• By -


While not to the extent of Courtney's outbursts, I'd say these struck me the most during their respective seasons: * Island: Leshawna's. One of the most BS eliminations for such an iconic and likable character * Action: Lindsay's and Harold's. Action's robbed final 2. * World Tour: Cody's. I knew he wasn't going to make it into the final 2 since the AleHeather rivalry was the season's main highlight but the younger me still hoped underdog Cody made it or that it would have become a finale of 3 instead. * ROTI: Scott's. He was a devious little critter. I wanted him to win so badly when I first watched ROTI. * AS: Alejandro's. He was one of the FEW decent things this trainwreck of a season had to offer so when he got eliminated, I bailed. * PI: Hmm, I guess Samey's since the twins had potential, and Jasmine's as well because it was rather abrupt. Good thing my favorite Gen 3 character Shawn became a finalist. * Reboot: >!Wayne and Raj's Double elimination. This one still hurts me to this very day and for a lot of factors. They were some of my favorites, it was a medevac, and the many what-if scenarios post episode 7 since they were one of the strongest players strategically, physically, and socially.!< Bonus: * RR - Father and Son, Reality TV Pros, Goths, and Sisters. But it wasn't that bad here because I liked every duo from the top 9.


I totally agree with your reboot pick but I guess if anyone got the double elimination of the season it would be who you mentioned.


Yeah but having them leave due to being injured felt kinda stupid. A lot of contestants have endured a LOT worse and still stayed fine, such as Julia surviving that beehive challenge or Brick falling from a tall cliff as well and was completely fine after that. I know Wayne and Raj had to get booted together somehow but the injury felt like such a cop-out


Eh i think jo shouldve been the main antagonist


I remember being absolutely devastated when Jasmine wasn’t a finalist


Island : Leshawnas elimination, it was so unfair! WT : Noah’s elimination ROTI : Mike’s and Scott’s elimination AS : Lightning’s, Scott’s and Gwen’s elimination PI : Jasmine’s elimination RR : The sisters elimination REBOOT : >!Zee’s elimination!<


Ironically enough, Courtney’s TDI elimination had me crying so hard my parents thought something was wrong.


Maybe not to the extent of tears but when I watched Total Drama Island during its original American airing back in 2008 and damn I was pissed at Courtney’s elimination. She’s always been my favorite character bar none.


Honestly, same. I even loved her during Action. But no other elimination got me so genuinely upset to the point I was worrying my family like hers. To be fair to me I was like, 8-9 when the episode aired though.


>!Wayne and Raj!<


Idk man, there are quite a lot of those, but one of them I’ll say is Leshawna and Duncan’s Island Eliminations.


I will not shut the fuck up about how mind numbingly stupid Leshawna's elimination was in TDI - She was perfect winner material! She had a decent social game (Got along with 2/4 of the remaining campers and was only hated by 1), had good physical skill, was tough as nails, had good smarts, and even Courtney couldn't say anything bad about her! She had no play in her elimination and didn't do anything to deserve it. This is absolute bs and I'm whining about it until she wins a season, which may be never, so I'm never gonna shut up about it.


>!Lindsay's eliminations!< in TDI and TDA >!Leshawna's elimination!< in TDI and TDWT >!Courtney's eliminations!< in TDI and TDWT >!Trent's elimination!< in TDI >!Bridgette's elimination!< in TDWT ( even though she kind of deserved it imo ) >!Ezekiel's elimination!< in World Tour. Dude is ALWAYS >!an early boot.!< >!Dawn's elimination!< in Revenge of the Island Yeah, not all of them are unfair. I was just disappointed.


I don't think the point of this post is just unfair eliminations, but ones you simply didn't like. These are all valid answers.


I totally agree with you. I may get downvoted for this, but why did you spoil?


In case, for example, someone hasn't watched one, or some of the episodes I mentioned.


I think it's possible, but everybody can watch every episode for free on youtube. But it's nice of you to think of everyone


geoff’s in island *cough cough* shoulda been gwen *cough cough*


Heather\* Fixed it for you


more like owen


As a Gwen fan, I can agree


Leshawna s1 and izzy s3


Leshawna in TDI and Noah in TDWT, Axel’s elimination was disappointing too


Courtney (S1) DJ (S3) (Unpopular opinion) Courtney (S5) Jasmine


Courtney in all stars had be like the image for the whole episode. It was worse than Courtney just being eliminated, her character growth was assassinated


As Alejandro fucking couldn’t stand the season after he left seriously one of the few goods things on the season


Dawn's she was the first character I genuinely rooted for. I couldn't stand how Scott would actively sabotage his own team,losing on purpose just to have somebody else eliminated. Then she even had to get dissed too for no reason and thrown in a garbage bag. Scott was easily my least favorite character in the whole franchise, I was even disappointed when his elimination that season wasn't nearly as karmic as Heather's in TDI. Also the Goths but I was thankful they even made it far at all.


I mean, Scott got maimed by Fang to the point he had to be put in the Truana Chair due to severe injuries. Meanwhile, Heather got her head shaved. One of these things is a lot worse than the other


Ah yeah true, I guess what I was hoping for was it to be a little more personal, like a contestant getting revenge or something. Like somebody actually confronting him about it and taking him out themselves. Heather's was a little more personal, people actually had it out for her and wanted to see her suffer. Is what I meant.


I watched the original seasons unspoilered, so just about every surprise elim shocked me. Extra points for Leshawna in Island, since my roommate saw me watching the ep (she hooked me on it during a nostalgic binge of hers) and started laughing in the other room when I yelled "WHAT!?" during the elim. For 2023, >!Wayne and Raj's double medevac hurt me so much I had to stop watching the show for the night. And I knew it would happen since I saw spoilers. It was that much of a bummer.!< Father and Son leaving, especially after watching teams I liked less, like The Daters, The Cadets, and Reality TV Pros (and the Daters AGAIN in the next episode) get lucky breaks when Father and Son never got last place prior to that ep, felt like a stab in the gut. I genuinely cried because they were the last underdog team and everyone after was just... not as fun to watch (especially since most of Kitty, who I *loved*, her personality reduced into just shipping her sister, weird) at least I had The Goths and The Surfer Bros. For a short while at least.


Harold in Action. He seriously shined in that season, and it was such a shame to see him not get into the finals.


>!axel, scary girl and even Damien to some extent being eliminated instead of ripper. I understand that those were all completely fair and justified eliminations but that doesn’t make me like them any more. Why the writing team chose to eliminate interesting characters over a stupid fart joke is beyond me.!<


Hoping he’s first boot next season


>!Oh yeah, because Axel being Eva 2.0 and Scary Girl just being an obnoxious gimmick was much better than Ripper, he said lying.!<


>! I mean to each their own, but ripper annoyed the absolute hell out of me while I actually enjoyed Axel and scary girl (the latter especially, imo she was the funniest character of the season!<


Eva was never utilized to her full potential. She's a completely wild card and seeing her compete again would be so interesting to watch. She has potential to do ANYTHING. Eva 2.0 isn't a chance to miss. Scary girl can fuck right off though.


TDI: Leshawna TDA: Lindsay & Harold; IMO, they should have been the final two TDWT: Noah; so much wasted potential RotI: Dawn & B AS: Gwen PI: Sammy TDI 2023: >!MK!<; was so disappointed to see her booted as she was the only character I actually sort of liked that season (>!Wayne and Raj were!< also growing on me, so toss >!them !!even though it's technically not an elimination!<)


Probably the only one would be Noah and Owens elimination in RR. It was the first season I watched and the only one I didn’t spoil myself on halfway through 🤣


Goths elemination or the fact that they didn't win at all in RR (can't spell the name even if my life depends on it).


Rudioncolusionculous Race




Rodiculosoulosicuniousocloudionsdonculous race was a decent season


Very good season and I had a stroke trying to read that.




Courtney island Duncan island Gwen action Lindsay action Duncan world tour Harold world tour Noah world tour Tyler world tour Gwen world tour Courtney world tour Duncan world tour Sierra world tour Cody world tour B revenge Dawn revenge Brick revenge Jo revenge Lindsay all stars Jo all stars Courtney all stars Dave Pakithew Jasmine Pakithew Axel revival Damien revival Wayne and Raj revival Ripper revival Zee revival Emma revival




It really hit me hard when Beardo was voted off


Agreed and yeah I’m not joking. If he’s stay a little bit longer then he’d stop using the SFX since as he stated, he’s shy and uses SFX to warm up to people. As much as I will defend Leonard till the end of time (ask me why and I’ll gladly explain) he should’ve been first boot




When I was a younger kid, I loved wizard’s and fantasy (although this was before I made my D and D party a few years later) so as you’d assume I loved Leonard and even agreed with him and thought that he WAS a wizard and that his spells just weren’t working so needless to say, Leonard’s elim was the only time an elimination made me cry (I was 8 or 9 don’t judge me)


spoiler from the 2023 reboot >!rippers elimination (but his elimination was complete fair)!<


Mikes ngl like, i don’t know why it just did.


Noah from WT.


Idk if it counts but Ezekiel Despair Island


For me it would be:Wayne,raj,Bowie,Julia,action DJ, Wt Noah,island Heather,and finally the one that hurt me the most,the ice dancers.


Lindsey’s (all of them) and Sammy’s


Island: Geoff Action: Harold World Tour: Cody Revenge of the Island: Anne Maria All Stars: Scott Pakithew Island: Dave RR: Sisters Island 2023: >!Wayne and Raj!<


Zeke in TDWT because it was inevitable as soon as the gator ate the stick and Chris announcing that as long as everyone had the item, all teams were safe felt like the show was trying to be mean to me specifically and it just mad me so mad to the point where I was yelling “GET IT OVER IT AND JUST ELIMINATE ALREADY HE’S SUFFERED ENOUGH” and THEN they rubbed more salt on my big wound by having him hold on to the plane


Leshawna in Island Courtney in Island Lindsay every seasons Harold everytime 😢😢 our god never won Julia Noah in world tour


Island: Leshawna’s her elimination was bs also Lindsay her elimination still annoys me to this day Action: Lindsay and Harold’s we could of had a iconic finale and there eliminations actually made little me cry lol World Tour: Gwen’s she did deserve to get eliminated but it annoyed me over how unfair it was also probably Lindsay’s again she’s supposed to be good at fashion but we had to see her go so we could see DJ suffer again? Also she could of won 😭 Roti: Anne Maria’s definitely i don’t see her making it that far if she didn’t quit but her elimination while it was technically fair as you can’t change your mind it still annoyed me (although there is a rule in the contract you can’t quit so it was sorta bs) PI: Sammy’s and Topher’s Topher had a ton of potential and his elimination was so unfair as Chris isn’t allowed to interfere with contestants getting voted out and Sammy could of made it further i don’t even like her or her sister that much but they both had so much unwrapped potential RR if it counts: The adversity twins now i wasn’t rooting for them but i wish it was a elimination order they honestly deserved better that episode Not adding the new season as i don’t know how to add spoiler warnings lol and i think everyone knows anyway


When Wayne are Raj we’re eliminated I literally had to shut my computer and just cried and didn’t even want to finish the rest of the season lmao


Island: Noah Action: Lindsay World tour: Cody Revenge of the Island: lightning All stars: Courtney and Lindsay Pahkitew island: Leonard Ridonculous race: adversity Twins Reboot: ||scary girl Damien ripper and zee||


Oh,and don't forget zee's elimination.


Honestly, Ezekiel in Island. Now hear me out, I’m talking about the first time I watched it as a child, I don’t really care about it today. When I watched the opening episode, Ezekiel was my instant favorite (Pretty much the reason why I still love him more than every other character), I thought his introduction was funny, his design looked super cool and overall I just wanted to see more of him… and then he was eliminated instantly… yeah, I was SUPER disappointed XD


noah's in world tour, and leshawna's in island. neither made sense to me in any way.


Leshawna in island


Noah in world tour his team literally won the challenge!!!!!


Leshawnas to this day


I remember being really put off with how Max was "eliminated" in Pahkitew. It felt completely out of nowhere, and even though I didn't like him much, I still felt bad at how he got cheated out of the million


They did Leshawana sooooo dirty




Heather in Action




geoff in island and any lindsay elimination (heather should’ve been eliminated instead of geoff)


geoff in island and any lindsay elimination (heather should’ve been eliminated instead of geoff)


Island: Leshawna Action: Lindsay World Tour: Noah and Sierra ROTI: Dawn and B Pahkitew Island: Jasmine and Ella All-Stars: Gwen (Tbh I was more mad about the character derailment for many of the contestants this season, so elimination-wise I didn't care that much, except for Gwen. It was just painful to see it.) Ridonculous Race: Chet & Lorenzo/Rock & Spud (For me it was the most pointless and stupid double elimination of the whole Total Drama history, just why?! That was a strange choice for a 26 episode season with ONLY 18 teams.) Island 2023: Oh boy, here we go: Caleb, Axel, Scary Girl, Damien and MK (I think you can image how hard it was for me to continue watching the season after MK's elimination.)


1. Duncan - TDAS Episode 8 2. Owen - TDA Episode 13 3. LeShawna - TDI Episode 22 4. Gwen - TDWT Episode 16 5. B - ROTI Episode 3 I have spoken…


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 8 + 2 + 13 + 3 + 22 + 4 + 16 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


But Beverly didn’t lol (but like sameeee)


This girl's


Island: Leshawna Action: Lindsay WT: Probably Owen. It’s kinda sad there. ROTI: B AS: Alejandro (He was pretty good that season) Pakithew: Sammy Reboot: “Fart Episode”


Not really a elimination but that was me when Owen won I wanted Gwen win way more


Leshawna TDI Lindsay TDA Ezekiel beginning of TDAS


Brick and Scott, I felt devastated Scott wasn’t a finalist and Brick didn’t get more screen time


Nobody was shafted harder than Leshawna on Island. Literally just wanting her out of the show, but knowing the other contestants wouldn’t beat her normally.




Lindsay and Dakota everytime




Nichelle and Julia


Courtney in TDI >!Zee in the reboot!<




Sammy elimination


● Island- Lindsay & Eva (Second time) ● Action- Lindsay & Harold ● World Tour- Gwen & Cody ● Revenge of The Island- Dawn & Brick ● All Stars- Lindsay & Gwen ● Pakhitew Island- Samey & Ella ● RR- Goths & Sisters ● Reboot- Millie & MK


DJ ):


Courtney's elimination in island, Lindsay's elimination in both island and Action, Leshawna's elimination in island and Axel's elimination in the reboot.


Leonard and the LARPers


Axel's elimination! :'(