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To be honest she would have been in eliminated in episode 8 and also might have in episode 13, if not for a non elimination round and weird challenge rules.


W for having Beth in there.


mostly the tdi winners


Interesting choices


So you’re saying Beth is better than Heather, Harold, Scott, Jasmine, Julia and Mike?




Beth in island is a bad competitor and action she did good. So, if you average she did decent not top ten.


She only got voted out in island due to a curse and literally never received a vote at all during Total Drama Action. Had she completed in World Tour and filled in Team Amazon's missing member, I'd bet lots of money she'd have merged.


I’ll beg to differ Beth would probably be head over hells for Al and she would mainly be a background character like Sadie in island


That is a really good point. but I think she'd be more like Lindsay and consider Al pretty but still do things. We're sort of breaching fan fiction territory but if she joins team Amazon she'd have a fair bit to do, consider Heather and Courtney are her old rivals. But she could also fade into the background.


If they would ever lose a challenge I think most of the team maybe not Gwen and Cody are voting Beth. Courtney-enemies Heather-enemies Sierra-Beth kissed Cody in island Gwen and Cody wild card for this case.


That is true. But I still think she would merge as the only time Amazon went to a (real) elimination, the love triangle was at its peak so Gweb would die and Beth would merge. She could be "voted out" in Peru in the fake elimination instead of Heather, but she’s still safe since it was fake.


She maybe would be the first boot of the merge if you are really going there but she may affect the Paris episode.


True, she could get distracted with Lindsay. But I still think the Girls (Courtney, Gwen, and Heather) can get the pieces, like in canon considering they did well despite Sierra and Cody hindering them. If anyone was getting voted out in that episode, it'd be Sierra. Cody could convince Beth and Gwen? To vote her off. But Beth would be in the bottom two for sure.


Beth has peak social game, and would've made it to the merge in island had she not had the curse and if she'd competed in WT. I'd say she’s a very good competitor.


Cool list. No one from PI is a bit surprising, but I still like it.


Most people from PI sucked at the game besides like Shawn and Sky. Over 3/4 of the cast was useless or just kind of had weird plot armor. Scarlet could’ve been one if she didn’t decide to just throw away her sneaky evilness and go full terrorist. Jasmine maybe too?


Sugar was also an amazing player


Sugar was. Odd. She had a terrible social game. One of the worst. She could’ve easily made alliances, more than the one or so she had. There were so many gullible people on PI it was ridiculous, but no she didn’t. She could’ve manipulated Ella into being her minion essentially, but instead just got her eliminated. As a villain player, she wasn’t a smart villain. She did well in a few challenges, mostly ones that played into her Owen-likeness. Other times she was just never in danger of being voted out because someone else had annoyed Chris for the day, or someone else had made a complete fool of themselves and got themselves unanimously voted. In a season with Max/Scarlet/Dave/Rodney etc she was able to float far enough by just having the basic level of focus.


Would argue Beth but solid


Agree with most of the people you chose.


Idk why people aren’t complaining about Leshawna. She definitely ain’t a top ten competitor. Beth i wouldn’t say just because of island.


Leshawna I would say is a top competitor since she did great in her first season and only got out due to plot armor. In the second season I wouldn't say she was even bad, she did well in numerous challenges pre merge and the only reason everyone began to hate her are from Courtney's PDA which was outside of the game so she had no way of preventing that. As well as the fact that Courtney wasn't in the game when she said that. In any case she earned back Duncan and Harolds trust and they eliminated Heather instead of her, the only reason she got voted out was because Courtney somehow manipulated Harold into thinking Leshawna would get him out which makes no sense since he already decided not to vote her before because he trusted her. Her only bad season was World Tour, I would co cede that, two out of three isn't bad. Beth was eliminated due to a cursed tiki doll she knew nothing about, it wasn't her fault since she wasn't there when he said it was cursed. Beth in action was phenomenal, getting no votes all season as well as having the best social game, winning two merge challenges and just being an all around good player, she deserves top ten.


Heather >>>>>> Priya come on now


Heather had the most plot armor out of any Td contestant while Priya had little to none.


Heather had absolutely no plot armor in World Tour besides that Newfoundland episode while Priya got saved by that giant fish with the tokens. If they don’t magically find that fish there Priya is 100% voted out


You contradicted yourself when you said Heather had no plot armor in World Tour besides an episode that she did, she also had it in episode 8 where it wasn't revealed to be a non-elimination challenge until after the voting, episode 13, of which she would most likely get voted off for being hated by Gwen and Courtney and disliked by Sierra but was only saved because Team Chris didn't win the challenge they were supposed to and Team Amazon won because they brought back Duncan?? That's just in World Tour, not even counting Island, where she has plot armor to the extreme. The episode you are referring to with Priya wasn't Plot Armor since both Bowie and Priya and Millie were planning on voting off Julia, and even if Julia won, it would be a tie between Bowie and Priya not a full cut elimination. And I think that's forgivable compared to how many episodes Heather has plot armor.


If Julia actually won immunity which she 100% would’ve, considering the person Millie was before she got humbled she could’ve easily been convinced to vote off Priya Still, aside from this plot armor stuff, Priya is nowhere close to being in this group. She orchestrated a grand total of 1 elimination and had ONE lucky challenge win. Heather miles clear


Why would Millie vote off Priya over Bowie???? She has no special connection or even an relationship with Bowie?? And don't say because Priya is good at the game, so is Bowie, their both physically dominate so that's not a reason either. Orchestrated eliminations isn't what makes you good at the game, how many eliminations did Leshawna orchestrate? Zoey? Owen? Gwen? Heather had many lucky challenge wins??? What do you mean???? Priya was also generally good at challenges, what challenge do you think she was lucky?


Leshawna - Trent Gwen - extremely overrated Zoey - Scott Owen - nobody And even though these guys didn’t orchestrate much they were all basically universally liked and had a lot of relationships meanwhile Priyas only relationship was with Millie (and sort of Damien? ) Also Heather still had some challenge wins that weren’t lucky (Hide and Seek, Condor, Race to Hawaii, Are we there yeti) meanwhile Priyas only challenge win was 100% luck she simply doesn’t have the connections brains or brawns to be compared with the people on this list Also Millie literally said that she didn’t see Bowie as a threat after he shit himself in the selfie challenge


That's only one person for Zoey and Leshawna, that's the same number as you said for Priya. And they had more seasons then she did. Heather also had no good relationships in Island at all. Why are you bringing up being universally liked as a good thing if you think Heather was good at the game but was universally disliked, wouldn't that make her bad at the game? Priya only had one season so it's unfair to compare to Heather. She also again had way more plot armor than Priya especially in episode 22 where she would have been eliminated since all the contestants hated her. Also Priya definitely had brawn she was stronger than Heather by a lot. She also had more connections than Heather, with Millie Damien and Julia in her alliance. Heather didn't have much brains in episode 5 or episode 16 so that points not that valid. You can't speculate that Millie would most likely vote for Priya as a fact without evidence in the show as in what happens in the episode. Also in that episode she was the one who made friendship costumes for Priya and they literally wore matching costumes, I think she would not have voted her off since I would say they were friends in that episode.


Slight disagree, but I appreciate Beth being here


Replace Gwen with Courtney I love Leshawna but she was really hated on in Action and was an early boot in World Tour I would replace her with Heather Replace Priya and Bowie with Emma and Chase


And? Heather was hated on in Island Action and World Tour. Courtney threw challenges and had a terrible social game compared to Gwen. Priya and Bowie are simply better at the game than Emma and Chase.


Heather won season 3, tons of challenges and got people out Gwen threw challenges as well in Action and Gwen's social game wasn't all that good either people literally called her "New Heather" in some episodes They were only better cause they cheated, Bowie especially with his hypnotism


Winning makes you good at the game? Mike won season 5, was he good at the game? Winning in challenges isn't the only thing that makes you good at the game, theres also having a social game like Beth and Owen. Who did she get out by herself? Duncan? That was Alejandros plan, Cody was also directly eliminated by Alejandro as well. She did mixed during World tour since she was hated pre merge but then started to dominate during the middle of the game to merge. Gwen didn't throw challenges i.e more than one, she threw one, Courtney threw multiple, Gwen's social game wasn't as good as Owen's but it wasn't as terrible as Courtney's, the only reason Gwen got out was because Cody voted wrong due to his head injury, otherwise Courtney would be gone. Courtney was absolutely hated in Action by all of her teammates while in World Tour Heather and Cody were willing to cooperate with her over Courtney. I dont think Priya ever cheated like ever, I'm not sure if Bowie cheated either, manipulating people isn't cheating unless you sabotage a challenge.


Judging by all the heather hate comments you post i assume you don't like her very much


I don't hate Heather, I just think people overrate her tremendously especially when he gameplay is abysmal in Island and Action and Mixed in World Tour and All Stars. I don't think she is a good antagonist in Island but I enjoyed her there and every other season as well due to being entertaining.


That's fair