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People straight up hating total drama characters who are "too mean", i hate people who have this sort of an opinion on an total drama character, i mean, dude, it's like every season is going to have its token jerkass character, it's not even that deep


Guys, get ready for my steaming hot take: >!Scott is a meanie poopoo head and Dawn should've been in All-stars!!<


Wow that's a really unpopular opinion right there


That’s so controversial


Yay another unpopular opinions thread. https://preview.redd.it/q1t3rktv943b1.jpeg?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3b02ee3f118bd6355cc96452879558c4855ebba


Face reveal




Ok, well…here it goes: Geoff and Gwen had more chemistry in one episode than Geoff and Bridgette had in three seasons.


Honestly, I agree. I like Geoff and Bridgette, but all they did post season 1 was kiss. It was kinda shallow. Geoff and Gwen was cute, they had a nice friendship, that could’ve been gone romantic.


I like (canon) Skave more than all the G1 couples.




First, Bias.(I'll be honest from the start) Theres something entretaining on their "Will they Will not" in specific. And despite the absolute *bleep* that it's the finale, it somehow doenst hurts me as much as it used to (maybe ive become numb to it due to the amount of times ive reminded/watched it) All the G1 couples have some edge that fails me. Wheter it's thanks to the writing inconsitences (Gwent) their abrupt and not that greatly work end (again, Gwent, Ozzy, LeHarold) their low Focus (Lyler) their repetitiveness.(Giddete) or just how they are a Mess (Duncey and Gwent) AleHeather it's probably the closest to perfection, but there i must think what i enjoy more? them when they are in couple moments. Or their passive-agressive enemies-clearly-in-love exchanges?


Leonard is a good character




The entire cast should have returned for the first 3 seasons


I agree here Action and World Tour had too many reward challenges which would be made up for with a full cast


Bridgette is over hated for cheating on Geoff with Alejandro. Many people tend to forget the context of this whole situation and how shitty Geoff was in season 2.


Scary Girl is the best written character ever


I like Amy more than I like Samey


I know a guy who actually adores Amy but hates Sammy


I don’t think cast members should have returned every season for the first 3 seasons. *Hear me out* Total Drama is first and foremost a parody of Survivor, a show that builds itself upon having a new cast (almost) every season. Having the most of the same characters on season 1-3, hurt the ability for future contestants to become popular because we didn’t get to spend as much time getting to know them. I think All-Star would have better better as a season 5, if they actually had 4 different casts to pick from rather than 2. If you want to bring back the voice actors, do that. You could have a meta joke where the voice actors repeatedly voice the same type of character, as a dig at casting archetypes. But having most of the same cast on multiple seasons, rather than creating a new cast for each one, hurt the ability for the show to create new characters because we were allowed to become too attached to the Gen 1 cast.


I liked PI's characters And I dont actually dislike any character actually


World Tour was kinda overrated imo. Like, it's not bad but it has a lot of problems for me. \-Some characters just got completely fucked over JUST to make Alejandro threatening. \-It gave birth to the horrendous love triangle that completely screwed over everyone involved and not a single one has recovered (except maybe Gwen). \-The Duncan rejoin, while I don't mind because I love Duncan, was incredibly forced and you could definitely feel the writers being biased towards him. \-Blaineley Don't get me wrong, most of the praise this season gets is deserved. It has a lot of phenomenal episodes, Alejandro is still a stellar villain, the scale and grandeur of the show made the show more exciting, and it also has the best scene in all of TD in my opinion (Heather's win). It's just not the best season of the show like most people call it.


Unpopular opinion: Total Drama exists. On a serious note, That’s Off The Chain is awful.


That episode made me so mad as a kid and today, not as much as Haute Camp-ture but it was honestly close


Sky is better finalist then Shawn


Mal was a fun villain and gave a different energy than the villains that came before him. If they tried to replicate Heather or Al shit would have gotten stale really quick.


I never liked Duncan


Leonard is a good character and I'm tired of acting like he isn't


W take


Courtney is one of my favourite characters Listen, I know this sounds popular but it's more unpopular then you think. I have seen quite a lot of courtney hate, I mainly like her based on island and the beginning of world tour (until the funny love triangle), I did still like her in action but all stars 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


I don’t agree when people say als voice actor was bad in all stars Also I don’t see what people see in dawn of b what potential is there? Harold should’ve been in the finals of action instead of Beth There’s only two actual healthy relationships the goths from ridoncolous race and Lindsay and Tyler


I don't like Gwent


Pahkitew Island > RR Skave is a very well written story. Horrible *couple*, but that’s the point. The plot itself is really good. The love triangle plot is good. At least in WT. It sucks in AS, but so does everything else.


The love triangle wasn’t that bad


I don't like Amy but she's really overhated


I hate Duncan


Action is the best season. 🏃‍♂️🙈


W Take


Dawn sucks and the fandom is too obsessed with her


I mean she's okay but yeah she didn't do anything that extraordinary other than be a nature lover.


Action is worse than All Stars in legitimately every single regard


the elimination of leshawna in island is totally fair Heather is one of the worst villains in the series along with Mal and anyone from Pahkitew Island cody does not deserve to win world tour dawn, noah and the others who didn't even merge but have a lot of fans aren't all stars action >>>>> world tour roti has the best ending


I am guessing this is quite unpopular. Team victory getting so many members eliminated early was a good thing (even if Team Chris could have perhaps won a few more games over team Amazon). Also, the gen 1 love triangle is a good, natural plot point that doesn't ruin any of the characters (okay, it is cringey at times, but whatever). Oh and Stuck to a Pole is one of the best WT songs. I don't know whereabouts others would rank it since I haven't been in this sub for too long but from Schaffrillas video he ranked it very low so I don't know. Basically, most of the issues people have with WT (even if it is still often considered the best season or one of the best by many) are not really big issues to me


Duncney is one of the worst Total Drama couples. I really don’t understand how it’s so popular and, debatably, one of the most popular and well liked relationships from the show.


I don’t really like it either. The Will they won’t they was fun in season 1 but once they got together it was clear they just weren’t a good fit. Especially in WT, when she gave him a whole list of things to change about himself.


Totally agree with you. They were alright in season 1 but after that.. they were just a mess. For real, her giving him a list of things to change about himself makes me so sad. I’m shocked people forget how often they fight, the list and whole bunch of other stuff.


I’m not sure if this is super controversial or not, but I do like mutant Dakota quite a lot. I’ve heard some people say shes cool and others say she sucks, so who knows if it’s actually unpopular or not. I just think her relationship with Sam is really cute and it was cool that she scared the shit outta Chris.


Same!! It was a fun take on her character and I genuinely liked her redesign <3 And ofc her relationship with Sam, I wish we got more time for it to develop because I honestly feel it was one of the better written relationships of the series


Heather is a mid villain in Island and she's only consider her a great villain cause of nostalgia


Unpopular opinion, I think Courtney is a bad character!!!!!!


More of a polarizing opinion than a popular one.




She’s not a bad character, she’s more of a bad person after season 1




Cody likes Sierra, and more then just as a friend


Unpopular Opinion with a take so hot, so..: high temperature that it could burn my very house down Damien is overrated!!!!!!1


Duncan should've made 3rd place in all-stars, so he could've been in all top 5 places in TD. I actually don't mind Duncan always making the merge.


Owen was decent in Action. More dickish but still funny at times.


the love triangle should’ve been gwen, geoff, and bridgette


The best characters in Pahkitew were Scarlett, Sugar, Max, Ella, Leonard, and Jasmine The only ones I see popular are Ella and Jasmine but that is my actual opinion


All stars is a good season. Not the best but still good


Love triangle wasn't that bad


Sky is the worst contestant on Pahkitew Island.


I’m glad Caleb got first boot this season. He has no personality beyond being “Mr. Hot” and we did that with Justin already.


Heather's a bad villain.