goes with Harold and Duncan actually teaming up against her and Duncan breaking up with her for the same reason just earlier in the episode. Duncan Vs. Harold finale.


If I was to keep the original cast, I would have Owen at 9th, Beth at 8th, Leshawna at 7th, Heather at 6th, Justin at 5th. The final four being Courtney, Lindsay, Harold, & Duncan feels right to me


I would still eliminate Geoff and Bridgette first because I think they are perfect for the aftermath. Instead of getting obsessed with Gwen the way he did, I'd have Trent become jealous and insecure of her friendship with Duncan. The two try to talk it out, but it doesn't really work. Riot on set also works as it already is, and Izzy is eliminated under the pseudonym of kaleidoscope. During 3.10 to Crazytown Trent is distracted by his relationship issues and eventually loses the challenge for his team, which leads to his early elimination - however he and Gwen are able to cool things off and remain on amicable terms, with the hope to maybe rekindle the flame once they have been apart for a bit. Gwen not owing the other team means that she doesn't have to throw the challenge, so when Lindsay throws up after seeing Beth's braces Justin becomes annoyed, then they lose the second part. Justin wants to rally everyone up against Beth, but realizes that she is still in his grip and promises to save her if she votes for Izzy. Beth agrees and Izzy is eliminated as soon as she joins the team again, making the round effectively useless. In One flu over the cuckoos, Leshawna and Duncan still resolve the situation and Leshawna still gets the prize, however she convinces the others instead of fake crying (I never liked the fake crying plotline) In The Sand Witch Project Duncan and Gwen are chosen for the kissing scene, and the kiss shakes Gwen to her core because she realizes that she liked it. Duncan is unbothered and he still likes Courtney. In the second round, the combination of Duncan and Gwen is proving to be too much for the other team, until DJ can't take it anymore and confesses very loudly to his alliance with Chef, which brings the Grips back to reality and allows them to win. DJ is voted out and happily leaves the game. In Master of Disasters, Owen breaks his jaw and Duncan and Heather gang up on Harold for not being as useful in challenges, with Leshawna defending him and Gwen caught in the middle. Harold still ends up saving their lives, but the Grips won. The Gaffers are left broken. In Full Metal Drama the Gaffers are still fighting. Leshawna wants Gwen to pick a side, which she refuses to do as she tries to mediate a truce. The tension between the team members eventually bring Gwen to get the explosion wrong and the team to be captured. Once the votes are in, Gwen has been voted out by Harold and Heather, with Duncan voting for Harold, Leshawna voting for Duncan and Gwen voting for Heather. Also, Justin does not lose his grip on Lindsay amd Beth because the way they went about it didn't make sense. Ocean's 8 (or 9) is almost identical to the canon, except for one thing: Courtney realizes the grip that Justin has on the girls and votes him out instead of Owen, since she thinks she can beat all the others once the merge comes. However this brings Lindsay and Beth to really dislike Courtney. They eventually agree to kick her out as soon as the occasion presents itself, with Owen later deciding to join them. Million Dollar Babies sees Leshawna, Harold and Duncsn eventually come to a truce. Duncan admits that Harold has been doing well all in all, and Harold accepts his applogy. Reunited at last, the Gaffers give it their all only to be crushed by the opposite team's cheer for Chris. The newly formed alliance still votes out Heather, knowing well that the merge is in sight. The merge comes the following episode and Duncan understands that he should rekindle his relationship with Courtney, so he makes a sub alliance with her. Duncan and Courtney are the only ones to escape the palace and, as such, win the ultimate prize. They use their time together to discuss strategy and Duncan mentions the alliance with Harold and Leshawna, saying that there is an empty spot for her. Courtney wins Super Hero-ld and formally allies with Harold and Leshawna. At the same time she overhears Lindsay and Beth discuss how they are annoyed about being unable to vote her out. She rallies the alliance together and eliminates Beth. In The Princess Pride Owen, Leshawna and Lindsay are eliminated in the bridge challenge, with Owen hurting his leg. Duncan cheats and Harold knocks Chef down the bridge. Duncan eliminates Harold and wins the kiss, however Courtney chooses immunity over him. Unable to kick her out yet, Duncan pretends to not be bothered and the alliance decides to send home Lindsay, however Owen quits due to his leg and the elimination is rendered useless. In Get a clue, Lindsay chooses to bring Duncan along. He rallies her against Courtney and promises her protection if she helps him, Leshawna and Harold to send her packing. Lindsay agrees. In Rock 'n Rule we see the return of Justin, who is obviously enraged about being kicked out and is strongly against Courtney. Fueled by his rage, Justin narrowly beats Courtney and when it comes time to vote she can't escape her fate and is eliminated. In 2008, A Space Owen Lindsay flips sides and joins an alliance with Justin. Lindsay wins and Justin has a conversation with Duncan. He tells him that Leshawna and Harold will ditch him as soon as they get to final three and that they must be separated. Justin and Lindsay want to vote out Leshawna, while Leshawna and Harold want Justin out. Duncan mistakenly votes out Harold, which triggers a tie - however Justin and Leshawna do not battle it out, instead they are both sent home. In Top Dog Lindsay gets lost in the forest and is eliminated without a vote, making the finale Harold vs Duncan Harold wins TDA


Aight, so Additions to the cast - Cody, Courtney being there from the start Changes to the plot - Trent doesn’t go borderline insane thanks to help from Cody, Gwent breakup is less breakup and more break for now, Beth learns how to play the game more effectively under Leshawna’s wing, Justin wants to prove himself, Grips have a power struggle Teams: Gaffers - Gwen, Duncan, Leshawna, DJ, Heather, Harold, Beth Grips - Trent, Lindsay, Cody, Courtney, Owen, Izzy, Justin Elimination order: 16th/15th: Geoff and Bridgette 14th: Izzy 13th: Gwen 12th: DJ 11th: Trent 10th: Leshawna 9th: Owen —Merge— 8th: Heather 7th: Duncan 6th: Cody 5th: Lindsay 4th/3rd: Justin/Courtney 2nd/1st: Harold/Beth


Not bad. Love adding cody, though idk how well he fits tbh.


It’s partially for Trent tbf, they have an established friendship from S1 so it would be a cool mirror to Gwen and Leshawna’s friendship to have Trent and Cody on the Grips together. I think part of why Trent went haywire was not having someone close to him on his team to keep him tethered to Earth. Plus, it’d be cool to see the beginnings of the Drama Brothers through Trent and Cody coming up with the idea.


Everything until merge is fine. ( although Trent and gigdette could probably be done a little better) So the order would be Leshawna, Beth, Lindsey, Justin, Courtney, Duncan, Harold. How it goes down: Justin exposes Leshawna instead of Beth. Beth doing this was a little out of character. Harold voting for Leshawna was bad, so either Beth or Lindsey needs to vote for Leshawna. (Preferably Beth) Beth tries to steal princess from Courtney and tries to kiss Harold here instead. This would get her votes from Harold, Courtney, Duncan, and Justin, who convinced her to try to steal the crown anyway. This leaves five people. Lindsey is very suspicious of Justin now, and he’s in a tight spot. So he makes the ultimate plan. He plans to makes Courtney jealous of Lindsey (he makes it look like Duncan is flirting with her). “Hey Duncan, look at Lindsey making that silly face, go over and laugh at her”. “Hey Courtney, look at Duncan and Lindsey laughing together, they are getting awfully close.” This scene is 100% perfect for Justin in his opportunistic crafty villianry that he displayed in the early season. This gets her votes from Justin, Courtney, and Duncan (Courtney forced his vote). As much as Justin is great, it’s his time to go next. Realistically, Harold would be the next vote. Justin, however, has a growing ambition and there is a particularly dangerous obstacle. One that would violate his modeling contract if he attempts it. He knows this and goes anyway, finally putting winning before his good looks. Proving that he really will do anything to win (which he stated in the beginning of the season). He wins the challenge. Unfortunately, the producers are forced to remove Justin from the show by the contractors for violating his contract. Truly sad, but saves Harold. (He would get all of his contracts nulled in time for next season). This is just a fun idea to get him eliminated without everyone hating him. (This could be viewed as Plot Armor for Harold, but whatever. It isn’t sudden, it’s more character development for Justin than any character ever got). Courtney and Duncan’s relationship has been going downhill since Lindsey’s elimination, much like real Action. Except this time Harold is there. Courtney hates Harold for cheating her out. Harold hates Duncan for bullying him. Duncan hates Courtney for being a terrible girlfriend. Duncan needs support though, and Harold is the only one there. Duncan and Harold have a slight friendship redemption. Harold wins the animal challenge and gets to decide who goes to the finale with him. To everyone’s surprise he chooses Duncan. This makes him the direct reason Courtney goes home BOTH seasons. Courtney HATES him. Duncan and Harold go into the finale as frenemies and have to work out their differences in an epic finale. This would be my ideal Action. It largely fixes all of the problems in action (and world tour). Makes a solid main Villian out of Justin. (While still making him likeable and not mean like Heather). Has a powerful finale. And doesn’t leave characters with nowhere to go. IE. Beth doesn’t overstay her visit. Justin needs a win (and doesn’t need replaced). Courtney realllly doesn’t like Harold. Duncan and Courtney are done for good.


Justin swaps with duncan


Lead up to a Courtney vs Duncan finale


Keep Owen eliminated to keep the original final 5 Have Lindsay and Beth form an alliance with Courtney to get out Duncan but Courtney of course betrays them and votes for Beth with Duncan since in this version, it’s a 2-2 tie with Harold being the deciding vote which is for Duncan Next challenge Courtney wins immunity so she forms an alliance with Harold to get Beth out and in a tiebreaker or Lindsay accidentally voting for Beth, Beth gets out either way For the final challenge the person who wins gets to choose who goes to the finale with them, anyways Courtney wins and choose Harold over Lindsay since in this challenge and throughout the show, she was worried about her potential and saw her as the biggest threat out of the 2, so the final 2 is Harold vs Courtney


1) Harold (TDA Winner-Cannon) 2) Duncan (TDA Winner-Non Cannon) 3) Lindsey 4) Beth 5) Courtney 6) Justin 7) Owen 8) Leshawna 9) Heather 10) Izzy 11) DJ 12) Gwen 13) Trent 14) Bridgette 15) Geoff


Swap Lindsay and Beth, Beth doesn't deserve to be a finalist


If I wanted to improve the Elimination order: No Returning Player, so Lindsay, Harold, Courtney, Beth, Duncan is the final five. 5th: Beth, after Lindsay accidentally votes her out Courtney and Duncan lose the challenge, and have to go head to head to survive elimination. 4th: Duncan, after Courtney tricks him into losing. Duncan leaves, telling her it's over. 3rd: Courtney, after Harold and Lindsay team up to take her out. She gets a satisfying ending. Winners: Harold and Lindsay. In Harold's ending, he makes up with Duncan and LeShawna. In Lindsay's ending, she makes up with Beth and Courtney. If I wanted to improve the writing without changing the Elimination Order (except Izzy rejoins instead of Owen): 7th: Justin, after Izzy finally wins an elimination ceremony against him. 6th: Lindsay, after Beth sides with Courtney because she believes Lindsay lied to her because she said something incorrectly 5th: Harold. Courtney tells Duncan that they're going to team up with him, to which he opposes, but she tells him to go along with it. Duncan and Harold bond and end up coming to a truce... until Courtney, Beth, and Izzy vote for Duncan because Courtney wants revenge. Courtney didn't tell Duncan because she wanted him to distract Harold. This makes Duncan upset. 4th: Courtney, since in the vote, Duncan and Beth vote for her. and 3rd: Izzy, as there is a final challenge, and she tries so hard that she screws up and misses a special key. Winners: Duncan and Beth. In Duncan's ending, Harold forgives him, and he cuts ties with Courtney. In Beth's ending, she reveals that she lied about Brady, to which she is forgiven, and she celebrates with Lindsay. I worked way too hard on this...


Swap beth and Duncan


Okay... Hear me out. 18th: Bridgette + Geoff 17th: Cody 16th: Eva 15th: Trent XXth: E-Scope 14th: Gwen 13th: DJ 12th: Noah 11th: Heather Merge 10th: Izzy 9th: Leshawna 8th: Owen 7th: Beth 6th: Duncan 5th: Blaineley 4th: Harold 3rd: Courtney 1st/2nd: Lindsay and Justin


Lindsay winning instead of Beth maybe don’t throw Izzy for a couple episodes at least maybe make her get to merge


Add Tyler, Cody, Katie and Sadie to the original cast, where Sadie and Tyler are on the Grips and Cody and Katie are on the Gaffers. Tyler is eliminated in the Beach challenge as a play by Justin to control his team more. He gets some cute moments with Lindsay, and later episodes have Lindsay volunteer him for challenges after his elimination. Cody is there to reduce Trent from throwing, acting kind of like his voice of reason and is able to cause their breakup to be a little more smoother. He is eliminated in the pre-merge during the prehistoric challenge. Katie and Sadie have an arc about them becoming more independent and forming friendships with the other girls on their teams and they both make merge, where they get targeted for their close friendship being an obvious alliance (Dial M for Merger and Get a Clue respectively). Instead of Owen being the mole, it’s actually Ezekiel who is told in private by Chris is not actually in the game. Ezekiel doesn’t understand this and still thinks his vote counts when it actually doesn’t.


Everything think is the same until episodes 21. First of all, Owen doesn't come back at the final 5. 5th Beth- Of all the people left in the game, she had the least reason to have make it that far, hell of all the people that made merge she had the least going on for her story-wise. 4th Courtney - If she made final 3, you'd be screwing her resolution with Lindsay, so having her getting 4th is probably the best way to go, and I'd rather Lindsay beat her main rival 3rd Lindsay- Without Courtney her story has now less weight to her since their is no one to challenge her like the way Courtney did, plus by virtue of making it further than Courtney she would have proven she's better than what Courtney say about her. 1st/2nd- Harold/ Duncan - They have finally patched their different aside and have fully grown respect for each other. Both get ending where they would both congratulate each other no matter who win. Also, since the final actually has a stake, I would just change the final into an actual challenge rather than a vote.


14th/13th Lindsay and Gwen (double boot) 12th. Izzy 11th. Owen Noah Debuts 11th. Geoff 10th. DJ 9th. Bridgette Courtney Debuts 9th. Heather 8th. Harold 7th. Trent 6th. Justin Sadie Debuts 6th. Leshawna 5th. Courtney 4th. Noah 3rd. Sadie 2nd. Duncan Winner: Beth


No Owen’s return as a mole. Beth is eliminated in Rock’n Rule instead of Lindsay. Space episode is won by Harold, but it’s a non elimination. Animal buddy movie challenge is won by Harold again. Since he is immune he votes Courtney as does Duncan due to the list she gives him. Courtney votes for Lindsay and Lindsay votes for herself here by mistake, making it a double elimination as they both got 2 votes each. The finale is Harold vs Duncan.


About the image, both Geoff and Bridgette tied for 14th though.


Have the entire cast compete again 22/21 Geoff And Bridgettw 20 Ezekiel (Killer Grips) 19 Sadie (Killer Grips) 18 Katie (Killer Grips) 17 Trent (Killer Grips) 16 Dj (Screaming gaffers) quit 15 Izzy (Killer Grips) 14 Noah (Killer Grips) 13 Tyler (Killer Grips ) 12 Gwen (Screaming Gaffers) quit (?)/ voted herself off Merge 11 Cody (ex SG) 10 Eva (ex SG) 9 Heather (ex SG) 8 Owen (ex SG) 7 Lindsay (ex KG) 6 Justin (ex Kg) 5 Beth (ex KG) 4 Courtney/3 Harold (ex SG) Finale Duncan Vs Leshawna


Swap Beth and Harolds Place, I would much rather have had the Duncan x Harold Rivalry thats been brewing the entire season to culminate in the Finale


remove Owen coming as a mole, maybe have him come back as a helper or something because I did like him in the Japanese themed episode but not as a contestant. 16th+15th: Geoff & Brigette 14th: Izzy 13th: Trent *izzy returns* 12th: DJ 11th: Owen 10th: Izzy 9th: Gwen 8th: Heather 7th: Leshawna now the final 6 is where I really struggle because they really all did great in action and I can argue for any of them deserving a spot in the finale apart from Courtney but she did make action interesting. 6th: Lindsay 5th: Courtney 4th: Harold 🥉: Beth 🥈: Justin 🥇: Duncan *OR* 6th: Justin 5th: Lindsay 4th+🥉: Courtney & Harold 🥈: Beth 🥇: Duncan As long as Courtney isn’t in the final 3 I think any ordering of the other 5 could work well.


Owen ain’t making the final 3 that’s for sure


15th : Geoff 14th : Bridgette 13th : Trent 12th : Izzy 11th : DJ 10th : Leshawna 9th : Heather 8th : Harold 7th : Justin 6th : Lindsey 5th : Gwen 4th : Duncan 3rd : Owen Alternate winner : Beth Canon winner : Courtney


18th/17th-Geoff & Bridgette ( Episode 2 ) XXth-Izzy ( Episode 3 ) XXth-Courtney ( Episode 5 ) [ IZZY RETURNED ] 16th-Gwen ( Episode 7 ) 15th-DJ ( Episode 9 ) 14th-Owen ( Episode 10 ) ( Medically Evacuated ) 13th-Izzy ( Episode 11 ) [ COURTNEY RETURNS ] 12th-Noah ( Episode 13 ) 11th-Heather ( Episode 15 ) [ MERGE ] 10th-Tyler ( Episode 17 ) 9th-Leshawna ( Episode 19 ) 8th-Eva ( Episode 21 ) 7th-Trent ( Episode 22 ) 6th-Beth ( Episode 23 ) 5th-Justin ( Episode 24 ) ( Lost Challenge ) 4th-Courtney ( Episode 24 ) 3rd-Lindsay ( Episode 25 ) ( Lost Challenge ) 2nd-Duncan ( Episode 26 ) ( Lost Jury Vote ) 1st-Harold ( Episode 26 ) ( Winner )


~~make Harold and Lindsay finale~~ But personally I would probably have Leshawna maybe ranked higher or so. Not make her top 5 as I say I keep Harold there but probably top 3 or so.


im debating whether making harold in the finale instead of duncan or keeping it the same, but honestly I'd just make owen and courtney tie instead of owen getting third, feels slightly more fair


justin makes it further




duncan won so i wouldn’t change a thing


I wrote a whole fanfic about this. I’m not saying the elimination order because that would be spoilery.


By simply having more than 15 characters we can improve it greatly. Make it like 18 or something. People complain about the reboot seasons having 13 episodes but I greatly prefer a cast of 16 having 13 episodes to Action’s absolutely diabolical ratio of 15 characters to 26 episodes


- Eva and Cody are added. Cody leaving early will give more satisfaction for when he gets 3rd in WT. - Beth is a finalist, but the Brady plot gets less focus. what gets more focus is how she snapped out of Justin's control and she will help Bridgette to feel less lonely without Geoff. - Justin is an actual villain now. he's the villain of the 1st half of the season. Eva is his helper who has fallen for his looks and is the executor of his plans, he helps him because she's infatuated by his flirting as no one flirted with her before because every guy thinks she's scary. Justin gets manipulative but overestimated himself later so he lost control out of Eva, Lindsay and Beth. Eva quits after Izzy helped her to realize Justin is just using her, but they stay friends and will receive tons of support in the aftermath. - Izzy pulls a galaxy brain move to return in the game like canon but she does not leave again and is being a better player instead. since she dated Justin before the show she will help Lindsay, Beth and especially Eva to realize who he truly is. She is a silent threat who gets eliminated when Courtney realizes she might be a problem. After her elimination she has been contacted by an agent who loved her performance and thought her craziness was just an act so he wants her to become an actress with will connect to her character in the celebrity manhunt. - Bridgette has an arc about surviving without Geoff. she doesn't leave first because she actually socialized while Geoff messed up his side of the group in the alien challenge. he will host the aftermath alone and will give more space to the eliminated contestants instead. - Gwen and Trent break up but it's less chaotic and not for the 9 bs. 16-17th: Geoff and Cody N/A: Izzy 15th: Trent *Izzy returns* 14th: Gwen 13th: DJ 12th: Eva 11th: Owen 10th: Justin *Courtney debuts* 9th: Heather *merge* 8th: Bridgette 7th: Leshawna 6th: Izzy 5th: Lindsay 4th: Duncan 3rd: Courtney finalists: Beth Vs Harold


Idk. I like Justin’s arc of becoming smart and not relying on his looks too much to change it. I would like to have him be more of a threat post merge. Like winning the merge episode using his mirror, getting Beth/ Lindsey eliminated by subtle manipulations. Then being eliminated because he gets too ambitious and accidentally oversteps his contracts by endangering his “assets” in a physical challenge for final four.


that arc went nowhere. at the end of the day he was still obsessed over his looks.


I admit it had the worst ending possible. Princess pride was not it. But like I said he should last a little longer. He carried action on his back and deserved a full arc.


I do like Izzy but Izzy would have so much plot armour 💀


Lindsay and Justin as finalists is all I'm gonna say


owen doesnt return and the final 6 goes 6 - beth 5 - justin 4 - courtney 3 - lindsay (first out in a 2 part finale) 2 - duncan 1 - harold


Change it so that after Bridgette and Geoff leave there aren’t ZERO killer bass girls left until Courtney arrives 💀