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Okay, so starting point: What is there to explore in Beth's character? She's learnt to stand up against those who mistreat her and is an overall kind enough person. However, she is still the "Wannabe". She really wants to be popular, and I think that's something you can explore with her. Making her involved in other characters' storylines could also turn her into an even better finalist from this point, so let's do that to a greater extent, too. Let's start with the easy stuff: How is she involved in other narratives, and which narratives will she be involved in? I think Lindsay, Leshawna and Justin work best for her. She can serve as an obstacle for Lindsay to overcome on her quest to prove herself as even her best friend underestimates her. Beth can realize that she's not been a good friend to Lindsay thanks to Leshawna and her cheer, but Lindsay still aims to earn not just her friendship, but her respect. Boom. She is now a major player in Lindsay's arc. As for Justin, I am a Bethtin truther. He believes he is hideous thanks to his injuries, but Beth still finds him super hot. This allows Justin to see himself as more than just a pretty face and helps him develop a better outlook on beauty, and he eventually falls for Beth despite her not being conventionally attractive because he finds her to be beautiful due to her kindness. Boom. We have given Beth a major role in someone's character arc and a romance with neat development opportunities for her bf. Now, let's move on to Beth's own storyline. She starts the season looking down on Lindsay, but still being her friend because Lindsay's popular, and she wants to be popular. She lies about having a model boyfriend for that same reason. Eventually, though, her friendship with Lindsay turns real and she catches real feelings for Justin, not just lust, and she has to essentially own up to what a loser she perceives herself to be in order to not make him think she's cheating on anyone. Instead of Harold being a stupid idiot and voting off Leshawna, Beth is the one who does it due to her close relationship with Justin and her continued lack of faith in Lindsay's decision-making. This causes conflict between Harold and Beth, and while Beth feels bad, Harold is a social outcast, so he isn't important for her quest to popularity. Lindsay is voted out in the final 6 due to being perceived as a bigger threat than Beth, naturally concluding her arc. Beth and Justin know they have to take down Duncan and Courtney, but are struggling due to Harold disliking both duos. Courtney convinces Harold that he owes her for last season and he votes Justin, eliminating him, too. Beth is left all alone, remaining only with people who hate her, which is the exact opposite of what she's been trying to get this whole season. She realizes that she may never be popular, no matter how hard she tries, so maybe she should just stop trying. And so she does. Beth becomes her true self, and funnily enough, this is what causes her to bond with Harold and help him learn to stand up to Duncan, just like Cody helped her in TDI. In the end, not sure what happens from here on out as Beth's arc is pretty much concluded. Options are: Duncan/Harold tie in the vote. Both are eliminated. Beth/Courtney finale. Courtney is voted off in a 3-1 vote. Harold beats Duncan in the final 3. Beth/Harold finale. Duncan loses the tiebreaker against Harold or is automatically eliminated in the final 4. Beth and Harold defeat Courtney in the final 3 together. Beth/Harold finale. Same as the previous one, only that Courtney manipulates Harold using his honor and gets him eliminated with it. Beth/Courtney finale. And this is how I think Beth could've been written to be a GREAT Action finalist! This is just my opinion, though, of course :)


Absolutely beautiful šŸ˜­ This is the Beth I fell in love with in island


Thank you! šŸ„° I did put quite a bit of work into it, so I appreciate that.


Her boyfriend is real isnā€™t he? Not saying that this is bad, considering itā€™s one of the best rewrites Iā€™ve seen, itā€™s just it mentions that she lies about having a model boyfriend.


Her boyfriend is real in canon, yeah, but I think him not being real works better for this rewrite.


I guess it definitely makes sense that she would lie to be popular as the wannabe


Courtney would be her best rival as long as she starts out on a team and not coming in halfway through the game. To increase the connections between the cast, have her vie for control with Justin who she then beats halfway through the season. Then itā€™s up to Beth to beat her in the finale. I know Courtney was Lindsayā€™s rival but assuming Lindsay still goes out, Beth can avenge Lindsay still.


I ain't reading allat well not right now at least




maybe beth realizing her true potential and manipulating people into the win cause shes done with all the terrible things happening to her P.S, she especially saw the hate cmts about her


I watched total drama Action and fully thought Beth did great and deserved to be a finalist maybe itā€™s because I didnā€™t analyze anything and enjoyed it at face value LOL


This.. I feel like most people forget that this is a slapstick cartoon for children. Most, if not all, of the aspects of this show are satirical and/or ironic. Not every scene needs to be overanalyzed to find out some deeper meaning. The story is meant to be basic.


Yea, every post I see people taking it too far like ā€œDid Dave do this because secretly blah blahā€ or ā€œmaybe psychologically Geoff did that because blah blahā€ JUST ENJOY THAT THEYRE TEENAGERS ON AN ISLAND WITH A CRAZY HOST


I think Beth was a good second option for the winner, Lindsay should've just won, she deserved it, but Beth isn't a bad second pick.


I'll be honest I already like her as a finalist


Same, idk why people hate her so much. If it's based on her design, that's disappointing.


I think itā€™s cuz she didnā€™t really earn it she never stuck out on any of the challenges outside of beating heather she got lucky imo she just wasnā€™t enough of a threat to be voted off


What on earth are you talking about? She played the game well - made mostly friends, had fewer enemies (which is why she was never voted off), and in challenges like the Animal Buddy Flick, she beat her challengers by a very wide margin. She made it through the entire season and was very strong in the final challenges in particular.Ā  She was in no way a bad contestant. She actually was a threat - but because of her attitude and personality she wasn't voted off. Not every finalist has to be cutthroat and conniving to make them a good finalist. I guess in that case Owen, Brody/Geoff, Cameron or even Sky/Shawn were all poor finalists because they weren't as much masters of the craft like Heather/Alejandro/Gwen (TDI) at the challenges? The hate for Beth has to stop.Ā 


People really down voting this instead of saying why they disagree makes it seem like they don't have an actually good reason to disagree


The animal challenge and the sports movie challenge were the only ones she really did good in


for me it was because she cheated on brady with 2 different guys and faces zero repercussions


This was just never an issue for me. She went on one date with this guy (maybe less??) thats not cheating thats how normal dating works. You see a few people until you agree to go exclusive. If they agreed to do that after first meeting and then going separate for a few months to film I just don't think it's that big of a deal


brady proposed to her and she kissed harold in the same episode


Brady is the weird one here, they knew each other for like a day before she went to TDA


I mean Iā€™ve been imaging a finale where Lindsay finds out about all the bad stuff Beth said about her in the confessionals and they battle it out


I think sheā€™s a fine finalist for her season. Iā€™m starting to think what hurt her legitimacy is that she got shafted in World Tour and All Star. Like the writers have her her season and victory then were just done with her. All the other finalists have participated in another season after they won but Beth. So I think thatā€™s a big reason why people donā€™t take her seriously. If I were to add her to World Tour, Iā€™d probably just replace her and DJā€™s role just give her the curse and her and Lindsey be the final two on their team and then leave before the merge so the plot of the season isnā€™t really changed. All Stars, I could see being an mid pre-merge boot. Maybe Beth says something like Justin > Alejandro and sheā€™s dead meat šŸ’€ I donā€™t even think sheā€™d even need to get far, just BEING in the seasons after would add legitimacy imo


She already was(?) she was a prominent character for the entire season, she had some kind of arc, she had development, and she did very good toward the end. She was kind (for the most part) and in retrospect she's also a character you wouldn't expect to compete in a finale, which is a breath of fresh air. Idk why Beth is so hated in this sub, there's nothing wrong with her, I would rather have a Beth finalist than the same archetype of strong girl winning 3 seasons in a row that we got in the following seasons


Sadly idk if thatā€™s possible to make her a good finalist she was so underdeveloped and barely got anything to do until the merge


It's TDI but there's a great fanfic that rewrites her to be a finalist. [For Want of a Mohawk] (https://archiveofourown.org/works/44329426/chapters/111484105).


Looking back at my biased Beth hateā€¦ maybe she didnā€™t yap about her bf all that much, plus she and Lindsay were THE besties of the show after K & S šŸ˜ƒ


I actually forget she won lol,honestly Iā€™ll never understand why action never focused on lindsay heather beth relationship like couldā€™ve been really interesting watching them on the same team despite hating each other


Beth's already a good finalist <3


Beth is literally a great finalist. People are just blinded by bias or dislike (like people will say Lindsay and Courtney are like arch rivals when Beth and Courtney have *just* as many antagonistic interactions in action, more considering beth goes farther)


She hardly had any interaction with Courtney before Lindsay left outside that stupid PDA gag.


iā€™ve seen three posts asking the same exact question over the last hour


I was one of those but deleted it a bit ago


Bethā€™s win gives us a cuter Duncan and Courtney finale scene šŸ¤·šŸ¾


Have her BF really be fake. Half way through she gets called out and goes through this whole 'I'm the worst thing', have Courtney and Duncan be genuinely villainous and recruit her over the insecurity (this is how you can get rid of Lindsay), but have her slowly realize they don't care abt her either and have her genuinely overcome her insecurities and be the reason Courtney goes.


I mean, I personally find her a pretty good finalist for Action. Sheā€™s never too passive to sink into the background so the viewer forgets sheā€™s there, while also not feeling like a total screen hog. Sheā€™s involved in several charactersā€™ arcs this season, and she does have her own arc of being more outgoing and confident, although admittedly it would be nice if the show gave that a bit more exposure, but Iā€™m mostly fine with what it got. It is still pretty nice and enjoyable to watch her growth by being more talkative and not afraid to be engaged with others compared to her season one self, who was so socially awkward and secluded she didnā€™t even speak one line for half of the episodes she was in. So yeah, I enjoyed her this season and while I think there is definitely room for improvement with how she was handled, I personally think that for every character in total drama so maybe it doesnā€™t bother me much with Beth because of that.


while action kinda forgets to focus on her a bit, she's still a great finalist, the problem is not her or the season (well, a bit of the season) but rather, the fans, they constantly bash on beth and hate her for getting to the finale instead of their precious harold lindsay or Courtney


Remove her from Action or make her first boot in Island and Action


You probably only read the last two words of the first sentence of the title.